RES 2018-27 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2018-27 A RESOLUTION TO DECLARE THE RESULT OF A BOND REFERENDUM M HELD IN THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA; AND MATTERS RELATED THERETO. Section 1 Findings of Fact WHEREAS, the City Council (the "City Council") of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina (the "City"), pursuant to Ordinance No. 2018-07 of the City Council (the "Ordinance"), ordered a bond referendum to be held in the City of North Augusta on November 6, 2018; WHEREAS, the Boards of Voter Registration and Elections of Aiken County and Edgefield County conducted a referendum in the City in accordance with the Ordinance on November 6, 2018 (the "Referendum") where the ballot question attached at Exhibit A (the "Question") was submitted to the qualified electors of the City; and WHEREAS, the Aiken County Board of Canvassers and the Edgefield County Board of Canvassers have provided, and the City Council has received, the official returns of the Referendum, which official returns establish that the Referendum was in favor of the Question. Section 2 Declaration of Result; Deferral of Finding Pursuant to Section 1.01(9) of the Ordinance Declaration of Result. City Council hereby declares that the result of the Referendum was in favor of the Question, there having been 5,393 votes cast in favor of the Question and 2,689 votes cast in opposition to the Question. Copies of the official returns, as provided by the Boards of Canvassers, are attached at Exhibit B. Deferral of Finding and Direction. This resolution is not intended to and does not constitute the resolution contemplated at the last sentence of Section 1.01(9) of the Ordinance. The findings required and direction to the Authorized Officers (as defined in the Ordinance) to provide for the issuance of the bonds contemplated to be made in the last sentence of such Section 1.01(9) shall be set forth in a separate resolution. Section 3 Effective Date This resolution shall be effective on the date of adoption hereof by City Council. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER,2018. CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH • ROL NA [SEAL] j Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: nn� 1* . Donna B. Young, Cit Cler it it EXHIBIT A FORM OF BALLOT OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR REFERENDUM $10,250,000 GENERAL OBLIGATIONS BOND CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA NOVEMBER 6, 2018 Precinct No. Initials of Issuing Officer OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR REFERENDUM $10,250,000 GENERAL OBLIGATIONS BOND CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA NOVEMBER 6, 2018 Question Shall the City of North Augusta, South Carolina (the "City"),be authorized to issue and sell, either as a single issue or as several separate issues, general obligation bonds of the City in an aggregate principal amount of not exceeding $10,250,000, the proceeds of which shall be applied to defray(A) the costs of designing, developing, and constructing a new Department of Public Safety headquarters and related fire apparatus; and (B) the costs of issuance of such bonds, provided that such authorization shall be conditioned on a favorable capital project sales tax referendum held on this day in Aiken County, South Carolina pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 10, Article 3 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976, as amended? Q Yes, in favor of the question Q No, opposed to the question If you are in favor of the question, fill in the oval before the words "Yes, in favor of the question"; if you are opposed to the question, fill in the oval before the words "No, opposed to the question." A-1 I EXHIBIT B OFFICIAL RETURNS STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA AIKEN COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS STATEMENTS AND RETURNS OF VOTES FOR THE GENERAL ELECTION ELECTION DATE: NOVEMBER 6, 2018 We, the County Board of Canvassers, certify that all proper procedures for canvassing votes in this election have been followed,and we have received written confirmation from election commission staff of the same; and upon such confirmation and any further review of our own, we certify the following results of this election are correct in all respects. 1 i/f (./ (. „/ „---,7 Certification Date:November 9,2018 SEC FRM 1121.20)005 B-1 I : I I SjIMPIArla R%P%0II ;laser, County Official Results ate, de General N-vember 6 2914 Pun Cate 11/09/18 :0 CS AM 1 , 1 01fl39 rt19::1 HI VOTES PERCENT I OREPIHCIS COtNIED (OF 93) Ra 25 11., State Superintendent of Idurat'on REGISTERED VOTERS -MAT 110.805 Vcte rsr 8811010 CAST 01,6 60 133 Israel Ronern ) VOTER TURNOUT 1(199 54 45 ( 14) 2 Roll) 14,166e r Il apearma 31(1.10 0 502 34.S0 161.479 64 6 191te 11 . 447 711, STRAIGHT PARTY Total 94.4261 Vote for 1 Democratic I3161) . „ j4 663 36 6%. wort,Ing r).,, 'en (Ar)1) 206 53 Comeassioner cl Agriculture OnIted Citizens (046f . 115 14 vote for 1 Green (GRA . . 1)5 34 Chris 16o1716 (111111) 3 664 I 51 Republica, (RP/ 24 446 61 58 0,6,61 fdaloiml (GOO 6 316 12 4.5 American r3MR1 ITO 45 1,,0 464'.5ers (AP) 38.534 79 04. fibertarlau (81E) 4/ 04 Or)te in 74? 57 Iota 39 141 Iota] . 46.756 3overnef and Lieutenant Governor 4 S house or Reps 0 strict 2 Vote for 1 Vote for James Smith (D(M) . 22 741 3g 17 lleen Tarr gar I l(,t 21 7(0 116 ,14 Henry McPastr (REPf 36 891 61 73 jcc. 61(non (P):P) . 111 3')) 67 61 Write In 57 1% 11t,rny Nyrarg (AMR) 5t? 96 15t,t1 54 511' 141 Ito I 18 06 Total . '/4 14% 'efretary 0! State ifte for 1 state 4cose 91 Reps U,strict 81 Melvir T WhittentuFg () 411 21 566 16 2% Vole lo- 1 tItc1, HdAltoot: IRE I 3/ 8,8 64 69 Eite F.o {um) '., 317 3h 66 4 it, in 38 Ob E'1SP flA (WM) 350 1 44 Iota! 69 1/34 Fleut 4)a3Jwell (RE4) 11 3,12 6? 95 WIte In 8 01 Total If;01) State fraeaseier V to for Rcialyn L Glenn (1/I'M) 20 5,1.3 11 /S Stole H,/J4.! u! Roth D5trc. 82 Pos31..0 Glerc (4814) 1.1)1' 1 70 1.,./t.. 10- 1 Curtis loft in (MP /0418 64 41 William 811 Clotaal (CPU 3 141 9/ 3% Sarah 'dors (AMR) :ve i 54,: 14''to ! r .7../ ? 75 1,1' 'Ii' In 29 05 fetal . 3 9191 Total 5% 45q 51,t.I 1101,t, of 11-tW., D.,t1r.(4 93 Attorne'y Genera! vote 10- 1 I/1.o 'Or 1 itIl HIKOr! (A(E) . 7 884 FE 2! ofottrtv Anastopoulo 10801, 71 319 35 ft, Dot 4 8 ,'In (140) 3 05i ?1-1 78 Ionstarce Anastcpoulo 14f'i> 993 1 6% 144fte In ,16 91, Alan Wilson 18Eff 11 511 6..1 OG 1ot41 11 ((/9 4 to In 33 66 Tota 59 548 ';'•.Io oo,o,e of ((op; 0,t1r,ct ■34 6/to fc, '93 roller'Ge119-4' 1,-)11 for I,,ot 1,o1,,,,,y (1414) 4,49? 3a 13 Vote for 1 'I'ttl,r eowtt (1t,o) 8 270 91 Richard fcrstfou (PI' , 4• 63' 93 FA ..4,If In (1 1I 1)1,1,-, in 1 A.' 2 .16 1019 H 1? Ill 7ott 43 6/9 B-2 . ,• 701 174 PEACAT Aiken(alto 1 ° c 141 qesu'is 1 0aetewl1!e 69ncral November 6 2)18 ,„.- sItcsili09218 10,49 AM . , • 064ES 8289161 VOTES :,(999671 State 90,6e ,..1. Pops U,strist 86 71cs001 ford 0.strist 9 Vote 1934 1 Vote ror 1 Bill aay/o- j-,a,f,) C 701 87 75 Im 4.1sule,. . . 1.754 38 04 Writ. to . . 2:1 2 25 Nlcht 71114111 . 2 514 59 18 Taal . 9.929 WrIte 18 . . 80 1 88 Total • • 1.218 Courty C0ucell 01strict 1 Vote for 1 'Ss630 Booed D'61,6461 7 V.0tay Pa76 (993 1 469 96 48 t for 1 WI-Ate in . „ „ 163 14? Rotolkey Enel,W, . 1.268 9949 10t01 4 6 ? Write In . 51 1 51 40141 . 3 319 3runt.y e:salc11 21 3t,!cs: 2 st.c for 1 Sc11 aril 4/0ter Th6liw feveles6leo eefre A 1.40ke (0E.91 . 3 132 30 el Vctc Or 7 Cool In Furgle 01E01, 4 918 69 17' I1 ' 0,e 71401, . 34.480 94.28 wrIte 16. 4 04 Wrtte 10 . 2.092 5 72 10101 le iS4 Total 36.572 LtAinty 1ouret1 00676 let 5 tanyley Water & 'JWS".'r C61m1C1iO4 Vote fcr 1 4076 for 2 74400 76 Ball (111141 3 210 33 St t,,, ,t,, is 0 106 00.:1 5ittft1y 0.1tkp I I t 11::/) 4.431 Cc IC let41 3e Write In . . 19 Tote! a 111 Batli Water & Sewec Clor89„3106 Vote 764.• 1 County Coorall 7,6tr,el. 6 9,11y 6i4ht . . 104 99.05 VOtC for 1 Write in . I 99 890110 A N,1310', (REP . 'V..VI V 58 'nt,1 105 write in . 138 / 4.' T01...€.1 . . 5.70e Clearwater 140tor & Sewer C4,8,66061 vote fee 7140avvl A 060 lBstr,et ? icy Vf0-14801 . . 93 98 89 Vete for 1 1,9,1.c. in 7 2 11 .3'1,:,3110-0f.' 2 VII 58 19 Total 95 tevl ce,,,, 7' 43,' 49 ?A 48 ite In . 79 St 1..431 5 2712 ts11c09 Ore', Soler & Sewer CO011iii00 47 so for I fs441d A&lOs 14 34 60 Scsoci 11.::,3rd 9007r,r3: 3 90170•I0 17 2 00 9,1" for 1 s0t41 8S1 11410,1*.941y 6403147 00 1 966 10.9B firad 5,I41, 2 751 67 BA Wrtt0 le 64 7 33 PiyHtre 6)4e 0411mi100 . . . 4.191 Vote for 1 i/211 to 115 150 99 fot.) 1/16 444vve1 9 0-0 PcsarB:f 71 Vete Aor I Write In . C08 100 00 TIOLAI . 00 B-3 SummAkr REPORI Aiken Cooty Official Results Statowde Ge((!rricvelor- 2076 ",. n Dec 1140941 1349 AM vol ES 66.1Z6F6' kendm66( f 1 Yes . 24 444 13,49 NQ „ IL2 ) Lti1 56 201 ounty Capitai Proect SiIv e')41 U56 lie vote for 1 lee liver of the evestlor . . 3 I v 90 Me Cipowd to th6 quesit1os 19.821 3.5 01 botal 56 vi Lit,'of Ncr:h Augusta Sod 14 to f6, I Ye; 1r favor of the il6s[,,74 ') 351 66 84 tie Opps-id to 116 2 [51 D.1.3 a. 011 • B-4 STATE OF S()UTI1 CAROLINA EDGEFIELI) COUNTY BOARI) OF CANVASSERS STATEMENTS AND RETURNS OF VOTES FOR GENERAL ELECTION ELECTION DATE: II/06/2018 We the (-mint, Board of C:111N zt,scrs CCFIIIV that all proper procedures for canvassing %kites in this election have been followed. and NAti have reed ed written continuation from election commission stall of the same: and upon such conlitination and any further reNiew of our ovin, we certify the rollowrOig results of this election are cot reui in all reispeers I .1 iL ,43' (-( A ir / ( is. ( Certification Date: I I 09,21■1 8 B-5 % '. ' '.. g 9,, : -.. .:,, Ft ,!I: ac'o ,-.1.-, ■ 1.,a,..,, 17 r.,c;-- ,7.,7,:, -D a'75 7,C<1;r-,F1 0›.71.77 : C-7 Cr 71-. .1.,7••••• -•• -, --•frt —5. r..7,7:1 1) -, -•'7 en.A., -1-C)M :4. 1, ,---- < ,C -4,C,... 71 "" 'I C rt,71-.0 ..-4 ,7,77.-.C, C , 0 '7, 2 r 7- -f-, 0. -,7,-. C-,7`-1 0' ---1 1, ■71. 7-■;'-'i'''';'''''21--1-' ■-...:1'.C,,1 1 a.,. -7-, d1 a , -,1 -.'" "i .7 -1 -; 2.1.> 75 , ,r, e-- , --, 7 1 -- ='—C1...17.r- 1 -I . --• ii., ,a,-, •-•-•- , ,,,r,1,,, r■. V 7«...-.F.t. o a-,„7. z,- e7 ,--■, Z,Q .....• -0 , --, -, _,, .1 ID 1, --,..-, = ,D-----■LI, -< -,I C:,....: C. 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