RES 2018-20 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2018-20 AUTHORIZING FUNDING FOR THE DESIGN FEES FOR THE RIVERFRONT PARK PROJECT WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council in Resolution 2012-21 authorized the City Administrator to negotiate with the firm of W.R. Toole Engineers for services associated with the Riverfront Park project, subject to Council's final approval, including programming, site selection, design and construction; to sign agreements for services; make payments, and to sign all other documents related thereto; WHEREAS, W.R. Toole Engineers presented the concept design for the park to Mayor and City Council at the study session on August 6, 2018; WHEREAS, W.R. Toole Engineers has presented a design proposal to the City Administrator for the following services: Summary Total Cost Schematic Design Phase $25,600 Design Document Phase $39,800 Construction Document Phase $54,000 Construction Administration Phase $34,600 Permitting& Submittal Fees Cost+ 15% TOTAL DESIGN FEES $154,000 WHEREAS, funding for these design services shall be from the 2017 B Project Fund; WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have reviewed the proposed design fees and find that such contract is satisfactory and that it is appropriate and in the best interest of the City that the City move forward with the execution and entering into of said contract; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the City Administrator is authorized to execute the contract with W.R. Toole Engineers for the Riverfront Park Project. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 17TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2018. Robert A. Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Irk W R Toole Engineers, Inc. Engineers * Consultants * Planners Monday,August 20,2018 Rick Meyer Director,Parks,Recreation, &Tourism North Augusta Parks,Recreation &Tourism PO Box 6400 North Augusta,SC 29861-6400 Subject: North Augusta Riverfront Park&Amphitheater at Riverside Village Rick: W. R. Toole Engineers, Inc. (WRTE) is pleased to submit this proposal for professional services to you for the above referenced project. The following proposal briefly outlines our scope of services, a time frame for completion, and the cost associated with these services. PROJECT NARRATIVE: The City of North Augusta is developing the North Augusta Greenway Park at Riverside Village.The park will consist of an amphitheater, Greeneway trail and park adjacent to the recently completed Augusta Green Jackets baseball stadium near the end of Center Street at the Savannah River. Based on our previous master planning exercise and subsequent meetings with you and your staff,we submit our understanding of the project scope in the following narrative for the components of the project. A—Village at Riverside Village Amphitheater A new amphitheater area consisting of a 600+/- seating area with both natural and armored features.The stage area will incorporate a zero-entry fountain /splash pad for times when a stage is not needed. Stage structure is assumed at this time to be portable/temporary and will not be provided as part of the design package. Shade structures will be included to provide specific formal shaded areas for spectators and visitors. 1005 Broad Street, Suite 200, Augusta, GA 30901 phone-706.722.4114 * fax- 706.722.6219 * www.wrtoole.com B-Park Entry Features Entry feature structures (non-inhabited) are planned for the Center Street entry area and complimenting entry structures along the Greeneway points which lie east and west of the park. Entry features will be carefully coordinated with surrounding architectural style.We expect to incorporate architectural features from historic structures within the city. C- North Augusta Greeneway A relocation of a portion of the existing Greenewaytrail will be required for siting of the new park area,amphitheater and overlook features.Alignment to be determined during design exercises and will consist of concrete accented with other materials. Trail will include adjacent lighting and street furniture for visitors. Finally, power will be provided for concerts,festivals or other events. PROJECT Project Team Services: The following consultant services have been assembled for this project: • Civil Engineering- Site layout and grading determination, permitting with local & state agencies • Architecture - Design of entry feature structures as well as general site detail elements. • Structural - Design of proposed structure foundations for the entry feature structures and shade structures. • Electrical- Power,communication,lighting and sound for the amphitheater&park. • Landscape Architecture- Formal planting and surface treatment planning. • Geotechnical- Subsurface borings and conditions testing to assist project team with design elements. Project Phasing: The project will consist of the following design phases: • Concept Design (Completed) • Schematic Design • Construction Documents • Bidding Phase • Construction Administration Specific descriptions of these phases will be provided in our contract for services. PROPOSAL QUALIFICATIONS: We have specifically excluded the following services from this proposal: • Army Corps of Engineers Individual Permit or Nationwide Permit. • Enhanced environmental studies or permitting involving endangered species, historic places or similar features. • NPDES Inspections or Monitoring • FEMA Permitting - Fee to be determined after Design Development Phase if permit is ultimately required.Work within the flood plain will normally require some level of FEMA inclusion, however,that scope is not clear at this time. • Allowance has been provided for geotechnical study. • Allowance has been provided for a third-party construction cost estimator. FEE STRUCTURE: Fees for professional services were calculated utilizing man-hour estimates and construction cost forecasts. These fees include all time and expenses to prepare and submit plans in accordance with the above outlined schedule of services. Design Fees: • Schematic Design Phase-$25,600.00 WRTE-$15,000.00 STUDIO 3-$3600.00 ORIGIN-$4,000,00 EDC-$3,000.00 • Design Document Phase-$39,800.00 WRTE-$20,000.00 STUDIO 3-$4,800.00 ORIGIN-$12,000,00 EDC-$3.000.00 • Construction Document Phase-$54,000.00 WRTE-$24,275.00 STUDIO 3-$12,600.00 ORIGIN-$13,125,00 EDC-$4,000.00 • Construction Administration Phase-$34,600.00 WRTE-$25,000.00 STUDIO 3-$3,000.00 ORIGIN-$&600,00 EDC-$2,000.00 • TOTAL DESIGN FEES:$154,000.00 Other Fees: • Permitting&Submittal Fees- Cost plus 15% • Third Party Cost Estimator(Allowance) -$8,000.00 • Geotechnical Study(Allowance) -$10,000 COMPLETION OF SERVICES &ADDITIONAL SERVICES: This proposal is written with a general understanding of the services required for the project as outlined above. Should additional services not specifically outlined in this proposal become necessary or requested, we will provide your office a written proposal outlining the additional services. Additional services will also be required if any of the above outlined service areas require revision after approval by the owner or owner's representative.All additional services will be provided for in-writing and approved by the owner or owner's representative prior to initiating services. PERMITS This proposal includes acquisition of the following permits for this project: • Local Development Permit • Local Building Permit • SCDHEC NPDES Permitting Via the City of North Augusta Time Frame : W R Toole Engineers places a high level of importance on the project schedule. It is our desire to work with the design team to generate plans on the most expeditious path possible.We estimate the following schedule for design and permitting: • Schematic Design:September 2018 • Design Development: October 2018 • Construction Documents: December 2018 • Permitting - December 2018 to February 2019 (FEMA permitting,unknown at this time,could extend this phase several months) • Bid Documents: February 2019 The above noted schedule is subject to owner review and other related issues. W R Toole Engineers appreciates this opportunity to offer our professional services to you for this project. Should you find this proposal acceptable. we will provide a formal agreement to your office. We took forward to working with you on this project. VeryTruly Yours, Charles Hall, A , LEED AP- Project Manager W RToole Engineers, Inc. rik Ha arluns, 'E -Vice President W RToole Engineers. Inc.