RES 2019-08 Adopted 0 0 RESOLUTION 2019-08 A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR PREPARATION OF RESPONSE COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT INTEGRATED POST AUTHORIZATION ANALYSIS REPORT(PAAR)AND SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT(SEA) FISH PASSAGE AT NEW SAVANNAH BLUFF LOCK AND DAM(NSBLD), AND DRAFT FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT(FONSI)TO EVALUATE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE FISH PASSAGE FEATURE OF THE SAVANNAH HARBOR EXPANSION PROJECT(SHEP)ISSUED BY THE SAVANNAH DISTRICT OF THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WHEREAS,the City of North Augusta has branded itself as"South Carolina's Riverfront",and WHEREAS,the New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam(NSBLD)for more than 80 years has maintained the pool created by the said NSBLD in the Savannah River at a target elevation of 114.5 feet, and WHEREAS,the City of North Augusta via Resolution 2019-01 is on record as supporting Option 1-1,Retain the Dam with GA Fish Passage,and authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to take measures to ensure the present pool is maintained, and WHEREAS, Option 2-6d, Lowered Fixed Crest Weir with Dry Floodplain Bench,recommended by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) calls for replacement of the NSBL&D with a rock weir whose height will substantially lower the pool elevation along the City of North Augusta's shoreline, and WHEREAS, the USACE has issued a number of documents related to its decision to replace the NSBL&D with the rock weir to the public for comment, and WHEREAS, the preparation of the City of North Augusta comments will require substantial effort requiring knowledge of hydraulics, hydrology, cost estimating, engineering, environmental sciences,recreation, mapping, and real estate, and WHEREAS, the comments delivered to the USACE by the City of North Augusta, as well as,the comments submitted by surrounding municipalities and their citizens, local industries,and environmental groups must be well-reasoned and technically correct and reflective of the broad impacts which will be caused by selection of Option 2-6d as the mitigation action to be implemented, and WHEREAS,the City's staff has neither the breadth of experience nor expertize to prepare the comprehensive comments nor time anticipated to be necessary to develop the comments, and 0 0 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, authorize the following: 1. The City Administrator is authorized to expend from the General Fund Administration Contingency Account not more than $15,000 for the preparation of comments on the Draft Integrated Post Authorization Analysis Report (PAAR) and Supplemental Environmental Assessment (SEA), Fish Passage at New Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam (NSBLD), and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to evaluate proposed changes to the Fish Passage feature of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP) issued by the Savannah District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. 2. Should the City Administrator deem it appropriate, to enter into an agreement with Augusta-Richmond Countym have comments forjoint submission prepared by contractors possessing the specific technical knowledge and experience in the disciplines cited above. DONE,RATIFIED,AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE Ora DAY OF MARCH,2019. SIGNE ROBERT A.PETTIT,MAYOR ATTESTED BY: IA55.pp d'�/�OIi� A#"V SHARON LAMAR,CITY CLERK