Proc - Americans With Disabilities Act Awareness Day Executed North City of North Augusta, Augusta -,-------- )4... , South Carolina South Carolina's Riuerfront PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, there are City of North Augusta residents with varying disabilities, apparent or hidden; and WHEREAS, individuals with disabilities have the same desires and rights for equal access as those without disabilities; in areas including, but not limited to, education, employment and community programs and resources; and WHEREAS,fully including individuals with disabilities as integral members of the community utilizes the invaluable knowledge, skills, talents, and diversity that have to offer; and WHEREAS, Americans with Disabilities Act Awareness Day recognizes that individuals with disabilities are capable, contributing members of society; and WHEREAS, individuals with disabilities are worthy of full access and inclusion in City of North Augusta and surrounding communities. NOW THEREFORE, I, Robert A. Pettit, Mayor of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, do hereby claim July 26, 2018 as: Americans with Disabilities Act Awareness Day IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, to be affixed this ,/( day of July, 2018. \ , 0 , )ri, 4 /,,,,, ,)) c \ Robert A. Pettit, Mayor A 'Co) ee9,1/4k i td City of North Augusta #, 0 I 0P \A/ 0 " I' , 1 ■, ‘, ', (tilla:-.'N