RES 2019-15 Adopted 0 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-15 SUPPORTING NORTH AUGUSTA FORWARD'S CONTRACTING STUDIO MAIN LLC TO UPDATE THE NORTH AUGUSTA DOWNTOWN GREENEWAY CONNECTOR MASTER PLAN AND PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION WHEREAS, in 2015, North Augusta 2000, an eleemosynary organization whose mission is to help improve North Augusta through quality of life and economic development initiatives,contracted Alta Planning&Design,with consent from the Mayor and City Council,to conduct a downtown Greenway connector study,and WHEREAS, in Resolution 2015-19 the Mayor and City Council of North Augusta commended North Augusta 2000 for its action in pursuing the possible Downtown Greeneway Connector that would benefit the citizens of this community,and WHEREAS, in Resolution 2016-34 the Mayor and City Council of North Augusta accepted the Alta Downtown Greenway connector study and endorsed the concept of the Downtown Greeneway Connector as an economic driver for downtown, and WHEREAS, in Resolution 2018-09 the Mayor and City Council included $900,000 for the Downtown Greeneway Connector in Capital Projects Sales Tax IV funding, and WHEREAS, North Augusta Forward, formerly North Augusta 2000, has advised the City of its desire to retain Studio Main, LLC to update the North Augusta Downtown Greenway Connector Master Plan and prepare preliminary construction documentation of Phase one, and WHEREAS, Studio Main, LLC will involve the development of a North Augusta Greeneway Downtown Master Plan Update and supporting documents to illustrate the desired vision, trail routing, and destinations as identified by the City of North Augusta and the North Augusta Downtown Greeneway steering committee,and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City commits its cooperation to North Augusta Forward and Studio Main, LLC for this design phase; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing, as set forth in this resolution, commits the City to any specific development plan and that any decision by the City to pursue such Downtown Greeneway Connector is a matter that would require future consideration by Mayor and Council; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City is greatly appreciative and commends North Augusta Forward for its action in pursuing this possible Downtown Greeneway Connector that would benefit the citizens of this community. DONE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE�MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THIOL DAY OF MAY,2019. 0 0 Robert A.'Pertit, Mayor ATTEST: A&4&1L %" Sharon Lamar, City Clerk