RES 2018-14 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2018-14 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER WITH M.B. KAHN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. RELATED TO PHASE II IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA WATER TREATMENT PLANT WHEREAS, on the 5`h day of January, 2015, Council approved awarding a contract to M. B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc. for Phase II improvements for the City of North Augusta Water Treatment Plant; and, WHEREAS, the contract entered into with M. B. Kahn Construction Company, Inc. was for the amount of$14,813,081.05; and, WHEREAS, changes to the original contract have been made for chemical building modifications including structural, mechanical, electrical, etc. for compliance with state codes related to fire protection; and, WHEREAS, the proposed change order is for an additional payment by the City of$570,042.59 for fire protection modification to the chemical building; and, WHEREAS, the City staff has recommended that this change order be granted; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta find that the approval of such change order is in the best interest of the City; and, WHEREAS, additional project schedule delays have resulted in increased costs for engineering fees; and, WHEREAS, there have been negotiations with the contractor and engineering firm related to those additional costs; and, WHEREAS, an acceptable resolution to remaining issues involving this contract and additional engineering fees,and resolving liquidated damages has been reached; and, WHEREAS, the contractor has agreed to payment of the additional engineering fees of$130,000 to the engineering firm. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the City enter into the contract change order with such change order being an increase of$570,042.59 to the contract; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funding source for this contract shall be the Utility Construction Fund and the South Carolina Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund as initially designated when the original contract was awarded; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is authorized to execute any documents required to enter into this Contract Change Order. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE/) DAY OF JUNE,2018. Robert A. Pettit Mayor or ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk