052019 Council Mtg Agenda with Backup Materials North '\ '� g Au ustak7/ South Carolina's Riuerfront CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WITH BACK-UP MATERIALS MAY 20, 2019 nugu�sta South CMDUM's Muafront AGENDA: CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 20,2019—Municipal Building-100 Georgia Avenue,3rd Floor—7:00 P.M. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council on each item listed on this agenda. Mayor Pettit will call for your comments prior to City Council discussing the matter. Citizens wishing to address Mayor and City Council are required to submit a Sneaker Form to the City Clerk before addressine Mavor and City Council. Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or sign interpreter to participate in the meeting,please notify the Administration Department 48 hours prior to the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular and study session meeting minutes of May 6,2019 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT: Planning Commission Recommendation(Memorandum#19-007)and Project Staff Report: RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning,Receipt by Council—Motion 6. PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No.2019-02—To Amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina by Rezoning 3 9.58 Acres of Land Owned by Greenstone Properties,and Located West of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the Savannah River,Aiken County Tax Parcels#007-18-05-002,007-18-05-004,007-14-19-001,007-14-19-005,007-14- 19-007,007-17-02-005,007-17-02-008,007-18-06-001,007-17-02-006,007-17- 02-004,and 007-13-42-003,from PD,Planned Development,to D,Downtown. Ordinance Third and Final Reading 7. PARKS.RECREATION&TOURISM: Ordinance No.2019-03—To Exercise an Option to Purchase Property Formerly Known as North Augusta Country Club and to Convey Title to Property Owned by the City in Exchange for Said Property.Ordinance Second Reading NEW BUSINESS 8. PARKS.RECREATION&TOURISM: Resolution No.2019-15—Supporting North Augusta Forward's Contracting Studio Main,LLC to Update the North Augusta Downtown Greenway Connector Master Plan and Preliminary Construction Documentation 9. FINANCE: Authorization of Budget Expenditure for North Augusta High School Lady Jackets Basketball Banquet 10. PRESENTATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: A. Citizen Comments At this time,citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council regarding matters not listed on the agenda. Citizens wishing to address Mayor and City Council are required to submit a Speaker Form to the City Clerk before addressing Mayor and City Council. Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. B. Council Comments If. ADJOURNMENT: Administration Department Interoffice Memorandum North Augusta � South Carolinct:s Hit'elft<na TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: B.Todd Glover,City Administrator DATE: May 17 2019 SUBJECT: Regular City Council Meeting of May 20 2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING UNFINISHED BUSINESS ITEM 5. PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT: Planning Commission Recommendation (Memorandum#19-007)and Project Staff Report: RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning,Receipt by Council—Motion On April 18,2019,after a duly advertised and convened public hearing,the Planning Commission considered a request by Greenstone Development,LLC to rezone t 9.58 acres of land located West of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the Savannah River, from PD,Planned Development to D,Downtown Mixed Use Zoning. The Planning Commission,on a vote of 7-0,voted in favor of a recommendation to City Council to rezone the property as proposed.Receipt of the report for consideration by motion of Mayor and Council is requested. Please see ATTACHMENT#5 for Memo#19-007 and a copy of the report. ITEM 6. PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT: Ordinance No.2019-02—To Amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina by Rezoning f 9.58 Acres of Land Owned by Greenstone Properties,and Located West of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the Savannah River,Aiken County Tax Parcels#007-18- 05-002,007-I8-05-004,007-14-19-001,007-14-19-005,007-14-19-007,007-17-02-005,007- 17-02-008,007-18-06-001,007-17-02-006,007-17-02-004,and 007-13-42-003,from PD, Planned Development,to D,Downtown.Ordinance,Third and Final Reading An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration authorizing the amendment of the Zoning map of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina by Rezoning f 9.58 acres of land owned by Greenstone Properties,and located West of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greenway and the Savannah River,Aiken County Tax Parcels#007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004,007-14-19-001,007-14-19-005,007-14-19-007,007-17-02-005,007-17-02- 008,007-18-06-001,007-17-02-006,007-17-02-004,and 007-13-42-003,from PD,Planned Development,to D,Downtown. Please see ATTACHMENT#6 for a copy of the proposed ordinance and supporting documentation. May 17, 2019 ITEM 7. PARKS.RECREATION& TOURISM: Ordinance No.2019-03—Ta Exercise an Option to Purchase Property Formerly Known as North Augusta Country Club and to Convey Title to Property Owned by the City in Exchange for Said Property. Ordinance, Second Reading An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration authorizing the exercise of an option to purchase property formerly known as North Augusta Country Club and to convey title to property owned by the city in exchange for said property. Please see ATTACHMENT#7 for a copy of the proposed ordinance. NEW BUSINESS ITEM 8. PARKS,RECREATION&TOURISM: Resolution No.2019-15—Supporting North Augusta Forward's Contracting Studio Main, LLC to Update the North Augusta Downtown Greeneway Connector Master Plan and Preliminary Construction Documentation A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration to support North Augusta Forward's contracting Studio Main, LLC to update the North Augusta Downtown Greeneway Connector Master Plan and preliminary construction documentation. Please see ATTACHMENT#8 for a copy of the proposed resolution. ITEM 9. FINANCE: Authorization of Budget Expenditure for North Augusta High School Lady Jackets Basketball Banquet The budget ordinance gives the Mayor or City Administrator authority to authorize expenditures not to exceed$500 from the Council Contingencies Account without prior Council approval provided that any such expenditure is reported in the minutes of the next Council meeting. Mayor Pettit approved the use of$500.00 of the Council Contingency to cover the cost of any excess North Augusta High School basketball banquet expenses not covered by the sale of tickets. The event was held May 14 to honor the Lady Jackets' third consecutive South Carolina AAAA Girls Basketball State Championship. ATTACHMENT #5a Department of Planning and Development Memorandum # 19-007 To: B.Todd Glover, City Administrator From: Libby Hodges, Director of Planning& Development Subject: Application number RZM19-001—Riverside Village Rezoning—A request by the Greenstone Development, LLC,to rezone t 9.58 acres of land located along West of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the Savannah River,Aiken County Tax Parcels007.18.OS-002,007-18-05-004,007- 14-19-001,007-14-19-005,007-14-19-007, 007-17-02-005,007-17-02-008,007- 18-06-001,007-17-02-006,007-17-02-004 and 007-13-42-003 from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown Mixed Use Zoning. Date: April 29,2019 Planning Commission Recommendation On April 18, 2019, after a duly advertised and convened public hearing, the Planning Commission considered a request by Greenstone Development, LLC, to rezone ±9.58 acres of land on land located along West of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the Savannah River,from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown Mixed Use Zoning. The Planning Commission, on a vote of 7-0,voted in favor a recommendation to City Council to rezone the property as proposed. Attached is the Staff Report associated with the request along with the proposed ordinance. Department of Planning North Augusta lr and Development Sot fill Cal'Alla,lla,Rlovirroln Prolect Staff Report RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges Meeting Date: April 18,2019 SECTION 1: PROJECT SUMMARY Project Name Riverside Village Rezoning Applicant Greenstone Properties Address/Location West of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the Savannah River Parcel Numbers 007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19-001, 007-14-19-005, 007-14-19-007, 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001, 007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004. and 007-13-42-003 Total Development Size t 9.58 acres Existing Zoning PD, Planned Development Overlay N/A Traffic lm pact Tier N/A Proposed Use Mixed Use Development Proposed Zoning D, Downtown Future Land Use Mixed Use SECTION 2: PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION Section 5.3 of the North Augusta Development Code (NADC) provides uniform procedures for processing changes to the Official Zoning Map, The Planning Commission must use the criteria established in NADC Section 5.3.6 to evaluate each application.These criteria are further analyzed in Section 6 of this report, but are as follows per NADC Section 1) The size of the tract(s) in question. 2) Whether the proposal conforms with and furthers the goals of the Comprehensive Plan,other adopted plans, and the goals, objectives, and policies of this Chapter. Specifically, the Planning Commission shall consider the goals stated in 41.2. 3) The relationship of the uses envisioned under the new zoning and the uses currently present in adjacent tracts. In particular, the Planning Commission shall consider whether: a) The proposed rezoning is compatible with the surrounding area; 1 ProieC Staff Report RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges Meeting Date:April 18,2019 b) There will be any adverse effects on the capacity or safety of the portion of street network influenced by the rezoning; c) There will be any adverse effects on existing or planned public utility services in the area; d) Parking problems; or e) Environmental impacts that the new use will generate such as excessive storm water runoff,water,air,or noise pollution,excessive nighttime lighting or other nuisances. 4) Any recent change of character in the area due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends, deterioration and development. 5) The zoning districts and existing land uses of the surrounding properties. 6) Whether the subject property is suitable for the uses to which it has been restricted under the existing zoning classification. 7) Whether the rezoning is compatible with the adjacent neighborhood, especially residential neighborhood stability and character. 8) The length of time the subject property has remained vacant as zoned, if applicable. 9) Whether there is an adequate supply of land available in the subject area and the surrounding community to accommodate the zoning and community needs including, but not limited to, affordable housing and economic development. 10)Whether the existing zoning was in error at the time of adoption. The Planning Commission may recommend approval or denial of this request according to NADC § 5.1.3. The Planning Commission's recommendation is then forwarded to the City Council for their consideration per NADC§ SECTION 3: PUBLIC NOTICE Per NADC Table 5-1, a notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was mailed to the owners of property within 200 feet of the subject property on April 1, 2019. The property was posted with the required public notice on April 3, 2019. A public notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission public hearing was published in The Star and on the City's website at www.northaugusta.net on April 3, 2019. Page 2 of 10 Project Staff Report RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges Meeting Date:April 18,2019 SECTION 4: SITE HISTORY Historically, the area proposed for rezoning was the industrial center of North Augusta. The original plats of the City of North Augusta called for this area to be the commercial and manufacturing center of the City, which it was, until these businesses went into decline for a number of reasons. More recently, the property remained vacant for many years due to site contamination and other development limitations until the city purchased the property with the intent to redevelop. This area provides a vital public river access through this property and the nearby Riverview Park. The parcels proposed for rezoning are a portion of a previous Planned Development (PD) usually referred to as "Hammond's Ferry." The commercial portion of the site is often referred to as "Riverside Village." The first Planned Development (PD) General Development Plan (GDP) for Hammond's Ferry was approved by the Planning Commission on July 25, 2002 and Ordinance 2002-23 was adopted by City Council on December 12, 2002. There have been several modifications to the original PD ordinance and associated General Development Plan. Throughout this time,the property has been subject to several agreements between the City and site developers in the form of development agreements and parking agreements.The site is also subject to restriction imposed by the Hammond's ferry Business District Association, incorporated in 2008. The most recent revision to the general development plan was for Phase B, the town center, including the stadium and commercial area. At the May 21, 2015 meeting of the Planning Commission, the major modification to the GDP and PD ordinance were reviewed and recommended for approval by City Council. City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2015-14, on August 3, 2015. As stated in the Ordinance, these changes were in response to changing economic conditions, development codes, and development opportunities on the site and has resulted in the current development on the site. The property has become a model for redevelopment through careful planning and innovative development. This proposal is a continuation of the development of the site. Page 3 of 10 Project Staff Report RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning Prepared by:Weigh Baker/Libby Hodges Meeting Date:April 16,2019 SECTION 5: EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Existing Land Use Future Land Use Zoning Subject Mixed Use(residential, Mixed Use PD, Planned Parcels hotel, restaurants, Development recreation,and other commercial uses) North Greeneway, Brick Pond Park Parks, Recreation, Open PD, Planned Space, and Conservation Development/ P, Public Use South Savannah River N/A N/A East Mixed Use (residential,golf Mixed Use PD, Planned course and clubhouse) Development West Mixed Use (residential, Mixed Use PD, Planned restaurants,and other Development commercial uses) Access — The site currently has access from Center Street and Railroad Avenue via Riverside Boulevard or Crystal Lake Drive. The site also has access from the North Augusta Greeneway. A Traffic Impact Analysis was previously completed for Phase B that encompassed a significant study area to review the potential impacts of a large scale development and future growth on existing traffic. Topography—The property is relatively flat. The majority of Riverside Village was graded at the start of construction on Phase B of Hammond's Ferry. Utilities—Water and sanitary sewer is available from adjacent sites. Final capacity analysis will be provided by Engineering and Utilities prior to final permitting, but is not anticipated to be an issue. Floodplain—Portions of the site fall within the 100 year floodplain. Drainage Basin —This site is located within the Crystal Lake Basin as designated on the City of North Augusta Stormwater Management's Drainage Basin Map. The 2014 Stormwater Management Stream Water Quality Assessment Summary lists the Pole Branch Basin as 100% within the city limits and reports an overall fair water quality.This means studies have indicated water quality impairments in several categories including the levels of nitrates, ammonia, and manganese found in samples. This basin has been ranked as a high priority for water quality improvements through best management practices and other water quality improvement projects to decrease the possibility of overtopping ponds in the system. Page 4 of 10 Project Staff Report RZM19MI Riverside Village Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Ubby Hodges Meeting Date:April 18,2019 SECTION 6: STAFF EVALUATION AND ANALYSIS 1. The size of the tract in question(§ Parcels 007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19-001, 007-14-19-005, 007-14-19-007, 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001, 007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004 and 007- 13-42-003 are a combined total of±9.58 acres.This is a small portion of the overall±195 acres contained in the PD. 2. Whether the proposal conforms with and furthers the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, other adopted plans, and the goals, objectives, and policies of the Development Code, §1.2(§ The rezoning request satisfies several core principles and key initiatives of the current Comprehensive Plan. The D, Downtown Mixed Use designation supports flexibility in development standards in order to encourage mixes of uses and infill development, providing urban amenities to existing and new residents, a mixture of housing types, connection to the Greeneway,encouraging pedestrian and bicycle access to the area,and will access to cultural resources such as the Riverview Amphitheater and the Greenjackets Stadium. By changing these properties to the "D — Downtown Mixed Use" zoning, the Planning Department envisions this as a first step to developing a Downtown Master Plan(Initiative 1)and updating the Downtown codes to better reflect the goals of revitalizing,redefining, and allowing flexibility in fostering the development of a functional, vibrant downtown core for the City. The city has identified Downtown as a priority investment area and a place to encourage mixed use and progressive development(Initiative 2). 3. The relationship of the uses envisioned under the new zoning and the uses currently present in adjacent tracts. In particular,the Planning Commission shall consider whether as stated in § of the NADC: a. The proposed rezoning is compatible with the surrounding area; The proposed rezoning is compatible with the surrounding area. Downtown zoning exists just north of the subject sites, and this site is seen as an extension of the existing downtown commercial core.Through the PD, Phase 8 has been programmed to be an urban town center, similar to the existing downtown area. Page 5 of 10 Proiect Staff Report RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges Meeting Date:April 18,2019 b. There will be any adverse effects on the capacity or safety of the portion of street network influenced by the rezoning; Access would be provided from existing roadways. The rezoning would not affect the existing street network or capacity. c. There will be any adverse effects on existing or planned public utility services in the area; The existing utility network accommodates the anticipated development potential of the subject property based on the sizes of the sanitary sewer line located near the site and availability of potable water and sanitary sewer from the City of North Augusta. d. Parking problems;or Parking for the site will continue to be provided based on existing parking agreements and the requirements of the North Augusta Development Code. The applicant has provided a list of the properties and parking and confirms that parking on the site will be sufficient at this time. Staff will continue to monitor parking allocation as the sites continue to develop. The following is an analysis of the Parking Space Allocation spreadsheet attached to this report: • The total parking spaces required per the PD use is 1,708. This is the total number of parking spaces required per the PD for all lots in Riverside Village, developed and non-developed based on the square footages supplied for future development. This does not match the amount required per the parking agreement. • The total parking spaces for "public" parking per the parking agreement is 1,388 parking spaces. This creates a difference of 320 spaces between the PD and the Parking Agreement. • In gross numbers, the total number of parking spaces provided in the decks and on-street is 1,767. This is, in total, greater than the 1,708 required by the PD. • The total number of dedicated parking spaces is 1,618, which is 260 spaces over the parking required by the agreement, though it is still less than the PD requires (1,708 spaces). "Dedicated" is meant as parking assigned to a particular use or building. • If the spaces reserved through the parking agreement are removed (those spaces reserved for the Hotel, Medac Employees, retail, office use,etc.) 378 spaces remain available for use. Page 6 of 10 Project Staff Report RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges Meeting Date:April 18,2019 Additional Staff Commentary: • On-street parking for any given lot will not be labeled specifically for those parcels. These spaces will be metered and open to the public. They will not be reserved. These are intended for short term retail or restaurant use. • The parking decks are intended for longer-term parking.These spaces are intended for conference attendees, retail and restaurant employees,and those choosing to park in the deck if on-street parking is not available. • Event parking is handled separately through an event parking plan.This includes the parking decks, surrounding temporary lots and surface lots in downtown. • Parking is dynamic, so cars will come and go. All spaces will not be occupied all the time. • There will be a small portion of visitors that will not need additional parking to visit the area. This form of development is meant to encourage pedestrian and bicycle access through the Greeneway, sidewalks,and proximity to residences. e. Environmental Impacts that the new use will generate such as excessive storm water runoff, water, air, or noise pollution, excessive nighttime lighting or other nuisances. The proposed rezoning does not appear to create any additional environmental impacts. Each site plan must comply with all applicable development standards in the Development Code, including the state and federal standards associated with stormwater management, water and air pollution. City design standards and municipal codes are in place to address noise pollution and excessive nighttime lighting. 4. Any recent change of character In the area due to installation of public facilities, other zone changes, new growth trends,deterioration and development (§ This rezoning directly addresses a change in character and new growth trends in the area. With the completion of most of the infrastructure in and around Phase B of the Hammond's Ferry Planned development, the outlines of what development can take place are currently in place and will not be significantly altered. The only remaining surface street that is not complete is Front Street in Phase A of the PD, which is outside the bounds of what is proposed to be changed to the D, Downtown Mixed Use zoning at this time. S. The zoning districts and existing land uses of the surrounding properties (§ . The proposed zoning classification will remain mixed use, which should not adversely impact the current surrounding single-family residential uses or commercial Page 7 of 10 Project Staff Report RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh BakertUbby Hodges Meeting Date:April 18,2019 development, as it is no different than what exists currently and what has been planned for this property. 6. Whether the subject property is suitable for the uses to which it has been restricted under the existing zoning classification(§ The existing Planned Development ordinance allows for uses in the D, Downtown zoning district.The subject properties are suitable for the proposed uses under both the existing and requested zoning district. 7. Whether the rezoning is compatible with the adjacent neighborhood, especially residential neighborhood stability and character(§ The rezoning is compatible with the existing residential neighborhood's stability and character. A mix of building styles and uses are encouraged in the existing Planned Development ordinance and the requested Downtown zoning. The Hammond's Ferry Business District Association will continue the architectural review and approval of any buildings within the agreed bounds of the property owner's association. S. The length of time the subject property has remained vacant as zoned, if applicable (§ Prior to approval of the PD, the property was vacant for many years. After the introduction of the PD,the site has quickly developed into a thriving mixed use district. 9. Whether there is an adequate supply of land available in the subject area and the surrounding community to accommodate the zoning and community needs including, but not limited to,affordable housing and economic development(§ The amount of land available in this particular area is limited by existing development to the west,the Georgia Avenue to the east, Brick Pond Park to the north,and the Savannah River to the south. 10.Whether the existing zoning was In error at the time of adoption (§ The existing zoning of PD, Planned Development has been in place since the adoption of the Hammond's Ferry Planned Development Ordinance No. 2002-03 in December 2002. This does not appear to have been done in error. Page 8 of 10 Protect Staff Report RZM19-DOI Riverside Village Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges Meeting Date:April 18,2019 SECTION 7: STAFF RECOMMENDATION The rezoning request directly addresses the change in character and development of the area. Staff would like to note that this request was coordinated with the input and understanding of the Planning and Development Department to address issues that have arisen with the existing PD Ordinance.These issues prevented staff from processing variances or waivers that would have been in the City's interest or that were the result of situations not anticipated by the PD, such as opportunities for different mixes of uses and square footages in the project. This zoning change will allow the developer additional discretion to respond to changing market and economies of scale resulting from the existing successful development of the remainder of the sites in this proposal. With the completion ofthe infrastructure in and around Phase B of the Hammond's Ferry Planned Development, the outlines of what development can take place are currently in place and will not be significantly altered. This rezoning would serve to extend the "Downtown" to the river area and formalize the recognition that this is an extension of our downtown. With most urban form developments, the Planning Department should be less concerned with exactly what goes within the buildings, instead focusing on general building location, public safety, and public resource allocation. Staff would like to emphasize that approval of this zoning does not in any way negate or alter any existing agreements on the site.This includes the existing Parking Agreement and Development Agreement. lust as in any private property owner's association, the Planning and Development Department has a limited role in enforcing the covenants of private property owner associations such as the Hammond's Ferry Business District Association, which will remain place as incorporated in 2008. However,this should not be taken as the Department abandoning its role in enforcing or creating any development standards for the Downtown district. Staff recommends that this rezoning be used to encourage the creation of a downtown parking plan, revision of the existing downtown development codes, and Downtown Master Plan. As discussed with the Commissioners at previous meetings,a downtown code work group has been convened and progress is being made towards these code revisions. Further public involvement will be coordinated when these changes are further developed. It should be noted that any development proposals currently under review will not be affected by these changes and will be reviewed by the existing PD criteria. This includes Parcel G, the Stadium Parking Deck and the Amphitheater at Riverside Village. Based on the analysis and evaluation of each review criteria outlined above,the Department has determined the application is complete.A recommendation by the Planning Commission for the Page 9 of 10 Project Staff Report RZM19-0O1 Riverside Village Rezoning Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges Meeting Date:April 18,2019 rezoning of Parcel Numbers 007-18-05-002,007-18-05-004,007-14-19-001,007-14-19-005,007- 14-19-007, 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001, 007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004, and 007-13-42-003 to rezone ±9,58 acres from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown, is appropriate for this site. SECTION 8: ATTACHMENTS 1. Site/Aerial Map 2. Topography 3. Current Zoning Map 4. Future Land Use Map 5. Site Photos 6. Notification Letter 7. PD 15-001 Exhibit A Phasing Map 8. Application Materials cc Addie Head, Greenstone Properties Page 10 of 10 w 4- aL P 1 w i . . 11 1 11 11 1 11 in Y p4 l 11 1s 146 Qa ' O _ fap Nn�0)�) a 1 � 1Z6 130 14? QS,. V, North � Topo Map ALI1 41LISM Application RZM19-001 tiunncurrduar. rea,pn,,, Riverside Village Rezoning 3B0 130 ° 260 Feet Date 4/10/2019 m 0 A Public Use , m :u p 2 c W O y 02 Noil �� �/ Current Zoning Map Aug -, I 1 r Application RZM19-001 �t tii nrtr ........ Riverside Village Rezoning no vo no F.e: Date 4/10/2019 '-.Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Conservation r Mixed Use Transportation, Communication and Utilities g 0 0 o� North Future Land Use Map � -�-I AL IA ISM 1 � Application RZM19-001 L 260 130 0 263 Feet Sou tt I wuluuf, tin rlpom, Riverside Village Rezoning Date 4/10/2019 ti Pi ` 4p I r I . z c . . a �I � ,r r ! � f • t � 060% i 14 i 7 � ' t ,p - �• 3 + r t , M yyy i C I , i I ,• gr ; NorIh March 29, 2019 RE: Proposed rezoning of t 9.58 acres of land located west of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the Savannah River, Aiken County Tax Parcel Numbers: 007-18.05-002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19-001, 007-14-19- 005, 007-14-19-007, 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001, 007-17-02- 006, 007-17-02-004, and 007-13-42-003 from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown. Please note: Your property is not included in the rezoning application. You are receiving this notice only because you own property within 200 feet of the proposed project area. Dear North Augusta Property Owner: Greenstone Properties has made a request to rezone t 9.58 acres of land located west of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greenaway and the Savannah River, Aiken County Tax Parcel Numbers: 007-18-05-002, 007-18-05.004, 007-14-19-001, 007-14-19-005, 007-14-19-007, 007.17-02.005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001, 007- 17-02-006, 007-17-02-004, and 007-13-42-003 from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown. The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to collect public input and to consider the rezoning application on Thursday, April 18, 2019. Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will prepare a recommendation for City Council consideration and action. The Planning Commission public hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m. In the City Council Chambers on the third floor of the North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue. You are welcome to attend this public hearing. A map of the project area is enclosed, along with a copy of the public hearing notice that will be published in The Star on April 3, 2019. If you have any questions about this application or need additional information, please contact the Department of Planning and Development at 803-441-4221. Sincerely, Libby Hodges, RtCP Director of Planning and Development City of North Augusta, South Carolina Planning Commission PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at its regular monthly meeting beginning at 7:00 PM on April 18, 2019, in the Council Chambers, North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina, to receive public input on the following applications: RZT 19-001 —A request by the City of North Augusta to amend Section, Development Standards within the P, Public Use Zoning District and Section, Applicability of the Corridor Overlay Districts to the P, Public Use Zoning District. RZM 19.001 —A request by Greenstone Properties to rezone t 9.58 acres of land located west of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the Savannah River, Aiken County Tax Parcels: 007-18-05- 002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19-001, 007-14-19-005, 007-14-19-007, 007- 17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001, 007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004, and 007-13-42-003 from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown. Copies of the proposed amendments to the North Augusta Development Code and a map and documents related to the rezoning application will be available in the Department of Planning and Development on the second Boor of the North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina, 803-441-4221. Citizens and property owners interested in expressing a view on any matter that is the subject of a public hearing are encouraged to attend. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or a sign interpreter to participate in the meeting are asked to please notify the Department of Planning and Development at 803-441-4221 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Current Zoning: PD, Planned Development Proposed Zoning: D, Downtown CR, D, Downtown 3� �G Critical R-5, Mixed Residential z r R-5, Mixed Areas i S Residential WS D, Downtown m P. Public Use p, m war W P CU u � ➢ y PD, Planned Development ublic.Use w u PD, Planned Development • i NOnh Augusta � � � ��v OG N � A y Y I 0 0.0250.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.0150.05 0.15 0.2 Miles Miles Application RZM19-001 North �\ A request to rezone approximately 9.58 acres from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown Au ust�� Tax Parcel Numbers 007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19-001, 007-14-19-005, 007-14-19-007, nnoiI N 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001,007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004, and 007-13-42-003 Date: 3/29/2019 prn�nPw PPP4amn PD lSd�t orrwmm�uanrn r �m -- ----- HAMMOND'S FERRY GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN MODIFICATION onre omorzms c i Kwey»Horn-- MA N- XHIBITA I � .I � I 1 Fj SPV PNNAN 0.1VEP �wiuw.v II,V" I' xlvf0.[IttC Vlll efil' i I I\ CRANSTON Application for Development Approval North Augusta �/ Please type or print all Information South r anriuur, RiverJronr staff Use Application Number Rznt 19 -oa i Date Recelved Review Fee f25 0 _ Date Paid 1. Project Name _..— Riverside Village Project AddresslLocatIonWoet or°'mala Av a between the North Aueuw Graern,wy and ana savannah Riva;RanroadAvanm Total Project Acreage _ -20 Acres _ _. Current Zoning Planned Development Tarr Parcel Number(s) See Attachment"Riverside village Tax Parcel Numbers" 2. ApplicantlOwner Name _ Chris Schoen Applicant Phone 404-725.5357 _ Mailing Address 3301 windy Ridge Parkway,suite 320 City - Atlanta - _ ST GA Zip 30339 Email cachoen@greenstone-propertkre.com 3. Is there a Designated Agent for this project? _ A_ Yes No If Yea, attach a notarized Designation of Agent form. (required if Applicant is not property owner) 4. Engineer/Architect/Surveyor __ _James P Dean _ License No. 1 7380 Firm Name Cranston Engineering Group, PC Firm Phone 706-7224588 Firm Mailing Address _ 452 Ellis Street City _ _ _Augusta _.. ST GA Zip 30901 Email Ipdeani@cronstonenglneerin9.com Signature � Date 3/1 212 01 9 5. Is there any recorded restricted covenant or other private agreement that is contrary to, conflicts with or prohibits the use or activity on the property that is the subject of the application? (Check one.) yes V no 6. In accordance with Section of the North Augusta Development Code, I hereby request the City of North Augusta review the attached project plans. The documents required by the City of North Augusta, as outlined in Appendix B of the North Augusta Development Code, are attached for the City's review for completeness. The applicant acknowledges that all required documents must be correct and complete to inif •,rb�,piiance review process f 3 � I � 7. I Applicant or a gna ed Agent Signature Date ('kris B 5Choev Print Applicant or Agent Name 112013 Designation of Agent North AUgUS Please type or print all information South CorWinors RiUerfront This form is required if the property owner is not the applicant. Staff Use Only Application Number_F,-z- r1 I°I'aD I Date Received 1. Project Name Riverside Village Project Address/Location west of Georgia Avenue between the Norm Auguste Greenaway and the Savannah River:Rellroad Avenu Project Parcel Number(s) _ See Attachment"Riverside Village Tax Parcel Numbers" 2. Property Owner Name —. Chris Schoen Owner Phone 404.72MS7 Mailing Address 3301 Windy Ridge Parkway,Sults 720 City Atlanta ST GA Zip 30339 Email caehoenQgreanstonaPropertee.eom 3. Designated Agent Addie Head Relationship to Owner Employee of Owner Firm Name GreenstonePropenles Phone 404-421-5807 Agent's Mailing Address 3301 windy Ridge Parkway,Sulb320 City Meme ST GA Zip 30339 Email ahead®greenstonaproperees.com Agent's Signature B ' - Data t73 I'I 4. 1 hereby designate the above-named person (Line 3) to serve as my agent and represent me in the referenced appii Pon. Owner Signature Date 6. Sworn su scribed to before me on this I +fday of M Q Y G� ,20 I No ry gill r, _-' ��Yy •.. 4f Feb1 u 9� I 1 Zo2 7 k4 ekOTARy 7d commission Expi tion Date - _ , GEORGIA : 5 02-19.23 c PUS1.1O %.,SCO''....-• �,`�� r eB CDS "` V2013 rrrrllllll lrl" Application Submittal and Review—Rezoning Riverside Village-03/14/2019 1. A statement of the reasons for seeking the rezoning or conditional rezoning and any proposed Justifications therefore: We would like to submit the—29 acres of Riverside Village for rezoning from a Planned Development Zoning to a Downtown District Zoning( D, Downtown Mixed-Use District); specifically,the Georgia Avenue Overlay District. Riverside Village Is a unique mixed-use environment creating a bustling community where constituents can live,work, and play. At it's completion,the village will house over 20 various commercial uses as well as a stadium,an amphitheater,class A office space,a luxury hotel, and numerous living opportunities.All of these additions to the community facilitate a true sense of place as well as a commercial core in between the two cities of Augusta and North Augusta spurring expansion into North Augusta's downtown. The current Planned Development zoning limits Riverside Village from supporting a commercial core.The desire to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space has been achieved and will continue to be a priority for the village.The rezoning of Riverside Village to a downtown district will not affect or conflict with any agreements held between the city or any other entities. Riverside Village Development Summary Parcel Purchaser Use/ Description A Stadium Land Retail shell 14,000 SF of Retail Al The Clubhouse Building 6 Stories Parking Garage 44 Spaces Team Clubhouse Unit 16,200 SF Office Unit 15,000 SF of Office Apartments 32 Units A2 Restaurant 8,700 SF of Retail B Stadium Deck 576 Spaces C Office Building 150,000 SF of Office - 6 Stories 38 Units & 17,000 SF of Retail -4 D Condos over Retail Stories E Hotel Deck 413 Spaces F Hotel 180 Rooms - 5 Stories 22 Units & 12,500 SF of Retail - 3 G Apartments over Retail Stories Gl Jewel Box 400 SF Single Family Housing H /Townhomes 11 Lots I Single Family Housing 6 Lots J JUN Apartments 1280 Units -4 Stories K I Luxury Apartments 177 Units -6 Stories On-Street Surface Parking 177 Spaces Medac Parking Deck 1601 Spaces Riverside Village Tax Parcel Numbers Tract Owner Size Tax Map Number Use/ Proposed Use A The City eNorth Augusta 6.46 Stadium Al Hammond's Ferry Commercial I, LLC 0.80 007-18-05-002 Outfield/ Clubhouse Building A2 Gieerrstone Hendon Riverside Village, LLC 0.14 007-18-05.004 Ballpark Restaurant 8 Riverside Village B Owner, LLC 1.67 007-14-19-001 Stadium Parking Deck BI The City of North Augusta 0.08 Brick Pond B2 The Cry of North Augusta 0.05 Brick Pond C Riverside Village C Owner, LLC 0.98 007-1-4-19-005 Office Building Cl The City of North Augusta 0.09 Brick Pond D Riverside Village D Owner, LLC 0.83 007-1419.007 Residential over Retail Dl The City of North Augusta 1.05 Brick Pond E The City of North Augusta 1.25 Hotel Parking Deck El The City of North Augusta 0.27 Brick Pond F Ackerman Greenstone North Augusta,LLC 1.64 007-17-02.005 Hotel/ Convention Center G Riverside Village G Owner, LLC 0.41 007-17-02-008 Residential over Retail GS Greenstone Hammond's Ferry, LLC 0.01 007-18406-01 Retail/Gelato H Riverside Village H Owner, LLC 0.69 007-17-02-006 Single Family Homes I Riverside Village I Owner, LLC 0.69 007-17-02-004 Single Family Homes J North Augusta Residences, LLC 7.11 Apartments K Riverside Village 1 Owner, LLC 2.12 007-13-42-003 Apartments Kl The City of North Augusta 0.01 Brick Pond L The Gty of North Augusta 1.97 Riverfront Park Ll The City of North Augusta 0.19 28.51 Marietta he... 'RryuirN Park" DeNortd Location of oetllate6 Oedlcated twtWn pF local Dedcated Tanl Dedicated Tape parent] or SF Per PD UH, "prNa darkN[ "Pdntt"MMn{ � Parkin6 OedFlatatl Puhlk' paid, ParkaMandgepulnd Pn A[2erMn1 ParYW{ Parkeq npartmm(s Fl 32 56 38 Clubhouse Parting Ga., 18 Stadium Deck 56 30 Hotel Deck r] Apartments G 22 39 37 On-Sbeel 37 1) Apartments 3 280 a% 367 Surface Parking 367 11)31 Apartmenl3 F SD 31C 161 educated Parking Gar$C SHolel Dart 2M lot Condominiums 0 M 41 49 HmeI Deck a9 (181 TOTAL M %1 6]0 103 ]]9 (1811 Sngle HrmiN denanletlr H&: 11 a4 22 OH-Street parking 12 (221 Sngle lima, anached) Hit 6 12 12 ORSlain PaM1mg 12 - TDTAL 17 % 34 3a (221 Hotel F 1D] 90 10 O65trnt Surface Lot 28D Hmtl Deck 3W 210 TOM IN 90 LI M 300 210 Cammei Office Spa¢ Al 15,01D) 39 6 Clubhouse Parma Garade 32 Stadium Deb 39 1 C cmmacial 011 Space C Isci 375 37S Stadium Deb 315 Cwmmernal Office Scapa Metlac 501000 150 500."at 5W 350 TOTAL 165,M 113 6 90] 413 353 A Iatadium Read space arson wenn Madl 14,000 35 12 Hotel Oeck 17 1231 Retail Space A2 R,M 22 ID Hotel Deck 1D (12) Retail Space G&G1 12,9W 32 10 HMel Deck 10 (22) Belga Space D 17= 43 10 Hotel Deck 10 (33) Retnl Space C 5,000 13 SHocal Deb 5 (8) TOTAL 57IM 1 47 41 (97) Stadium A 45 4S Stadium Deck 45 TOM 45 45 a5 TOTALPMNINGSPACES 1,7M lk0 1,Sn Lam __...Fa Mtlkatetl"Publk• Ava1WNe/Non- 'RePrOemems per Wnrctl Total PatRIM Paring oNbled Residential 1 MM ronin{ 1h, nJs pe,mumnmily dwelh un Sltlhm Oe[4 S7(i 470 106 HoW Dan latitudinal Oflke/Retial-3 per 4O2 ro3551 CMled.is pi plan) 413 411 2 Arrgk Famdy(defac -'2 per spaces per b over 2".1.6becroomhwn=EUMspoam MMae Oe[k 603 sdl 1113 5npe gmiNlanamedl 2 per tlwellinR OmStreet Patti 177 B 169 .6a s per room Tpbl Lm Llg9MEN NNK DEOKAIfDAACF6 PFR MASTER pAR[IXG AGREFMFM: ••SbtlWm DecY:55 Podbted5pxes 1R Alteudm6 asMStaN/Tnm anne—e •••H Onamee:111 OMbiMSpam-]BOHmeIGues13�100CMfttenaCen[ew 35 Valet aIIRelail Stag♦g4 MG flentlenn 3Cary ••••'OnArcet ParYn{:aDemoletl Spaces 8GRe3itlMts ORDINANCE NO. 2019-02 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING t 9.58 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY GREENSTONE PROPERTIES AND LOCATED WEST OF GEORGIA AVENUE BETWEEN THE NORTH AUGUSTA GREENEWAY AND THE SAVANNAH RIVER AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCELS#007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004. 007-14-19-001. 007- 14-19-005,007-14-19-007,007-17-02-005. 007-17-02-008.007-18-06-001,007-17-02-006. 007-17-02-004. and 007-13-42-003.FROM PD,PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, TO D.DOWNTOWN. WHEREAS,on December 17,2007, by Ordinance 2007-22,the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.3, North Augusta Development Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following an April 18, 2019, public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by Greenstone, LLC, to amend the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta from Planned Development(PD)to Downtown, Mixed Use(D). The Planning Commission report has been provided to City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF,THAT: I. The property owned by the owned by Greenstone Properties, and located west of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the Savannah River, Aiken County Tax Parcels #007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19- 001, 007-14-19-005, 007-14-19-007, 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18- 06-001, 007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004. and 007-13-42-003,from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown. II. Said property being officially rezoned to the classification D,Downtown zoning, more specifically in accordance with the map attached hereto as Exhibit"A,"the official Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta is to be so amended. III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict,hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF T ITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS _A O DAY OF ,2019. First Reading //4' h / Robert A. Pettit, Mayot Second Reading Third and Final Reading O 'A/9 ATTEST: jtaABM i rS1�I.yNA.V_i _ Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #6 ORDINANCE NO. 2019-02 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING:L 9.58 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY GREENSTONE PROPERTIES AND LOCATED WEST OF GEORGIA AVENUE BETWEEN THE NORTH AUGUSTA GREENEWAY AND THE SAVANNAH RIVER AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCELS #007-18-05-002. 007-18-05-004. 007-14-19-001 007- 14-19-005, 007-14-19-007. 007-17-02-005. 007-17-02-008 007-18-06-001 007-17-02-006 007-17-02-004. and 007-1342-003.FROM PD. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TO D. DOWNTOWN WHEREAS,on December 17,2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.3, North Augusta Development Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following an April 18, 2019, public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by Greenstone, LLC, to amend the Official Zoning Map of North Augusta from Planned Development(PD)to Downtown,Mixed Use (D). The Planning Commission report has been provided to City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The property owned by the owned by Greenstone Properties, and located west of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greenway and the Savannah River, Aiken County Tax Parcels #007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19- 001, 007-14-19-005, 007-14-19-007, 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18- 06-001, 007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004. and 007-13-42-003, from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown. II. Said property being officially rezoned to the classification D,Downtown zoning, more specifically in accordance with the map attached hereto as Exhibit"A,"the official Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta is to be so amended. III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict,hereby repealed. N. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2019. First Reading Robert A. Pettit, Mayor Second Reading Third and Final Reading ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ATTACHMENT #7 ORDINANCE NO. 2019-03 AN ORDINANCE TO EXERCISE AN OPTION TO PURCHASE PROPERTY FORMERLY KNOWN AS NORTH AUGUSTA COUNTRY CLUB AND TO CONVEY TITLE TO PROPERTY OWNED BY THE CITY IN EXCHANGE FOR SAID PROPERTY. WHEREAS, in approximately the year 2000, Mayor and City Council determined that additional recreational space was required to meet the needs of the increase in geographical size, as well as population of the City; and, WHEREAS, for a considerable period of time the matter was studied to include attempts to expand Riverview Park; and, WHEREAS, it was ultimately determined that there was not viable ability to expand Riverview Park to provide for the increased needs and that it would be appropriate to attempt to provide recreational opportunities located in a different area of the City; and, WHEREAS, for a number of years the City considered several different parcels of property to meet this need and ultimately determined that the best opportunity, at that time, involved property located in Edgefield County, adjacent to Murrah Road and Five Notch Road; and WHEREAS, from 2006 to 2009 the City acquired approximately 181.01± acres of property in that area with the intention of ultimately developing a recreational facility at said site; and, WHEREAS, the general consensus of Mayor and City Council was that the location was not ideal but appeared to be the best site available; and, WHEREAS, since the time of acquiring the Murrah Road/Five Notch Road property,an additional site of a size that would meet the needs of the City has become available; and, WHEREAS, the North Augusta Country Club property consisting of approximately 147.98±acres has been offered to the City,by the current owner,in exchange for the City deeding to the Seller the Edgefield County property acquired previously; and, WHEREAS,Mayor and City Council have determined that the North Augusta Country Club Property is in a much better geographical location to address the recreational needs of the community and that the exchange of the properties is in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof,that: 1. The City Administrator is authorized to exercise the Option that has been obtained from DWT Properties, LLC providing for an exchange of properties as outlined above. 2. That following the exercise of the Option, the City Administrator is authorized to move forward with such actions as necessary to closeout this transaction, to include executing a deed conveying the 181.01±acres of property,owned by the City,to DWT Properties,LLC. in exchange for the City receiving a deed to 147.98+ acres consisting of the majority of the property formally known w North Augusta Country Club. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on the third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS DAY OF ,2019. First Reading: Second Reading: ROBERT A.PETTIT,MAYOR Third Reading: ATTEST: SHARON LAMAR,CITY CLERK ATTACHMENT*8 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-15 SUPPORTING NORTH AUGUSTA FORWARD'S CONTRACTING STUDIO MAIN LLC TO UPDATE THE NORTH AUGUSTA DOWNTOWN GREENEWAY CONNECTOR MASTER PLAN AND PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION WHEREAS, in 2015, North Augusta 2000, an eleemosynary organization whose mission is to help improve North Augusta through quality of life and economic development initiatives,contracted Alta Planning&Design,with consent from the Mayor and City Council, to conduct a downtown Greeneway connector study,and WHEREAS, in Resolution 2015-19 the Mayor and City Council of North Augusta commended North Augusta 2000 for its action in pursuing the possible Downtown Greeneway Connector that would benefit the citizens of this community, and WHEREAS, in Resolution 2016-34 the Mayor and City Council of North Augusta accepted the Alta Downtown Greeneway connector study and endorsed the concept of the Downtown Greeneway Connector as an economic driver for downtown, and WHEREAS, in Resolution 2018-09 the Mayor and City Council included $900,000 for the Downtown Greeneway Connector in Capital Projects Sales Tax IV funding, and WHEREAS, North Augusta Forward, formerly North Augusta 2000, has advised the City of its desire to retain Studio Main, LLC to update the North Augusta Downtown Greeneway Connector Master Plan and prepare preliminary construction documentation of Phase one, and WHEREAS, Studio Main, LLC will involve the development of a North Augusta Greeneway Downtown Master Plan Update and supporting documents to illustrate the desired vision, trail routing, and destinations as identified by the City of North Augusta and the North Augusta Downtown Greeneway steering committee,and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City commits its cooperation to North Augusta Forward and Studio Main, LLC for this design phase; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing, as set forth in this resolution, commits the City to any specific development plan and that any decision by the City to pursue such Downtown Greenway Connector is a matter that would require future consideration by Mayor and Council; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City is greatly appreciative and commends North Augusta Forward for its action in pursuing this possible Downtown Greeneway Connector that would benefit the citizens of this community. DONE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE DAY OF MAY,2019. Robert A. Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk i i I I� 3 i DRAFT Fund Financial Statements (Emailed to Council before meeting) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF FINES, ASSESSMENTS, AND SURCHARGES GENERALFUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 Court Fines 8 Assessments: Court fines collected $ 808,339 Court fines retained by City 385,504 Court fines remitted to State Treasurer $ 422,835 Court Surcharges and Assessments: Court surcharges collected and retained $ 6,085 Assessments retained by City 35,013 Court surcharges and assessments retained for Victim Services $ 41,098 Victim Services: Court assessments allocated to Victim Services $ 35,013 Court surcharges allocated to Victim Services 6,085 Funds allocated to Victim Services 41,098 Victim Services Expenditures 37,493 Funds Allocated to Victim Services in Excess of Victim Services Expenditures 3,605 Funds available for carryforward-beginning of year 107,443 Funds available for carryforward-end of year $ 111,046 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND - STORMWATER UTILITY FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Stormwater Operations: Personal services: Salaries and wages $ 341,939 $ 346,617 $ 4,678 Overtime pay 1,800 2,095 295 FICA 26,312 25,390 (922) Employee retirement 48,330 73,155 24,825 Employee insurance 37,740 38,489 749 Workers'compensation 8,550 5,427 (3,123) Operating expenses: General supplies 1,400 860 (540) Duesthaining 4,425 1,820 (2,605) Auto operating 7,900 4,963 (2,937) Data processing 29,300 31,741 2,441 Contracts and repairs 7,340 2,618 (4,722) Uniforms and clothing 2,000 1,774 (226) Advertising 3,000 2,812 (188) Professional services 23,426 20,868 (2,558) Special department supplies 7,191 4,365 (2,826) Insurance 6,875 6,819 (56) Leases 10,010 - (10,010) Drainage projects 213,258 - (213,258) Total Stormwater Operations 780,796 569,813 (210,983) Depreciation - 91,457 91,457 Total Operating Expenses $ 780,796 $ 661,270 $ (119,526) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND - STORMWATER UTILITY FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Operating Revenues: Stormwater utility fees $ 770,000 $ 782,958 $ 12,958 Other 6,831 17,425 10,594 Total Operating Revenues 776,831 800,383 23,552 Operating Expenses: Stormwater operations 780,796 569,813 (210,983) Depreciation 91,457 91,457 Total Operating Expenses 780,796 661,270 (119,526) Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Interest earnings 3,965 16,481 12,516 Interest expense and fiscal charges (717) (717) Total Nonoperating Revenues 3,965 15,764 11,799 Income before contributions - 154,877 154,877 Contributions 368,798 368,798 Change in net position $ $ 523,675 $ 523,675 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND - SANITATION SERVICES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Material Recovery Facility: Personal services: Salaries and wages 383,080 358,450 (24,630) Overtime pay 17,193 14,267 (2,926) FICA 30,621 28,839 (1,782) Employee retirement 56,278 84,930 28,652 Employee insurance 63,750 64,053 303 Workers'compensation 12,500 8,819 (3,681) Operating expenses: General supplies 1,515 1,519 4 Dues/training 980 409 (571) Auto operating 87,897 107,161 19,264 Utility services 17,147 18,825 1,678 Contracts and repairs 74,979 149,854 74,875 Building material 1,450 561 (889) Recycling expenses 45,493 19,968 (25,525) Uniforms and clothing 4,067 4,067 - Professional services 175,694 180,698 5,004 Special department supplies 401,787 419,595 17,808 Leases 101,006 - (101,006) Small equipment 184,300 - (184,300) Insurance 21,500 21,325 (175) Total Material Recovery Facility 1,681,237 1,483,340 (197,897) Depreciation - 623,319 623,319 Total Operating Expenses $ 4,313,674 $ 4,610,725 $ 297,051 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND - SANITATION SERVICES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Sanitation Operations: Personal services: Salaries and wages $ 1,180,479 $ 1,102,697 $ (77,782) Overtime pay 13,621 20,232 6,611 FICA 91,449 81,979 (9,470) Employee retirement 169,347 254,322 84,975 Employee insurance 203,304 204,052 748 Workers'compensation 33,700 48,855 15,155 Operating expenses: General supplies 2,038 1,488 (550) Dues/training 3,342 3,026 (316) Auto operating 334,171 381,775 47,604 Utility services 21,680 32,530 10,850 Data processing 10,600 14,314 3,714 Contracts and repairs 27,325 42,450 15,125 Uniforms and clothing 10,460 8,754 (1,706) Advertising 2,100 284 (1,816) Professional services 12,350 10,723 (1,627) Special department supplies 242,664 265,677 23,013 Judgments/seWements - 1,500 1,500 Leases 244,157 - (244,157) Insurance 29,650 29,408 (242) Total Sanitation Operations 2,632,437 2,504,066 (128,371) (continued) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND - SANITATION SERVICES YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Operating Revenues: Sanitation service fees $ 3,279,300 $ 3,331,802 $ 52,502 Recycling fees 770,600 822,723 52,123 Sale of recyclables 348,000 201,163 (146,837) Other 69,258 261,677 192,419 Total Operating Revenues 4,467,158 4,617,365 150,207 Operating Expenses: Sanitation operations 2,632,437 2,504,066 (128,371) Material recovery facility 1,681,237 1,483,340 (197,897) Depreciation - 623,319 623,319 Total Operating Expenses 4,313,674 4,610,725 297,051 Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Intergovernmental 49,000 67,156 18,156 Interest income 12,000 43,012 31,012 Interest earnings - (14,211) (14,211) Gain on disposal of assets - 44,950 44,950 Total Nonoperating Revenues 61,000 140,907 79,907 Income before transfers 214,484 147,547 (66,937) Transfers out (214,484) (214,484) Change in net position $ - $ (66,937) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND - WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Water Production and Treatment(continued): Operating expenses(continued): Uniforms and clothing 3,320 3,053 (267) Professional services 105,086 98,013 (7,073) ACPSA treatment charges 4,500 1,930 (2,570) Special department supplies 166,854 167,519 665 Insurance 12,500 12,398 (102) Leases 3,585 - (3,585) Small equipment 10,200 (10,200) Total Water Production and Treatment 1,539,554 1,478,577 (60,977) Wastewater Operations and Maintenance: Personal services: Salaries and wages 454,136 427,537 (26,599) Overtime pay 18,443 13,306 (5,137) FICA 36,152 31,365 (4,787) Employee retirement 66,445 99,454 33,009 Employee insurance 75,000 76,019 1,019 Workers'compensation 14,325 12,953 (1,372) Operating expenses'. Dues/training 900 1,000 100 Auto operating 28,580 36,840 8,260 Utility services 68,102 65,282 (2,820) Contracts and repairs 70,718 63,518 (7,200) Building material 13,230 12,381 (849) Uniforms and clothing 4,470 4,495 25 Professional services - 229 229 ACPSA treatment charges 2,874,402 2,587,018 (287,384) Special department supplies 17,372 23,511 6,139 Insurance 41,525 43,584 2,059 Leases 52,350 - (52,350) Small equipment 17,263 - (17,263) Total Wastewater Operations and Maintenance 3,853,413 3,498,492 (354,921) Depreciation and amortization - 1,231,948 1,231,948 Total Operating Expenses $ 7,960,257 $ 8,448,992 $ 488,735 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND - WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Water Operations and Maintenance: Personal services: Salaries and wages 352,316 349,573 (2,743) Overtime pay 13,519 16,416 2,897 FICA 27,986 26,405 (1,581) Employee retirement 51,436 82,641 31,405 Employee insurance 60,000 60,947 947 Workers'compensation 11,250 7,269 (3,981) Operating expenses: Dues/training 1,960 2,291 331 Auto operating 32,930 28,111 (4,819) Contracts and repairs 19,994 13,415 (6,579) Building material 11,650 6,258 (5,392) Uniforms and clothing 4,115 3,783 (332) Advertising 2,100 421 (1,679) Special department supplies 103,795 86,173 (17,622) Insurance 3,900 3,868 (32) Line upgrades 225,440 126,660 (98,780) Leases 75,561 - (75,561) Small equipment 27,200 (27,200) Total Water Operations and Maintenance 1,025,152 814,431 (210,721) Water Production and Treatment: Personal services: Salaries and wages 445,848 453,374 7,526 Overtime pay 26,492 29,952 1,460 FICA 36,287 34,392 (1,895) Employee retirement 66,692 112,705 46,013 Employee insurance 60,000 60,285 285 Workers'compensation 15,450 9,806 (5,644) Operating expenses: General supplies 3,500 1,569 (1,931) Dues/training 5,425 5,649 224 Auto operating 5,983 2,963 (3,020) Utility services 437,521 402,717 (34,804) Contracts and repairs 126,461 80,526 (45,935) Building material 1,850 1,726 (124) (continued) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF OPERATING EXPENSES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND - WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Utilities Finance: Personal services'. Salaries and wages $ 213,347 $ 193,284 $ (20,063) FICA 16,321 14,118 (2,203) Employee retirement 29,997 44,826 14,829 Employee insurance 37,500 37,678 178 Workers'compensation 4,000 2,539 (1,461) Operating expenses: General supplies/postage 84,000 76,165 (7,835) Dues/trainingttravel 3,805 2,054 (1,751) Data processing 70,300 93,400 23,100 Contracts and repairs 26,300 27,071 771 Professional services 22,225 17,320 (4,905) Special department supplies 5D0 372 (128) Insurance 4,850 4,810 (40) Bad debts 31,000 31,000 - Total Utilities Finance 544,145 544,637 492 Utilities Administrator: Personal services: Salaries and wages 528,345 513,222 (15,123) Overtime pay 7,280 9,736 2,456 FICA 41,080 37,765 (3,315) Employee retirement 77,616 121,632 44,016 Employee insurance 72,090 71,310 (780) Workers'compensalion 16,200 10,282 (5,918) Operating expenses: General supplies/postage 4,975 1,772 (3,203) Dueshraming/travel 6,305 6,451 146 Auto operating 11,688 14,190 2,502 Utility services 13,498 12,430 (1,066) Contracts and repairs 82,588 40,333 (42,255) Building material 400 303 (97) Uniforms and clothing 2,303 2,191 (112) Professional services 37,895 5,252 (32,643) Data processing 34,600 27,678 (6,922) Special department supplies 41,290 4,327 (36,963) Lease purchase 17,790 - (17,790) Insurance 2,050 2,033 (17) Total Ulities Administration 997,993 880,907 (117,086) (continued) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES - BUDGETED AND ACTUAL ENTERPRISE FUND - WATER AND WASTEWATER SYSTEM YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2038 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Operating Revenues: Water sales $ 3,266,751 $ 3,231,940 $ (34,811) Sewer sales 6,037,593 6,243,287 205,694 Water tap fees 95,671 92,334 (3,337) Sewer tap fees 108,721 165,448 56,727 Fire protection fees 11,741 13,918 2,177 Other 440,004 505,843 65,839 Total Operating Revenues 9,960,481 10,252,770 292,289 Operating Expenses: Utilities Finance 544,145 544,637 492 Utilities Administration 997,993 880,907 (117,086) Water Operations and Maintenance 1,025,152 814,431 (210,721) Water Production and Treatment 1,539,554 1,478,577 (60,977) Wastewater Operations and Maintenance 3,853,413 3,498,492 (354,921) Depreciation and amortization - 1,231,948 1,231,948 Total Operating Expenses 7,960,257 8,448,992 488,735 Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Intergovernmental - 13,480 13,480 Interest earnings 17,000 204,588 187,588 Interest expense and fiscal charges - (447,543) (447,543) Gain on sale of capital assets 10,230 10,230 Total Nonoperating Revenues(Expenses): 17,000 (219,245) (236,245) Income before contributions and operating transfers 2,017,224 1,584,533 (432,691) Capital contributions - 178,713 178,713 Transfers out (1,913,767) (478,767) 1,435,000 Change in net position $ 103,457 $ 1,284,479 $ 1,181,022 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA COMBINING STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - NONMAJOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31,2018 Rivertront/ Central Core Recreation Fireman's Redevelopment Fund Fund Fund Totals Revenues: Local hospitality and accommodations taxes $ - $ - $ 1,718.195 $ 1,718,195 Intergovernmental - 60,934 - 60,934 Interest earnings 37 382 11,684 12,103 Miscellaneous 3,280 - 3,280 Total Revenues 3,317 61,316 1,729,879 1,794,512 Expenditures: Current: Public safety - 53.186 - 53,186 Recreation and parks 12,000 - 470,166 482,166 Capital outlay 99,525 99,525 Total Expenditures 12,000 53,186 569,691 634,877 Other Financing Uses: Transfers out (1,612,230) (1,612.230) Total Other Financing Uses (1,612,230) (1,612,230) Net change in fund balance (8,683) 8,130 (452,042) (452,595) Fund balance,beginning of year 18.380 123,410 1,323,010 1,464,800 Fund balance,end of year $ 9,697 $ 131,540 $ 870,968 $ 1,012,205 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA COMBINING STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES,AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES-NONMAIOR CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 Sales Sales Street Tax Transportation Tax Tax 11 Imprevements Increment Improvement Fund Fund Fund Fund Funtl Totals Revenues: Ad valorem property taxes $ - i - E - $ 751.052 $ - $ 751,052 Intergovemmeital - 321,408 266,219 - - 587,627 Interest comings 2,150 24,946 10,240 3,728 16,850 57,714 Miscellaneous 6,289 - - 8,289 Total Revenues 2,150 346,354 284.748 7SV80 16.650 1.404,682 Exceneim,c,: Curren. General government - - - 888 - 809 PublicwaMa - - 2,415 - - 2,415 Capitol outlay 760,582 281.660 - - 1442,242 Total EMentlitures 760,502 284075 889 - 1,045,546 Other Financing Sources(Uses): Tranefere in - 17,655 - - - 17,655 Tnnalen out - (1388,287) (1,286,207) Total Gmer Financing 6aurres(Uses) 17.658 - (1,286,287) - (1,288.832) Net change in fund balance 2.150 (396,573) 673 (532,396) 16,650 (909,496) Fund balance,beginning of year 108,077 1,745,285 711,306 570,220 789,759 31922,627 Fund balance,end M year $ 108,227 E 1A48.692 $ 711.979 $ 37,824 $ 006,409 $ 3,013,131 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA COMBINING STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES - NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 Total Capital Special Nonmajor Projects Revenue Governmental Funds Funds Funds Revenues: Ad valorem property taxes $ 751,052 $ - $ 751,052 Local hospitality and accommodations taxes - 1,718,195 1,718,195 Intergovernmental 587,627 60,934 648,561 Interest earnings 57,714 12,103 69,817 Miscellaneous 8,289 3,280 11,569 Total Revenues 1,404,682 1,794,512 3,199,194 Expenditures: Current: General government 889 - 889 Public safety - 53,186 53,186 Public works 2,415 - 2,415 Recreation and parks - 482,166 482,166 Capital outlay 1,042,242 99,525 1,141,767 Total Expenditures 1,045,546 634,877 1,680,423 Other Financing Sources(Uses): Transfers in 17,655 - 17,655 Transfers out (1,286,287) (1,612,230) (2,898,517) Total Other Financing Sources(Uses) (1,268,632) (1,612,230) (2,880,862) Net change in fund balance (909,496) (452,595) (1,362,091) Fund balance, beginning of year 3,922,627 1,464,800 5,387,427 Fund balance, end of year $ 3,013,131 $ 1,012,205 $ 4,025,336 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET NONMAIOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 2018 Riverfront/ Central Core Recreation Fireman's Redevelopment Fund Fund Fund Totals ASSETS Equity in pooled cash $ 10,273 $ - $ 555,094 $ 565,367 Investments - - 327,198 327,198 Restricted cash and investments 139,336 - 139,336 Total Assets $ 10,273 $ 139,336 $ 882,292 $ 1,031,901 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 576 $ 7,796 $ 11,117 $ 19,489 Accrued salary and wages - 207 207 Total Liabilities 576 7,796 11,324 19,696 FUND BALANCES Fund balances: Restricted for: Public safety(Fire Division) - 131,540 - 131,540 Committed for: Parks,recreation and tourism 9,697 - - 9,697 Special projects 870,968 870,968 Total Fund Balances 9,697 131,540 870,968 1,012,205 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 10,273 $ 139,336 $ 882,292 $ 1,031,901 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET NONMAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 2018 aIa ager sneer Taa TransP.rtfien Tea Tall Improeemenas eminent Ilnprovarnt. Fund Fund Fund Fund Enna Total ASSETS E,.4 In poded wsh E - E - $ (122,823) $ 36,362 $ 90J36 5 3.675 Inveshnents - - 468583 1,462 143,682 613,727 A rit.received. - 321.408 321.408 Grants..N.ble - - 20,219 - - 266,218 RestnMd cuM1 and inwslmenls 108,227 1,027,284 100,000 656,363 1891,874 Total Asset E 108,227 E 1,348,692 $ 711,979 $ 37,824 $ 898181 $ 3,096,903 LIABILITIES Unearned revenue-assessment lees $ $ $ $ E 83,772 E 83,772 Tptl LlablUdes - 83,712 83,772 FUND BALANCES Fund balances: Resvid.d be Capital Proleds 108,227 1348,692 100,000 - 656.363 2,213,282 COmmined tor. Capital prgecla - - 303,383 37,824 114,239 455,446 Augn.d tar: Prate Ca capital ds - 308,5911 - 35807 344,403 P Total Fund Balante$ 108,227 1,318692 711,979 37,624 806,409 3,013,131 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance $ 108,227 E 1348882 $ 711.878 E 37,824 E 890,131 E 3,086,803 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA COMBINING BALANCE SHEET NONMAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 2018 Total Capital Special Nonmajor Projects Revenue Governmental Funds Funds Funds ASSETS Equity in pooled cash $ 3,675 $ 565,367 $ 569,042 Investments 613,727 327,198 940,925 Accounts receivable 321,408 - 321,408 Grants receivable 266,219 - 266,219 Restricted cash and investments 1,8911874 139,336 2,031,210 Total Assets $ 3,096,903 $ 1,031,901 $ 4,128.804 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ - $ 19,489 $ 19,489 Accrued salary and wages - 207 207 Unearned revenue-assessment fees 83,772 - 83,772 Total Liabilities 83,772 19,696 103,468 FUND BALANCES Fund balances: Restricted for: Capital projects 2,213,282 - 2,213,282 Public safety (Fire Division) - 131,540 131,540 Committed for: Capital projects 455,446 - 455,446 Parks, recreation and tourism - 9,697 9,697 Special projects - 870,968 870,968 Assigned for: Capital projects 344,403 - 344,403 Total Fund Balances 3,013,131 1,012,205 4,025,336 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 3,096,903 $ 1,031,901 $ 4,128,804 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET GENERALFUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Parks,Recreation,and Toudsm(cenfinuedy. Tounsm- Personal services'. Salaries and wages 128,675 123183 (5,492) Overtime pay 5,000 3,1142 (1,158) FICA 10,226 9,621 (605) Employee retirement 18,795 17,412 (1,383) Employee Insurance 30,000 23,836 (6,184) Workers'compensation 4,015 2586 (1,489) Opei expenditures: Contributors 12,150 12,150 - Generalsupplieslpostage 7,000 1,344 344 Data processing 2,100 - (2,100) Uniforms/dothing 1,000 605 (315) Advertising - 1,916 1,916 Professional services - 30 30 Event and festival supplies 155,000 116,876 21,816 Special department supplies 207000 20.111 111 Total 394,021 400,192 6,111 Total Parks,Recreation,and Tounsm $ 2,119,195 $ 2,68,997 $ (94,190) Totalyenditures $ 11,345.883 $ 11,802,510 S 456,627 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET GENERALFUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Parks,Recreation,and Tour..(continued): Community Center- Personal semces: Salaries and wages 78,717 80,445 1,728 Overtime pay 2,000 241 (1]59) FICA 6,175 6.152 (23) Employee retirement 11,349 11,086 (263) Employee insurance 15,000 15,071 71 Workers compensation 2,500 1,759 (741) Operating expenditures'. General supplieslpostage 2,800 - (2,800) Auto operating 300 222 (78) Unity services 23,000 4,277 (18,723) Contr4dslrepairs 15,200 31,540 16,340 Ungormsldoffing 700 602 (98) Advertising 3,000 2,856 (142) Special depaRmentii iies 11,000 4,026 (6,174) Insurance 3,275 4,062 787 Total 175,016 163,141 (11,075) RVP Activities Center- Personal services: Salaries and wages 337,008 341,437 4,429 Overtime pay 12,000 9,684 (2,316) FICA 26,699 25,546 (1,153) Employee retirement 49.071 48,359 (712) Employee Insurance 52,500 52,750 250 Workers'compensation 9,500 6,030 (3,470) operating expenditures: General suppliesrpostage 15,500 15,411 (89) OuesBraining8raval 1,400 1,112 (288) Auto operating 1,650 1,163 (487) Utility services - (7,408) (7,408) Contrails/repairs 73.300 50,740 (22,560) Unifonns/clothing 1,400 124 (1,276) Adverliaing 2,300 476 (1,824) Toumamentslspecial events 165,000 162,786 (2,214) Special department supplies 29,500 33,595 4,095 Insurance 15,275 10,942 3,667 Capital outlay: Fumiturelfixtures 1,500 (1,500) Total 793,603 760747 (32,856) (confined) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET GENERALFUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Peacs,Recreation,and Tourism: Reasation- Personal services: Salaries and wages $ 387,424 $ 407.003 $ 19,579 Overtime pay 6,000 10,672 4,672 FICA 30,097 31,521 1,424 Employee retirement 44,974 45,387 413 Employee insurance 30,000 30,143 143 Workers compensation 11,000 6,902 (4,018) Operating expenditures: Generel supplies/postage 2,400 702 (1,698) DuesNamingdravel 9,940 9,506 (434) Auto operating 2,600 3,241 641 Contract/repairs 7.750 6,953 (797) Unitormsldothing No - (900) Advertising 1,300 860 (440) Professional services 23,000 0,157 (14,843) Special department supplies 6,000 5,875 (125) Basketball program 37,000 40,776 3,776 Sofroall program 27,400 17,259 (10,141) Football program 20,000 33,348 51348 Baseball program 52,000 50,364 6,364 Soccer program 57,000 48,602 (8,398) Volleyball program 4,200 4.677 477 Concession stand supplies 03,000 100,820 17,820 Insurance 16,750 20,713 4,023 Capital outlay: Furniturelfixtures 1,500 (1,500) Machineslequipment 15,000 13,832 (1,168) Total 885,235 905,453 20,210 Parks- Personal services'. Salaries and wages 210,232 210,943 711 OveNme pay 12,000 15,290 3,290 FICA 17,001 17,197 196 Employee retirement 31,246 30,271 (975) Employee insurance 37,500 37,670 178 Workers'wripensation 6.700 4,956 (1]44) Operating expenditures'. General si.pplies/postage 1.500 226 (1,274) DuesltrainingAravel 1,150 649 (501) Auto operating 11,750 12,603 853 Utility services 19,700 30,506 10.806 Contiactshepairs 16,800 51,006 34,406 Building materialslsupplies 13,500 6,693 (6,807) Unibrms/duthing 2,100 1,595 (505) Proressional services 4,000 (4,000) Special department supplies 18.500 6.912 (11,508) Insurance 7,300 9,053 1.753 Capital lease payments 12,041 12,041 - Capital outlay: Machineslequipment 0,500 7,837 (663) Park improvements 100.000 (100,00) Total 531,320 455,464 (75,856) (conbnued) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Public Works(centinued)'. Street Lighting and Traffic Signals- Operating expenditures'. Dues/trainingAravel 2,450 940 (1,510) Utility,services 433,220 454,706 21486 Conlractanapmrs 15,500 18,492 2,992 Professional services 6,000 6,101 101 Special department supplies 28,500 11,650 (16,850) Total 485.670 491,889 6,219 Streets and Drains- Personal services. Salaries and wages 458,517 471,108 12,591 Overtime pay 7,500 9,056 1,556 FICA 35,650 35,770 120 Empl,.,atiremenl 65,522 66,036 514 Employee insurance 75,000 75,357 357 Workers'compensation 14,200 14,626 425 Operating expenditures'. General suppl'mslpostage 500 686 186 Ouesmornin9^ravel 2,500 2,059 (441) Auto operating 35,600 35,377 (223) Condactslrepairs 19,160 28,371 9,211 Building matenalslsupplies 70,000 62,919 (7,081) Unifoimsrclolhing 5,940 6,106 166 Professional services 15,270 12,419 (2,851) Special department supplies 17,850 17,338 (512) Insurance 10,475 low (431) Capital lease payments 61,891 61,238 (653) Capital outlay. Machines and equipment 45,412 45,412 Total 895,575 953.921 58,346 Total Public WOMB 9 1,586.733 g 1,653,094 $ 66W1 (confined) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Aaual Budget Public Safety- personal seMces'. Salaries and wages $ 4703,944 $ 4,780,805 $ 76,861 Overtime pay 144,300 175,277 30,977 FICA 370,891 365,092 (5,799) Employee retirement 787.947 762,508 (25,439) Employee insurance 675,000 677,548 2,548 Workers compensation 140,925 103,558 (37,367) Operating expenditures: General suppliesrposlege 22,000 19,867 (2,133) Dues/training/travel 50,000 49,579 (421) Auto operating 226,750 264,742 37,992 Data promssing 112,635 12,385 13,750 Cormaos/repans 265,000 264,651 (349) Uniforms/doffing 80,950 52,751 1,801 CVA expenditures 36,320 13,839 (22,481) LEN grant 10,000 4,342 (5,655) Community policing 34,400 28,660 (5,740) NAPS drug related account 20,000 25,534 5,534 Professional services 40,000 31,363 (8,637) Special departmentsuppiies 100,000 98,109 (1,891) Insurance 65,000 80,611 15,611 Capital lease payments 468,954 467,981 (973) Capital outlay: Automotive equipment - 340,731 340,731 Machines and equipment 5,000 - (5,000) Tn1al Public Safety $ 8,360,016 $ 8,763,933 $ 403,917 Pudic Works: Engineering- Personal services'. Salaries and wages $ 126,204 $ 123,588 $ (2,616) FICA 9,655 %291 (364) Employee retirement 17,744 16,644 (900) Employee insurance 18,750 18,475 (275) Workers'compeneefion 2,475 1.571 (904) Operating expenditures'. Genenal supplies/postage 500 374 (126) Duesmaminghravel 2,005 1,606 (399) Auto operating 2,375 1,675 1700) Data processing 2,500 2,500 - DontraUslreprum, 2,280 6,865 4,585 Unitormsld.ming 1,000 464 (536( Ativertamg 100 - (100) Specht department supplies 1,500 1,212 (288) Insurance 18,400 22,819 4.419 Total 205.488 207.284 1,796 (continued) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET GENERALFUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Origloal Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget General Govemment(wntinued): Property Maintenance- Personalservices'. Salaries and wages 569,026 580,285 11259 Overtime pay 15,440 20,923 5,483 FICA 44,712 44,045 (657) Employee retirement 82,176 82,732 556 Employee insurance 105,000 105,168 168 Workers'compensation 16,700 14,161 (2,539) Operating expenditures: General supplieslpostage 763 1,397 634 Duesaraming&avel 2,150 2,261 111 Auto oparating 48,009 47,604 (405) Utility services 17,254 19,207 1,953 Contractslrepairs 31,329 35,909 4,580 Building materials1supplles 1,800 1,449 (351) Uniformsltloming 7,694 7,755 61 Professional services 129720 125,275 (4,445) Special department supplies 126,200 122,760 (3,432) Insurance 18,575 23,036 4,461 Capital lease payments 64,839 62,240 (2,599) Capital outlay: Machmesrequipment 24.800 70,962 46,162 Total 1.306,187 1367,177 60,990 Human Resources- Personal services'. Salaries and wages 113,992 147,129 33,137 FICA 8,720 11,393 2,673 Employee retirement 16,027 21,088 5,061 Employee insurance 18,750 20,214 1,464 Wpdcers'wmpensa0on 3,600 2,285 (1,315) Operating expenditures'. General su 0inuipoetag- 2,200 2,297 97 Dueslteminghravel 1,555 2,466 911 Contrecttakepaim 1,850 783 (1,067) Advertising 11,172 4,120 (7,052) Professional services 20,581 36,514 15,933 Special department supplies 39.233 29.507 (9.726) Total 237,680 277.796 40.116 Information Technology- Perspnal soman. Salaries and wages 71,904 77,007 5,103 FICA 5,501 5,556 55 Employee retirement 10,110 10,105 (5) Employee insurance 11,250 12,296 1,046 Workers'wmpensation 2200, 1,396 (804) Operating expenditures'. General supplieslpostage 1,000 1,327 327 Auto operating 1,725 8,367 6,642 Utility services 96,700 96,260 (440) Data processing 31 220 25,010 (6,210) Commolyrepairs 52,900 23,083 (29,817) Capital lease payments 5.894 5,534 (360) Total 290,404 265.941 (24,463) Total General Government B 4¢19,939 E 4)00,486 B 80,547 (wntmued) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2038 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget General Government(commued): Building Standards- Personal services: Salanes and wages 252,256 262,739 10,483 Overtime pay - 314 314 FICA 19,298 19,721 423 Employee retirement 35,467 36,777 1,310 Employee insurance 33,750 33,906 156 Workerscompensation 7,600 16,313 8,713 Operating expenditures: General supptiealpostage 3.000 3,490 490 DueePoainingltravel 3,737 3,483 (254) Auto operating 6,200 5,129 (1,071) Data processing 10,000 9,986 (14) Contractslrepaus 3,070 3,940 870 Undormsltlothing 1,350 1,352 2 Professional services - 26,556 26,555 Special department supplies 2,600 4,332 1,732 Insurance 1,136 1,4119 273 Capital lease payments 9,005 8,764 (241) Total 388,469 438,211 49,742 Planning and Development- Personal services: Salanes and wages 176,160 89,670 (86,490) FICA 13,476 6,278 (7,198) Employee retirement 24,768 11,371 (13,397) Employee insurance 18,750 18,806 56 Workers'compensation 5,000 3,174 (1,826) Unemployment insurance - 2,934 2,934 Operating expenditures: General suppliealpostage 3,900 2,065 (1,835) Dueansaining4ravel 8,000 2,127 (5,873) Data processing 7,375 7,016 (359) Contracturepairs 4,800 2,322 (2,478) Advertising 1,000 1,793 793 Professional services 8,000 22,365 14,365 Braided depatmintsupplies 3.500 3.347 (153) Insurance 2,300 2,852 552 Capital lease payments 2,066 2,066 Total 279,095 178,186 (100,909) (continued) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budge General Government(continued)'. Justice and taw- Personal services: Seladea and wages 122,526 127,790 5,264 FICA 9,373 9.338 (35) Employee retirement 15,179 15,179 - Employee insurance 7,500 7,536 36 Workers'compensation 3,600 2.285 (1,315) Operating expenditures: General supplieslpostoge 500 - (500) State fess4mes 491,047 421,572 (69,475) Dueshrainingdravel 5,488 2,813 (2,875) Contracts and repairs 10,800 9,744 (1.056) Jury services 2,000 1,800 (200) Professional services 22,525 20,440 (2,085) Juvenile detention 3,500 4,305 805 Insurance 23,200 28,772 5,572 Total 717.238 651574 (65864) Community Promotion- Personal services: FICA - 8 8 Operating expenditures: Contributions 48,200 48,200 - Duesltrainingltravel 5,931 5,931 - Specialdepartmentsupplies 16,400 12,580 (3,820) Insurance 4.300 5,333 1,033 Total 74,831 72,052 (2,779) Finance- Personal semces: Salaries and wages 270,388 276,861 6,473 FICA 20,685 20,494 (191) Employee retirement 38,016 38,156 142 Employee insurance 30,000 30,143 143 Workerscompansation 8,000 6,437 (1.563) Operating expenditures, General supplies/postage 9.200 9,834 634 DuesBrainingdravel 2,225 2,272 47 Dela processing 11,000 12,734 1,734 Conlrectstrepairs 20,250 15,010 (5,240) Advertising 1,000 723 (277) Professional services 20,850 20,600 (250) Insurance 3,275 4.062 787 TMaI 434.889 437,328 2.439 City Buildings- Operating expenditures: General supplies/postage 20,000 18,566 (1,434) Utility services 199,000 308,67 109,067 Contractemspers 77,197 72,250 (4,947) Professional services 6,700 19,113 12,413 Insurance 23.900 29,640 5,740 Total 326 797 447.636 120,839 (continued) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2016 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Miscellaneous: OMer 420,307 353,860 (66,447) Communication tower rental 190,000 164,082 (25,938) Interest earnings 40,000 79,677 39,677 Total Miscellaneous 6501307 5971599 (52,700) Total Revenues $ 16,612,556 $ 17,228748 $ 616,192 Expenditures: General Government: City Council- Persenaarid! ces Salaries.entl wages $ 107,681 $ 11 ,234 $ 3,553 7 FICA 8.238 7,491 (747) Employee remement 12,442 12,622 180 Employee insurance 22500 22,607 107 Woriera compensation 3,450 2,190 (1,260) Operating expenditures'. General supplieslpostage 4,625 3,068 (1,557) Duestrainingllravel 13,510 10,947 (2,563) Contrscta/repairs 1,000 697 (303) Advertising 300 205 (95) Professional Services 50 673 623 Special department supplies 2,850 4,371 1,521 Insurance 900 1,116 216 Contingencies 21000 (170) (2,170) Total 179,546 177,051 (2,495) City Administration- Personal services: Salaries and wages 136,220 139,120 2,892 FICA 10,421 10,616 195 Employee retirement 19,154 19,506 352 Employee insurance 7,500 8,199 698 Woriers'compensation 6,950 4,411 (2,539) Operating expenditure.'. Oontramoons 15,000 15,000 - General supplies/postage 1,850 1,800 30 Duesimuninghavel 13,000 12,395 (1,405) Contractakepairs 61650 4,171 (2.478) Professional services 65,000 102,291 37,291 Insurance 2,250 7,407 5,157 Contingencies 100.000 62,539 (37,461) Total 304,003 387,534 2,731 (continued) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA SCHEDULE OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES COMPARED WITH BUDGET GENERALFUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Orl$inal Over and Final (Under) Budget Adual Budge Revenues'. Taxes Current $ 6.W 951 $ 7125,303 $ 184,352 Delinquent 10,000 15,039 5,039 Penalties 55,000 751517 201517 Total Taxes 71005,951 7,215,059 209,908 Licenses and Permits Business licenses 5,550,000 6,007,529 457,529 Building permits 280,000 299448 19,448 Electrical perils 18,000 23,047 5.047 Mechanical permits 18,D00 19,740 1,740 Plumbing perils 111000 12,189 1,189 Total Licenses and Permits 5.077,000 6,361,953 464,953 Fines and Forfeitures'. Public safetyfines 977,946 000,531 (169,415) Drug related fines 20.000 25,669 5,669 Total Fines and Forfeitures 9970946 834,200 (163,746) Charges for Services'. Fire protection fees 62,712 62,182 (530) Customer street light fees 81,475 82,045 570 Municipal Center rentals 94.100 103,083 8,983 Recreation fees Special programs 37,500 24,209 (13,291) Volleyball 5,170 6,437 1,267 Soar 09,030 69,503 473 Miscellaneous 142,000 129,984 (12,016) Basketball 48,530 45,064 (3,466) Softball 31,510 28,024 (3,486) Football 32,440 45,162 12722 Baseball 57,670 62,909 50239 Concession stand 140,000 173,273 33,273 Community Center fees 59,160 63,346 4,186 Activities Center fees 227,325 178,249 (49.076) Recreation fectimea rentals 24,000 32,115 8,115 Activities Center mumaments 225,500 269,956 44,456 Total Charges for Services 1,338,122 1,375,541 37,419 Intergovernmental'. State of South Carolina' State shared revenue 546,230 501,426 (44,804) Accommodations tax 260000 64,778 38,778 Merchantsinventory W 54,700 54,790 90 Local option sales tax 20,000 210146 1,146 SCDOT franc signals 81,300 65,916 4,616 Law enforcement net grant 10.000 5,120 (40080) Department of Justice grant 5,000 4,719 (281) Highway safety grant - 12,239 12,239 FEMA grant - 60,294 60,294 Aiken County FILOT - 33,160 33.166 Total Imergovemmental 743,230 8431596 100,366 (continued) CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS PROPRIETARY FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 Business-type AsivlNes Malpf Funtls Nonmajof Funtl Water and Total wastewater Sanitarian Stormwater Savannas Bluff Enterprise 5ystem serekes Utility Fund Lock and Dam Funds Cash flows from boosting activltks: Cash mosived from wstomefs $ 10,165,285 S 4.627,012 $ )98)83 E - S 15,592.880 Cash paid for or on behalf 0 employees (2.773874) (2,1".021) (603.383) - (5,521370) Cash paid for goods and servers (3B78671) (16081901) (]],101) (23,999) (5]666]2) Net Wsh from Operating activities 3414640 79/890 1191299 (23999) /304,830 Cash flows from abnormal financing actiat es: (89J 251) Transfers but to other funs (478767) (214454) - Net cash from nomeroalfinanming activities (470.767) (216/84) - - (693,251) Cash flows from Capital i n rstated financing actbltlei Purchase and construction 0 capita assets (2,211.720) (536,696) (256 Mal) _ (3058565) Procere eds ceived fmm sales of capita assets 10,230 48,335 - 45,41 (1,105.343) Principal paid on revenue bonds (1105,323) - - Proceeds feceivedfrom immodadlosses 177,654 358,972 2 581,535 Principal paid on capitalized leases (173,788) (314445) (0,981) - (497,214) Proceede received from inkgovemmenta activities 13,480 67,156 - - 80,636 Interest expense (44]513) (14,211) O171 - (462471) Net wan from capital and named financing ocinbss (3,737,1 (390,889) (250,635) (43)8734) Cash flows from investing.stilities: 04.585 43,04 16481 1],370 281,451 Interest on investments 2 Net wan from Investing activities 204,580 43012 16.481 1],3]0 281,451 Net change in cash and cash equivalents (596,749) 232,529 (114,055) (6,629) (405.704) Cash and cash equivalent,beginning of year 131]9.)42 3,147,891 1,118,039 671,663 10317,335 Caren and casM1 equivalent,antl of year E 12,582993 E 3,380,/20 E 1.003,184 S 865.034 $ 4,831,631 Reconciliation of operating income hers)to net cash from opesting activities: Operating mcome(Iona) S 1,803,))11 S 6,640 $ 139.113 $ (23,999) E 1925,532 ndiustmenes to reconcile opera9ng mcome(bss)b net an from oparimm,advise: Deprenatan and amortization 1,231848 623.319 91,457 - 1,946.724 Bad debt expense 31.000 - - 31,000 Chorale In.sete and liabilities: (Increase)decramoinacwunb receivable (100,048) 10447 - - (89.801) Decrease In notes recobaN. 25.000 - - - 25,000 Imm ass in inventory (35,559) - - - (35,559) Increase(decrearem in ecocunis payable (101 27.010 (135.354) - (24.336) Increase in retaimi Payable 382434 - - - 352,434 Increase in customer deposits 25.016 - - - 25,516 Increase(decrease)in accrued wIslas,wages,and employee benefits 4010 (3,2") 1,539 - 2,305 Decrease in uneamed revenue (13,437) - - (13.437) Pension depend inflows I ouMows and lobtry 183,007 130,715 25.1" - 339,869 Total Adjustments 1,633179 780,250 (19,214) - 2402,215 Net cosh from openating activities E 3.436.957 S 794890 E 119899 S (23,9991 S 4.327,747 Noncash investing,spill and financing attivi Cm.knifed capita assets $ 178713 $ - $ 368795 E $ 547,511 Total noncash Investing,cosh.!and financing E 178,)13 E $ 358.790 E - $ 54).511 Reconciliation of cash and cash equwalenb: Equity In poond cash E 1,546264 E 1,269,335 $ 232.801 $ - S 3,050403 Investments 2,502.007 2111,082 770,353 - 5463,472 Current restricted assets 2,390,109 - - 865,034 3,255,143 Non-canon reaMded assets 6,062,613 - 5,062613 Cash and cars equivalents a-12552,993 E 3304420 $ 1003,184 $ 565034 $ 4,831,631 The nates to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN NET POSITION PROPRIETARY FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 Business-type ARivities Major Funds Nonmajor Fund Water and Total Wastewater Sanitation Stormwater Savannah Bluff Enterprise System Services tltlllty Fund lock and Dam Funds Operating Revenues'. Charges for services and fees $ 9,746,927 $ 4,154,525 $ 782,958 $ - $ 14,604,410 Sale of recydables - 201,183 - 201,183 Other 505,043 261,877 17,425 - 784,945 Total Operating Revenues 10,252,770 4,617,365 800,383 - 15,670,518 Operating Expenses'. Fl541,63] nance 544,637 - - Administralion 080,907 - - - 880,907 Operabons and Maintenance 4,312,923 2,604,066 569,813 23,999 7,410,801 ProduGion and Treatment 1,478,577 - - - 1,478,577 Material Recovery Fauhly - 1,483,340 - - 1,483,340 Depreciation and amortization 1,231,940 623,319 91,457 - 1,946,724 Total Operating Expenses 8,448,992 4,610,725 661,270 23,999 13,744,986 Operating Income(loss) 1,803,770 6,640 139,113 (23,999) 1,925,532 Nonoperating Revenues(Expenses) Intergovammental 13,480 67,156 - - 80,636 Interest eamin9s 204,588 43,012 16.481 17,370 281,451 Interest expense and fiscal charges (44],543) (14,211) (717) - (462,471) Gain(loss)on disposal of capital assets 10,230 44,950 - - 55,180 Total Nonoperating Revenues(Expenses) (219,245) 140,907 15,764 17,370 (45.204) Income(loss)before contributions and transfers 1,584,533 147,547 154,877 (6,629) 1,880,328 Capital commidtions 178,713 - 380,790 - 547,511 Transfers out (478,767) (214,484) - - (693,251) Change in net position 1,284,479 (66,937) 623,675 (6,629) 1,734.586 Net position,beginning ofyear 59,633,441 2,186,549 3,346,279 871,663 66,037,932 Net position,end of year $ 60,917,920 $ 2,119,612 $ 3,869,954 $ 865,034 $ 67,772.520 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA STATEMENT OF NET POSITION PROPRIETARY FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 2018 Business-type Attisaties Major Funds Nenmaloi Water and Wastewater Sanitation Stormwater Savannah BIA Total System Services Utility Lock and Dam Enterprise funds ASSETS Comm,Asseb'. strr ineb $ 1548,264 $ 1,289,338 $ 232,801 $ - $ 3,050.403 Rewsttltled eaochsM1 and invesMenls 2,390,109 - - 861 3,255,143 Inves4nenb 2.582.007 2.111982 ]]0,383 - 5.463472 Oustomi eccwnts receivable 1,]1].498 129,061 600 - 1947,159 Invenlwy 2611137 - - 261,137 Total Cunent Assets 8.499,015 3,509.481 1,003.784 865934 13,8]],314 Nanunent Asseta'. Restricted rash and Investments 6,062.613 - - - 6,062.613 CapNl Assets Non-depmueble 610.607 91,235 187,051 - 886893 Depreuabk,net 72.371,692 2,689,521 3,369,883 - ]8,4319% 6ervim Ii net 23,189 23,9111 Total Noncvnent Assets 791568,400 2,]80,]55 3,5561934 115.406,090 Total Assets 87,567,415 6,29.237 4.117111 805,031 991283,404 DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCES Pension experience absences 7,961 7,004 1,24] - 16,212 Pentlm'mveslment intim 72,013 5.683 10,974 - 143670 Connnutions to pension plan 159.241 INIONS 23,524 - 305,807 Change in proportionate share thi 45,1142 8.730 - 113,502 Assumption hangs 181,787 14],140 27,410 358.337 Total Defenses Outhewa Of Resourtes 479,035 3112708 71,885 - 934,528 LIABILITIES,DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES AND NET POSITION OuneM Liablldies'. A.i payable 311,594 135,019 4.986 - 440.599 Amuetl axpmws 191,8]3 169,198 25,848 - 386,919 Current ponian Or capital leases payable 95,17 257.936 8,765 - 382,198 Uneuned revenue 23.515 - - - 23,515 Pai ham reslntlad ease%. A.M.payable 883 - - - 083 Retainage payable 769.156 - - - 769,156 Aceni band Interest 27.5. - - - 27.559 Cunent portion N menue bonds payable 1,127,595 - - 1.121 OustomerdepoeBs 513,150 - 543.150 Total Cunent Liandeas 3,120.823 562,153 39,599 - 3.]22,5]5 Nmcuorenl LlebRhies: Capital leases payable 130.866 U1653 27.666 - 500.207 Revenue bonds Payable 18,749943 - - - 18,749,.3 Net pension habMy 4,881905 3,626.7N 69.889 - $981,548 Uneamed nrvenue 432,703 432.70 TOM Non-wmnl LiaMilies 23977,439 3,988,47 710.555 28,884401 Total Llabllldae 27.08897 4.53.560 758 154 32,381916 DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Change in ploporionale share 2,888 2,350 429 - 5,583 Pension experience dBMenxa 28,364 21 4,066 52,853 Total Debarred Inflows PI Resources 31,168 22]88 4,495 - 511.436 Net P.Q. Not lnveslment'n captal assets 52,8]8,3]5 2181.17 3.520503 - 58,580,.5 Reatrided for debt service ],1119]4 ],111,9]4 Restrkled far operations - - - 865,031 8%034 Wreslncied 92],5]1 1615551 319,451 - 1,215,47 Total Not Position $ 60.917,920 E 2.119,612 Is 3,889,954 $ 8851034 $ 7,92,520 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERAL FUND YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 2018 Original Over and Final (Under) Budget Actual Budget Revenues: Ad valorem property taxes $ 7,005,951 $ 7,215,859 $ 209,908 Licenses and permits 5,877,000 6,361,953 484,953 Fines and forfeitures 997,946 834,200 (163,746) Charges for services 1,338,122 1,375,541 37,419 Intergovernmental 743,230 843,596 100,366 Interest earnings 40,000 79,677 39,677 Miscellaneous 610,307 517,922 (92,385) Total Revenues 16,612,556 17,228,748 616,192 Expenditures: Current: General government 4,538,135 4,621,882 83,747 Public safety 7,891,062 8,295,952 404,890 Public works 1,524,842 1,591,856 67,014 Parks, recreation and tourism 2,767,154 2,672,956 (94,198) Capital lease payments 624,690 619,864 (4,826) Total Expenditures 17,345,883 17,802,510 456,627 Excess(deficiency) of revenues over expenditures (733,327) (573,762) 159,565 Other Financing Sources: Proceeds from capital lease obligations - 432,308 432,308 Transfers in 733,327 911,586 178,259 Transfers out (750,453) (750,453) Total Other Financing Sources 733,327 593,441 (139,886) Net change in fund balance $ - 19,679 $ 19,679 Fund balance, beginning of year 3,853,869 Fund balance, end of year $ 3,873,548 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 Sales CapNal North Augusta Nanmaja, Total General To.111 Projects Public Facilities Governmemal Governmental Food fund! Fond Corporation Funds Funds Revenues: alomm property las s 7,215,859 S - E 51,311 $ - S 251052 8 0.018.222 Ad v Sales taxes - 3,129,483 - - - 3,129.463 Loral hospXalBy and a cccmmctlallon taxes - - - - 1719195 1718,195 Lkxnses and pemids 6,361,953 - - - - 6,361,953 Fees antl fotlefures 834,200 - - - - 834.200 Charyee for services 1,325,541 - - 550,425 - 1,924,016 = "ovemmental 843,596 - - 409923 008,561 1699,90 InlereA earnings 19622 17.855 22,890 209,288 69,817 400,002 Miscellaneous 511,922 - 139306 - 111569 81 Total Revenues 17,228,248 3.191,318 213.507 1,215,1% 3,199.194 25,053933 ExamelWms. Current General pri.mmonl 4,621682 - 55,174 380,050 809 5,086,295 Public safety 8,295,952 - 5.401 - 53,186 8,354,539 Pi worts 1,591,856 - - - 2.415 1,594,271 Parts,recrealion and tourism 2,672.856 220,880 - 482,166 3.301982 Capital colas - 1,264,815 601 15,100823 1.141.162 18,114,962 Dem service: Capital lease payments 819,804 - - - - 619,884 Interest end Oscel charges - 3.212,755 3,212,255 Thal Expanddums 12,002,510 1,284,815 894.1191 18207,428 1,680.423 40,360,123 Ei(deficiency)ofrevenuea over expenderres (510162) 1,932,503 (601,490) (17.492,262) 1.518,121 (15,296.240) O ner Founung Sources(Use'). Inception of capital lease obligation 43;300 - - - - 432,308 Traceless In 911,588 250,453 2,058,42 12,855 4,538.136 Transfers. (750.453) (11,655) ((78,26% 12,696,5111 (3.81 Total other Financing Sources(Uses) 5931441 (17,655) 572.100 2.859442 12800,8621 1.125.559 Net Mange in And balance 19.679 1,914,840 (109291) (14,633620) (1,362.091) (14,170,01) Fund balance,beginning of year 3,053,869 11301,338 1.442,4. 19,604.360 5,381.422 31,589,436 Fund balance,and ofyear E 3,73.548 E 3]16,184 S 1,333,147 S 4,910.640 S 4,025,336 E 11,418755 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BALANCE SHEET GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS DECEMBER 31, 2018 Sales Capital North Augusta Nonmajor Total General To.111 Projects Public Facilities Governmental Governmental Fund! Fund FUM Corporation Funds Funds ASSETS Equity in pooled each 1,822,567 E 1013,511 $ 222.409 E (420,30$) $ 569,012 S 2,707.174 InveaMenta 334,667 - 1069,89] 5,996,909 940925 11322,398 Firmly Ideas Tmes,nH of allowance for doubtful euwnts 130,095 - - - - 130,885 Gratia 13,238 - 91,015 - 266,219 370,473 offer 294.521 792,260 - 1].2]9 321,408 1,425,408 Rest0oled cash and investments 111,049 2,216.647 - BB4,887 2,031,210 5,243,793 Tool Asserts S 5,186,9]8 E 4,022,460 S 1.383.321 E 6,/]0,890 A==4.126804 LZLM221 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ ]4/900 E 14,664 $ `0,174 S 1,508,150 $ 19,/09 $ 2,336,]1] Accrued aaleries,wages,and empstyee benerds 389,742 - 20] 399,949 Municipal Lit liability 52,045 - - - - 52Z Unearned,revenue-assessment fees - - 83.]]2 03,]]2 Total Liabilities 1,188,607 14,034 50,174 1,5081150 103 d88 2,082483 OEFERREO INFLOWS OF RESOURCES Unavallabk revenue-properly Was 126]03 792100 - 918,903 Total Miami lnOowa of Resources 126703 792.280 - 918.883 FUND BALANCES Paradise!tor'. Capitalpmkcts - 3,218,104 - - 2,213.2112 5428.466 Vidar.aeelgsnm 111,019 Puld"afety-Bre division - - - - 131,5/0 13115/0 special propels - - - 4,970,540 - 4,970,5/0 Committed fir caPBal prolods 825,128 - 1,333,14] - 455,H8 8,613722 Polka,mcrealbn and tourism - - - - 9,697 9687 Special proj. - - - $70,968 870,980 HousNg and development 112,370 - - - - 112.370 Asal,red to, - 34/,403 366,/03 Capital'mimeo - - Unassigned 2,825.000 2,826000 - - Total Fund Selancaa 3,873,548 3116.104 1,333,147 4.970,540 4.025,336 17,410,755 Total LlablllOes,Deferred lnflox5 of Resources,and Fund Balances $ 5,186938 $ 4.022,468 $ 1383,321 $ 6,478,893 $ 4,128,804 $ 21300221 The notes to the financial statements are an integral part of this statement. i KMA DESIGN 05-06-19 CL to v V North Augusta t/ South Carolina's Riuerfront .r O 1812.03 Exterior Monument+Wayfinding N W Z a 0 Z 0 H CL 0 KMADESIGN , . T H , U G U S T . KMADESIGN -8i_ --,T,- El NORTH AUGUSTA ESTABLISHED 1906 KMADESIGN � a 3 i � •mTMlll�n � ' 1 1 1 — 1 1 _ _ 1 1 1 I � ..moa.. e.m,..,,.e, _�......., �.....a..,.. .......ee 1 1 Th � �, �� O i 3 I z 0 a 0 KMADESIGN ® ® I KMA DESIGN I • I � KMADESIGN 1 1 I ._ .a. ,d...a.....,�..a...�„m 6,.n.,,,. 1n i N f W W F Z 0 F CL 0 • F N • KMADESIGN .gym. 14 I I � KMADESIGN d� 31 i KMADESIGN 3 =a ..e-..............�.......a-..� �d.,...e...a.�....,,,. 6,.�.,,,. ,A 1 � 1 KMADESIGN 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 e � I e � I e e r e mr r i ce17 tf� KMADESIGN i ^. ._� . KMADESIGN m- ' 1 P O LL Z O N a 0 4 - WELCOME TO NORTH AUGUSTA KMADESIGN PV WFLCOME TO 1, i� NORTH I � KMADESIGN i i .,.w......_,. _.�......�. ,d.�.,..,�..,,..,.,m .,...�..� 23 trcrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr � . s : : : . . . . ... r KMADESIGN A. ., .t Welcome to IIS! North Augusta e n,smmunw.nw i....wwrv•.�. �esm.e.re...,d.m,nisw ussmam e.� a.u.nrvw�•� r+�m ~'IC KMADESIGN N . 7 E7 Q 3L , Z Welcome to North Augusta I � � KMADESIGN � i s llamcnds Ferry ximry a PSF T � �- Soccer Complex i I i ...w..,.....�.......�...m,�,a.....�,...�...,,�n�..u,.,� i .....,....�= X97 ATTACHMENT CC CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA KELLY F.ZIER CITY ATTORNEY 602 WEST AVENUE NORTH AUGUSTA, SC 29841 Post Office Box 6516 kziu@northaugusta.net (803)279-5998 Office North Augusta,SC 29861 (803)2784586 Facsimile May 20, 2019 Mayor, City Council, City Administrator RE: PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY CHANGING FROM PARTISAN TO NONPARTISAN ELECTIONS Dear All: At the last Study Session/Council Meeting, I was requested to review State law to determine what would be required for the City to change its method of electing Mayor and Council from a partisan method, as we now have, to a nonpartisan method. I would advise you that, back towards the ends of last year or the first of this year, I was asked this question as a result of concerns related to costs of elections with primaries and the regular election. At that time I did some research and then also consulted with Danny Crowe, Esquire related to this matter. I am enclosing herewith a copy of§5-15-30 which is the statute that deals with this issue. My review of the ordinance caused me concern that possibly a referendum was necessary if the change was as a result of a majority of Council or by a petition of registered municipal electors. It appeared that there could certainly be arguments made both for the necessity of referendum and for no referendum required if the majority of Council made the decision. I am enclosing herewith an Attorney General opinion from 2014 addressing this matter. The opinion is very thorough and reaches a conclusion that the decision to go from partisan to nonpartisan elections can be made by the Council, without a referendum. If the decision was made and passed by ordinance, the change would be effective at the next general election of the municipality. In support of this position, I would advise that, in 2014, Greenville passed an ordinance changing their elections from partisan to nonpartisan. That decision created a substantial amount of controversy and in fact pursuant to §5-15-30, citizens in Greenville submitted a petition to the Council requesting that a PAGE 2 or 2 referendum be held to decide the question. It is my understanding that, thereafter, prior to a referendum, the Council reversed its decision and voted to remain with partisan elections. This procedure would certainly seem to support the position that the decision can be made by Council without a referendum. I hope that this information responds to the questions presented to me. I am also enclosing herewith a copy of the Attorney General's opinion. Should any of you desire to discuss this with me further, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Ke er C ty t mey KFZ:bz Enclosure: State Statute; AG Opinion CHAPTER 15 Nominations and Elections for Municipal Offices SECTION 5-15-10. Municipal primary,general and special elections conducted mutatis mutandi. Municipal primary,general and special elections shall be conducted pursuant to Title 7,mutatis mutandi, except as otherwise provided for specifically in Chapters 1 through 17. HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 47-90; 1975 (59)692. SECTION 5-15-20. Methods of election of council; mayor elected at large; qualifications. Each municipality in this State shall provide by ordinance for the election of its council. Councils shall select any one of the following methods of election of council: - (1) Members of the council elected from the municipality at large. (2) One member elected from each ward of the municipality by the qualified electors of the ward. Candidates seeking office from a particular ward shall be residents of the ward during their entire terms of office. (3) Some members elected from wards as provided for in (2) and the remainder elected from the municipality at large. (4)Members required to be residents of particular wards but be elected from the municipality at large. (5) Some members may be required to be residents of particular wards and others may be residents of the municipality without regard to a particular ward and all members shall be elected from the municipality at large. Regardless of the form adopted by the municipality,the mayor shall be elected at large. Mayors and councilmen shall be qualified electors of the municipality and, if they are elected subject to residential or ward requirements as provided in this section, they shall be qualified electors of the ward prescribed for their election qualification. HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 47-91; 1975(59) 692; 1976 Act No. 623, Section 6. SECTION 5-15-30.Procedure for changing number of or method of election of council members. If by action of a majority of council,or if fifteen percent of the registered municipal electors present to the municipal election commission a duly executed petition on which none of the signatures is more than six months old, in which an election is sought to change the number of council members to a number authorized by the form of government under which the municipality is then operating or to change the method of election of council members,then the municipal governing body shall call a referendum not later than ninety days nor earlier than thirty days after the petition has been certified and delivered to the governing body by the municipal election commission. A petition must be certified as valid or rejected by the municipal election commission within sixty days after it has been delivered to the commission. There may be only one question framed by the municipal governing body for the referendum in a format similar to that provided by Section 5-540, and no other election on the same question may be held for two years after that time. If more than one petition is received before publication of a notice of special election,the change sought in the petition bearing the highest number of qualified signatures must be submitted on the ballot. A change receiving a majority of the votes cast is effective at the next general election of the municipality. HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 47-91.1; 1975 (59)692; 1988 Act No. 455; 1990 Act No. 490, Section 1. SECTION 5-15-40.Terms of office of mayor and councilmen. The mayor and councilmen of each municipality shall be elected for terms of two or four years. Unless otherwise provided by ordinance, four-year terms shall be set so that not more than one-half of the council and mayor shall be elected in the same general election; provided, that in the first election after ATTOt�� W 4 C, ~v O 9 V ALANWILSON 0 90ITITiCp'40 ArroRNEr 6EnEaAL March 31,2014 Elise F.Crosby, Esquire City Attorney,City of Georgetown P.O.Box 939 Georgetown,S.C.29442 Donna Mahn,Director- Georgetown irectorGeorgetown County Elections Commission 303 North Hazard Street Georgetown,S.C.29440 Dear Ms.Crosby and Ms.Mahn, We received your joint request seeking an opinion of this Office as to whether State law requires that a referendum be held in order to change elections for the City of Georgetown (the "City") from partisan to nonpartisan. By way of background,you state: The Mayor and City Council ... are elected at-large, in partisan elections, with party primaries. The City has transferred authority to conduct all elections to the County Election Commission by ordinance. We have been asked to outline the method to consider a change to nonpartisan elections. Having consulted with our professional colleagues and researched the issue, we believe there may be some question as to whether the law requires a referendum to change to nonpartisan elections. The answer may tum on whether Council has the option of referendum and/or the definition of"method of election." To wit: § 5-15-30. Procedure for changing the number of or method of election of council members. !f by action of a majority of council, or if fifteen percent of registered municipal electors present to the municipal election commission a duly executed petition on which none of the signatures is more than six months old,in which an election is sought to change the number of council members to a number authorized by the form of government under which the municipality is then operating or to change the method of election of council members, then the municipal governing body shall call a referendum .... There may be only one question framed by the municipal governing body for the referendum in a format similar to that provided by Section 5-540,and no nEMBERTC.DENNISBUILnIM • POBTOr EBOZI1549 • COLUMBIA,SC 292114549 • 7sLui,ioN 803-734-397a • FAQIMILES03-253-6283 Ms.Crosby Ms.Mahn Page 2 March 31,2014 other election on the same question maybe held for two years after that time.... A change receiving a majority of the votes cast is effective at the next general election of the municipality.(emphasis added) If changing from partisan with primaries to nonpartisan elections is a"change of the method of election," the law appears to require a referendum. This is - consistent with what was done in the cities of Charleston, Florence,and others,to our knowledge. Additionally, we reviewed the following, which while not controlling,seems to support that interpretation: "A referendum is a special election to vote on a particular question. The state constitution and statutes require a referendum for certain actions, such as incurring general obligation debt exceeding the 8 percent limit, changing the form of government, changing the number or method of election of councilmembers, purchasing or selling a utility system, or granting an exclusive fianchise...." (emphasis added) Forms and Powers of Municipal Government, MASC August 2012 However,South Carolina also has specific statutes on nonpartisan elections: § 5-15.60. Municipality to adopt method of nominating candidates for and determining results of nonpartisan elections. Each municipality in this State shall adopt by ordinance one of the following alternative methods of nominating candidates for and determining the results of its nonpartisan elections: (1) The nonpartisan plurality method prescribed in Section 5-15-61; (2) The nonpartisan election and mnoff election method prescribed in Section 5.15.62; (3) The nonpartisan primary election and general election method prescribed in Section 5-15-63. If nonpartisan elections are not provided for,nomination of candidates for municipal offices may be by party primary, party convention or by petition in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the applicable provisions of the state election laws and the rules of municipal political party organizations not in conflict therewith. (emphasisadded) This may only apply after a municipality has adopted nonpartisan elections. But, as this section uses the word"method"to describe how candidates are nominated, and also uses the term 'by ordinance," we cannot clearly reconcile the two sections.... Ms.Crosby Ms. Mahn Page 3 March 31,2014 Law/Analysis As mentioned in your letter,we believe the issue central to your request is whether a change from partisan to nonpartisan municipal elections constitutes a "change in the method of election of council. members" such that a referendum on the issue is required pursuant to S.C.Code§ 5-15.30(Supp. 1990). A number of principles of statutory interpretation are relevant here. "The cardinal rule of statutory construction is to ascertain and effectuate the intent of the legislature." Hodges v. Rainey, 341 S.C. 79, 86,533 S.E.2d 578, 581 (2000). "[Courts] will give words their plain and ordinary meaning,and will not resort to a subtle or forced construction that would limit or expand the statute's operation." Harris v, Anderson County Sheriffs Office, 381 S.C. 357, 362, 673 S.E.2d 423, 425 (2009). "[S]tatutes must be read as a whole, and sections which are part of the same general statutory scheme must be construed together and each one given effect, if reasonable." State v. Thomas,372 S.C.466, 468, 642 S.E.2d 724, 725 (2007). [T]he title of a statute and heading of a section are of use only when they shed light on some ambiguous word or phrase and as tools available for resolution of doubt, but they cannot undo or limit what the text makes plain." Gamer v. Houck,312 S.C.481,486,435 S.E.2d 847,849(1993). Looking to related statutes,the section preceding§5-15-30 provides: § 5-15-20. Methods of election of council; mayor elected at large; qualifications. Each municipality in this State shall provide by ordinance for the election of its council. Councils shall select any one of the following methods of election of council: (1)Members of the council elected from the municipality at large. (2) One member elected from each ward of the municipality by the qualified electors of the ward. Candidates seeking office from a particular ward shall be residents of the ward during their entire terms of office. (3) Some members elected from wards as provided for in (2) and the remainder elected from the municipality at large. (4) Members required to be residents of particular wards but be elected from the municipality at large. (5) Some members may be required to be residents of particular wards and others may be residents of the municipality without regard to a particular ward and all members shall be elected from the municipality at large. Regardless of the form adopted by the municipality, the mayor shall be elected at large. Ms.Crosby Ms.Mahn Page 4 March 31,2014 Mayors and councilmen shall be qualified electors of the municipality and, if they are elected subject to residential or ward requirements as provided in this section, they shall be qualified electors of the ward prescribed for their election qualification. § 5-15-20(1976)(emphasis added). - The title of§ 5-15-20, like that of§ 5-15-30, indicates it addresses, inter alfa, "[m]ethods of election of council." It is clear from the provisions of§ 5.15-20 that the phrase "methods of election" as used in that section refers to whether members of council are elected at large, from single-member districts,or a combination of both. The use of the phrase "method(s) of election of council" in both the title and text of each section,as well as the proximity of the two sections, suggests that a "change in the method of council"for purposes of§5-15-30 was intended to refer to the methods of election provided in § 5-15-20. In fact, in a 1982 opinion discussing § 5-15-30 we stated "it is clear from the preceding section, § 5-15-20, that when the term 'method of election' is used, what is meant is the method of determining the geographical districts from which council members shall be elected," and that "the election requirement of§ 5-15.30 clearly applies to the matters set forth in § 5-15-20." Op. S.C. At Gen, 1982 WL 189318 (June 10, 1982); see also Qp S C Atev Gen., 1978 WL 35253 (Dec. I, 1978) (advising that the procedure for changing the method of election of city council from at large to single- member is governed by§5-15-30). This understanding of"method of election" as used in § 5-15-30 is supported by other related statutes. The provisions of§ 5-1-50 concern elections to vote on the incorporation of a new municipality. Subsection(B)(1)states: (B)(1) At such election, all registered electors living in the area sought to be incorporated must be allowed to vote on the following questions: (a)incorporation; (b)name of the municipality; (c)the form of government; (d)method of election ss prescribed in Section 3-15-20; (e)whether the election is partisan or nonpartisan;and (0 the terms of the mayor and council members. § 5-1-50(6)(1)(Supp.2005)(emphasis added). As emphasized above, § 5-1-50(B)(1) expressly recognizes that the "method of election" of council and the question of whether council elections are partisan or nonpartisan are distinct and separate issues. The direct reference in subsection(6)(1 xd)to the"method of election as prescribed in Section 5- 15-20" reaffirms the conclusion of our prior opinions mentioned above that"method of election"as used Ms.Crosby Ms.Mahn Page 5 March 31,2014 in § 5-15-30 refers to whether council is elected at large, from single-member districts,or a combination of both. Furthermore, language similar to that used in § 5-15-30 is found in § 4-9-10(c) concerning changes to the initial form of a county government. That subsection provides, in part, that "the initial form of government and the number and method of election of county council" may be changed only by referendum. § 4-9-10(c) (emphasis added). The only language in § 4-9-10 concerning the method by which members of county council are elected is found in subsection (a). In addition to providing that a referendum could be called prior to July I, 1976 to determine the initial form of county government,§ 4- 9-10(a)goes on to state that"[a] referendum may also be called to determine the wishes of the registered electors as to the question of whether the members of the governing body of the county shall be elected from defined single member election districts or ai large from the county...:' Id. (emphasis added). Thus, for purposes of§ 4-9-10(c) only a proposed change in the election of county council from at large to single-member districts or vice versa constitutes a change in the "method of election" such that a referendum is required. Although counties do not have the option of nonpartisan elections, § 4.9.10 and §§ 5-15-20 and -30 were all originally enacted as part of the "home rule" legislation of 1975.' This suggests the Legislature understood the phrase "method of election" as used in each of these sections to have the same meaning, i.e., to refer to the geographical area from which members of a local governing body are elected. With that being said, nothing in § 5-15-60 expressly sets forth the procedure by which a municipality changes from partisan to nonpartisan elections. As indicated in your letter, the language of that section stating municipalities "shall adopt by ordinance one of the following alternative methods of nominating candidates for and determining the results of its nonpartisan elections" appears to apply after nonpartisan elections have already been adopted. (Emphasis added). Although the provisions of§§ 5-15- 60 to -63 concerning nonpartisan elections use the words "method" or even "election method," these terms clearly refer to the methods of nominating candidates and/or counting votes to determine who is nominated or elected,e.g.,whether candidates must receive a plurality or majority of votes. Such matters are unrelated to the issue of whether candidates are elected at large, from single-member districts, or a combination of the two. Therefore, we do not believe such matters constitute a "method(s) of election" for purposes of §§ 5-15-20 and -30. Furthermore, we believe the last sentence of § 5-15-60 which provides that candidates for municipal offices may be nominated by party primary, party convention, or petition "tiff nonpartisan elections are not provided for' suggests the municipality decides whether elections are partisan or nonpartisan. (Emphasis added). Consistent with the broad power given to municipalities under§ 5-7-30 to adopt ordinances"not inconsistent with the Constitution and general law of this State ... respecting any subject which appears to it necessary and proper for the security, general welfare,and convenience of the municipality or for preserving health,peace,order,and good government in it," it is our opinion municipal elections may be made nonpartisan without a referendum. Conclusion It is our opinion a referendum is not required under State law to change municipal elections from partisan to nonpartisan. Consistent with prior opinions of this Office,the language of§ 5-15-30 requiring a referendum "to change the method of election of council members"refers to the"methods of election of 'See Act No.283 of 1975. Ms.Crosby Ms.Mahn Page 6 March 31,2014 council' get forth in § 5-15-20—i.e., whether members are elected at lunge. from single-member districts, or a combination of both. This conclusion is finther supported by the language of several related statutes such as § 5-1-50([3)(1) which indicates the "method of election ... prescribed in Section 5-I5-20" is an issue separate and distinct from the question of whether elections are partisan or nonpartisan. In addition, language similar to that used in §5d 5-30 is found in §4A-10 which indicates a change in the"method of election of county council' requiring a referendum likewise means a change in whether council is elected at large or from single-member districts. In the absence of any legislative provision expressly requiring a referendum to change municipal elections from partisan to nonpartisan, we believe municipalities have the power under§5-7-30 to effectuate such a change via ordinance. 44 Sinccrely;'A� Harrison D. Brant Assistant Attorney General REVIEWLD AND APPROVED BY: [4c&rf D. Cook Solicitor General