070218 Council Mtg Agenda Backup North Augusta \ / South Carolina's Riverfront REGULAR AGENI)A OF JIJIJY 2, 2018 NOTES North � ,tom i CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA Augusta ; South Carolina's Riuerfront AGENDA: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING July 2,2018—Municipal Center—100 Georgia Avenue,3rd Floor—7:00 P.M. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council on each item listed on this agenda. Mayor Pettit will call for your comments prior to City Council discussing the matter. Citizens wishing to address Mayor and City Council are required to submit a Speaker Form to the City Clerk before addressing Mayor and City Council. Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or sign interpreter to participate in the meeting,please notify the Administration Department 48 hours prior to the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular meeting minutes of June 4,2018 Regular and study session meeting minutes of June 18,2018 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. ZONING: Ordinance No. 2018-05 — An Ordinance Amending Article 3, Zoning Districts, Related to the Boundaries of the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay District,of the North Augusta Development Code,Chapter 18 of the City of North Augusta,South Carolina Code of Ordinances A. Remove from Table B. Ordinance 2018-05,First Reading C. Ordinance 2018-05,Second Reading NEW BUSINESS 6. PARKS,RECREATION,&TOURISM: Resolution No. 2018-15—A Resolution Authorizing the City of North Augusta to Accept the Low Bid from Talbot Tennis for the Maude Edenfield Park Tennis Courts Restoration 7. PRESENTATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: A. Citizen Comments: At this time,citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council regarding matters not listed on the agenda. Citizens wishing to address Mayor and City Council are required to submit a Speaker Form to the City Clerk before addressing Mayor and City Council. Forms are provided on the credenza at the entrance to the Council Chambers. Citizen comments are limited to five minutes. B. Council Comments 8. ADJOURNMENT: Administration Department North Augusta\/ Sot Ill) Carolina's Maeda)1 f t Interoffice Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: B. Todd Glover, City Administrator DATE: June 29, 2018 SUBJECT: Regular City Council Meeting of July 2, 2018 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ITEM 5. ZONING: Ordinance No. 2018-05 — An Ordinance Amending Article 3, Zoning Districts, Related to the Boundaries of the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay District, of the North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances A. Removal from table At the June 4 2018 City Council meeting, on motion by Councilmember McDowell, second by Councilmember Dickert, the ordinance amending Article 3, Zoning Districts, related to the boundaries of the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay District of the North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances on first reading was tabled. A motion from Council to remove this item from the table is in order. B. Ordinance 2018-05, First Reading Pending removal from the table, an ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration on first reading amending Article 3, Zoning Districts, related to the boundaries of the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay District of the North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances. Please see your agenda packet of June 4, 2018 for information. July 2, 2018 C. Ordinance 2018-05, Second Reading Pending Council's passage of the ordinance on first reading, it is submitted for Council's consideration on second reading. ITEM 6. PARKS, RECREATION, & TOURISM: Resolution No. 2018-15 — A Resolution Authorizing the City of North Augusta to Accept the Low Bid from Talbot Tennis for the Maude Edenfield Park Tennis Courts Restoration A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration authorizing the City of North Augusta to accept the low bid from Talbot Tennis for the Maude Edenfield Park tennis courts restoration. Please see ATTACHMENT NO. 6 for a copy of the proposed resolution. ATTACHMENT 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2018-15 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA TO ACCEPT THE LOW BID FROM TALBOT TENNIS FOR THE MAUDE EDENFIELD PARK TENNIS COURTS RESTORATION WHEREAS, on October 11, 2016, the City of North Augusta was selected to receive federal assistance funding of $91,025 provided by the National Park Service in accordance with the Land and Water Conservation Fund for the purpose of financing the cost of the Maude Edenfield Tennis Court Restoration Project; and WHEREAS, on November 20, 2017, the City approved funding for the Maude Edenfield Tennis Courts Restoration during the 2018 budget process from the Capital Projects Fund of$184,000; and WHEREAS, ON May 31, 2018, sealed bids were received, publicly opened and read aloud for the PROJECT; and WHEREAS, the low bid by Talbot Tennis, Marietta, Georgia is in the amount of$241,590; and WHEREAS, after negotiations through value engineering an offer of $209,580 was offered by Talbot Tennis; and WHEREAS, Parks, Recreation, & Tourism requests to use a portion of the funding for the tennis courts at Riverview Park of$25,580 from the Riverfront/Central Core Redevelopment Fund in the 2018 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta find that the awarding of such bid for the PROJECT is in the best interest of the City. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council for the City of North Augusta in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that Talbot Tennis shall be awarded the contract for Maude Edenfield Tennis Courts at a total cost of$209,580. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funding sources for this contract shall be as follows: LWCF Grant $ 91,025 Capital Projects Fund, LWCF Grant match 92,975 Riverfront/Central Core Redevelopment Fund 25,580 Total $209,580 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator shall be authorized to enter into a contract with Talbot Tennis in the amount of$209,580 to approve change orders, to make payments, and to sign all other documents relating thereof. DONE, RATIFIED, AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF JULY, 2018. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk NOTES NOTES • NOTES NOTES