040119 Study Session Mins Adopted North Augusta South Carolina's Riuerfront MINUTES OF APRIL 1.2019 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor James M Adams, Jr., Councilmember J Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember Kenneth J McDowell, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS The study session for the City Council meeting of the City of North Augusta of April 1, 2019, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 6:02 p.m. in the Council Conference room on the third floor of the Municipal Center and adjourned at 6:36 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meetings by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meetings was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Members present were Mayor Pettit and Councilmembers Adams, Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance; Richard L. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, & Tourism; John C. Thomas,Director of Public Safety; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works; James E. Sutton, Director of Public Servies, Lillian E. (Libby) Hodges, Director of Planning and Development; I D. McCauley, Manager of Human Resources; and Sharon Lamar, City Clerk. ITEM 1. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Items on the April 1. 2019 Council Agenda — Council Discussion Council reviewed the items scheduled for the April 1, 2019 meeting. Minutes of Study Session of April 1,2019 OCouncilmembers took the opportunity to discuss various observations and items of interest around the City. Councilmember McDowell asked about the status of a burned property on Carolina Avenue. City Administrator Glover responded that the City's Code Enforcement Officier, Taylor Ferguson, is working to contact the owner about the demonlitron plans. Councilmember Adams asked about the progress of Riverside Village. City Administrator Glover shared that phase four of Hammond's Ferry has begun. Site preparation has begun for Building G and the parking deck should begin the week after Masters. The restaurant,Rio Camino,is expected to open for business later in the month. Southbound Smokehouse will add lunch hours to their operation schedule this week. The restaurant, Salt and Marrow, has already opened. Director of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, Rick Meyer informed Council of several events that are planned for April 27, 2019; Earth Day, Beer Fest at SRP Park, and a free open air concert by Palmetto Groove at Riverside Village. Councilmember Brooks asked about the traffic plan at Paul Knox Middle School. Director of Public Safety,John Thomas, informed Council that the school principal,Dr. Jason Holt,the Aiken County Public School District, and Public Safety are all working together to make changes for a safer and more efficient car line. There was also discussion of the possibility of adding sidewalks in that neighborhood from Paul Knox Middle School to North Augusta High School for student pedestrian traffic. OCouncilmember Carpenter invited Council to attend the last Spring home game events for the RecingCrew T-Rex team. Those games are scheduled for the following two Saturdays from 10:30 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. at Riverview Park. Councilmember Brooks inquired about the status of the parking meters for Riverside Village. City Administrator Glover stated that installation is expected to be in late April. There being no further business, Council adjourned the meeting at 6:36 p.m. APPROVED THIS -/✓ DAY OF Respectfully submitted, APRIL, .y Sharon Lamar Robert A. Pettit, Mayor City Clerk O