031819 City Council Backup Materials 1 i Interoffice Memorandum North Augusta f/ South Carohno's RiuerJront TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: B.Todd Glover,City Administrator DATE: March 15,2019 SUBJECT: Regular City Council Meeting of March 18 2019 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NEW BUSINESS ITEM 5. PARKS,RECREATION & TOURISM: Resolution No.2019-10— A Resolution Providing Findings about the Hamburg Incident of 1876 and Appointing Members of a Committee to Evaluate Options for an Additional Display in John C. Calhoun Park A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration providing findings about the Hamburg Incident of 1876 and appointing members of a committee to evaluate options for an additional display in John C. Calhoun Park. Please see ATTACHMENT NO.5 for a copy of the proposed resolution. ITEM 6. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT: Resolution No. 2019-11 - A Resolution Directing the City Administrator to File an Application Requesting Text Amendments of the North Augusta Development Code. Such Text Amendments Are Related to Article Development Standards and Applicability/Corridor Overlay Districts A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration directing the City Administrator to file an application requesting text amendments of the North Augusta Development Code. Such text amendments related to Article development standards and applicability/corridor overlay districts. Please see ATTACHMENT NO. 6 for a copy of the proposed resolution. ATTACHMENT NO. 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-10 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FINDINGS ABOUT THE HAMBURG INCIDENT OF 1876 AND APPOINTING MEMBERS OF A COMMITTEE TO EVALUATE OPTIONS FOR AN ADDITIONAL DISPLAY IN JOHN C. CALHOUN PARK WHEREAS, Thomas McKie Meriwether died during a confrontation between an armed African-American militia positioned in the second story of the Sibley Building and a large group of armed white citizens in and around the Town of Hamburg, South Carolina on July 8'1, 1876 and WHEREAS, seven African-American men died in the confrontation, five of whom were murdered, and WHEREAS, the Monument to Thomas McKie Meriwether was unveiled on February 16, 1916 and located prominently in John C. Calhoun Park,and WHEREAS, the monument was paid for with an authorization of$400 from the South Carolina Legislature and local contributions, and WHEREAS, there is no recognition in John C. Calhoun Park of the seven African-American men who died during the Hamburg incident, and WHEREAS, both John C. Calhoun Park and the now abandoned Town of Hamburg are within the City of North Augusta, and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, reach these conclusions: The Thomas McKie Meriwether Monument should remain in its present location, its text and structure should not be altered, and The Monument to Thomas McKie Meriwether contains text offensive to, and inconsistent with the beliefs of, current day North Augusta citizens, and A defined, distinct area surrounding the monument should be created providing educational opportunities for visitors as a counterpoint to the viewpoint expressed by the text on the monument, and The educational display having permanently installed features(e.g.,sculptures,kiosks, plaques, etc.) should present the information and should include, as a minimum, A summary of the events which transpired at Hamburg on July 8a'and 0, and The names of the African-American men killed during the events of July 8" and 9`s,and A discussion of the accomplishments of the African-American citizens during Reconstruction to include the founding of Aiken County, and The Jim Crow and Civil Rights eras, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a committee comprised of the following individuals is hereby established for the purpose of developing a plan for the additions at John C. Calhoun Park necessary to fulfill the items listed above in this section: Mayor Bob Pettit, Chair Mr. John Felak Council member Pat Carpenter Dr. Mark Newell Council member David McGhee Mr. Tony Carr Mr. Charles Allen Ms. Mandy Nelson, ex-officio, non-voting Mr. Milledge Murray Ms. Trina Mackie The Committee,at its discretion, is authorized and encouraged to utilize local, county, and state resources and experts to insure information is factual or is consistent with current historical understanding or interpretation. A design competition for the overall layout and specific elements should be considered by the Committee. Should this be the recommended approach,the Committee is authorized to develop the overall guidelines for such competition, including a recommended selection procedure and the criteria. Committee recommendations shall be presented to Council for approval and implementation. The City Administrator is authorized to approve funds to cover travel and other expenses from General Fund City Council Contingency Account totaling not more than $500. DONE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF 2019. Robert A.Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: Sharon Lamar, City Clerk ATTACHMENT NO. 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2019-11 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO FILE AN APPLICATION REQUESTING TEXT AMENDMENTS OF THE NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE. SUCH TEXT AMENDMENTS RELATED TO ARTICLE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND APPLICABILITY/CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICTS WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Council have been reviewing and considering elements of the current Development Code as they relate to utilization of property by the City; and WHEREAS, the current Development Code made public property subject to certain restrictions on development, that did not appear in previous codes; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that some changes to the existing Development Code are appropriate and in the best interest of the City and that changes to the Development Code should be pursued. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina,in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof,that the City Administrator is authorized as follows: 1. Mayor and City Council direct the City Administrator to file the appropriate application with the Department of Planning and Development requesting the following text amendments to the North Augusta Development Code: a.—Such section would be deleted in its present form and amended to read as follows: Development Standards — Uses within the P, Public Use District, are not subject to the dimensional standards of §3.5 and §3.8. However, such uses are subject to the landscaping standards of Article 10, and the parking standards of Article 12. b. — Such section would be deleted in its present form and amended to read as follows: This section applies to any lot or parcel within the following Corridor Overlay Districts that are designated on the Official Zoning Map,with the exception of those lots or parcels zoned P. 2. The City Administrator is further authorized to execute any documents necessary to make this application as well as submit any DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS DAY OF MARCH, 2019. SIGNED BY: ROBERT A.PETTIT,MAYOR ATTESTED BY: SHARON LAMAR,CITY CLERK