041519 City Council Mtg Agenda North �� AugustaCT -/I South Carolina's Muerfront CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA WITH BACK-UP MATERIALS APRIL 15, 2019 Augusta ck;udr cs Poge jroni AGENDA: CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 15,2019—Municipal Building—100 Georgia Avenue,3rd Floor—6:30 P.M. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council on each item listed on this agenda. Mayor Pettit will call for your comments prior to City Council discussing the matter. Citizens wishine to address Mayor and City Council are required to submit a Speaker Form to the City Clerk before addressine Mayor and City Council Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or sign interpreter to participate in the meeting,please notify the Administration Department 48 hours prior to the meeting. PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE. The regular City Council Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 15, 2019. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular and study session meeting minutes of April I,2019 5. PERSONNEL: Employee of the Quarter-January,February,and March 2019— Jason Shealy,Utility Technician with the Department of Public Services NEW BUSINESS 6. ENGINEERING AND PROPERTY MAINTENANCE: Resolution No.2019-13—A Resolution Accepting the Donation of Planter Boxes from Between the Edges Lawn Care and Landscaping,Inc.for Use in the Riverside Village Development 7. PARKS,RECREATION&TOURISM: Resolution No.2019-14- A Resolution Authorizing Funding for the Rehabilitation and Resurfacing of Portions of the Greeneway 8. PRESENTATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: A. Citizen Comments At this time,citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council regarding matters not listed on the agenda. Citizens wishing to address Mayor and City Council are required to submit a Speaker Form to the City Clerk before addressing Mayor and City Council. Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. B. Council Comments 9. ADJOURNMENT: