ORD 2019-02 Adopted (Rezoning Riverside Village to D) ORDINANCE NO. 2019-02
AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCELS#007-18-05-002.007-18-05-004,007-14-19-001,007-
14-19-005. 007-14-19-007,007-17-02-005. 007-17-02-008. 007-18-06-001.007-17-02-006.
007-17-02-004. and 007-13-42-003.FROM PD, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT,
WHEREAS,on December 17,2007, by Ordinance 2007-22,the North Augusta
City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which
is consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.3, North Augusta Development Code, the
North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map,
provided such amendments are consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive
Plan; and
WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following an April 18,
2019, public hearing, reviewed and considered a request by Greenstone, LLC, to amend the
Official Zoning Map of North Augusta from Planned Development(PD)to Downtown,Mixed
Use(D). The Planning Commission report has been provided to City Council.
I. The property owned by the owned by Greenstone Properties, and located west
of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the Savannah
River, Aiken County Tax Parcels #007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19-
001, 007-14-19-005, 007-14-19-007, 007-17.02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-
06-001,007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004. and 007-13-42-003,from PD, Planned
Development to D,Downtown.
IL Said property being officially rezoned to the classification D,Downtown zoning,
more specifically in accordance with the map attached hereto as Exhibit"A,"the
official Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta is to be so amended.
III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of
such conflict,hereby repealed.
IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third
and final reading.
DAY OF� 2019.
First Reading
Robert A. Pettit,Mayo
Second Reading O�
Third and Final Reading O 'A/9 ATTEST:
A".&a lJ lftutkl
Sharon Lamar, City Clerk
Department of
Planning and Development
Memorandum # 19-007
To: B.Todd Glover, City Administrator
From: Libby Hodges, Director of Planning& Development
Subject: Application number RZM19.001—Riverside Village Rezoning—A request by the
Greenstone Development, LLC,to rezone is 9.58 acres of land located along
West of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway and the
Savannah River,Aiken County Tax Parcels007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004,007-
14-19-001,007-14.19-005,007-14-19-007,007.17.02-005, 007-17-02-008,007-
18-06-001,007-17-02-006,007-17-02-004 and 007-13-42.003 from PD, Planned
Development to D, Downtown Mixed Use Zoning.
Date: April 29, 2019
Plannine Commission Recommendation
On April 18, 2019, after a duly advertised and convened public hearing,the Planning
Commission considered a request by Greenstone Development, LLC,to rezone± 9.58 acres of
land on land located along West of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greeneway
and the Savannah River,from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown Mixed Use Zoning,
The Planning Commission, on a vote of 7-0,voted in favor a recommendation to City Council
to rezone the property as proposed.
Attached is the Staff Report associated with the request along with the proposed ordinance.
Department of Planning North -,�j
Augusta lr
and Development south co'linos Rireffloni
Protect Staff Report
RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning
Prepared by: Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges
Meeting Date:April 18, 2019
Project Name Riverside Village Rezoning
Applicant Greenstone Properties
Address/Location West of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta
Greeneway and the Savannah River
Parcel Numbers 007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19-001, 007-14-19-005,
007-14-19-007, 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001,
007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004. and 007-13-42-003
Total Development Size t 9.58 acres
Existing Zoning PD, Planned Development
Overlay N/A
Traffic impact Tier N/A
Proposed Use Mixed Use Development
Proposed Zoning D, Downtown
Future Land Use Mixed Use
Section 5.3 of the North Augusta Development Code (NADC) provides uniform procedures for
processing changes to the Official Zoning Map.
The Planning Commission must use the criteria established in NADC Section 5.3.6 to evaluate
each application.These criteria are further analyzed in Section 6 of this report, but are as follows
per NADC Section
1) The size of the tract(s) in question.
2) Whether the proposal conforms with and furthers the goals of the Comprehensive Plan,other
adopted plans, and the goals, objectives, and policies of this Chapter. Specifically, the
Planning Commission shall consider the goals stated in 41.2.
3) The relationship of the uses envisioned under the new zoning and the uses currently present
in adjacent tracts. In particular, the Planning Commission shall consider whether:
a) The proposed rezoning is compatible with the surrounding area;
Proiect Staff Rem
RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning
Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges
Meeting Date:April 18,2019
b) There will be any adverse effects on the capacity or safety of the portion of street network
influenced by the rezoning;
c) There will be any adverse effects on existing or planned public utility services in the area;
d) Parking problems; or
e) Environmental impacts that the new use will generate such as excessive storm water
runoff,water,air,or noise pollution,excessive nighttime lighting or other nuisances.
4) Any recent change of character in the area due to installation of public facilities, other zone
changes, new growth trends, deterioration and development.
5) The zoning districts and existing land uses of the surrounding properties.
6) Whether the subject property is suitable for the uses to which it has been restricted under
the existing zoning classification.
7) Whether the rezoning is compatible with the adjacent neighborhood, especially residential
neighborhood stability and character.
8) The length of time the subject property has remained vacant as zoned, if applicable.
9) Whether there is an adequate supply of land available in the subject area and the surrounding
community to accommodate the zoning and community needs including, but not limited to,
affordable housing and economic development.
10)Whether the existing zoning was in error at the time of adoption.
The Planning Commission may recommend approval or denial of this request according to NADC
§ 5.1.3. The Planning Commission's recommendation is then forwarded to the City Council for
their consideration per NADC§
Per NADC Table 5-1, a notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning
Commission public hearing was mailed to the owners of property within 200 feet of the subject
property on April 1, 2019. The property was posted with the required public notice on April 3,
2019. A public notice of the rezoning request and scheduled date of the Planning Commission
public hearing was published in The Star and on the City's website at www.northaupusta.net on
April 3, 2019.
Page 2 of 10
Project Staff Report
RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning
Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges
Meeting Date:April 18,2019
Historically, the area proposed for rezoning was the industrial center of North Augusta. The
original plats of the City of North Augusta called for this area to be the commercial and
manufacturing center of the City, which it was, until these businesses went into decline for a
number of reasons. More recently, the property remained vacant for many years due to site
contamination and other development limitations until the city purchased the property with the
intent to redevelop. This area provides a vital public river access through this property and the
nearby Riverview Park.
The parcels proposed for rezoning are a portion of a previous Planned Development(PD)usually
referred to as "Hammond's Ferry." The commercial portion of the site is often referred to as
"Riverside Village." The first Planned Development (PD) General Development Plan (GDP) for
Hammond's Ferry was approved by the Planning Commission on July 25, 2002 and Ordinance
2002-23 was adopted by City Council on December 12, 2002. There have been several
modifications to the original PD ordinance and associated General Development Plan.
Throughout this time,the property has been subject to several agreements between the City and
site developers in the form of development agreements and parking agreements.The site is also
subject to restriction imposed by the Hammond's Ferry Business District Association,
incorporated in 2008.
The most recent revision to the general development plan was for Phase 8, the town center,
including the stadium and commercial area. At the May 21, 2015 meeting of the Planning
Commission, the major modification to the GDP and PD ordinance were reviewed and
recommended for approval by City Council. City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2015-14, on
August 3, 2015. As stated in the Ordinance, these changes were in response to changing
economic conditions, development codes, and development opportunities on the site and has
resulted in the current development on the site. The property has become a model for
redevelopment through careful planning and innovative development. This proposal is a
continuation of the development of the site.
Page 3 of 10
Proiect Staff Report
RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning
Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges
Meeting Date:April 18,2019
Existing Land Use Future Land Use Zoning
Subject Mixed Use (residential, Mixed Use PD, Planned
Parcels hotel, restaurants, Development
recreation,and other
commercial uses)
North Greeneway, Brick Pond Park Parks, Recreation,Open PD, Planned
Space, and Conservation Development/
P, Public Use
uth Savannah River N/A N/A
Mixed Use(residential, golf Mixed Use PD, Planned
course and clubhouse) Development
est Mixed Use(residential, Mixed Use PD, Planned
restaurants, and other Development
commercial uses)
Access_7 The site currently has access from Center Street and Railroad Avenue via Riverside
Boulevard or Crystal Lake Drive. The site also has access from the North Augusta Greeneway. A
Traffic Impact Analysis was previously completed for Phase B that encompassed a significant
study area to review the potential Impacts of a large scale development and future growth on
existing traffic.
Topography—The property is relatively flat.The majority of Riverside Village was graded at the
start of construction on Phase B of Hammond's Ferry.
Utilities—Water and sanitary sewer is available from adjacent sites. Final capacity analysis will
be provided by Engineering and Utilities prior to final permitting, but is not anticipated to be an
Floodplain—Portions of the site fall within the 100 year floodplain.
Drainage Basin —This site is located within the Crystal Lake Basin as designated on the City of
North Augusta Stormwater Management's Drainage Basin Map. The 2014 Stormwater
Management Stream Water quality Assessment Summary lists the Pole Branch Basin as 100%
within the city limits and reports an overall fair water quality.This means studies have indicated
water quality impairments in several categories including the levels of nitrates, ammonia, and
manganese found in samples. This basin has been ranked as a high priority for water quality
improvements through best management practices and other water quality improvement
projects to decrease the possibility of overtopping ponds in the system.
Page 4 of 10
Proiect Staff Report
RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning
Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges
Meeting Date:April 18,2019
1. The size of the tract in question(§
Parcels 007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19-001, 007-14-19-005, 007-14-19-007,
007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001, 007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004 and 007-
13-42-003 are a combined total of±9.58 acres.This is a small portion of the overall±195
acres contained in the PD.
2. Whetherthe proposal conforms with and furthers the goals of the Comprehensive Plan,
other adopted plans, and the goals, objectives, and policies of the Development Code,
The rezoning request satisfies several core principles and key initiatives of the current
Comprehensive Plan. The D, Downtown Mixed Use designation supports flexibility in
development standards in order to encourage mixes of uses and infill development,
providing urban amenities to existing and new residents, a mixture of housing types,
connection to the Greeneway,encouraging pedestrian and bicycle access to the area,and
will access to cultural resources such as the Riverview Amphitheater and the Greenjackets
By changing these properties to the "D — Downtown Mixed Use" zoning, the Planning
Department envisions this as a first step to developing a Downtown Master Plan(Initiative
1)and updating the Downtown codes to better reflect the goals of revitalizing,redefining,
and allowing flexibility in fostering the development of a functional, vibrant downtown
core for the City. The city has identified Downtown as a priority investment area and a
place to encourage mixed use and progressive development(Initiative 2).
3. The relationship of the uses envisioned under the new zoning and the uses currently
present in adjacent tracts. In particular,the Planning Commission shall consider
whether as stated In§ of the NADC:
a. The proposed rezoning is compatible with the surrounding area;
The proposed rezoning is compatible with the surrounding area. Downtown
zoning exists just north of the subject sites, and this site is seen as an
extension of the existing downtown commercial core.Through the PD, Phase
B has been programmed to be an urban town center, similar to the existing
downtown area.
Page 5 of 10
Proiect Staff Report
RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning
Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges
Meeting Date:April 18,2019
Is, There will be any adverse effects on the capacity or safety of the portion of
street network influenced by the rezoning;
Access would be provided from existing roadways. The rezoning would not
affect the existing street network or capacity.
c. There will be any adverse effects on existing or planned public utility
services in the area;
The existing utility network accommodates the anticipated development
potential of the subject property based on the sizes of the sanitary sewer line
located near the site and availability of potable water and sanitary sewer from
the City of North Augusta.
d. Parking problems;or
Parking for the site will continue to be provided based on existing parking
agreements and the requirements of the North Augusta Development Code.
The applicant has provided a list of the properties and parking and confirms
that parking on the site will be sufficient at this time. Staff will continue to
monitor parking allocation as the sites continue to develop.
The following is an analysis of the Parking Space Allocation spreadsheet
attached to this report:
• The total parking spaces required per the PD use is 1,708. This is the
total number of parking spaces required per the PD for all lots in
Riverside Village, developed and non-developed based on the square
footages supplied for future development. This does not match the
amount required per the parking agreement.
• The total parking spaces for "public" parking per the parking
agreement is 1,388 parking spaces. This creates a difference of 320
spaces between the PD and the Parking Agreement.
• In gross numbers, the total number of parking spaces provided in the
decks and on-street is 1,767. This is, in total, greater than the 1,708
required by the PD.
• The total number of dedicated parking spaces is 1,618, which is 260
spaces over the parking required by the agreement, though it is still
less than the PD requires (1,708 spaces). "Dedicated" is meant as
parking assigned to a particular use or building.
• If the spaces reserved through the parking agreement are removed
(those spaces reserved for the Hotel, Medac Employees, retail, office
use,etc.) 378 spaces remain available for use.
Page 6 of 10
Project Staff Report
RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning
Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges
Meeting Date:April 18,2019
Additional Staff Commentary:
• On-street parking for any given lot will not be labeled specifically for
those parcels. These spaces will be metered and open to the public.
They will not be reserved. These are intended for short term retail or
restaurant use.
• The parking decks are intended for longer-term parking.These spaces
are intended for conference attendees, retail and restaurant
employees,and those choosing to park in the deck if on-street parking
is not available.
• Event parking is handled separately through an event parking plan.This
includes the parking decks, surrounding temporary lots and surface
lots in downtown.
• Parking Is dynamic, so cars will come and go. All spaces will not be
occupied all the time.
• There will be a small portion of visitors that will not need additional
parking to visit the area. This form of development is meant to
encourage pedestrian and bicycle access through the Greeneway,
sidewalks,and proximity to residences.
e. Environmental Impacts that the new use will generate such as excessive
storm water runoff, water, air, or noise pollution, excessive nighttime
lighting or other nuisances.
The proposed rezoning does not appear to create any additional
environmental impacts. Each site plan must comply with all applicable
development standards in the Development Code, including the state and
federal standards associated with stormwater management, water and air
pollution. City design standards and municipal codes are in place to address
noise pollution and excessive nighttime lighting.
4. Any recent change of character In the area due to installation of public facilities,other
zone changes, new growth trends,deterioration and development(§
This rezoning directly addresses a change in character and new growth trends in the area.
With the completion of most of the infrastructure in and around Phase B of the
Hammond's Ferry Planned development, the outlines of what development can take
place are currently in place and will not be significantly altered. The only remaining
surface street that is not complete is Front Street in Phase A of the PD, which is outside
the bounds of what is proposed to be changed to the D, Downtown Mixed Use zoning at
this time.
S. The zoning districts and existing land uses of the surrounding properties (§
The proposed zoning classification will remain mixed use, which should not adversely
impact the current surrounding single-family residential uses or commercial
Page 7 of 10
Project Staff Report
RZM19-DOI Riverside Village Rezoning
Prepared by:Kulelgh Baker/Libby Hodges
Meeting Date:April 18,2019
development, as it is no different than what exists currently and what has been planned
for this property.
6. Whether the subject property is suitable for the uses to which it has been restricted
under the existing zoning classification (§
The existing Planned Development ordinance allows for uses in the D, Downtown zoning
district.The subject properties are suitable for the proposed uses under both the existing
and requested zoning district.
7. Whether the rezoning is compatible with the adjacent neighborhood, especially
residential neighborhood stability and character(§
The rezoning is compatible with the existing residential neighborhood's stability and
character. A mix of building styles and uses are encouraged in the existing Planned
Development ordinance and the requested Downtown zoning. The Hammond's Ferry
Business District Association will continue the architectural review and approval of any
buildings within the agreed bounds of the property owner's association.
B. The length of time the subject property has remained vacant as zoned, if applicable
Prior to approval of the PD, the property was vacant for many years. After the
introduction of the PD,the site has quickly developed into a thriving mixed use district.
9. Whether there is an adequate supply of land available in the subject area and the
surrounding community to accommodate the zoning and community needs including,
but not limited to,affordable housing and economic development(§
The amount of land available in this particular area is limited by existing development to
the west,the Georgia Avenue to the east, Brick Pond Park to the north,and the Savannah
River to the south.
30.Whether the existing zoning was In error at the time of adoption (§
The existing zoning of PD, Planned Development has been in place since the adoption of
the Hammond's Ferry Planned Development Ordinance No. 2002-03 in December 2002.
This does not appear to have been done in error.
Page 8 of 10
Protect Staff Report
RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning
Prepared by:Kuleigh Baker/Libby Hodges
Meeting Date:April 18,2019
The rezoning request directly addresses the change in character and development of the area.
Staff would like to note that this request was coordinated with the input and understanding of
the Planning and Development Department to address issues that have arisen with the existing
PD Ordinance.These issues prevented staff from processing variances or waivers that would have
been in the City's interest or that were the result of situations not anticipated by the PD,such as
opportunities for different mixes of uses and square footages in the project. This zoning change
will allow the developer additional discretion to respond to changing market and economies of
scale resulting from the existing successful development of the remainder of the sites in this
With the completion of the infrastructure in and around Phase B of the Hammond's Ferry Planned
Development, the outlines of what development can take place are currently in place and will
not be significantly altered. This rezoning would serve to extend the "Downtown" to the river
area and formalize the recognition that this is an extension of our downtown. With most urban
form developments, the Planning Department should be less concerned with exactly what goes
within the buildings, instead focusing on general building location, public safety, and public
resource allocation.
Staff would like to emphasize that approval of this zoning does not in any way negate or alter any
existing agreements on the site.This includes the existing Parking Agreement and Development
Agreement. Just as in any private property owner's association, the Planning and Development
Department has a limited role in enforcing the covenants of private property owner associations
such as the Hammond's Ferry Business District Association, which will remain place as
incorporated in 2008.
However,this should not be taken as the Department abandoning its role in enforcing or creating
any development standards for the Downtown district. Staff recommends that this rezoning be
used to encourage the creation of a downtown parking plan, revision of the existing downtown
development codes, and Downtown Master Plan. As discussed with the Commissioners at
previous meetings,a downtown code work group has been convened and progress is being made
towards these code revisions. Further public involvement will be coordinated when these
changes are further developed.
It should be noted that any development proposals currently under review will not be affected
by these changes and will be reviewed by the existing PD criteria. This includes Parcel G, the
Stadium Parking Deck and the Amphitheater at Riverside Village.
Based on the analysis and evaluation of each review criteria outlined above,the Department has
determined the application is complete.A recommendation by the Planning Commission for the
Page 9 of 10
Proiect Staff Report
RZM19-001 Riverside Village Rezoning
Prepared by:Kuleigh eakerAibby Hodges
Meeting Date:April 18,2019
rezoning of Parcel Numbers 007-18-05-002,007-18-05-004,007-14-19-001,007-14-19-005,007-
14-19-007, 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001, 007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004, and
007-13-42-003 to rezone ±9.58 acres from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown, is
appropriate forthis site.
1. Site/Aerial Map
2. Topography
3. Current Zoning Map
4. Future Land Use Map
5. Site Photos
6. Notification Letter
7. PD 15-001 Exhibit A Phasing Map
8. Application Materials
cc Addie Head, Greenstone Properties
Page 10 of 10
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March 29, 2019
RE: Proposed rezoning of t 9.58 acres of land located west of Georgia Avenue
between the North Augusta Greenaway and the Savannah River, Aiken County
Tax Parcel Numbers: 007-18.05-002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19-001, 007-14-19-
005, 007-14-19-007, 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001, 007-17-02-
006, 007-17.02-004, and 007-13-42-003 from PD, Planned Development to D,
Please note: Your property is not included in the rezoning application.
You are receiving this notice only because you own property within 200
feet of the proposed project area.
Dear North Augusta Property Owner:
Greenstone Properties has made a request to rezone t 9.58 acres of land located west
of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta Greenaway and the Savannah River,
Aiken County Tax Parcel Numbers: 007-18-05-002, 007-18-05.004, 007-14-19-001,
007-14-19.005, 007-14-19.007, 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001, 007-
17-02-006, 007-17-02-004, and 007-13-42-003 from PD, Planned Development to D.
The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to collect public
input and to consider the rezoning application on Thursday, April 18, 2019. Following
the public hearing, the Planning Commission will prepare a recommendation for City
Council consideration and action. The Planning Commission public hearing will begin at
7:00 p.m. In the City Council Chambers on the third floor of the North Augusta Municipal
Center, 100 Georgia Avenue. You are welcome to attend this public hearing.
A map of the project area is enclosed, along with a copy of the public hearing notice that
will be published in The Star on April 3, 2019. If you have any questions about this
application or need additional information, please contact the Department of Planning
and Development at 803-441-4221.
Libby Hodges, MCP
Director of Planning and Development
City of
North Augusta, South Carolina
Planning Commission
The North Augusta Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at its
regular monthly meeting beginning at 7:00 PM on April 18, 2019, in the
Council Chambers, North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue,
North Augusta, South Carolina, to receive public input on the following
RZT 19-001 —A request by the City of North Augusta to amend Section, Development Standards within the P, Public Use Zoning District
and Section, Applicability of the Corridor Overlay Districts to the P,
Public Use Zoning District.
RZM 19-001 —A request by Greenstone Properties to rezone t 9.58 acres
of land located west of Georgia Avenue between the North Augusta
Greeneway and the Savannah River, Aiken County Tax Parcels: 007-18-05-
002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19-001, 007-14-19-005, 007-14-19-007, 007-
17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001, 007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004,
and 007-13-42-003 from PD, Planned Development to D, Downtown.
Copies of the proposed amendments to the North Augusta Development
Code and a map and documents related to the rezoning application will be
available in the Department of Planning and Development on the second
floor of the North Augusta Municipal Center, 100 Georgia Avenue, North
Augusta, South Carolina, 803-441-4221. Citizens and property owners
interested in expressing a view on any matter that is the subject of a public
hearing are encouraged to attend.
Individuals needing special assistance or a sign interpreter to participate in
the meeting are asked to please notify the Department of Planning and
Development at 803-441-4221 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting.
Current Zoning: PD, Planned Development Proposed Zoning: D, Downtown
m m CR,
D,Downtown 3 ��T Cnbcal R-51 Mixed ResidentialQ N
R-5, Mixed � Areas
Residential ws D. Downtown
P, Pubic Use �, m wEsr of
� A U
PD, PlannedDevelopment
PD, Planned Development
0 0.0250.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0 0.0250.05 0.15 0.2
:liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitluliles Miles
Application RZM19-001
North A request to rezone approximately 9.58 acres from PD, Planned Development to D. Downtown
ALIgUSta / Tax Parcel Numbers 007-18-05-002, 007-18-05-004, 007-14-19-001, 007-14-19-005, 007-14-19-007,
.,..,n.. ,mnom. 007-17-02-005, 007-17-02-008, 007-18-06-001,007-17-02-006, 007-17-02-004, and 007-13-42-003 Date: 3/292019
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,� . 'i CRANSTON
Application for Development Approval North --'-\Augusta
Please type or print all information south['unlhnlrti wuerfronr
Staff use
Application Number R Inig -ovt Date Received 3115119
Review Fee X25 D Deta Pall15 19
1. Project Name Rlveraide Village
Project Address/Location Went of Osor9la Avenue between the North Augusta Greenaway and%a Savannah River;Rellroad Avenue
Total Project Acreage _ -29 Acres Current Zoning Planned Development
Tax Parcel Number(s) Sea Attachment"Riverside Village Tax Parcel Numbers"
2. IicantlOwner Name Chris Schoen 404-725-5357
APP Applicant Phone _
Mailing Address 3301 Windy Ridge Parkway,suite 32o
Cit Atlanta GA 30339 cachoen@gmnsion�properties.com
lne- ertles.com ro
Y ST _ Zip Email e _ P P
3. Is there a Designated Agent for this project? _—�Z— Yes No
If Yes, attach a notarized Designation of Agent form. (required if Applicant Is not property owner)
4. Engineer/Architect/Surveyor James P Dean License No. 27380
Firm Name _Cranston Engineering Group, PC Firm Phone 706.72.2_-1588
Firm Mailing Address 452 Ellis Street
City _ Augusta ST GA Zip 30901 _ Email 1pdoan@nnstonengineering.com
Signature _ 1'!6x%O 2— Date 3112/2019
5. Is there any recorded restricted covenant or other private agreement that is contrary to, conflicts with or
prohibits the use or activity on the property that is the subject of the application?
(Check one.) yes V no
6. In accordance with Section of the North Augusta Development Code, I hereby request the City
of North Augusta review the attached project plans. The documents required by the City of North
Augusta, as outlined in Appendix 8 of the North Augusta Development Code, are attached for the City's
review for completeness. The applicant acknowledges that all required documents must be correct and
complete to init Rohliance review process.
7. � - r'F//' '— - - ? J14 19
Applicant 10 gna ed Agent Signature Date
('kr15 -5 5Ckoeh
Print Applicant or Agent Name
Designation of Agent North AUgUSta� 0
Please type or print all information l
Soufh Carolinws Rtuerfronf
This form is required if the property owner is not the applicant.
Staff Use Only _I
Application Number_KZfrl I`?-oD 1 Date Received '311 f 19
t. Project Name Ntversidevnlage
Project Address/Location West of Georgie Avenue between the North Auguefa Greenaway and the Savannah River;Railroad Avenu
Project Parcel Number(s) , See Attachment"Riverside Village Tax Parcel Numbers'
2. Property Owner Name Chris Schoen Owner Phone 404.725.5357
Mailing Address 3301 Windy Ridge Parkway,Suite 320
City Atlanta ST GA Zip 30339 Email cschoen@graanstona-pmpemec.com
3. Designated Agent Addie Head
Relationship to Owner Employee of Owner
Firm Name Greenstone Properties Phone 404421.5807
Agent's Mailing Address 3301 Windy Ridge Parkway,Sults 320
city Atlanta ST OA Zip 30339 Email ahead@greenstone-propenlee.com
Agent's Signature _ Date 0?,, PI
4. i hereby designate the above-named person (Line 3) to serve as my agent and represent me in the
referenced applicaa on.
Owner Signature 1 ` Date p
S. Sworn su scribed to before me on this I day Of __N�a.Y L1 _ 20 1
No-- y-r---
feV.71U dr :i III L�27 TARy;fiP'�
Commission Expiration Date = ; GEORGIA
' 'bUB1.tG.•� _
1110,1111%0 COuc�.`�` U2013
Application Submittal and Review—Rezoning
Riverside Village—03/14/2019
I. A statement of the reasons for seeking the rezoning or conditional rezoning and
any proposed Justifications therefore:
We would like to submit the"29 acres of Riverside Village for rezoning from a Planned
Development Zoning to a Downtown District Zoning( D, Downtown Mixed-Use District);
specifically,the Georgia Avenue Overlay District.
Riverside Village is a unique mixed-use environment creating a bustling community where
constituents can live,work, and play. At It's completion,the village will house over 20 various
commercial uses as well as a stadium, an amphitheater,class A office space,a luxury hotel, and
numerous living opportunities.All of these additions to the community facilitate a true sense of
place as well as a commercial core in between the two cities of Augusta and North Augusta
spurring expansion into North Augusta's downtown.
The current Planned Development zoning limits Riverside Village from supporting a commercial
core.The desire to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space has been achieved
and will continue to be a priority for the village.The rezoning of Riverside Village to a
downtown district will not affect or conflict with any agreements held between the city or any
other entities.
Riverside Village Development Summary
Parcel Purchaser Use/ Description
A Stadium Land
Retail shell 14,000 SF of Retail
Al The Clubhouse Building 6 Stories
Parking Garage 44 Spaces
Team Clubhouse Unit 16,2005F
Office Unit 15,000 SF of Office
Apartments 32 Units
A2 Restaurant 8,700 SF of Retail
B Stadium Deck 576 Spaces
C Office Building 150,000 SF of Office -6 Stories
38 Units & 17,000 SF of Retail -4
D Condos over Retail Stories
E Hotel Deck 413 Spaces
F lHotel 180 Rooms - 5 Stories
22 Units & 12,500 SF of Retail - 3
G Apartments over Retail Stories
GI IJewel Box 400 SF
Single Family Housing
H /Townhomes 11 Lots
I Single Family Housing 6 Lots
J LIV Apartments 280 Units -4 Stories
K Luxury Apartments 177 Units -6 Stories
On-Street Surface Parking 177 Spaces
Medac Parking Deck 1601 Spaces
Riverside Village Tax Parcel Numbers
Tract Owner Size Tax Map Number Use/ Proposed Use
A The City of'North Augusta 6.46 Stadium
Al Hammond's Ferry Commercial I, LLC 0.80 007-18-05-002 Outfield / Clubhouse Building
A2 Greertstmre Hendon Riverside Village, LLC 0.14 007-18-05.004 Ballpark Restaurant
B Riverside Village B Owner, LLC 1.67 007-14-19-001 Stadium Parking Deck
81 The City of North Augusta 0.08 Brick Pond
B2 The City of North Augusta 0.05 Brick Pond
C Rhrerside Village C Owner, LLC 098 007-14-19-005 Office Building
Cl The City of North Augusta 0.09 Brick Pond
D Riverside Village D Owner, LLC 0.83 007-14-19-007 Residential over Retail
Dl The City of North Augusta 1.05 Brick Pond
E The City of North Augusta 1.25 Hotel Parking Deck
El The City of North Augusta 0.27 Brick Pond
F Ackerman Greenstone North Augusta, LLC 1-64 007-17-02-005 Hotel/ Convention Center
G Riverside Village G Owner, LLC 0.41 007-17-02-008 Residential over Retail
GS Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC 0.01 007-18-06-001 Retail/Gelato
H Riverside Village H Owner, LLC 0.69 007-17-02-006 Single Family Homes
I Riverside Village I Owner, LLC 0.69 007-17.02-004 Single Family Homes
1 North Augusta Residences, LLC 7.11 Apartments
K Riverside Village 1 Owner, LLC 2.12 0D7-13-42-D03 Apartments
Kl The City of North Augusta 0.01 Brick Pond
L The City of North Augusta 1.97 Riverfront Park
Ll The City of North Augusta 0.19
Deakalee Location of OlMarmrtMMm
•RewlrN Parking Deakatetl Imllon of Deakatm _ Total Del"Pod TOOL DNkaeea
iype Panel tort" SF Per PD U. 'Priv.].'Parkin[ 'PNurte'Parki[ "Public'Parking Deaaatetl PUMk' pargiv yN.IrrLaM RpulrN
parPRreerrNnt Parld, PVN,
R,rtmen6 Al 32 56 38 Oubbouse Parking Garage 18 Stadium(reck 56 -
30 Hotel Deck+7
Apariffel G 22 39 37 Orn Street 37 (2)
.partments 1 2110 i90 367 Suncce Parkin[ 367 11231
Apartments N 172 310 265 Dermal Parking Garage 5Hotel Deck 2V 10)
Conaommgms 0 38 6' 49 Hotel Deck 49 1181
TOTAL 5.9 961 DO WI m 11821
Surg.Farm,(..name., H&'. 11 a4 22 Off-Stine,Pamng 22 (22)
Wee Famiry 1Ntachriff H&i 6 12 12 Off Street Parking 12 -
TOTAL 17 % 34 34 (22)
Hotel f 100 90 20 Off Streit Surface Lot 280 Hotel Dank 300 210
TDTAL 1110 90 ZO 280 300 210
Canmemal Office Spue Al 15,= 38 6 Clubhouse Parking Garage 32 SI.d,.m Deck m 1
Cwmnerml Office Scale C M.000 375 375 Slatlrvm Deck 375 -
C..rnal Office Spue Meat/ WIM 150 SCO Maniac sm 3%
l0T4 165.000 .l3 6 90J an 351
A lstramm
Read Sp ace(mroevenp recall) IRM 35 12 Hotel Deck 32 (23)
Retail Space A2 &.JIN 22 10 Hotel Deck 10 (12)
Retail SP¢e GOGI 12,910 32 10 Hotel Deck 10 (22)
RMwl Scale 0 17,000 o3 10 Hotel Deck 1D (33)
Retail 5p.a C 5,000 13 5 HOM Deck 5 )8)
I0TRL SJ 1. 9J 47 f97)
Stalmm A 45 Is Stall Dock, 45
TOTAL 45 AS 45
T0TALPMNINGSPACIN 1,7011 730 1.3811 t.in
aReparemerN palPgrulM Tgal ParkML Parking
ark puNk' DeJIXatl
m ieni, Party, Pa
Rewde ual-1]5 per mukNmtly
aweM on. Sttllum Deck 575 470 105
Haiti Deck(assumkrg
OXke7Retall-]Pa 40011., SF Canhrerro is caked m) 413 9tl 2
S,k family IaenacMal-'2 cer
arvelung•.s cpaees per bear.over
2':1.66eamom house-E284 spaces McMe Deck 801 5110 GO
Ln0l,FamAy(Huchaal 2 per
jdw flmL omSNeet Pam, m a 169
NmN 0.5 per room Tpbl yTq
••Shalom ptlr:550eabtta Spces-IS Al Rmaenls+5 GI U.11frem+32 OHke
•'•Noted Deck:1120etlotM Sgces-ISO Hotel Gums-IW Conference OH.,.35 VLN+12 Recent Staff+84 D&G Harahan.+1 CH,
.....On Street ParknfaDedaMaSgm 8GH.W-.