120318 Council Mtg Mins Adopted North Augusta South Carolina's Riverfront MINUTES OF DECEMBER 3, 2018 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor James M Adams, Jr., Councilmember Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember Kenneth J. McDowell, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of December 3, 2018, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 7:10 p.m. and adjourned at 8:27 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meeting by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mai lout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meeting was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Mayor Pettit rendered the invocation and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Mayor Pettit and Councilmembers Adams, Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McDowell and McGhee. Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance; Richard L. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, & Tourism; John C. Thomas, Director of Public Safety; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director of Engineering Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 and Public Works; James E. Sutton, Director of Public Services; Lillian E. (Libby) Hodges, Director of Planning and Development; J. D. McCauley, Manager of Human Resources; and Donna B. Young, City Clerk. The minutes of the regular and study session minutes of November 19, 2018, were approved by general consent. ITEM 1. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2018-09 — Adopting a Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 Containing Estimates of Proposed Revenues and Expenditures by the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the Budget Year Beginning January 1, 2019, and Declaring that same shall Constitute the Budget of the City of North Augusta for such Budget Year — Ordinance, Third and Final Reading—Remove from Table On motion by Mayor Pettit, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council unanimously removed Ordinance No. 2018-09 from the table. ITEM 2. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2018-09 — Adopting a Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 Containing Estimates of Proposed Revenues and Expenditures by the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the Budget Year Beginning January 1, 2019, and Declaring that same shall Constitute the Budget of the City of North Augusta for such Budget Year — Ordinance, Third and Final Reading On motion by Mayor Pettit, second by Councilmember Brooks, Council considered an ordinance on third and final reading to adopt a budget for Fiscal Year 2019 containing estimates of proposed revenues and expenditures by the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the budget year beginning January 1, 2019, and declaring that same shall constitute the budget of the City of North Augusta for such budget year. On motion by Mayor Pettit, second by Councilmember McGhee, a motion to move that this third and final reading of the budget be bifurcated to have a line item vote on Section 201 of Community Promotion Section 4030 was made. Such vote would be only as to the $48,200.00 of contributions as set forth in the budget under such section was unanimously approved. On motion by Councilmember Dickert, second by Councilmember Carpenter, a motion to approve Section 201 of Community Promotion Section 4030 was considered. Mayor Bob Pettit recused himself from this vote because he is a member of the Board of CSRA Alliance for Fort Gordon. Councilmember McDowell recused himself from this vote because he is associated with the Board of North Augusta Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 Forward, As a result of the Mayor and Mayor Pro Temp recusing themselves from the vote, with the City Attorney's concurrence, Mayor Pettit asked Councilmember Brooks to manage the vote. Voting for the motion to approve Section 201 of Community Promotions were Councilmembers Adams, Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, and McGhee. Mayor Pettit and Councilmember McDowell recused themselves. The motion passed 5/0. Vote was then taken on the ordinance on third and final reading to adopt a budget for Fiscal Year 2019 containing estimates of proposed revenues and expenditures by the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the budget year beginning January 1, 2019, and declaring that same shall constitute the budget of the City of North Augusta for such budget year, and it was adopted unanimously. Please see the minutes of October 15, 2018, for the ordinance text. ITEM 3. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2018-10 — Levying the Annual Tax on Property in the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2019, and Ending December 31, 2019 — Ordinance, Third and Final Reading —Remove from the Table On motion by Councilmember Carpenter, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council unanimously removed Ordinance No. 2018-10 from the table. ITEM 4. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2018-10 — Levying the Annual Tax on Property in the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2019, and Ending December 31, 2019— Ordinance, Third and Final Reading On motion by Councilmember Dickert, second by Councilmember Brooks, Council unanimously adopted an ordinance on third and final reading levying the annual tax on property in the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2019, and ending December 31, 2019. Please see the minutes of October 15, 2018, for the ordinance text. ITEM 5. ANNEXATION: Ordinance No. 2018-12 to Change the Corporate Limits of the City of North Augusta by Annexing ±1.72 Acres of Property Located on Pisgah Road and Owned by Forrest T. and Felix D. McKie — Ordinance, Third and Final Reading On motion by Councilmember McDowell, second by Councilmember Carpenter, Mayor and Council unanimously adopted on third and final reading an ordinance to effect the annexation of Forrest T. and Felix D. McKie in which they request the annexation of ±1.72 acres of property located on Pisgah Rd., Tax Parcel Numbers 005-19-06-003 and 005-19-06-002. Please see the minutes of November 19, 2018, for the ordinance text. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 ITEM 6: ELECTIONS: Ordinance No. 2018-13 — Complying with Sections 10-1 and 10-2 of the Code of Laws of North Augusta, South Carolina, By Setting the Dates for Municipal Party Primaries, Conventions, and General Election, Times for Filing of Nominating Petitions, Certification of Candidates by Parties, and Certification of Candidates by Municipal Election Commission — Ordinance, Third and Final Reading On motion by Councilmember Carpenter, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council unanimously adopted an ordinance on third and final reading establishing the dates for the 2019 Municipal election for three members of City Council. The terms of Councilmembers James M. "Jimmy" Adams, J. Robert Brooks, and Kenneth J. McDowell will expire on May 6, 2019. Please see the minutes of November 19, 2018, for the ordinance text. ITEM 7. ZONING: Ordinance No. 2018-14 — An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map of the City Of North Augusta, South Carolina by Rezoning ±67.57 Acres of Land Owned by the Summers Family Trust, and Located Along Austin Graybill Road Between Orchard Way and Fox Trail Drive, Aiken County Tax Parcel # 011-05-01-001 from R-10, Medium Lot Residential to R-7, Small Lot, Single Family Residential - Ordinance, Third and Final Reading (Second Second Reading) On motion by Councilmember McGhee, second by Councilmember Carpenter, Council considered an ordinance on third and final reading to amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by rezoning ±67.57 acres of land owned by the Summers Family Trust and located along Austin Graybill Road Between Orchard Way and Fox Trail Drive, and identified as Aiken County Tax Parcel #011-05-011-001, from R-10, Medium Lot Residential to R-5, Mixed Residential. A motion to amend was made by Councilmember McDowell, second by Councilmember Dickert. The motion to amend was that in three different locations, specifically in Paragraph I and Paragraph II as well as in the title, where it now reads R-5 that in each location it be changed to read R-7. This change was requested by Keith Lawrence, P.E. dated November 15, 2018, and is attached to the minutes for reference. The motion to amend passed unanimously. As a result of this significant change, third and final reading could not be had; so this would be a second second reading of the ordinance with third and final reading of the amended ordinance being on December 17, 2018. Vote was then taken on the ordinance on second second reading and passed unanimously. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 The amended ordinance text is as follows: Please note that all complete exhibits and attachments are available in the Office of the City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 2018-14 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF TILE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING ± 67.57 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY THE SUMMERS FAMILY TRUST, AND LOCATED ALONG AUSTIN GRAYBILL ROAD BETWEEN ORCHARD WAY AND FOX TRAIL DRIVE, AIKEN COUNTY TAX PARCEL #011-05-01-001, FROM R-10, MEDIUM LOT RESIDENTIAL, TO R-7, SMALL LOT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.3, North Augusta Development Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's North Augusta 2017 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following an October 18, 2018, public hearing, reviewed, considered the amendment to the Zoning Map and recommended said amendment to the City Council for approval. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: 1. The property owned by the owned by CSRA Development, LLC, and located along Austin Graybill Road, between Orchard Way and Fox Trail Drive, Aiken County Tax Parcel #011-05-01-001, from R-10, Medium Lot Residential, to R-7, Small Lot, Single Family Residential. II. Said property being officially rezoned to the classification R-7, Small Lot, Single Family Residential, more specifically in accordance with the map attached hereto as Exhibit "A," the official Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta is to be so amended. Ill. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2018. ITEM 8. CITY CODE: Ordinance No. 2018-02 — An Ordinance Amending Section 4.1 of the Code of Laws for the City of North Augusta Entitled "Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Public"— Remove from the Table On motion by Mayor Pettit, second by Councilmember Brooks, Council unanimously removed Ordinance No. 2018-02 from the table. ITEM 9. CITY CODE: Ordinance No. 2018-02 — An Ordinance Amending Section 4.1 of the Code of Laws for the City of North Augusta Entitled "Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Public"— Ordinance, First Reading On motion by Councilmember McDowell, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council passed an ordinance on first reading amending Section 4.1 of the Code of Laws for the City of North Augusta entitled "Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Public" Voting for the ordinance on first reading were Mayor Pettit and Councilmembers Adams, Brooks, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Voting against the ordinance on first reading was Councilmember Carpenter. The ordinance passed on first reading with a 6/1 vote. The ordinance text is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2018-02 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4-1 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES FOR THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA ENTITLED "CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN PUBLIC" WHEREAS, Section 4-1 of the City Code relates to consumption, use, etc. of alcoholic beverages in public areas of the City; and, WHEREAS, such Ordinance was amended in October of 2017 to provide for regulations that considered City sponsored festivals; and, WHEREAS, at the time of the passage of said Ordinance, it was anticipated that additional changes would be necessary in order to effectively regulate future activities within the City; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have made a determination that it is appropriate to update such Ordinance. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that: 1. Section 4-1 of the Municipal Code for the City of North Augusta is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Section 4-1. Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Public a) Except for the area and circumstances provided for in Sections B, C and I) herein, it shall be unlawful for any person, in a public place, within the corporate limits of the City, to publicly engage in the possession of an open container of or consume an alcoholic beverage, intoxicating liquors, beer, ale, porter, wine, any other similar malt or fermented beverage. This restriction does not apply to any public place licensed for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages by the State of South Carolina. b) Within the area of the City known as Riverside Village, a specifically described area shall allow for public possession and consumption under restrictions and regulations as set forth herein below. The specific area is described as follows: on the north by Brick Pond Park; on the east by Georgia Avenue; on the south by the Savannah River and on the west by Esplanade. The specific area is more specifically identified and reference for said area is made to the exhibit attached hereto to, identified as "Alcohol Public Consumption Area." 1. Between the hours of 10:00 AM and 12:00 MIDNIGHT, any business establishment that is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages, that is within, or borders on, the described area, may sell alcoholic beverages in a paper or plastic cups for removal from the premises to the designated area. No cans, bottles or glass containers of any nature may be utilized. No person shall remove more than two (2) beverages from the premises at any one time. 2. No beverages, as allowed for removal from business establishments as identified in Number 1 above, are allowed outside of the designated area. In addition, no alcoholic beverages, for consumption within the designated area, may be brought in from outside of said area. 3. Any alcoholic beverage dispensed pursuant to this section must be contained within a paper or plastic cup, not to exceed 16 fluid ounces in size. Such cups shall be identifiable and as specifically approved by the City for such usage. Such cups are to be provided by the business selling such beverages. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 4. Should the City Administrator, in consultation with the Public Safety Director, deteimine that the enforceability of this Ordinance would be enhanced by further requirements and regulations related to the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages within the designated area, such requirements may be placed in effect by written notification of same to all businesses within the designated area. 5. The Public Safety Director, the City Administrator, or their designees shall have the right to temporarily suspend the service of beverages within the consumption area, in the event that they determine that such suspension is necessary for the safety and wellbeing of the persons within the area. c) The City Administrator may, at his/her discretion, grant a permit for the consumption of alcoholic beverages in public places, during special events and celebrations sponsored in whole, or in part, by the City. Such permit would be in written form and specify the times and areas, when and where alcoholic beverages may be possessed and consumed. In addition, the Administrator is authorized to provide such other restrictions, regulations or requirements deemed appropriate to protect the interest of the public when granting a permit. d) Businesses that obtain from the City encroachment permits for outdoor cafés pursuant to Section 4.32 through 4.32.4 of the North Augusta Development code, are allowed to provide for the service and consumption of alcoholic beverages on City streets and public property in such areas as the permit authorizes the encroachment. The service and consumption of food, non-alcoholic beverages and alcoholic beverages in sidewalk encroachments is limited to patrons seated at tables. The permit may specify the permitted hours for service or consumption of alcoholic beverages but may not authorize such service between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 10:00 am. e) The provisions of this Section shall not be construed as an exception or waiver of any Ordinance or South Carolina Law regarding Public Intoxication or Operating an Automobile While Impaired, and should not be construed as affecting Dram Shop Liability or other liability that any such establishment may be subjected to under law. 0 For purposes of construing and interpreting this Ordinance, the following definitions shall apply. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 a. Alcoholic Beverage. Any spirituous malt, vinous, fermented, brewed (whether lager or rice beer), or other liquors or a compound or mixture of them, including, but not limited to, a powdered or crystalline alcohol, by whatever name called or known, which contains alcohol and is used as a beverage for human consumption. b. Person. Any individual, firm, partnership,joint venture, syndicate or other group or combination acting as a unit, association, corporation or other legal entity and shall include the plural, as well as singular. c. Public Area. Any public street, sidewalk, alley, publicly owned parking lot, or other public area within the City. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, are hereby repealed. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on the third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF FEBRUARY. 2018. ITEM 10. CITY CODE: Ordinance No. 2018-02 — An Ordinance Amending Section 4.1 of the Code of Laws for the City of North Augusta Entitled "Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Public"— Ordinance, Second Reading On motion by Councilmember Dickert, second by Councilmember Carpenter, Council passed an ordinance on second reading amending Section 4.1 of the Code of Laws for the City of North Augusta entitled "Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Public" Voting for the ordinance on second reading were Mayor Pettit and Councilmembers Adams, Brooks, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Voting against the ordinance on first reading was Councilmember Carpenter. The ordinance passed on first reading with a 6/1 vote. Please see Item number 9 above for the ordinance text. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 ITEM 11: FINANCE: Resolution No. 2018-28 — A Resolution Authorizing the City of North Augusta to Amend the Stadium License Agreement with Green Jackets Baseball, LLC for the Minor League Baseball Stadium to be Constructed by the City within the Area Bounded Generally by Georgia Avenue, West Railroad Avenue, Center Street, and the Savannah River On motion by Councilmember Brooks, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council considered a resolution authorizing the City of North Augusta to amend the Stadium License Agreement with Green Jackets Baseball, LLC for the minor league baseball stadium to be constructed by the City within the area bounded generally by Georgia Avenue, West Railroad Avenue, Center Street, and the Savannah River. On motion by Councilmember Dickert, second by Councilmember McDowell, a motion to amend the resolution by adding a paragraph to the resolution as follows was made: The amendment passed unanimously. WHEREAS, the City and Green Jackets Baseball, LLC agree that the Green Jackets Baseball, LLC will transfer the ownership of these assets to the City via a separate agreement. Vote was then taken on the original motion to pass the resolution authorizing the City of North Augusta to amend the Stadium License Agreement with Green Jackets Baseball, LLC for the minor league baseball stadium to be constructed by the City within the area bounded generally by Georgia Avenue, West Railroad Avenue, Center Street, and the Savannah River. It also passed unanimously. The amended resolution text is as follows: Please note that all complete exhibits and attachments are available in the OffIce of the City Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-28 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO AMEND THE STADIUM LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH GREEN JACKETS BASEBALL, LLC FOR TIlE MINOR LEAGUE BASEBALL STADIUM TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE CITY WITHIN THE AREA BOUNDED GENERALLY BY GEORGIA AVENUE, WEST RAILROAD AVENUE, CENTER STREET AND THE SAVANNAH RIVER WHEREAS, the City, pursuant to a Master Development Agreement approved by the City by ordinance adopted on January 30, 2017, is to construct a minor league baseball stadium within the area generally referred to as Project Jackson; and WHEREAS, the City has negotiated a Stadium License Agreement for the utilization of the stadium by Green Jackets Baseball, LLC; and Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 WHEREAS, the City and Green Jackets Baseball, LLC have negotiated the Stadium License Agreement to allow for the usage of the stadium by Green Jackets Baseball, LLC under specific terms and conditions as set forth in the Stadium License Agreement; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta City Council approved said agreement on February 20, 2017, and WHEREAS, the City and Green Jackets Baseball, LLC have negotiated on final costs to allow the City to close out the stadium project, and WHEREAS, the City has agreed to remunerate Green Jackets Baseball, LLC in the amount of$149,702 for costs incurred during construction that were costs to be covered by the City in the Stadium License Agreement but paid for by Green Jackets Baseball, LLC at risk until such time as the City could determine that there would be sufficient funds remaining to cover actual construction of the stadium; and WHEREAS, the City and Green Jackets Baseball, LLC agree that the Green Jackets Baseball, LLC will transfer the ownership of these assets to the City via a separate agreement. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council upon review of the Addendum No. 3 to Stadium License Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked as "Addendum No. 3 to Stadium License Agreement" and incorporated by reference, do believe that such Agreement represents a reasonable business arrangement by the City with Green Jackets Baseball, LLC and that such Amendment should be approved and entered into by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that: 1. The Addendum No. 3 to Stadium License Agreement, as attached hereto, is approved and the City is authorized to enter into such Agreement. 2. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such document on behalf of the City. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE 3RD DAY OF DECEMBER,2018. ITEM 12. STREETS AND DRAINS: Resolution No. 2018-29 — Accepting a Deed of Dedication for the Streets, Sanitary Sewer, Stormwater Collection and Fire Suppression. Systems, Dedicated Open Space and Associated Easements and Rights of Way, Along with a Maintenance Guarantee and Letter of Credit for Gregory Landing, Section l On motion by Councilmember Carpenter, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council unanimously passed a resolution accepting a Deed of Dedication for the streets, sanitary sewer, stormwater collection and tire suppression systems, dedicated open space and associated easements and rights of way, along with a maintenance guarantee and letter of credit for Gregory Landing, Section 1. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 The resolution text is as follows: Please note that all complete exhibits and attachments are available in the Office of the City Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-29 ACCEPTING A DEED OF DEDICATION FOR THE STREETS, SANITARY SEWER, STORMWATER COLLECTION AND FIRE SUPRESSION SYSTEMS, DEDICATED OPEN SPACE AND ASSOCIATED EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY, ALONG WITH A MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE AND LETTER OF CREDIT, FOR GREGORY LANDING, SECTION 1 WHEREAS, Metro Homesites, LLC. developed Gregory Landing, Section 1, according to the requirements of the North Augusta Planning Commission and the City, and owns the streets, utilities and easements; and WHEREAS, pursuant to § of the North Augusta Development Code, the Director of Planning and Development and the City Engineer approved the final subdivision plat for recording on February 22, 2018 and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City that, upon approval of a final subdivision plat, the City will, following inspection by the City's Engineering department, accept a deed of dedication for the streets, utilities, etc. for the purpose of ownership and maintenance when said deed is accompanied by a maintenance guarantee; and WHEREAS, a maintenance guarantee and supporting letter of credit accompany the deed; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made final inspection of the subject improvements and these improvements meet City standards. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, do hereby accept a deed of dedication for: ALL that tract or parcel of land, with improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, County of Edgefield, City of North Augusta, consisting of 32.40 acres, and containing sixty-one (61) lots, streets, common areas and water quality ponds, all as shown on a plat dated January 16, 2018, prepared by Southern Partners, Inc., for Metro Homesites, LLC, and recorded on February 23, 2018 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Edgefield County, S.C., in JR# 40,120; and further shown on said plat as Lots 1-12, Block A; Lots 1-8, Block B; Lots 1-5, Block C; Lots 1- 3, Block D; Lots 1-16, Block E; Lots 1-8, Block F; Lots 1-8, Block G; and Lot 1, Block H; together with Common Area 1, containing 5.34 acres; Common Area 2, containing 3.97 acres; Common Area 3, containing 0.99 acre; and Common Area 4, containing 0.11 acre; and the following streets (all 50' right of way): Harlequin Way, Swan Court, and Gregory Landing Drive; and also Water Quality Ponds, all as shown on said plat, Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 reference being made to said plat for a more complete and accurate description of the property hereby conveyed. Derivation: This is a portion of the same property conveyed to Metro Homesites, LLC by Deed of Virginia Ann Hodson and Priscilla Bradley a/k/a Priscilla Dianne Witek, dated February 29, 2016, and recorded in the said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 1565, pages 7- 11; and by Deed of Henry P. Reese, Jr., Barbara R. Herlong, Elsie R. Morgan, Faye M. Speight, and Susan M. Keck dated February 25, 2016, and recorded in said Clerk's Office,in Deed Book 1565, pages 18-22. Map/Parcel No. (Portion ot) 106-00-00-010-000. ANY AND ALL portion of the aforesaid described property containing and encompassing all of the water lines, sanitary sewer lines, storm water collection systems, valves, connections, and related infrastructure, and appurtenances to said premises belonging or in any way incident or appertaining, located within said property in accordance with and as shown on the above-referenced plat. TOGETHER WITH all (a) curbs and gutters located within the aforesaid right of way of the streets and roadways; (b) sidewalks located within the aforesaid right of way of the streets and roadways; (c) sanitary sewerage collection systems including lift stations, if applicable, located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat; (d) storm water collection system including storm water detention areas located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat; and (e) greenways or other pedestrian connections outside the road rights-of-way but located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat, and (f) a perpetual and non-exclusive easement and right-of-way for streets, sidewalks, water lines, sanitary sewage and storm water collection systems located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat, as well as the necessary ingress and egress to reach and enter the aforesaid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Maintenance Guarantee and Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of$138,000 are hereby accepted. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 3RD DAY OF DECEMBER, 2018. ITEM 13. STREETS AND DRAINS: Resolution No. 2018-30 — Accepting a Deed of Dedication for an Off-Site Sanitary Sewer Line, and Associated Easements from Nap Properties, LLC and North Augusta Pediatrics On motion by Councilmember McDowell, second by Councilmember Brooks, Council passed a resolution accepting a Deed of Dedication for an off-site sanitary sewer line and associated easements from Nap Properties, LLC and North Augusta Pediatrics. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 Councilmember Dickert recused himself because his wife works for North Augusta Pediatrics. The resolution passed 6/0. The resolution text is as follows: Please note that all complete exhibits and attachments are available in the Office of the City Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-30 ACCEPTING A DEED OF DEDICATION FOR AN OFF-SITE SANITARY SEWER LINE AND ASSOCIATED EASEMENT FROM NAP PROPERTIES, LLC AND NORTH AUGUSTA PEDIATRICS, LLC WHEREAS, Dr. David Allen developed North Augusta Pediatrics at 140 Allen Court according to the requirements of the North Augusta Development Code and the City, and including a sanitary sewer line and associated easement; WHEREAS, pursuant to §5.6.5 of the North Augusta Development Code, the Director of Planning and Development and the City Engineer approved the minor subdivision plat for Dr. David Allen on March 29, 2018; WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City that, upon completion of the improvements associated with an approved minor site plan, the City will, following inspection by the City's Engineering Department, accept a deed of dedication for the streets, utilities, etc. for the purpose of ownership and maintenance; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made final inspection of the subject improvements, and these improvements meet City standards. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, do hereby accept a deed of dedication for: ALL that certain sanitary sewer line easement shown and designated as "20' Sanitary Sewer Easement Centered on Line" as shown and delineated on a Minor Subdivision Plat for Dr. David Allen prepared by Toole Surveying Company, Inc. dated November 14, 2016, last revised February 21, 2018 and recorded in the Office of the RMC for Edgefield County, South Carolina, in Judgment Roll # 40137. Reference is made to said plat, which is incorporated herein by reference, for a more complete and accurate description as to the metes, bounds and location of said property. BEING the same property conveyed to NAP Properties, LLC by deed of Prescott Properties, LLC dated September 3, 2015 and recorded September 8, 2015 in Book 1541, Page 63, Edgefield County Records. Thereafter, NAP Properties, LLC conveyed a portion of said property to North Augusta Pediatrics, LLC by deed dated March 10, 2017 and recorded March 13, 2017 in Book 1619, Page 79, Edgefield County Records. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 12/03/18 Tax Map & Parcel: Portion of 106-00-00-068 Portion of 106-00-00-070 Portion of 106-00-00-061 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 3RD DAY OF DECEMBER, 2018. ITEM 14. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Speaker Forms Submitted December 3, 2018 Council Meeting Please see the attached Speaker Forms completed by citizens for the December 3, 2018 Council meeting. Perry Holcomb Ken Powell Frankie Summers Dave Leverett Steven Bryant Al Lafavor There being no further business, Council adjourned at 8:27 p.m. APP�E �US /7 DAY OF Respectfully submitted, �� , 2018. '� r f) Lw Donna B. Young Robert A. Pettit, Mayor RECUSAL STATEMENT Member Name: �1 � �''6 r/ Meeting Date: ' - A7//f Agenda Item: Section Number: Topic: 'ry/�l IN/PI 40 Ara - 617?04/ The Ethics Act, SC Code§8-13-700,provides that no public official may knowingly use his office to obtain an economic interest for himself; a family member of his immediate family, an individual with whom he is associated, or a business with which he is associated. No public official may make,participate in making, or influence a governmental decision in which he or any such person or business has an economic interest. Failure to recuse oneself from an issue in which there is or may be conflict of interest is the sole responsibility of the council member (1991 Op.Atty. Gen. No. 91-37.) A written statement describing the matter requiring action and the nature of the potential conflict of interest is required. Justification to Recuse: Professionally employed by or tinder contract with principal Owns or has vested interest in principal or property flj61f Other: G/ fi�'�f� O/ Cam/ /!t"i•c'V 7 rc(r / ] Date: -� •�.��.�'/ /� Mem 'er Approved by Parliamentarian: RECUSAL STATEMENT Member Name: e• �z . `:- .7"-'6" Meeting Date: / ' `3 A Agenda Item: Section (?2o7 Number: 2i- cad° - Xi.ia Topic: gnf -(_. /i1 The Ethics Act, SC Code§8-13-700,provides that no public official may knowingly use his office to obtain an economic interest for himself; a family member of his immediate family, an individual with whom he is associated, or a business with which he is associated. No public official may make,participate in making, or influence a governmental decision in which he or any such person or business has an economic interest. Failure to recuse oneself from an issue in which there is or may be conflict of interest is the sole responsibility of the council member (1991 Op.Atty. Gen. No. 91-37.) A written statement describing the matter requiring-action and the nature of the potential conflict of interest is required. Justification to Recuse: Professionally employed by or under contract with principal Owns or has vested interest in principal or property 2 Other: �1i'i ���� (,-, l f J e> r Date: /Z- /? . , <— Me tTer Approved by Parliamentarian: RECUSAL. STATEMENT Member Name: Fre4-er Meeting Date: S Agenda Item: Section Number: irt I . Topic: Re-COW-1'6A No, 2. 01 30 The Ethics Act, SC Code§8-13-700,provides that no public official may knowingly use his office to obtain an economic interest for himself a family member of his immediate family, an individual with whom he is associated, or a business with which he is associated. No public official may make,participate in making, or influence a governmental decision in which he or any such person or business has an economic interest. Failure to recuse oneselffrom an issue in which there is or may be conflict of interest is the sole responsibility of the council member (1991 Op.Atty. Gen. No, 91-37.) A written statement describing the matter requiring action and the nature of the potential conflict of interest is required. Justification to Recuse: Professionally employed by or under contract with principal Owns or has vested interest in principal or property Other: works -ic r \I 62 ti-k A a 9cos.)-ck Ppri,‘ ics /7 n Date: I Member Approved by Parliamentarian: Me bohm REALTORS November 15, 2018 City of North Augusta City Council 100 Georgia Avenue PO Box 6400 North Augusta, SC 29841 Re: Summer Tract Rezoning on Austin Graybill Road This letter is to request a change to the submittal made under Rezoning file RZM18-003. After listening to the surrounding residents and members of the City of North Augusta City Council we would like to request to rezone this property R-7 and not R-5. We have looked at the requirements carefully and we can make the changes to our site plans to accommodate the requirements set forth in the City of North Ordinance for R-7 zoning. Our intent is to execute the conceptual plan that has been submitted. We understand that the R-5 Zoning would allow a completely different development approach and the revised request to R-7 would give City Council a better level of comfort. If you need anything additional from our company to facilitate this change in zoning please let us know. Sincerely Keith Lawrence, P.E. Development Manager 4426 Evans To Locks Road I Evans Georgia 30809 SPEAKER FORM NAME: 'rev its t ADDRESS: l C 1 J G V iv1 A , ',(i- � . yl TELEPHONE: g(11-3 —& - PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: SUMMARY: COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF NORTH AUGUSTA ON ITEM 10 OF THE PUBLISHED AGENDA FOR ITS 12/03/2018 REGULAR MEETING (Quotes of the proposed ordinance appear in italics. My comments are in bold.) Mr.Mayor and other members of the City Council of North Augusta: Item 10. CITY CODE: Ordinance No.2018-02-An Ordinance Amending Section 4.1 of the Code of Laws for the City of North Augusta Entitled "Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Public" I comment to ensure what city council passes regarding this proposed ordinance is clear, correct,and unambiguous,so each council member is well aware of what they are voting on and that any citizen,without question or doubt,can discern what city council meant to state by it. I shall only address sections I consider needing a prudent reassessment by each member of city council of what is now stated,while or before city council addresses the draft ordinance as it appears in the published agenda. The Proposed Ordinance,Section 4-1. Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages in Public (its title) COMMENT: Does city council wish to allow all"Alcoholic Beverages"to be consumed in public or just beer and/or wine? If it's only beer and wine,then the title of that ordinance should read:"Consumption Of Beer Or Wine In Designated Public Places." If that title retains the words,"Alcoholic Beverages,"the consumption of liquor or other spirits with much larger alcoholic percentages per unit volume SHALL be allowed. City council needs to state up front in the ordinance title what they desire for the wishes and well being of themselves, the community of citizens they represent,and the visitors to Riverside Village. b) Within the area of the City known as Riverside Village, a specifically described area shall allow for public possession and consumption under restrictions and regulations as set forth herein below. The specific area is described as follows: on the north by Brick Pond Park; on the east by Georgia Avenue; on the south by the Savannah River and on the west by Esplanade. (my underscore for clarity) COMMENT: Georgia Avenue does not physically pass through Riverside Village. It passes over it. I suggest a more easily identified eastern boundary be set, perhaps the access road to SRP Park up to Railroad Avenue. Also,where is the southern boundary of Brick Pond Park designated in on-site signage to inform the public of the northern boundary of the public drinking area? When this ordinance was first introduced on 02/19/2018, I suggested making Railroad Avenue the northern terminus of the imbibing area,actually talking about doing that with the city administrator following the meeting. Sec. 1 in part-Between the hours of 10:00 AM and 12:00 MIDNIGHT,any business establishment that is licensed to sell alcoholic beverages, that is within or borders on the described area,may sell beer and/or wine beverages in a paper or plastic cups for removal from the premises to the designated area (my emphasis in bold and underscored) PLEASE NOTE the underlined words,"alcoholic beverages" followed closely by,"may sell beer and/or wine beverages". The word"may"is legally significant. COMMENT: THE WORD,"MAY"DOES NOT LIMIT THE SALE OF ALCOHOLTO JUST BEER AND WINE! The word,"may"provides for an option to serve hard liquors and other beverages with higher alcoholic content. The ordinance does not state any restrictive modifiers like "shall only sell beer and/or wine,"which legally means"must only sell beer and/or wine." Does city council desire to limit the sale of"alcoholic beverages"to just"beer and wine,"or does city council wish for the sale of hard liquors and spirits as well? If city council allows the sale of hard liquors and spirits for off-premises consumption,the council is threatening the suspension or revocation of the license of any seller of such as issued by the Alcohol Beverage Licensing Division of the SC Department of Revenue. Last Friday afternoon (11/30/18) I spoke with Ms.Shayna Thompson of the Alcohol Beverage Licensing Section (1-803-898-5864). She related to me one very important license restriction that is critical as to just how Ordinance 2018-02 will be affected if passed as now drafted. She stated: "Any establishment selling liquors or hard spirits to be consumed off-premises must furnish them in a'sealed container'to the purchaser." A paper or plastic cup with a lid on top is not a"sealed container." In South Carolina,the purchaser of an alcoholic beverage containing liquor or other distilled spirits cannot legally remove it from the premises where bought unless it is in a"sealed container." As an aside and for informational purposes only,she also mentioned SLED is the State body responsible for the enforcement of the licenses since they are State-issued. SLED may be contacted(1-803-737-9000) by anyone to report a violation of the license. Sec. 1 in part -No cans, bottles or glass containers of any nature may be utilized.No person shall remove more than two(2)beverages from the premises at any one time. (my emphasis in bold and underscored) COMMENT:Such an action is not only imprudent,it could also result in grievous occurrences. I request city council to please consider limiting the quantity to"one (1)"beverage to one person at a time. Doing so will prevent two possibly untoward actions by the carrier of almost a pint of beer and/or wine. Such quantities of"alcoholic beverages will be carried in each hand IF city council allows. The carrier could easily eive one to an underage person or to someone who's already had"enough." Does the city council wish to allow such,much less promote it,by passing an unwise ordinance? COMMENT: I request city council to please consider what could happen if a person with two 16-oz open containers stumbles,is jostled,or otherwise missteps to cause spillage of the contents of the containers on some other person or persons. This is another reason for city council to consider limiting the takeout to only one 16-oz cup of beer and/or wine. The consumer can always go back for more. Sec.3 states in the first sentence -Any alcoholic beverage dispensed pursuant to this section must be contained within a paper or plastic cup, not to exceed 16 fluid ounces in size. (my emphasis in bold and underscored) 2 COMMENT: Please note the bold and underscore. If city council passes this ordinance as it now reads without stating"Beer and/or Wine" in place of"any alcoholic beverage,"city council shall again be allowing the sale of ANY"alcoholic beverage"to the customer, not just beer and/or wine! This wording is very important from a legal standpoint as I have already specified at the top of p.2 in my first comment on Sec. 1 of the proposed ordinance concerning the use of"may" instead of"shall." COMMENT: City council must realize a"serving"of an alcoholic beverage contains the same amount of alcohol. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states: "One 'standard'drink in the US contains either 12 ounces of regular beer,5 ounces of wine,or 1.5 ounces of 40% (80-proof) distilled spirits." They all have the same alcoholic content. Another very important fact-the State of SC does NOT regulate the amount of liquor or distilled spirits to be poured into a drink or"shot." See: https://dor.sc.gov/tax- index/abl/Pages/faq.aspx So,when properly permitted licensees serve a person two 16-ounce cups containing a total of 30 ounces of beer,they are giving him/her 2.5 "standard servings." If they receive 30 total ounces of wine,that's 6"standard servings." If city council permits the serving of 20 ounces of liquor or distilled spirits (10 oz.in each cup) "on the rocks,"that is just over 13 "standard servings"of alcohol. If city council allows such irresponsible actions as to serving"hard" liquor in such an inappropriate manner,the city could suffer from any injurious consequence produced by an obvious overuse of alcohol in Riverside Village. CONCLUSIONS: There is absolutely no reason for city council to rush to pass such an important ordinance as now written,which could adversely affect the lives of our citizens and others visiting Riverside Village,especially those with children. It could adversely affect the lives of those involved in an accident caused by someone driving under the influence as a result of visiting the city's"area...for public possession and consumption." Not giving proper control by ordinance of the sale of alcohol to those who come to"imbibe and socialize"could turn Riverside Village into a"hooch hole,"something the city should not be proud of. Therefore,I strongly suggest city council consider tabling the proposed motion until each member of city council has had time to carefully,cautiously,and conscientiously consider my foregoing comments and what could occur if the ordinance were to be passed as now written. I also suggest city council have the city attorney rewrite the ordinance to concur with city council's wishes regarding a designated drinking area for the public consumption of alcoholic beverages of any sort. City council could conduct such a process at a study session where direct contact with the city attorney would allow him to produce an ordinance that city council and the citizens of our community will have no qualms about its passing. Sincerely, H. Perry Holcomb 12/03/2018 3 63) )-- �,r SPEAKER FORM NAME: -� fir., -N\ ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: (. -c p 31-4 2(44 PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 1 2) Icy AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: N A I. 1 SUMMARY K nK ir1� *►r :sue 'T4� ,s S s✓\ -i �=`� •,r% ff`` { '"C" R c° :�y�. _-a! ►V1++ ,:<_ � i SPEAKER RM N F, " NAME: i} f / , q3,,/r12,, !4 t �'? i ,' 1i - e..._ADDRESS: c'< I ._� j�d, �% � r� y TELEPHONE: PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: r'f.. AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: �; " �t' �f ; t`t° t:- a / SUMMARY \.: -1/1 4":-/-47.-i i' / I' L I° ' /1.,f ' 3 �`,? /(-. `� 1ry; J _ 4 F u ' 1 -,,r`v, L, 2,1,,-`j /// / i `iZ,r �.. 1 I Any 1 \\P (93 SPEAKER FORM NAME: Are LeVEgE rr ADDRESS: /2/ '%MTh " TELEPHONE: 6b3 %'7°' °76,'6 PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: /1/33 Og AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: vU(S • C' Z SUMMARY //OI✓ /s444/y 644(1.19,: 4P EtTE2 or rite (rLViivAJC% �> F 'J W Ix rih fr i3 i►/f F tr ? boy AJ i 4,'r'D17 k1 QJ'')O PL SPEAKER FORM NAME: 7 4-y -ittf- ADDRESS: /Z`c ,7, -' /.-f t/ /V 1 6 TELEPHONE: Or - e- 7 V -P6- /fi t PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: L' ? & c //' t AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: /41//(:-e' Al-t/C 6 . ,f(, J[. ,/7i 5, 0✓t m/ erL f . SUMMARY FA 0r",�-C T L-r ,>`/ I3 5 (--(-- -- ,i4- tt:1/t7 "L-G G' 1,/ /A/ t L (C- SPEAKER FORM NAME: ADDRESS: /01-9" I e'l/��2— ✓Gi TELEPHONE: 2�j_ !,X/— .?kJ-6;" PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: _3 '^a -0/�S AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: I) - SUMMARY ��u e Sr d Dfl er'fi /1) /1!" it F-06,7-4.7.„-/