110518 Council Mtg Agenda Backup N
South Carolina's Riverfront
NOVEMBER 5, 2018
August to
South Carolinas Riuerfront
November 5,2018—Municipal Center—100 Georgia Avenue,3rd Floor—7:00 P.M.
CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council on each item listed on this agenda. Mayor Pettit will
call for your comments prior to City Council discussing the matter. When speaking to Council,please step up to the microphone,
give your full name and address,and direct your remarks to Mayor Pettit.
CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or sign interpreter to participate in the meeting,please notify the
Administration Department 48 hours prior to the meeting.
4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular and study session meeting minutes of October 15,2018
5. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2018-09 — Adopting a Budget for Fiscal Year 2019 Containing Estimates of
Proposed Revenues and Expenditures by the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, for the
Budget Year Beginning January 1,2019, and Declaring that same shall Constitute the Budget of
the City of North Augusta for such Budget Year—Ordinance,Second Reading
6. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2018-10 — Levying the Annual Tax on Property in the City of North Augusta,
South Carolina,for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1,2019,and Ending December 31,2019—
Ordinance,Second Reading
7. FINANCE: Resolution No. 2018-25— Re-Prioritizing North Augusta Projects for the Aiken County Capital
Projects Sales Tax II
8. EASEMENT: Ordinance No. 2018-11 — An Ordinance Granting Easements to Wide Open West, Inc. for
Placement of Facilities Related to the Construction of Riverside Village at Hammond's Ferry
A. Ordinance 2018-11,First Reading
B. Ordinance 2018-11,Second Reading
A. Citizen Comments: At this time, citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council regarding matters not
listed on the agenda.
B. Council Comments
Administration Department
South Carolina's Rit'criront
Interoffice Memorandum
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: B. Todd Glover, City Administrator
DATE: November 2, 2018
SUBJECT: Regular City Council Meeting of November 5, 2018
ITEM 5. F INANCE: Ordinance No. 2018-09—Adopting a Budget for Fiscal
Year 2019 Containing Estimates of Proposed
Revenues and Expenditures by the City of North
Augusta, South Carolina, for the Budget Year
Beginning January 1, 2019, and Declaring that same
shall Constitute the Budget of the City of North
Augusta for such Budget Year — Ordinance, Second
An ordinance to adopt the proposed Fiscal Year 2019 Consolidated
Budget is submitted for Council's consideration on second reading.
Please see your minutes of October 15, 2018, for the ordinance text.
ITEM 6. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2018-10 — Levying the Annual Tax on
Property in the City of North Augusta, South Carolina,
for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2019, and
Ending December 31, 2019— Ordinance, Second
An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration on second
reading establishing the tax rate on all taxable property within the City of
North Augusta for the Fiscal Year 2019.
The period for which the tax levy is due on all taxable property, except for
motorized vehicles, shall be from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2018.
The period for which the tax levy is due for all motorized vehicles which
are required to be licensed by Section 53-3-110, Codes of Laws of South
Carolina, shall be from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019.
November 5, 2018
The tax levy imposed upon all taxable property shall be 73.50 mills.
Please see your minutes of October 15, 2018, for the ordinance text.
ITEM 7. FINANCE: Resolution No. 2018-25 — Reprioritizing North
Augusta Projects for the Aiken County Capital
Projects Sales Tax II
A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration reprioritizing
North Augusta projects for the Aiken County Capital Projects Sales Tax
Please see ATTACHMENT NO. 7 for a copy of the proposed resolution.
ITEM 8. EASEMENT: Ordinance No. 2018-11 — An Ordinance Granting
Easements to Wide Open West, Inc. for Placement
of Facilities Related to the Construction of Riverside
Village at Hammond's Ferry
A. Ordinance, First Reading
An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration on
first reading to grant easements to Wide Open West, Inc. for
placement of facilities related to the construction of Riverside
Village at Hammond's Ferry.
Please see ATTACHMENT NO. 8-A for a copy of the proposed
B. Ordinance, Second Reading
Pending Council's passage of the ordinance on first reading, it is
submitted for Council's consideration on second reading.
WHEREAS, in November 2004 the citizens of Aiken County approved the Capital
Project Sales Tax(CPST)II referendum; and
WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta had $19,350,000 in projects on the CPST II
ballot, and
WHEREAS there remains approximately $1,400,000 of unexpended funds in the
CPST II program, and
WHEREAS,the Mayor and members of City Council wish to expend remaining funds
in CPST II; and
WHEREAS, some projects on the CPST II ballot are no longer viable, and
WHEREAS, by law, CPST II funds can only be expended on projects listed on the
ballot, and
WHEREAS, the following projects were all listed on the CPST II ballot and Council
wishes to appropriate the corresponding amount of funds
• New fire truck $500,000
• Splash Pad at Riverview Park $250,000
• Street lighting at entrances of Riverview Park $175,000
• Georgia Avenue and Five Notch intersection improvements $475,000
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council for the City
of North Augusta in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that the projects listed above
from CPST II be given priority in funding and that the funding recommended above be expended for
those projects,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should any particular project cpst not equal or
exceed the above stated cost, staff is given the authority to move the remaining funds to any other
project on the above list.
, 2018.
Robert A. Pettit,Mayor
Donna B. Young, City Clerk
' Spbnsor(s) ; County Council /yam
First Reading : June 1,2004
Committee Referral : N/A
Committee Consideration Date : N/A Clerk to Council, certify that
Committee Recommendation : N/A this was advertised for Public
Second Reading : June 29,2004 hearing on2 .a�a/"Y c/ 7y/�4r
Public Hearing : June 15,2004,July 20,2004
Third Reading : July 20,2004
Effective Date : July 20,2004
(To Levy and Reimpose a One Percent Sales and Use Tax, Subject to a Referendum, Within Aiken County
Pursuant to the Capital Project Sales Tax Act, S.C. Code Ann. Section 4-10-300, et seq.; to Define the Specific
Purpose or Purposes and Designate the Projects for Which the Proceeds of Such Tax May be Used; to Provide the
Maximum Cost of the Projects or Facilities Funded from the Proceeds of Such Tax and the Maximum Amount of
Net Proceeds to be Raised by Such Tax; to Provide for a County-Wide Referendum and to Prescribe the Contents
of the Ballot Question in Such Referendum; to Provide Conditions Precedent to the Imposition of Such Tax and
Condition or Restrictions on the Use of Such Tax Revenue; to Establish a Formula by Which Multiple Projects
are Funded Simultaneously; to Provide for the Conduct of Such Referendum by the Registration and Election
Commission of Aiken County, to Provide for the Administration of Such Tax, if Approved; to Provide for the
Payment of Such Tax; and to Provide for Other Matters Relating Thereto.)
1. The South Carolina General Assembly has enacted the Capital Project Sales Tax Act, S.C. Code Ann.
Section 4-10-300 et seq.,pursuant to which the governing body may reimpose a one percent sales and use
tax by ordinance, subject to a referendum, within the County area for a specific purpose or purposes and
for a limited time to collect a limited amount of money;and
2. The Aiken County Council, as the governing body of Aiken County, South Carolina, is authorized to
create a commission subject to the provisions of S.C.Code Ann. Section 4-10-300 of the Capital Projects
Sales Tax Act for the purpose of considering proposals for funding capital projects within the County area
and the formulation of a referendum question which is to appear on the ballot.The Aiken County Council
adopted Resolution 04-01-02 pursuant to the Capital Projects Sales Tax Act on January 6, 2004,creating
a commission for the purpose of considering proposals for funding capital projects within Aiken County
and the formulation of a referendum question which is to appear on the ballot. Members of the Capital
Projects Sales and Use Tax Commission were appointed by Aiken County and the municipalities of
Aiken County in accordance with the provisions of Section 4-10-320 of the Capital Projects Sales Tax
Act; and
3. The Aiken County Capital Projects Sales and Use Tax Act Commission has considered proposals for
funding capital projects within Aiken County and the Commission,by vote of the Commission in public
meetings duly advertised, has adopted the projects described in this Ordinance, estimated the costs of
such projects,identified the purpose for which the proceeds of the proposed capital projects sales and use
tax shall be used,established the maximum time for which the sales and use tax may be imposed at seven
(7)years, established the maximum cost of the projects or facilities to be funded from the proceeds of the
tax and the maximum amount of net proceeds to be raised by the tax, established conditions precedent to
the reimposition of the sales and use tax revenue collected pursuant to the Capital Project Sales Tax Act,
established a formula by which the net proceeds of the sales and use tax are to be expended to the local
governments for the purpose stated, and formulated the ballot question that is to appear on the ballot
pursuant to Section 4-20-330(d)of the Capital Project Sales Tax Act; and
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4. The Aiken County Council finds that a one percent sales and use tax should be levied and reimposed
within Aiken County, for the purpose of designing, engineering, construction or improving highways,
roads, sidewalks, streets and/or bridges; designing, engineering, constructing or improving public
facilities for recreation,public safety and/or government services; designing,engineering, constructing or
improving drainage systems; purchase of equipment and vehicles to support the performance of
government services; and the purchase and development of property to support government services and
functions in Aiken County, South Carolina, more specifically identified in Section 5 of this Ordinance
(herein referred to as the "projects" or the "capital projects") for a period not to exceed seven (7) years
from the date of reimposition of this tax, to fund capital projects as herein defined and described at a
maximum cost not to exceed $114,412,985 to be funded from the net proceeds of sales and use tax
reimposed in Aiken County pursuant to provisions of the Capital Sales Tax Act,SC Code Ann. Section 4-
10-300 et seq. subject to approval of the qualified electors of Aiken County voting in a referendum on the
reimposition of a capital projects sales and use tax in Aiken County to be held on November 2,2004.The
reimposition of such sales and use tax and the use of sales and use tax revenue, if approved in such
referendum, shall be subject to the conditions precedent and conditions or restrictions on the use and
expenditure of sales and use tax revenue as established by the Capital Project Sales Tax Act and the
provisions of this Ordinance. Sales and use tax revenues shall be used for the purchase, design,
engineering and construction or improvement of the projects established in this Ordinance including
payment of such sums as may be required in connection with the issuance of revenue bonds,the proceeds
of which are applied to such capital projects;and
5. County Council finds that the reimposition of a capital projects sales and use tax in Aiken County for the
projects and purposes defined in this Ordinance for a limited time not to exceed seven(7)years to collect
a limited amount of money will-serve a public purpose, provide funding for the design, engineering,
construction and improvement of highways, roads, streets, drainage systems and/or bridges, improve the
flow of traffic into and through Aiken County, facilitate economic development, promote public safety,
provide necessary infrastructure, lessen congestion on the streets, roads and highways, facilitate the
provision of adequate transportation, promote desirable living conditions, provide improved recreational
facilities and opportunities, promote public health and safety in the event of fire, emergency, panic and
other dangers and meet present and future needs of Aiken County and its citizens.
I. A capital project sales and use tax, as authorized by the Capital Project Sales Tax Act, S.C. Code Ann.
Section 4-20-300 et seq., is hereby reimposed in Aiken County, South Carolina, subject to a favorable
vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting in a referendum on the reimposition of such tax to be
held in Aiken County, South Carolina on November 2,2004.
2. The capital project sales and use tax authorized herein shall be reimposed for a period not to exceed seven
(7)years from the date of reimposition.
3. The maximum cost of the projects or facilities to be funded from the proceeds of the sales and use tax
reimposed herein shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the sum of$114,412,985,and the maximum amount
of net proceeds to be raised by the tax shall not exceed$114,412,985.
4. The sales and use tax reimposed herein shall be reimposed only if approved by a majority of qualified
electors voting in favor of reimposing such tax for the stated purposes in a referendum to be held in Aiken
County, South Carolina on November 2,2004.
5. The capital projects sales and use tax authorized by this Ordinance shall be expended for the purposes
stated as follows:
I. The first $4,237,130 collected under the Capital Project Sales and Use Tax shall be distributed
to the following municipalities in the priority such municipality is listed below.
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• A. $1,039,000 for the following projects within the Town of Bumettown, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by Burnettown Town Council:
• $500,000 for the construction of a community recreation center;
• $150,000 for the construction of a Town storage building to support the waterworks
• $50,000 for the construction of a concession stand, press box and restrooms at softball
recreation facility;
• $72,000 to purchase a new dump truck and a new pick-up truck to support the Town and the
waterworks department;
• $70,000 for the purchase of two new police cars and related capital equipment;
• $50,000 for the purchase of new police capital equipment including radar units, cameras,
radios,GPS units and alcohol sensor lights;
• $40,000 for the purchase of new office and capital equipment for Town Hall;
• $30,000 to purchase capital equipment for maintaining recreation facilities;
• $27,000 for capital improvements to recreation facilities;
• $20,000 for beautification projects within the Town including streetscaping, landscaping and
new signage;
• $30,000 for the construction of sidewalks.
B. $707,435 for the following projects within the Town of Jackson, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by Jackson Town Council:
• $90,435 for the demolition and renovation of the municipal complex;
• $60,000 for park capital improvements;
• $100,000 for capital improvements to the Jackson Agricultural Building;
• $70,000 for capital improvements to the Town's little league baseball field;
• $105,000 for capital improvements to the Jackson Fire Department;
• $57,000 for Town's football field capital improvements;
• $160,000 downtown development (along Highway 125/Main Street) including specifically
sidewalk improvements, streetscaping,landscaping and drainage improvements;
• $20,000 for the construction of a Public Works storage facility;
• $45,000 for the purchase of an activity bus for the Town.
C. $99,000 for the following projects within the Town of Monetta, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by Monetta Town Council:
• $12,000 for asphalt parking areas in front of Town Hall and an apron in front of the Monetta
Fire Department;
• $2,000 for office capital equipment for Town use;
• $4,000 for playground capital equipment for Town use;
• $30,000 for capital renovations to a building for a municipally owned health services facility;
• $16,000 for repairs and capital renovations to the Head Start building;
• $35,000 for additional payment on USDA loan for water system.
D. $1,258,750 for the following projects in the City of New Ellenton, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by New Ellenton City Council:
• $450,000 for additional Municipal Complex expansion,equipment and capital improvements;
• $247,000 for park development and capital improvements at Evans Park and the Greendale
• $200,000 Library relocation,expansion and capital materials;
• $361,750 for infrastructure improvements and equipment to support several city departments
including Police,Fire,Sanitation,Recreation,Streets and Roads,and Sewer.
E. $84,645 for the following projects in the Town of Perry,which projects shall be completed in the
order determined by the Perry Town Council:
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• • $45,500 for the purchase of a backhoe and a commercial lawnmower to support the Town
and the water district;
• $25,000 for the construction of a storage building to support the Town and the water district;
• $11,145 for Town signage and other capital improvements to Town Hall;
• $3,000 for a new computer system.
F. $161,000 for the following projects in the Town of Salley, which projects shall be completed in
the order determined by the Salley Town Council:
• $66,000 for water system improvements;
• $95,000 to make additional debt payments on fire pumper truck.
G. $833,000 for the following projects within the Town of Wagener, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by Wagener Town Council:
• $20,000 fire department station capital improvements;
• $85,000 for a water tender and capital accessories for fire department;
• $30,000 to purchase a light rescue truck and capital accessories for the fire department;
• $125,000 to purchase and install new water meters, a new radio meter reading system and
necessary hardware for the Town's Waterworks Department;
• $20,000 for new billing software for the Town's Waterworks Department;
• $49,000 to replace worn valves on main lines for the Town's Waterworks Department;
• $22,500 to purchase a utility truck for the Town's Waterworks Department;
• $30,000 to purchase a new patrol car and capital accessories for the police department;
• $30,500 for street sign replacement;
• $203,000 for capital renovations to the Town-owned Yaspen Building to accommodate a
community center;
• $218,000 for capital improvements to town parks as follows:
$3,000 for Gunter Park
$50,000 for Crescent Cities Park
$125,000 for downtown park development along Town-owned railroad right-of-way
$15,000 for Seivern Road Park
$25,000 for Veterans Park
H. $54,300 for the following projects within the Town of Windsor:
• Capital renovations and repairs to the recreation facility and Town Hall.
II. The next$97,850,000 collected under the Capital Project Sales and Use Tax shall be distributed
proportionally, as received, among the following three jurisdictions in the percentages shown:
The City of North Augusta (19.8%),the City of Aiken (28.6%), and Aiken County(51.6%) for
the following projects:
A. $19,350,000 for the following projects within the City of North Augusta,which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by North Augusta City Council:
• $925,000 for the purchase of a fire truck for the Department of Public Safety;
• $550,000 for a communications system upgrade for the Department of Public Safety;
• $1,120,000 for the resurfacing of city streets;
• $2,570,000 for additions to Riverview Park to include a spraypool,playground with canopy,a
new scoring tower,restrooms, meeting rooms,dressing rooms and a main concession stand;
• $1,550,000 for renovations to Riverview Park including upgrades to the baseball and softball
fields and the replacement of towers I and III;
• $690,000 for Riverview Park improvements to enhance traffic circulation, improved
maintenance facilities and entranceways;
• $3,140,000 for construction of parks and acquisition of land for greenways and open space;
• $750,000 for the construction of the Department of Public Safety Substation III;
• $5,000,000 for a new municipal complex;
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• $1,500,000 for road intersection improvements to Five Notch @ Pisgah, Celeste, Heil and
• $500,000 for a cultural arts and historical display facility;
• $500,000 for capital renovations to the North Augusta Community Center;
• $75,000 for road intersection improvements to Walnut Lane @ US 25;
• $480,000 for an estimated four miles of sidewalk construction.
B. $28,000,000 for the following projects within the City of Aiken, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by Aiken City Council:
• $350,000 for a connector road from Dougherty Road to the Aiken Mall;
• $700,000 for a connector road from Dougherty Road to the Wal Mart;
• $745,000 for parking lot and landscaping for the new convocation center at USC-Aiken;
• $250,000 for new pumper truck for new Southside Public Safety substation;
• $700,000 for new ladder truck for new Southside Public Safety substation;
• $1,750,000 to continue street resurfacing program;
• $1,750,000 for infrastructure and housing capital improvements associated with a housing
facility for low to moderate income families in the Northside Neighborhood Renewal Project;
• $170,000 for Historic Pinelawn Cemetery for streetscaping, landscaping, fencing and
roadway improvements;
• $4,200,000 for storm water/sanitary sewer/water infrastructure improvements;
• $3,500,000 for erosion control and drainage projects in Hitchcock Woods;
• $150,000 for Citizens Park parking lot and landscaping;
• $100,000 for restrooms at Citizens Park;
• $700,000 Whiskey Road improvements including drainage, curbing, sidewalks, and
• $875,000 to continue the lighting,curbing,sidewalks and landscaping program;
• $1,000,000 for construction of parks and acquisition of land for greenways and open space;
• $1,500,000 for the construction of a maintenance center at Citizens Park;
• $200,000 for parking and to provide lighting, curbing, sidewalks and landscaping to Bee
Lane from the Alley to Richland Avenue;
• $700,000 to expand the Public Works complex;
• $600,000 to expand the Public Safety Building;
• $1,400,000 to place electric lines underground in the downtown area;
• $1,000,000 to purchase land and begin development of a senior/youth center in the Eustis
Park Neighborhood;
• $1,000,000 to begin work on a Whiskey Road/Powderhouse Road connector;
• $2,750,000 for the construction of a Northside recreational park on the City's former landfill;
• $100,000 for the construction of an environmental meeting center in connection with the
Carolina Bay;
• $200,000 for the provision of band shell over the stage at Hopelands Gardens;
• $325,000 to conduct a study and purchase right-of-way for a parallel connector road along
Whiskey Road from Centennial Parkway to a new east/west connector road;
• $150,000 for a Dougherty Road Corridor study;
• $250,000 for a Northside roadway study;
• $100,000 for a Citizens Park walking trail;
• $50,000 for mobile bleachers for use at the Newberry Street Festival Center, Citizens Park or
Virginia Acres;
• $210,000 for the construction of public bike paths to be located on public property;
• $175,000 for a mobile stage to be used at the Newberry Street Festival Center,Citizens Park
or Virginia Acres;
• $100,000 for capital improvements at the Public Safety Training grounds;
• $250,000 for the construction of a splash park.
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C. $50,500,000 for the following projects in Aiken County,which projects shall be completed in the
order determined by Aiken County Council:
• $2,000,000 for the construction of two new Emergency Medical Services stations, complete
with new ambulances and related capital equipment (Aiken Southside, and Highway
IfMonetta area) and to replace three mobile homes with permanent EMS stations (Silver
Bluff High School,J.D. Lever School and Oakwood-Windsor Elementary);
• $4,000,000 to replace Sheriff's Department vehicles, ambulances and other vehicles and
capital equipment in the County fleet;
• $2,100,000 for resurfacing of County streets and roads;
• $15,900,000 for paving of the following unpaved roadways:
No. Road Name: Portion:
635 Indian Waters Trail From: S-1903 To: Stack Rd.C-634
634 Stack Road From: SC-39 To: C-635
365 Midway Circle From: Whiskey Road To:Whiskey Road
120 Hubert Street From: Baker St. To: End of C-120
S-45 Five Notch/Pisgah Rd. Intersection Improvements
86 Sudlow Lane From: Sudlow Lake Rd.To:End of C-86
12 Ballard Drive From:Bettis Academy To: Mt.Zion Rd.
270 Brooks Avenue From: Spalding Dr.To:Wilds Ave.
267 Wilds Ave. From: Brooks Ave.To:Dougherty Rd.
281 Rogers Road From: Hwy 1 North To: End
282 Shawscrest Dr From: Rogers Rd.To: Hwy 1 North
661 Wagontong Road From: Settlement Rd.To: S-21
387 Valley Drive From: S-1386 To: Hankinson St. (C-388)
203 Tennis Ranch Road From: Old Jackson Hwy To: End of C-203
5 Curry Drive From: Celesta Ave. To: End of Curry
552 Leanne Dr. From:Palmetto Farms Rd. (S-1891)To:End of(C-552)
895 River Road From: S-14 To: S-183
475 Pine View Drive From:Dogwood Drive To: Sizemore(S-739)
248 Saddle Horse Road From: Piney Heights Rd.To:End of C-248
134 Rebel Road From: Good Springs Road To: I-20
716 Earl Church Road From: S-264 To: Church
315 Bluff Landing Road From: SC-5 (Old Jackson Hwy)To: End
97 Pride Avenue From: Sudlow Lake Rd To: End of C-97
31 Springfield Church Rd. From:Hwy 19 N To:Edgefield Co.Line
894 Joe Scott Road From: S-183 To: C-897
464 Aspen Court From: SC Hwy 278(Williston Road)To:End
1160 Toole Circle From: End of Pavement To:End of Dirt
36 Wooduck Way From: SC Hwy 19 N To: End
825 Williams-Evans Road From: S-212 To: S-150
1092 Hunting Hills Drive From: S-302 To: for.61 miles
1036 Keys Dairy Road From: Pine Log Road To: End of C-1036
35 Mallard Court From: Hwy-19 N To: End of(C-35)
656 Rawls Mill Pond Road From: Hwy 21 To: S-246
359 Sunshine Circle From: S-1973 To: End
360 Oakbrook Drive From: S-1973 To: End
34 Mixon Road From:Old Friar To:End of(C-34)
561 Kedron Church Road From: End of State Maintenance To:Wire Rd.
1098 Broadway St. From:Dry Branch Rd(S-504)To:End
489 Archie Ware Road From: Mt.Calvary To:One mile mark
609 Bagwell Road From:Blue Poppy Road To:Nazarene Rd.
327 Greenbush Road From: Hwy 302 To:For.40 miles
800 Oak Ridge Club Road From: C-795 To:C-576
506 Wimpy Road From:US-78 To: S-113
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621 Holder Road From: SC-39 To: Dam
924 Hoover Road From: Rocky Grove(S-271)To:Warner Rd.(S-111)
880 Otis Baughman Sr.Rd. From: S-14 To: S-1776
652 Shadow Lane Road From: SC-302 To: SC-39
750 Bodie Road From: Camp Rawls Rd.(S-75)To:Flowing Wells(S-
* In the event certain of the above County road projects may not be accomplished for any
reason, those paving projects listed at Section IV(E)hereof may be undertaken in the order .-zo'
to be determined by County Council.
• $2,000,000 for permissible capital projects in connection with brownfield restoration in Horse
Creek Valley area(such as Clearwater Finishing Plant,Seminole Mill,etc.);
• $750,000 for connector roads to Dougherty Road and for engineering and planning on the
Whiskey Road/Silver Bluff connector road;
• $2,000,000 for public infrastructure improvements in connection with the Palmetto Parkway
Phase II;
• $2,000,000 for capital renovations,repairs and construction of the following:
1. $600,000 Aiken County Historical Museum
2. $1,145,000 Aiken County Main Library, Nancy Carson Branch Library, New Ellenton
Branch Library,Wagener Branch Library and Midland Valley Branch Library
3. $255,000 Aiken County Judicial Center
• $5,500,000 for Recreation and Open Space Preservation as follows:
1. $1,500,000 for capital renovations of existing recreational parks
2. $1,500,000 for additional capital development of Langley Pond Park
3. $1,000,000 for greenway and open space land purchase and development
4. $1,500,000 for construction of a regional recreational park
• $1,750,000 Drainage Projects as follows:
1. $643,500 Athol Project
2. $70,200 Vanderbilt/College Acres
3. $374,400 Audubon Project
4. $175,500 Woodwardia Project
5. $58,500 Hunters Glen Project
6. $177,900 Hitchcock Woods Project
7. $250,000 Kalmia Hills Project
• $12,000,000 for the construction of a new County Office Complex;
• $500,000 for the construction of a publicly-owned Child Advocacy Center.
III.The next$2,000,000 collected under the Capital Project Sales and Use Tax shall be distributed,
as received, to the City of Aiken for further construction and capital improvements of a
Northside recreational park.
IV.The next $10,325,855 collected under the Capital Project Sales and Use Tax shall be distributed
proportionally, as received, among the following eight jurisdictions in the percentages shown:
The Town of Burnettown (0.968%), the Town of Jackson (0.242%), the Town of Monetta
(0.242%), the City of New Ellenton (2.905%), the Town of Perry (0.149%), the Town of Salley
(0.271%), the Town of Wagener (2.436%), and Aiken County (92.787%) for the following
A. $100,000 for the Town of Burnettown to purchase and renovate a building for a new museum
specific to the history of the Midland Valley area.
B. $300,000 for sewer line expansion for the City of New Ellenton.
C. $15,355 for a lighting project in the Town of Perry.
D. $25,000 to pave the parking lot at the Town of Jackson Municipal Complex.
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E. $9,581,000 for additional County Roads to be paved as follows in the order to be determined by
County Council:
No. Road Name: Portion:
491 Fire Tower From: SC-78 To: S-113
434 Cassel Street Ext. From: Jackson Rd.(C-434)To: S-1332
243 Roundtree Road From: Hwy 125 To: Hwy 125
93 Ella Quitter Road From:Breezy Hill Rd.To: Old Cherokee Road
555 Old Kimball Trail From:US-I To: Jordon Road(C-2510)
267 Wilds Ave From: Spalding Dr.To:Brooks Ave.
265 Griggs Street From: Brooks Ave.To:Wilds Ave.
266 Elon Street From: Brooks Ave.To:Wilds Ave.
271 Meares Street From: Wilds Ave.To: Murrah Ave.
279 Williams Lane From:Hwy 19 To: End of C-279
671 Cline Taylor Road From:Browns Pond Road(C-683)To: SC 113
1091 Brayboy Road From: SC 278 To: End
982 Farrell Street From: Charles Road To: End
55 Fir Street From: Cherokee Dr.To: End
539 Reedy Fork Road From: Piper Road To:Morris Road
275 Elbert Street From: Spaulding Drive To:Dougherty Road
828 Richburg Villa From:C-829 To: S-270
487 North Street From:Washington Dr.To:End
249 Colt Road From: Piney Heights Rd.To: End
1002 Friendly Lane From:Blanchard Rd.To: End
545 Shiloh Estates Road From: Shiloh Church Rd.To: End
269 Short Street From: Murrah Ave.To:Wilds Ave.
867 Crim Hydrick Road From:Hwy 302 To: Collum Pond Road
237 Saddle Soap Lane From: Horse Creek Road To: End of C-237
1164 Old Martintown Road From:Barton Road To:Fleetwood Drive
694 Hutto Pond Road From: S-49 To: C-699
521 Dusk Trail Road From:US-1 To:Mt.Pleasant Road(S-25)
698 Holley Road From:Ready Rd.To:Indian Trail Road
861 Springflower From:Holiness Rd. (S-51)To: Shadow Lane(C-652)
652 Shadow Lane From: Hwy 302 To: Springflower Road(C-861)
837 Bussey Road From: Mt.Beulah Rd.To:US 78
F. $251,500 for the following projects within the Town of Wagener, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by the Wagener Town Council:
• $137,500 to replace or repair Town sidewalks as needed;
• $57,000 to replace Town water line from Hwy 39 to South Busbee Street and Hwy 302;
• $1 4,500 to purchase a camera system to inspect Town sewer lines;
• $12,500 to purchase a new radio system for the Town police department;
• $15,000 to pave the driveway for the fire department;
• $15,000 to purchase new reporting software for the Town police department.
G. $25,000 for the Town of Monetta for repairs and upgrades to the Town's water system.
H. $28,000 for the Town of Salley to purchase a new police car and equipment and to purchase a
new copier for Town Hall.
6. If the reimposition of the existing sales and use tax is approved by a majority of the qualified electors
voting in a referendum to be held in Aiken County on November 2,2004, the new tax is to be reimposed
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immediately following the termination of the earlier imposed tax,provided the Registration and Elections
Commission of Aiken County shall certify the results and the Aiken County governing body shall, by
Resolution, declare the results of the referendum and certify such results to the South Carolina
Department of Revenue in a timely manner.
7. The capital projects sales and use tax reimposed by this Ordinance, if approved in the referendum
conducted on November 2, 2004,shall terminate on the earlier of:
(1)the final day of the seventh year following reimposition of the tax;or
(2) the end of the calendar year during which the Department of Revenue determined that the tax has
raised revenues sufficient to provide the net proceeds equal to or greater than the amount specified in the
referendum questions.
8. Amounts of sales and use tax collected in excess of the required net proceeds must first be applied, if
necessary, to complete a project for which the tax was reimposed including payment of such sums as may
be required in connection with the issuance of bonds and other debt obligations,the proceeds of which are
applied to such capital projects; otherwise, the excess funds must be credited to the general find of the
governmental entity or entities receiving the proceeds of the tax, in the proportion in which they received
the net proceeds of the tax while it was reimposed.
9. The capital projects sales and use tax levied pursuant to this Ordinance must be administered and
collected by the South Carolina Department of Revenue in the same manner that other sale and use taxes
are collected.The Department may prescribe amounts that may be added to the sales price because of the
10. The tax authorized by this Ordinance is in addition to all other local sales and use taxes and applies to the
gross proceeds of sales in the applicable area that is subject to the tax reimposed by Chapter 36 of the
Code of Laws of South Carolina,and the enforcement provisions of Chapter 54 of Title 12 of the Code of
Laws of South Carolina.The gross proceeds of the sale of items subject to a maximum tax in Chapter 36
of Title 12 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina are exempt from the tax reimposed by this Ordinance.
The tax reimposed by this Ordinance also applies to tangible personal property subject to the use tax in
Article 13, Chapter 36 of Title 12 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina.
11. Taxpayers required to remit taxes under Article 13, Chapter 36 of Title 12 of the Code of Laws of South
Carolina must identify the county,municipality or both in which the personal property purchased at retail
is stored,used or consumed in this State.
12. Utilities are required to report sales in the county,municipalities or both, in which the consumption of the
tangible personal property occurs.
13. A taxpayer subject to the tax reimposed by Section 12-36-920, South Carolina Code Ann., who owns or
manages rental units in more than one county, municipality or combination thereof, must report separate
in his sales tax return the total gross proceeds from business done in each county or municipality.
14. The gross proceeds of sales of tangible personal property delivered after the reimposition date of the tax
levied under this article in a county, either under the terms of a construction contract executed before the
reimposition date,culminating in a construction contract entered into before or after the reimposition date,
are exempt from the sales and use tax provided in this article if a verified copy of the contract is flied with
the Department of Revenue within six months after the reimposition date of the sales and use tax provided
for in this Ordinance.
15. Not withstanding the reimposition date of the sales and use tax authorized pursuant to this section, with
respect to services that are billed regularly on a monthly basis, the sales and use tax authorized pursuant
to this article is reimposed beginning on the first day of the billing period beginning on or after the
reimposition date.
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16. The revenues of the tax collected under this Ordinance must be remitted to the South Carolina
Department of Revenue and placed on deposit with the State Treasurer and credited to a fund separate and
distinct from the general fund of the State. Alter deducting the amount of any refunds made and costs to
the Department of Revenue of administering the tax,not to exceed one percent of such revenues,the State
Treasurer shall distribute the revenues quarterly to the County Treasurer in the County area in which the
tax is reimposed and the revenue must be used only for the purposes stated in the reimposition Ordinance.
The State Treasurer may correct misallocations by adjusting subsequent distributions, but these
distributions must be made in the same fiscal year as the misallocation.
17. The Department of Revenue shall furnish data to the State Treasurer and the Aiken County Treasurer for
the purpose of calculating distributions and estimating revenues.The information which must be supplied
to counties and municipalities upon request includes, but is not limited to, gross receipts, net taxable
sales,and tax liability to taxpayers. Information about a specific taxpayer is considered confidential and is
governed by the provisions of South Carolina Code Ann. Section 12-54-240. Any person violating the
provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties provided for in South Carolina Code Ann.,
Section 12-54-240.
l8. The Registration and Election Commission of Aiken County shall conduct a referendum on the question
of reimposing a capital projects sales and use tax in the area of Aiken County on Tuesday,November 2,
2004, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. under the election laws of the State of South Carolina,
mutatis mutandis.The Aiken County Registration and Election Commission shall publish in a newspaper
of general circulation the question that is to appear on the ballot, with the list of capital projects and the
cost of projects,and shall publish such election and other notices as are required by law.
19. The referendum question to be on the ballot of the referendum to be held in Aiken County on November
2, 2004,must read substantially as follows:
Must a special one percent sales and use tax be reimposed in Aiken County for not more than seven (7)
years to raise the amounts specified for the following purposes:
I. The first $4,237,130 collected under the Capital Project Sales and Use Tax shall be distributed
to the following municipalities in the priority such municipality is listed below.
A. $1,039,000 for the following projects within the Town of Burnettown, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by Burnettown Town Council:
• $500,000 for the construction of a community recreation center;
• $150,000 for the construction of a Town storage building to support the waterworks
• $50,000 for the construction of a concession stand, press box and restrooms at softball
recreation facility;
• $72,000 to purchase a new dump truck and a new pick-up truck to support the Town and the
waterworks department;
• $70,000 for the purchase of two new police cars and related capital equipment;
• $50,000 for the purchase of new police capital equipment including radar units, cameras,
radios, GPS units and alcohol sensor lights;
• $40,000 for the purchase of new office and capital equipment for Town Hall;
• $30,000 to purchase capital equipment for maintaining recreation facilities;
• $27,000 for capital improvements to recreation facilities;
• $20,000 for beautification projects within the Town including streetscaping, landscaping and
new signage;
• $30,000 for the construction of sidewalks.
B. $707,435 for the following projects within the Town of Jackson, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by Jackson Town Council:
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• $90,435 for the demolition and renovation of the municipal complex;
• $60,000 for park capital improvements;
• $100,000 for capital improvements to the Jackson Agricultural Building;
• $70,000 for capital improvements to the Town's little league baseball field;
• $105,000 for capital improvements to the Jackson Fire Department;
• $57,000 for Town's football field capital improvements;
• $160,000 downtown development (along Highway 125/Main Street) including specifically
sidewalk improvements, streetscaping,landscaping and drainage improvements;
• $20,000 for the construction of a Public Works storage facility;
• $45,000 for the purchase of an activity bus for the Town.
C. $99,000 for the following projects within the Town of Monetta, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by Monetta Town Council:
• $12,000 for asphalt parking areas in front of Town Hall and an apron in front of the Monetta
Fire Department;
• $2,000 for office capital equipment for Town use;
• $4,000 for playground capital equipment for Town use;
• $30,000 for capital renovations to a building for a municipally owned health services facility;
• $16,000 for repairs and capital renovations to the Head Start building;
• $35,000 for additional payment on USDA loan for water system.
D. $1,258,750 for the following projects in the City of New Ellenton, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by New Ellenton City Council:
• $450,000 for additional Municipal Complex expansion,equipment and capital improvements;
• $247,000 for park development and capital improvements at Evans Park and the Greendale
• $200,000 Library relocation,expansion and capital materials;
• $361,750 for infrastructure improvements and equipment to support several city departments
including Police,Fire, Sanitation,Recreation,Streets and Roads,and Sewer.
E. $84,645 for the following projects in the Town of Perry,which projects shall be completed in the
order determined by the Perry Town Council:
• $45,500 for the purchase of a backhoe and a commercial lawnmower to support the Town
and the water district;
• $25,000 for the construction of a storage building to support the Town and the water district;
• $11,145 for Town signage and other capital improvements to Town Hall;
• $3,000 for a new computer system.
F. $161,000 for the following projects in the Town of Salley, which projects shall be completed in
the order determined by the Salley Town Council:
• $66,000 for water system improvements;
• $95,000 to make additional debt payments on fire pumper truck.
G. $833,000 for the following projects within the Town of Wagener, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by Wagener Town Council:
• $20,000 fire department station capital improvements;
• $85,000 for a water tender and capital accessories for fire department;
• $30,000 to purchase a light rescue truck and capital accessories for the fire department;
• $125,000 to purchase and install new water meters, a new radio meter reading system and
necessary hardware for the Town's Waterworks Department;
• $20,000 for new billing software for the Town's Waterworks Department;
• $49,000 to replace worn valves on main lines for the Town's Waterworks Department;
• $22,500 to purchase a utility truck for the Town's Waterworks Department;
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• • $30,000 to purchase a new patrol car and capital accessories for the police department;
• $30,500 for street sign replacement;
• $203,000 for capital renovations to the Town-owned Yaspen Building to accommodate a
community center;
• $218,000 for capital improvements to town parks as follows:
$3,000 for Gunter Park
$50,000 for Crescent Cities Park
$125,000 for downtown park development along Town-owned railroad right-of-way
$15,000 for Seivern Road Park
$25,000 for Veterans Park
H. $54,300 for the following projects within the Town of Windsor:
• Capital renovations and repairs to the recreation facility and Town Hall.
II. The next$97,850,000 collected under the Capital Project Sales and Use Tax shall be distributed
proportionally, as received, among the following three jurisdictions in the percentages shown:
The City of North Augusta (19.8%),the City of Aiken (28.6%), and Aiken County (51.6%) for
the following projects:
A. $19,350,000 for the following projects within the City of North Augusta, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by North Augusta City Council:
• $925,000 for the purchase of a fire truck for the Department of Public Safety;
• $550,000 for a communications system upgrade for the Department of Public Safety;
• $1,120,000 for the resurfacing of city streets;
• $2,570,000 for additions to Riverview Park to include a spraypool,playground with canopy,a
new scoring tower,restrooms,meeting rooms,dressing rooms and a main concession stand;
• $1,550,000 for renovations to Riverview Park including upgrades to the baseball and softball
fields and the replacement of towers I and HI;
• $690,000 for Riverview Park improvements to enhance traffic circulation, improved
maintenance facilities and entranceways;
• $3,140,000 for construction of parks and acquisition of land for greenways and open space;
• $750,000 for the construction of the Department of Public Safety Substation III;
• $5,000,000 for a new municipal complex;
• $1,500,000 for road intersection improvements to Five Notch @ Pisgah, Celeste, Heil and
• $500,000 for a cultural arts and historical display facility;
• $500,000 for capital renovations to the North Augusta Community Center;
• $75,000 for road intersection improvements to Walnut Lane @ US 25;
• $480,000 for an estimated four miles of sidewalk construction.
B. $28,000,000 for the following projects within the City of Aiken, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by Aiken City Council:
• $350,000 for a connector road from Dougherty Road to the Aiken Mall;
• $700,000 for a connector road from Dougherty Road to the Wal Mart;
• $745,000 for parking lot and landscaping for the new convocation center at USC-Aiken;
• $250,000 for new pumper truck for new Southside Public Safety substation;
• $700,000 for new ladder truck for new Southside Public Safety substation;
• $1,750,000 to continue street resurfacing program;
• $1,750,000 for infrastructure and housing capital improvements associated with a housing
facility for low to moderate income families in the Northside Neighborhood Renewal Project;
• $170,000 for Historic Pinelawn Cemetery for streetscaping, landscaping, fencing and
roadway improvements;
• $4,200,000 for storm water/sanitary sewer/water infrastructure improvements;
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• $3,500,000 for erosion control and drainage projects in Hitchcock Woods;
• $150,000 for Citizens Park parking lot and landscaping;
• $100,000 for restrooms at Citizens Park;
• $700,000 Whiskey Road improvements including drainage, curbing, sidewalks, and
• $875,000 to continue the lighting,curbing,sidewalks and landscaping program;
• $1,000,000 for construction of parks and acquisition of land for greenways and open space;
• $1,500,000 for the construction of a maintenance center at Citizens Park;
• $200,000 for parking and to provide lighting, curbing, sidewalks and landscaping to Bee
Lane from the Alley to Richland Avenue;
• $700,000 to expand the Public Works complex;
• $600,000 to expand the Public Safety Building;
• $1,400,000 to place electric lines underground in the downtown area;
• $1,000,000 to purchase land and begin development of a senior/youth center in the Eustis
Park Neighborhood;
• $1,000,000 to begin work on a Whiskey Road/Powderhouse Road connector;
• $2,750,000 for the construction of a Northside recreational park on the' ity's former landfill;
• $100,000 for the construction of an environmental meeting center in connection with the
Carolina Bay;
• $200,000 for the provision of band shell over the stage at Hopelands Gardens;
• $325,000 to conduct a study and purchase right-of-way for a parallel connector road along
Whiskey Road from Centennial Parkway to a new east/west connector road;
• $150,000 for a Dougherty Road Corridor study;
• $250,000 for a Northside roadway study;
• $100,000 for a Citizens Park walking trail;
• $50,000 for mobile bleachers for use at the Newberry Street Festival Center, Citizens Park or
Virginia Acres;
• $210,000 for the construction of public bike paths to be located on public property;
• $175,000 for a mobile stage to be used at the Newberry Street Festival Center,Citizens Park
or Virginia Acres;
• $100,000 for capital improvements at the Public Safety Training grounds;
• $250,000 for the construction of a splash park.
C. $50,500,000 for the following projects in Aiken County, which projects shall be completed in the
order determined by Aiken County Council:
• $2,000,000 for the construction of two new Emergency Medical Services stations, complete
with new ambulances and related capital equipment (Aiken Southside, and Highway
1/Monetta area) and to replace three mobile homes with permanent EMS stations (Silver
Bluff High School,J.D. Lever School and Oakwood-Windsor Elementary);
• $4,000,000 to replace Sheriff's Department vehicles, ambulances and other vehicles and
capital equipment in the County fleet;
• $2,100,000 for resurfacing of County streets and roads;
• $15,900,000 for paving of the following unpaved roadways:
No. Road Name: Portion:
635 Indian Waters Trail From: S-1903 To: Stack Rd.C-634
634 Stack Road From: SC-39 To:C-635
365 Midway Circle From: Whiskey Road To: Whiskey Road
120 Hubert Street From:Baker St.To: End of C-120
S-45 Five Notch/Pisgah Rd. Intersection Improvements
86 Sudlow Lane From: Sudlow Lake Rd. To: End of C-86
12 Ballard Drive From: Bettis Academy To: Mt. Zion Rd.
270 Brooks Avenue From: Spalding Dr.To: Wilds Ave.
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267 Wilds Ave. From: Brooks Ave.To: Dougherty Rd.
281 Rogers Road From:Hwy 1 North To: End
282 Shawscrest Dr From:Rogers Rd.To:Hwy 1 North
661 Wagontong Road From: Settlement Rd.To:S-21
387 Valley Drive From: S-1386 To: Hankinson St.(C-388)
203 Tennis Ranch Road From: Old Jackson Hwy To: End of C-203
5 Curry Drive From:Celesta Ave. To: End of Curry
552 Leanne Dr. From:Palmetto Farms Rd.(S-1891)To:End of(C-552)
895 River Road From: 5-14 To: S-183
475 Pine View Drive From: Dogwood Drive To: Sizemore(S-739)
248 Saddle Horse Road From:Piney Heights Rd.To:End of C-248
134 Rebel Road From: Good Springs Road To:I-20
716 Earl Church Road From: S-264 To: Church
315 Bluff Landing Road From: SC-5 (Old Jackson Hwy)To: End
97 Pride Avenue From: Sudlow Lake Rd To: End of C-97
31 Springfield Church Rd. From: Hwy 19 N To:Edgefield Co.Line
894 Joe Scott Road From: S-183 To:C-897
464 Aspen Court From: SC Hwy 278 (Williston Road)To: End
1160 Toole Circle From:End of Pavement To: End of Dirt
36 Wooduck Way From: SC Hwy 19 N To:End
825 Williams-Evans Road From: S-212 To: 5-150
1092 Hunting Hills Drive From: S-302 To: for.61 miles
1036 Keys Dairy Road From:Pine Log Road To: End of C-1036
35 Mallard Court From:Hwy-19 N To: End of(C-35)
656 Rawls Mill Pond Road From:Hwy 21 To: S-246
359 Sunshine Circle From: S-1973 To: End
360 Oakbrook Drive From:S-1973 To:End
34 Mixon Road From:Old Friar To: End of(C-34)
561 Kedron Church Road From: End of State Maintenance To: Wire Rd.
1098 Broadway St. From:Dry Branch Rd(S-504)To: End
489 Archie Ware Road From: Mt.Calvary To: One mile mark
609 Bagwell Road From: Blue Poppy Road To:Nazarene Rd.
327 Greenbush Road From:Hwy 302 To: For.40 miles
800 Oak Ridge Club Road From: C-795 To:C-576
506 Wimpy Road From: US-78 To: S-I13
621 Holder Road From: SC-39 To:Dam
924 Hoover Road From: Rocky Grove(S-271)To: Warner Rd.(S-111)
880 Otis Baughman Sr. Rd. From: S-14 To: S-1776
652 Shadow Lane Road From: SC-302 To: SC-39
750 Bodie Road From:Camp Rawls Rd.(S-75)To: Flowing Wells(S-
* In the event certain of the above County road projects may not be accomplished for any
reason,those paving projects listed at Section IV(E)hereof may be undertaken in the order
to be determined by County Council.
• $2,000,000 for permissible capital projects in connection with brownfield restoration in Horse
Creek Valley area(such as Clearwater Finishing Plant,Seminole Mill,etc.);
• $750,000 for connector roads to Dougherty Road and for engineering and planning on the
Whiskey Road/Silver Bluff connector road;
• $2,000,000 for public infrastructure improvements in connection with the Palmetto Parkway
Phase II;
• $2,000,000 for capital renovations,repairs and construction of the following:
1. $600,000 Aiken County Historical Museum
2. $1,145,000 Aiken County Main Library, Nancy Carson Branch Library, New Ellenton
Branch Library,Wagener Branch Library and Midland Valley Branch Library
3. $255,000 Aiken County Judicial Center
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• $5,500,000 for Recreation and Open Space Preservation as follows:
1. $1,500,000 for capital renovations of existing recreational parks
2. $1,500,000 for additional capital development of Langley Pond Park
3. $1,000,000 for greenway and open space land purchase and development
4. $1,500,000 for construction of a regional recreational park
• $1,750,000 Drainage Projects as follows:
1. $643,500 Athol Project
2. $70,200 Vanderbilt/College Acres
3. $374,400 Audubon Project
4. $175,500 Woodwardia Project
5. $58,500 Hunters Glen Project
6. $177,900 Hitchcock Woods Project
7. $250,000 Kalmia Hills Project
• $12,000,000 for the construction of a new County Office Complex;
• $500,000 for the construction of a publicly-owned Child Advocacy Center.
III.The next$2,000,000 collected under the Capital Project Sales and Use Tax shall be distributed,
as received, to the City of Aiken for further construction and capital improvements of a
Northside recreational park.
IV,The next$10,325,855 collected under the Capital Project Sales and Use Tax shall be distributed
proportionally, as received, among the following eight jurisdictions in the percentages shown:
The Town of Burnettown (0.968%), the Town of Jackson (0.242%), the Town of Monetta
(0.242%), the City of New Ellenton (2.905%),the Town of Perry (0.149%),the Town of Salley
(0.271%), the Town of Wagener (2.436%), and Aiken County (92.787%) for the following
A. $100,000 for the Town of Burnettown to purchase and renovate a building for a new museum
specific to the history of the Midland Valley area.
B. $300,000 for sewer line expansion for the City of New Ellenton.
C. $15,355 for a lighting project in the Town of Perry.
D. $25,000 to pave the parking lot at the Town of Jackson Municipal Complex.
E. $9,581,000 for additional County Roads to be paved as follows in the order to be determined by
County Council:
No. Road Name: Portion:
491 Fire Tower From: SC-78 To: S-113
434 Cassel Street Ext. From:Jackson Rd.(C-434)To: S-1332
243 Roundtree Road From: Hwy 125 To:Hwy 125
93 Ella Quiller Road From: Breezy Hill Rd.To: Old Cherokee Road
555 Old Kimball Trail From: US-1 To:Jordon Road(C-2510)
267 Wilds Ave From: Spalding Dr.To:Brooks Ave.
265 Griggs Street From: Brooks Ave.To: Wilds Ave.
266 Elan Street From: Brooks Ave.To:Wilds Ave.
271 Meares Street From: Wilds Ave.To:Murrah Ave.
279 Williams Lane From: Hwy 19 To: End of C-279
671 Cline Taylor Road From: Browns Pond Road(C-683)To: SC 113
1091 Brayboy Road From: SC 278 To:End
982 Farrell Street From: Charles Road To: End
55 Fir Street From: Cherokee Dr.To: End
539 Reedy Fork Road From: Piper Road To:Morris Road
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275 Elbert Street From: Spaulding Drive To:Dougherty Road
828 Richburg Villa From: C-829 To: S-270
487 North Street From: Washington Dr.To:End
249 Colt Road From:Piney Heights Rd.To:End
1002 Friendly Lane From:Blanchard Rd.To:End
545 Shiloh Estates Road From: Shiloh Church Rd.To: End
269 Short Street From:Murrah Ave.To:Wilds Ave.
867 Crim Hydrick Road From:Hwy 302 To: Collum Pond Road
237 Saddle Soap Lane From:Horse Creek Road To:End of C-237
1164 Old Martintown Road From: Barton Road To:Fleetwood Drive
694 Hutto Pond Road From: S-49 To:C-699
521 Dusk Trail Road From:US-I To:Mt.Pleasant Road(S-25)
698 Holley Road From:Ready Rd.To:Indian Trail Road
861 Springflower From:Holiness Rd. (S-51)To: Shadow Lane(C-652)
652 Shadow Lane From: Hwy 302 To: Springflower Road(C-861)
837 Bussey Road From: Mt. Beulah Rd.To:US 78
F. $251,500 for the following projects within the Town of Wagener, which projects shall be
completed in the order determined by the Wagener Town Council:
• $137,500 to replace or repair Town sidewalks as needed;
• $57,000 to replace Town water line from Hwy 39 to South Busbee Street and Hwy 302;
• $14,500 to purchase a camera system to inspect Town sewer lines;
• $12,500 to purchase a new radio system for the Town police department;
• $15,000 to pave the driveway for the fire department;
• $15,000 to purchase new reporting software for the Town police department.
G. $25,000 for the Town of Monetta for repairs and upgrades to the Town's water system.
H. $28,000 for the Town of Salley to purchase a new police car and equipment and to purchase a
new copier for Town Hall.
20. In the referendum on the reimposition of a special projects sales and use tax in Aiken County, all
qualified electors desiring to vote in favor of reimposing the tax for the stated purpose shall vote "yes'
and all qualified electors opposed to levying the tax shall vote"no". If a majority of the electors voting in
the referendum shall vote in favor of reimposing the tax, then the tax is reimposed as provided in Capital
Project Sales Tax Act, Section 440-300 at seq.,and this Ordinance. Expenses of the referendum must be
paid by the governmental entity or entities that would receive the proceeds of the tax in the same
proportion that those entities would receive the net proceeds of the tax.
2I. Upon receipt of the returns of the referendum,the Aiken County Council shall,by Resolution,declare the
results thereof.The results of the referendum,as declared by the Resolution of the Aiken County Council,
are not open to question, except by suit or proceeding instituted within thirty(30)days from the date that
Aiken County Council shall adopt a Resolution declaring the results of such referendum.
22. The reimposition of a capital project sales and use tax in Aiken County is subject in all respects to the
favorable vote of a majority of qualified electors casting votes in a referendum on the question of
reimposing a capital project sales and use tax in the area of Aiken County in a referendum to be
conducted by the Registration and Election Commission of Aiken County on November 2, 2004, and the
favorable vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting in such referendum shall be a condition
precedent to the reimposition of a capital project sales and use tax pursuant to the provisions of this
23. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption.
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v �r
24. All provisions in other County Ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed.
25. If any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or. circumstances is held
invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of the Ordinance which can be
given effect without the invalid provision or application and to this end, he provisions of this Ordinance
are severable.
This Ordinance shall become effective on July 20,2004.
Adopted at the regular meeting of Aiken County Council on July 20,2004.
4 . C
Tamara Sullivan,Council Clerk Ronnie Young, C. an
COUNCIL V TE: Majoritd
OPPOSED: Hightower
N:\For Council Clerk\CC Mtgs\2004 Mtg\07 20 Mtg\ord 2004 capital projects sales tax.doc
WHEREAS, the City and private developers are working to construct the
project known as Riverside Village at Hammond's Ferry; and
WHEREAS, as part of the construction, Wide Open West, Inc. has requested
that the City grant to it easements upon and across City property that would allow for the
provision of data services to various proposed facilities; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have reviewed this matter, to
include the proposed Deed of Easement and find that it is in the best interest of the citizens
of North Augusta that such easement be granted.
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of
the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority
thereof, that:
I. The City grant to Wide Open West, Inc. an easement over and across City
property known as Tax Parcel Numbers 007-18-05-001 and 007-18-05-003.
H. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to execute the Deed of Easement
and any other documents necessary in order to complete this matter.
III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on
third and final reading.
DAY OF , 2018.
First Reading:
Second Reading: Robert A. Pettit, Mayor
Third Reading: ATTEST:
Donna B. Young, City Clerk
Aiken County
Parcel ID 007 18 05 001 and 007 18 05 003
THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT ("Easement Agreement") is made and entered into this day
of , 2018,by and between City of North Augusta("Grantor") and WIDE OPEN WEST,
INC., its successors and assigns ("Grantee"),
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Grantor, for and in consideration of the mutual
covenants, conditions, restrictions herein contained and in further consideration of the nominal sun of One
and no/100 ($1.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration paid by Grantee to Grantor, the
receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and by these
presents does not grant, bargain, sell and release unto Grantee, it successors and assigns, a non-exclusive,
permanent, perpetual, assignable, transmissible, Ten Foot (10') wide easement strip being 5' wide on
either side of the fiber optic communications cable as installed, exclusive to and updating a fiber optic
cable under and across the property more particularly described in Exhibit "A", drawing attached hereto
and by this reference made a part hereof(the"Property"),together with the right and easement to use land
adjacent to the Easement for access, installation, repairs, ingress and egress and operation of tools and
equipment during the exercise be Grantee of the rights described herein.
TOGETHER with all rights and privileges necessary or convenient for the full enjoyment or use thereof,
it is further agreed that:
1. Grantee's fiber optic cable system shall be completely underground including any pull or
junction boxes where direction turns are made in the fiber optic cable. Grantee shall restore
the surface to condition equal to or better than installation, repair or maintenance of the fiber
optic cable system. Grantee shall not disturb any of Grantor's trees, shrubs, landscaping,
fencing, signage or sprinkler system. Should any personal property inadvertently be
disturbed, Grantor should repair to new condition or reimburse Grantor to repair any said
personal property damages.
2. Grantor shall not do or permit any of the following: (a) place or permit any building or other
structure on, under or over the Easement; and (b) raise or lower the elevation of the ground
level of Easement, either temporarily or permanently. However:
3. Upon reasonable written notice from the Grantor, the Grantee shall, at its own cost and
expense, alter or relocate the fiber optic cable system, or any part thereof, which the Grantor
determines to be in conflict with future buildings, structures, or ground alteration.
This Easement Agreement and the Easement granted hereby shall run with the title to the
Property described in Exhibit "A" and shall by binding upon and inure to the benefit of the
parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular, the above described Easement unto Grantee, its successors
and assigns forever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed as of the date first
above written.
Wide Open West, Inc
I, ,Notary Public for the State of South Carolina, do
hereby certify that representing the
personally appeared before me this
day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument,
Subscribed to and sworn before me this day of , 2018.
Notary Public for South Carolina
My commission expires:
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