ORD 2019-01 Adopted (Annexation .63 acres at 1015 Reams Rd) 0 0 ORDINANCE NO. 2019-01 TO CHANGE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA BY ANNEXING t 0.63 ACRES OF PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1015 REAMS ROAD AND OWNED BY KENNETH A.NEWSOME WHEREAS, Section 5-3-150(3) of the Code of Laws of the State of South Carolina provides that: 'Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (1) and (2) of this section, any area or property which is contiguous to a municipality may be annexed to the municipality by filing with the municipal governing body a petition signed by all persons owning real estate in the area requesting annexation. Upon the agreement of the governing body to accept the petition and annex the area, and the enactment of an ordinance declaring the area annexed to the municipality, the annexation is complete'; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, by adoption of Resolution No. 2019-07 dated February 18, 2019, accepted a Petition for Annexation and wish to annex the below described properties; and WHEREAS, the zoning classification recommended for the properties proposed for annexation has been reviewed for consistency with the Future Land Use Classification of the properties as specified in the Land Use Element of the North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that: 1. The following described property shall be annexed into the City of North Augusta: All that piece, parcel, or lot of land with the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being just outside the City of North Augusta, Aiken County, South Carolina, containing 0.63 acres as shown on a plat prepared by Joe L. Grant, RLS, dated February 23, 1977 and recorded in the Aiken County RMC Office in Misc. Book 230,page 56. For a more specific description,reference should be made to the aforesaid plat which is made a part and parcel hereof. Being the identical premises conveyed to Kenneth A. Newsome by deed recorded in Aiken County RMC Office in Deed Book 4759,pages 988-1003. Tax Parcel Number 002-08-03-011 O O The property to be annexed is also shown on a map identified as "Exhibit A" titled "Map of Property Sought to be Annexed to the City of North Augusta" dated February 6, 2019 and prepared by the City of North Augusta. II. The zoning classification shall be R-14, Large Lot Residential, as shown on a map identified as "Exhibit B" bided "R-14 Zoning of Property Sought to be Annexed to the City of North Augusta" dated February 6, 2019, and prepared by the City of North Augusta. III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are,to the extent of such conflict,hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF MARCH, 2019. First Reading: d�� Second Reading Robert A. Pettit, Mayor Third Reading: AT-m' ST--: .N71O/t-Fi�J �AiYt1.OiEJ Sharon Lamar, City Clerk EXHIBIT B oc 6 a R-7 T.P.N. 002-08-03-011 R-14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential Zoning R-14 RCTs R f / ¢D Outside City r�F�D R-10 N NOCtrl ^� ANX19-002 A Augusta�� R-1 4 ZONING OF UGHTTOBEANNEXERTY _ SOUGHT TO BE ANNEXED TO vo +os o Ys 210 South Carolinas Riuerjront THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA b AIKEN COUNTY ASSESSOR Tax Map: AIKEN COUNTY AUDITOR 0024843411 Charles T.Eason Date:01A9I2019 Endorsed OV20019 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED COUNTY OF AIKEN KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,THAT We,CIO E.Jones,Christopher E.Jones,Pamela Denise Canada and Karen Elizabeth Quick in the State aforesaid for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Thousand and 00/100th"S10,000.00) Dollars to 1rs paid by KennethA.Newsome 455 Railroad Avenue North August,SC 29841 in the State aforesaid have granted,bargained,sold and released and by these presents do grant,bargain, sell and release Dote the said Kenneth A.Newsome,his heirs and assigns,the following described property to-wit: All Mat piece,parcel or lot of land with the improvements thereon,situate,lying and being just outside'. the City of North Augusta,Aiken County,South Carolina,containing.63 acres as shown on a plat prepared by Joe L.Grant,RLS,dated February 23, 1977 and recorded in the Aiken County RMC Offic$ in Mise.Book 230,page 56.For a more specific description,reference should be made to the aforesaid'. plat which is made a part and parcel hereof. This is the identical property conveyed to Earl E.Jones Sod CIO E.Jones by deed of Mary Elizabeth Crook dated May 31, 1977 and recorded in the Aiken County RMC Office in Deed Book 561,page 268; and by deed of Ed M.Wells dated May 31, 1977 and recorded in the Aiken County RMC Office in Deed Book 561,page 319. But E.Jones died on December 5,2000. His estate was filed h1 Columbia County,Georgia,a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. _ Ta cparcel#002-08-03-011 - TOGETHER with all and singular,the right,members hereditaments and appurtenances to the said premises belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all singular the premises before mentioned unto the said Kenneth A.Newsome,his heirs and assigns. 2019001778 MMM DEED e RECORDING FEES E22.DD STATE TAX $ 800 COUNTY TAX 011 00 a PRESENTED a atonal 01-22-2019 01:45 PM JUDITHRNER aY�VIgpINN pyNN e[3Ury BK: RB 4759 PG: 988 - 1003' RB BK 4759 pG 988 And we do hereby bind ourselves and our Herts,Executors and Administrators to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Kenneth A.Newsome,his heirs and assigns against ourselves and our heirs and assigns and all persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof: WITNESS our Hand(s)mid Seal(s)this )q4f- day of January,hl the year of Two Thousand and Nineteen And in the Two Hundred Forty-Third Year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the United States of America. Signed,Sealed and Delivered in the presence of: n �V .. •p.'iia�uoe,, 16 r el) V!•.• .�..:+3s //.lV�ii�s opber E.Jones /nI 1'op bNrT,6 `g (•Ivwd.$?auo. -P a'0� (Seal) ununaoc Pamela Denise Canada aa'' uo. oeaz) n Elimbeth Quick Art.as to Pamela Denise Canada: o L_ �_ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF AIKEN I,Lark W.Jones,a notary for the State of South Carolina do hereby certify that Clo E.Jones, Christopher E.Jones and Karen Elinbeth Quick personally appeared before me this day and F; admowledged the due execution of the foregoing Deed. Witness my hand and seal this 21st day of January — Lark W. Jones— Notary3 a Public for State of Sowh Commission Expires: 1-15-2023 r F. RB BK 4759 PG 989 STATE OF GEO GIA ACKNOWLEDGMENT COUNTY OF q � ,k __ S _ a notary for the State of Georgia do hereby certify that Pamela mise 'anada p .l nally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of a foregoing Deed. Witness my hand and seal this—4��lay of January,2019. 0,,j ft Xrr/HrlH �NA,V Fu i or Ste e o Commi5510 xphes: 3Id Yf4 nrlq eyQrN� eLWC 6 AUBUG c File No.: 15-266 '//ip�UprY.,GEssd� Return To: Lark W.Jones 107 W.Pine Grove Aveme North Augusta,SC 29841 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA AFFIDAVIT FOR TAXABLE OR EXEMPT TRANSFERS COUNTY OF AIKEN PERSONALLY appeared before me the undersigned,whu being duly swom,deposes and says: 1. 1 have read the Wormation on the back of this affidavit and I understand such information. 2. The property being transferred is located at Reams Road,North Augusta,South Carolina bearing Aiken County Tax Map Number 002-08-03-011 was transferred by Clo E.Jones,eta]to Kenneth A. Newsome on January,21,2019. 3. Check one of the following: The deed is (a)_X_subject to the deed recording fee as a transfer for consideration paid or to be paid in money or money's worth. (b)____ subject to the deed recorded fee as a transfer between a corporation,a partnership,or other entity and a stockholder,partner,or owner of the entity,or is a transfer to a trust or as a distribution to a trust beneficiary. (c) _ exempt from the deed recording fee because(See Information section of affidavit): If exempt under exemption 914 as described in the infon oution section of this affidavit,did the agent and principal relationship exist at the time of the original sale and was the purpose of this relationship to purchase the realty? Check Yes or No 4. Check one of the following if either item 3(a)or item 3 (b)above has been checked(See information RB BK 4759 PG 990 0 � - section of this affidavit.): (a)_X_The fee is computed on the consideration paid or to be paid in money or money's. worth in the amount of$10,000.00. (b) The fee is computed on the fah market value of the realty which is (c) The fee is computed on the fair market value of the realty as established for propekty tax purposes which is . 5. Check Yes or No X to the following: A lien or encumbrance existed on the land„ tenement,or realty before the transfer end remained on the land,tenement,or realty after the transfer. (This includes,pursuant to Code Section 12-59-140(E)(6),any lien or encumbrance on realty in possession of a forfeited land commission which may subsequently be waived or reduced after the transfer under a signed contract or agreement between the lion holder and the buyer existing before the transfer.)If"Yes,"the amount of the outstanding balance of this lien or encumbrance is: 6. The deed recording fee is computed as follows: (a) Place the amount listed in item 4 above here: $10,000.00 (b) Piece the amount listed in hem 5 above here: -0. (If no meant is listed,place zero here.) (c) Subtract Line 6(b)from Line 6(a)and place result here: $10,000.00 7. The deed recording fee due is based on the amount listed on Line 6(c)above and the deed recording fee due is:37.00. 8. As required by Code Section 12-24-70,1 state that I am a responsible person who was connected with the transaction as:Purchaser 9. 1 understand that a person required to famish this affidavit who willfully famishes a false or i fraudulent affidavit is guilty of a misdemeanor and,upon conviction,must be fined not mora than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year,or both. . Responsible on connected with Transaction , Kenn A. some Prim rType ameldere SWORN to before me this 21st day o January,2019, NotaryNotuy Pub1iZfar South&rolina, My Commission Expires: 1-15-23 Notary(printed name): Lark W.Jones RB BK 4759 PG 991 BBB5J f39 8139 �h GFAROIA PROBATg COIRT SfANOARDPOPM i.7 PETMON FOR LETTERS OF APMB91S2'RkUON GEORGIA,COLUMBIA COUNT' To the Hottosble Judge of Me Probate Court: y! The petition of Clu E.Jolla whoa domic0e a 215 QdM Drive.MMio¢Ommis 30907 {, .a wW=mailingeddmssis2UCmibe Ddve.M"O GnrRia30PQ7 showatothe Court Mat kkk 1. li Edrl _ 6 Jon. .whom k FIM Middle IsrtName donnicil..215cpai share, Wthabis O Santa departed Mia Hf6U m December52000 ✓I steb,keying en.Mtetuart C4 Cootsty.l pmpeny velem approximately geR000A0 all personal prglmyvelued.eppmximauly yO.W r 2. Under Ma kw it'v necessary Mat said maze h admioetued;and CIo E Jpn. shouldbceppointod Adminis awrbyienmiof(checkane): j; being unanimously sckcted by all 0c heirs. (This eltemative does and apply if tk irs( wmg spouse is the to heir and en action for divorce ur ac una,ana nknmsce wu pending.the time ofdecedenl.ddeM) XX being the anrviving spouse when no setion for divame or seperett maintetmnce wa pending.the[hnu ofdcttdenfa death. _ Loing an beirand not the surviving spome. _ having btta selMed hyevmj.4v minperns[afehe heirs _ being aneligiblaprson.defined by O.C.GA.Bw.536-1. being o crtditm oftbe decade.(ev'ulenrc ofthv mdebtedness is shwhed). being the ccumy edo,husb... 3. r Listed below are Me wnea dell the d..dada hubs wdh the age or mejorhy vtows,eddums,and rtWknship m decedent aet apposite Me acme of each: Namn Age Address Relationship (or.10) sI9.G_Loamo._ over lB 215Cadbe Drl M C 30907 Sper t IIDeed Desbut.GeongiA398011 S 'y tr prasight Dmime Casual. om Is 3H6 Cowmt GA3 Dav ur Slizabail,Quick 1$ 21 Dnve oida3 7 Thinghien Jur e�ua au — Of Ct gSWAs 7M 1 Tlp9atE 0PC9P3 m# 5 j RB BK 4759 PG 992 g095d 'iy0 9140 tl, 4. 1•i Additional Dara Where full particulars are Imking,state here the reeroos for any such omissl,e. Also,sruehere all pertinent fern which may govern Na meNod of giving notice(,any party end which may deremtim whetberor not a guardian ad It=should beappointed for my parry. Iferry heise listetr shore are onul.,grandchildren, nnphcws or nieces of the decedent please indicate the deceased ancestor,through wham they me Mend to the decedent petitioner requesn Nal she be allowed to verve with=posting bond or filing inventory,and Nm she be granted d1 of the powers coveted In §53.12-232,O.C.G.A. '(t (Check ane): ! j' X _ Notion of this petition must be Wibliahed eitlmr bemuse all bcirs hove consorted that the Judge of the probate 000d may waivc the bond and/or grant certain powers contained in O C.G A. §53.12-232 to the Admioimetor end Nercfnne the notice required by law in such cues court be iasoed end publohed,or because the identities arWor address.of ill ' heisa ere not known. _ Nodee of Nis patition need not be published,because waiver ofboad a orgrmtofpewers contained in O.C.O.A.§53-12-232 is not soughtaM No noddies and addresses ofall the heirs are..known 6. To the knowledge of the petitioner,no other pm.e imp with respect to this sense are pending,or have been completed,in any other probme court in this sane. Wherefore,pttltioner prays that service be perfected end that if no good cause 6 shown to the ronoary, C1.E,lass beeppoinmd Ad.ini"or ofth.mea say dezdent. Signelure fAttorney(err g�unveo Ad. ey(S ey petitioner fpro a) Address: Address: past Office Ban 915 Aug.m,Georgia 30903-0915 i Telephone Number, Telephooe Number. (706)'/22-3341 Stere Bar N: State Be,N: 369150 2 ' RB BK 4759 PG 993 BAASd Iql 0141 15!' vis I CAMN GEORGIA,CO!UMpIA COUNTY Pe.somlly sppeered before me Ne undersigned peitlona(s)w o on wth siah(s)fietlhe facts sn fbM in the faregoing paition are true. Pedtiwa -- Pctlliwv(CIo E.Iwm) _ _ Residence Addr Rmidanw Address: _Cadbe Drive Marines,Georgia 30907 Telephwe Number: Telepfmne Number: 706855-9242 Swom w and subsuribcd bcfbm m0.this—!�-1 dsY of f 3Ca1S'l .200 ). LO y. W. � L� mNataMry PuNic 3 it RB BK 4759 PG 994 I `.Bbg5J : 142 -sem' rtlaz ' SELECTION BY HEIRS(AND CONSENT OF MFRS TO WAIVER OF BOND ANIVOR GRANT OF CERTAIN POWERS) - Not: Ifanheiris rotsvi'Jusis.the guardians appointed by the wmtorthethe PP person rin c wort i�� determined may act asguardian is wmtiad tovnt for such smnjuria hai heiriv ancatdasMe with the inststWion pagemthis form. GEORGIA,COjUNIBjA COUNTY WO.tfNg(ah DftlN)h<If60f 11W e11BIC of E&AE.Jones �} '.. deoeazaL and being wijuda uvkss plarwim Indica[aAdmini4 acknowledge vofscd Waiveall .: i further natma,aM.slam Cb E.lam msass Admininmmrof the emtofsvd dpedem, theckonlYifapplicable): '( is and authpim t6ejudge offhe pmbme maro ) (check all which apply): La waivctlx hoM of We Admmisbamrend gmnrm tla Adminiawor Me pawrrm „�.b;: mrve withoutmal,mg aM III inverntsy aM without filing any anuei nrpher raum p mat lug ano alty,battles ent of y shalt fad di bungan nta, beneficiaries,et lust ennuilty,esakmwt ofrcceiPa and disbpsamena. _fib. grantro the Administramnll oftbe powaa contained in O.COA.453-12-232 'yl' not included in(a)above. _c. gram to dm Administogar ply that certain powers coatimd in O.C.GA ,s §53-I2.2J2 which am mt fah in Fahibh'A'ettacbcd heap. 'W E�`ssaas SIONATURFfSIOF IDsLtS FJ, II Y MOFPROBA'IB b,.ff),tI 20k �p rrm�eQs(yyl�sYi � {' cFRDB �—J rmrrtMt aMa Mif 14T1t ;; OFPROBATBCOIIRT�°� g beflawd �M .�aii hTECOURT NhtM_dryof_�30_ ROTARY/6�IKOF t•POHAT6 COU0.T a RB BK 4759 PIS 995 AARSJ 14S 0143 SELECTION RY ITEMS(ANT CONSENT OF SIRS TO WATYER OF BOND ANDIOR GRANT OF CERTAIN POWERS) Nam: Ifen heir fa van suijuris,the guasdim appoivmd by the court or the"aeon that the wort - detemoned may set as guardians is authorised to consent for such rmnjusis heir in accmdance with the inabvcunn page to this form. r GEORGIA,COLtIM COUNTY We,kin,(all of the)heirs of the"one of PjILI _ deceased,mW being suijuru unka o ise irdseamd,do hereby acknowledge i.,—i-nil i further notke,and wleR CI L1 metra Adminnietwofftometeofsaiddowdem, (shook only if applicable) X and aummim thejudge of the praLsm emnto,d (check ill which apply): �a waive she bond of ine AAninkneau and Roseau,the Adminkhmn Ban Wwerm j. serve M.at making and fling invemory and wham,filing my annual m odes setumn or oepom many wart;but sins fducimy shell fuinish to the income bemfmbrier,m Isa.monis ,a amteem,of receipts W disbursammu. %b. gremu,We Admisdnrtrar all of Na powersconmined in O.C.O.A.§ 53-12-232 nor included in(e)above. p� _c. Would dw AdmAinmmronly Mese antero"esus confuotl kO.C.O.A 1534which ere cat forth in Exhiblt'A'machad 3wanso" uhMbdbeka v°< rin,o h.r TOM/ N - Eox:OMM mugr Sswmmsodw before _—_—_•_'___---- NOTARYMLEIIR OF PRORAMMRT Swnso aM whmlwdba6rt ,I, i '� NO'fARYMLERKWPROBA3ECQ1Ef , SwwnmaM wMMbedbMa �Y —_._� my Nieft_dq'af 2Q_. - ii NOTARYMIBAKOF PROBAIEC011RT a xt RB BK 4759 PG 996 9 i 0oil 144 144 ;tat A 144 k SELECTION BY HEIRS(AND " .. CONSENT OF 1m TO WAVER OF BOND AND/OR GRANT OF CERTAIN POWERS) a_ Now If an heir is not msi juris,the goardius appointed by the court or the person that the court detemdned may act as guardian is authorized to consent for such nonjuris heir in yl accordance with the instruction page an this form. GEORGIA,COLUMBIA COUNTY ' We,bping(ell ofthe)heire aFthe emah of fvdE ]ones Tj deceased,end beds suijuris untem oNerwBe iMicatad,dp hereby acknowledge sarvic<,waiv¢all -.1. f nhernMim,end alar s'WF IW mato Admieistrmor ofthe emak ofWld daWent. j, (check osUy if applicable} �_ siM Wthoria dujudge of dw probele murc m �- (check all wbleh applyk X a. waive the bond oftbe Administraorand grant m the AduchoWaterthe pewarto rva warm, to sandw,hm the fid end withM filing anyoircoor returns w repot to any coaly.butne nant ofr shell and di b da:income brneficiaries,at least Wmwlly.a ttetement oFreceipts and disbrawneMa fib. gratmNc Adminisvesw on ofae pawns contained in O.GG.A:§ S}M232 nolionladed'm(a)ahove. c. sant to the Ad.fidwdor only those canon powers contained in O.C.GA. ¢53-12-232 which are as forth in Exhibit W etched hereto. SKwnmena;psol �1 •aB ae _daY of ears pumbl Y = bn pE aLpWrne AMpt ®§:B—NOTARYC OF PROBATECO_ Swam to and wibN bbec((wwFp rte abae dq of(j' .2aQ( 4-�AYR A/G.au. UfGwiN/ NOTARYICLERK OF PROBA3T:CAU0.T �wnmand wbauibed hef II NOTARYIORRKOFPROBATECOURT SwombadsubvlMdbefws —___--�.---- — me NOTARYICLEKKOFPROBATECOURT a I' t ( .F RB BK 4759 PG 997 geesd (yg olds sF.LECfEIN ITY WOL9(AND CONOF TO WYRROF BOND ANIVOR OA)R GRANT NT O OP MCERTAIN POWERR) tl Nate: Ifan heiris nelswjeria,the guardian eppointedby tbeconatorwe ponouthtt thecoml dctawlnway act ir Cmbon is authorized w consent forsuch vonjuris heir in accordance with the in=uRiov pegc ro oris form. GEORGIA, -OLU RIA COUNTY I Wq Wall,(A]ofth.)heir afdna eseate of —Pad—F.Jm�ah deceased,and bade,and juris uNess othnwise indicated,do hereby acknowledge srnin,waive all funhet..d.,mdselem Cl.&Jgaea toamm AdmieimawroftbeestadafmiddeeWma, (oh ck only if epplinable): ' �( _ ant euNmize thejudge of Ne pmbete ascan to (chock all which apply): waive 0a bond ofthe Adnlalsvmm and gmm to Out Admmimewr the power to nerve widout nuking and filing inventory end wiflem filing any annual or ower mums m nape.to any cmaC but the fidvcimy awl famish w Me income boxmd10 im,mboast an...Dy,s mummy ofmaumpls and dubmumenm _,_b. grant mtM Ad.inishmor all ofde puwets contained in O.C.G.A.§ 53-11332 not m Wed in(n)above. gneadbo .Ada i.istrewronly,thea. iloIwan,-no ivedin O.C.OA I §5}12-232 whits ea cel Pooh in RahibR"A"attached h.eto. 1 5amnV� Zgml. masa ze I 1'ARYIC1 OFFRORATECOURT DaNkIYg -1MEFPW P. 4msggy_.. .__.._ sweentemdsubanbtlbePon RNcmmb madudm_dgwf_ 2@L— mycnanelasamunk"durl ONs •j' NOTARY/Q.FRK OF PRORATRCQIRT sweammWmiscHadl,al '- .e1N.dm NOTARYlCLEA K OP MCDA'IE COURT �j Swmmmmm wMerdeO eaNv ..dude Tdge(__.2U_ _ NOTARYA2ERK OFFRORATR COURT a u II i RB BK 4759 PG 998 y - I - AAB5J P4b s. 0146 DHll,6R FOR 86RV1(S OF NOTICE Prvbat< Coat of p• - C--y (CemPlelo mly Y.pranEle:) - abeemeba.e..eam�.ma®ou�,Qm.haa.t:,:K" tlewcvcabmd ��o[mrrmPwma as marzd mvmnRbeawe ma.a.N.a foEow�upm.eyha.wae : -:. dlEnotselmaaadge ae.im Notieedticevdamamghm.Aed PS'fioa<ho maiimacb heir wahc . ....i' mo,n.ed�ca+e uay�y�mmea.mmmn .�,��a�ewmaremmamxmau mae a e>ry urn who.amrmr.dd,a mkoovn:ms hea wM a wimve.m if d.bm.b. ®imw�]egoobd the..i.ve[Emd mNa Pem efw.ab Po.m.,mtlm eam b ,WAl Wmee oeh.ivk lra fvw.edo wiorm mere Y.Meh ivclvm ds dw m m hefwe.bmb m,objmpm ( -e & . DATE Rmcm OPTHE PBOBAmm NOTI¢ NOTE: Sm the®DaaeapnmPoeeia bebw if. whubk. OBDRQA, COTffi7TY PROBATE own f_ hu PeE Ota _ 1 m be ml �m.mr obd Ao[ft Poe em¢of ,C'n.O .".sem. .deeuM ofsdd Cemry.(Itrpetlama bs S. Ir. dlmd.ssVaptdmb�pws.moaaNa D.C.DA yS}1A- 4 aweedpmfo.sebmbrmd$edbSs.ram.ral.dd Pand^e aba.ld mthc graved AE abj*m. m WeMalimmkbe yvdti�,.�LfmO_.pow.bj eucbefldti. .and mua le 0 waa Poc csmrmor 6ebrt /y'" :� E®Y�iesUme¢..b) . . wm be(pe R.Lserdab`._I[m objeetim.m 5bd,tlx Peaem ,o.y be gtmred,.11Lma.Lmbg. v / - nnxa(>�TnraoBATE BF CLIRPB f)P'TBEPROEAIB(.WR7 CXRMCAn Or MAa wG. DEORow_._ - __—._-COUNTY I do bendry dedfy da[T haw dds dq®filed by S.CcLn o>W.appy e[1he Sew Naar a ma mb:mrsehlirnwahakmen ommr Wdme u liarod by themSdmcvhedldmt aalmowadgeserriw 0 sa em.lvpe,popeTy Wibvsil and vrlPo.degvaa PoeaF 1hvu4 and dcpodad iv ttr Uviad Spas hSm1,wilh❑rt reDoo.dA®efdde Court tacmn ' i DATE..._.._..._ CLEM PROBATE COURT s I RB BK 4759 PG 999 g AAASJ I99 0147 PROBATE COURT OF MMMA COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA RE, ESTATE OF ; ESTATE NO. l i Part P ]=a ) RE. ADMIh7STRATIOETTBRS OF DECEASED ) FhNAE ORDER The peMion of CI E Joneg_for ismunca of Icnara of Administration on Mc estate of Lar1 E )oMp. da eand insibuodutyfiled. Servicew Pnf'aetrdccwdiogtolew. itapyurethetraid I: deoedentdkddomiciledinaidcouay,inh w;t (initielonc): X— the petit. (namek and Mmno ecEon firs haw oR d. I,lawfully qualified fa and admiat tun: obJ CdjEL1if Wheel c.) SuMpefieoncord aWerequanforwaiverofbond Ladlorgtmtof cuNinpowene inedin O.C.G.A.433-12-232. ThanoEce wbieb.bustedandpublahed ,,Fleeted Nis,and no abjection m Me statute hoe han Gen. Consent M Mc petition wa given by ell heirs. It is therefare adned that the undasignedNdga doa hereby: (Inhalant wbioh apply)' - X— e. wn)se the bond of Ne Admincronmr and gr®t to the Adeddat s the powerb scree witheat making and filing imemory,and wdhatd filing arty armuel or cher remrne of scports to an, cow;but dams fiduc�s del�f�ish 0&a ittmie beneficiaries,at leastannuelly,a satemea ofacaipa ]1_ b. lase to Me Adminsdhaddf all of Me pnan"conLLued k O.C.OA"53-12-232 not not included in(a)above. _ e. gnat to Me"andsisnatoronty Mwe cemin pomrs conUfi din O.C.O.A. 5 53-12-232 wbieh Less set fond in Exhibit'A'anaebed mMe Peahen Itis Ih.fon oedercd then the pcssna t®rd above in Mis ands to he gnalifsd tar Lath offkc be, and is haeby,appointed Adminiahets of Me eaare of ate decedad,and that appropdate lettcte In be _ hawed upon aid Admulahmofsfgiving bond ,kh eppovnd smLnY In the smn of —0— di llaa end)misiog the enMa provided bylaw. ,y� DALE - JVDGE OP THE PROBATE CO _ 6 h z. RB RK 4759 PG 1000 STATE OF GEORGIA, COURT OF PROBATE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA 4 de got of Chad ofFm oi.tie c000b.m hmabl.mob aha I have owed to,f goh,g wn of' Petition to Probate Will to Solemn Form Estate of Earl E Jones Petitioner Clo E Jones wm,dieoilgioa mmtl and em Assoc hhw mmommgm rM•o®oe.md the hams I+a WnxthmmnPt dmCrme meafine wMkol wd m,glad�aMdre•. 'u�k.e Coml oraerma' Q1T031A%1NYW➢t{R90F,Ibav h bmtmp laud aN offhad the sgl ofarc.0 ofA rou tl¢ dq t .^b_ILv � JMmOgom -- STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Columbia COURT OF PROBATE 1,Alice W.Pa,,m,Judge oftM1e Probule Tam dColoobu Comb,SWe a0wl K dohueby tehfy mono,bob, who mud Ne faageieg c¢efiumt k mid wu 4 dm time ofsimiog gm mmq"Y Rualiffad Clak afiy a,¢pe mmamiw.umdmfwm o[4w,uN Wm�lAu o�delw¢c aaWMmfiJI bNh¢MUWk .., . : +1 WIIN9 _ YomNd n, a ydao 1 ,�, IWPda.PWeYOVI fmtl STATE OF GEORCfim County of Columbia COURT OF PROBATE L W Ck,k ofWe spm of Pro¢ ofColumbu m Y.Sbk ofGmrs,do hacby u+dfy do, WPedge,�win tlgw vu,goivg um ,ka,d ¢@e time oftlgna,N —e,she loop ofne Pobem Ctlwt ofcolumbu ywmy 0.0.day cland.cummiulowd and quallffd and duomida o—isM.— ,l n]WITNE9g WHEREOF f .'y-� Thous hereuemmmy M1mdsMe1Bw11he eeY e(lhe �j Guuaf TmMle¢me Cl�'or9YmM1 Com4m19m�a Afam,md.do lfL dgof J®vYUPoe}au' of.m o iwa 1 ,t I $t ♦y f � 9tl; ra4auaW pmb. 1 RB BK 4759 PG 1003 .r�gggsd 19i ' . 8148 OATH GEORGIA,COLUMBIA COUNTYs.. I do solemnly swear w-1fion dmt I__ x: deceased,died Intestate,so far w I know or believe,rind that wBl well aad vtsly rdmini aer on all ap'- the rrfate oflhe C dmS soddshorse Me.u the laws I.,and dlsehuge In the bat of mayabffRyallmydutmsas Admmuvdor. Sohelpme Caod. xl Adrmfmi>hxor I Sw to d sWwtiW befoc-me tlds day of q5 ' Cetlr,ProbNeCwrt 1�, CERTIFICATE IN ACCORDANCE WTTB UNIFORM PROBATE COURT RULE 21(F) Icertify ehm ffe mntmt of the fomving is identical In all mamial nnsiw with Georgia pontoon court standard fomt entire Petition for Letters afAdalntaBalbv,—Pt far addition os dektiom irdi wda.rrquiredbytheUniformPmbateCwrsRula.igmt --- I IDW _ urt ofAumu (Smvlry C Hous-) Address Post Office Bmr915 '{ 3; Augusto Gemgla 30903-0915 Telepharm Numbcc (706)922-3341 _ Stria B.#: 369150 I' $i 9 t • fl.. .i K:- y '.,.`. RB BK 4759 PG 1001 '$ BBSSJ lyq 0149 aaoacumounn couar STnADARO NRM STATE OF GP.OAGIA COUNTY OF COLOMBIA 1.817RBp OF ApIKBV13'1RAT10N (BoM WdvdsdNor Corson Power Oran¢d Suboraml m Tmeof Ap,morr cot) By we sera.... JWpofdw Probate Court ofaid County. WHMUL4$_._.eASL s. lopes_ didiNmwe(cbakwe:) 'i. z domiciled M this County: i� eW domiciled M Wle slam,bW ow�IlYpopny io tlde Cowry: ad lhle Croat panmdm odaappMtivF_ Q-0s. JOFLs aAdmioietratmo[Ox spam of oW dmdmt,ad aid Admminbatm did dWY 9aalii)'fm sob o6me;tacCmvtbemby grams unto rid AdminiMbr fWlpowa m collar she sesta ofaid demdmt,and topYhbeddNs ofaidcdatr,a fm amch seek will erpn4 acco�dv`gwhw,mdlhmbpY overtMbdmre,i[ary,mlM kph Min o(aid ., dmalti,aed M Coed Pm form ill dst rd tiaaewM1 Adminidmtm,acsordivgmthelaws of dds Smm. In addidaq this fpm(bea by order damd Avril xe. 20n2 (Cfieck dl which apply:) P,E. s. waived tM neomtlty of bond of the Adminimsmr from the dem of such under, fom m.and FnntM to tM admM1deaator tiro power to serve witlwut filing m m mtory ifret due prior to the date of such coder,and without filing my annul or otharehmo or reprk oovrnag my paid from f dem ofach order toward to soy corm;but IM Fdwiary shell in the fuhoe fmnlsh to !tu In..bowfidaru s, at lest annually, a etatammt of mccipk ad disbmaemeds. Further, the Alrund.balar must Cde.moan with this comtwitl,in W days form the dam-f--h oNcr nosvlm,the paned Som hie moat want tans ,Usury run to the Jate of such -under and a copy ufmch rdmn roust be sunt by frstdaa mail by theedmhdmator to dl oftMb ad in,.cno IIs oftbe mhte m tM time such rcwm u Eim. b. grunted tithe Adsainiatamr Goer the dateafmchmder fbwrddl ofthe powers contained In O.C.OA.653-12-232 not imhrdeS in(a)above. C. aswtd to the Adminlssalor fide tfe dao of awh mda Corwed any them certain W. contained M O.C.GA. 153-12-232 wbich'aa set forth in fubibit'A' etodrd to dm petitom upon which We Court entad ach order. ULellem ofAdmMiehatiw wen:previously Issued m this Admtaishabr,thea Lewte scplaoe Iheee. IN TESTIMONY RTFREOF, 7lmvehmamcaRxedmy tlptaAeealudge ofPoeProbere CaW ofaid Coumy and Om mlcftM's olpoe We 26[F _dry of^..ril 2110A., KOls ,i tdge oC9ro Ralem Corot awaponmMeleraroeeemma Wmdby: Coe,1'mbab Court (SBB INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE) I huM.IAe ...orcme A RB BK 4759 PG 1002 '±4 i VOL�3.°PAGE O M1 'I y a � .a• O. \O � .� i Gs •• feo � o a n J4Y, CARDX = / C 1 PLAT\ ye'w!•!�°.' msec m navo1 Of '4:, ,-.•• E CLO E. JONEL04ATCO JUST S 'MIC!f 0!YIRTINTO VN NO NOR TX O. xOR.F .VC VIT• f � COUNTY OF AiKEN StATE OF 9.CAROLINA I. � i RETURNED T0: l� AMC MEN A !V m �Mrrn.qu.. 4C. i I