060418 Study Session Memo Backup CITY COUNCIL
JUNE 4, 2018
South Carolina 's
Administration Department
North j r -=
Augus ta
South Carolina's Riverfront
Interoffice Memorandum
TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: B.Todd Glover,City Administrator
DATE: June 1,2018
SUBJECT: Study Session Date of Monday,June 4,2018
A study session of the North Augusta City Council has been scheduled for Monday, June 4,
2018,at 6:00 p.m. in the Municipal Center 3`d Floor Council Conference Room/Council Chambers located
at 100 Georgia Avenue.
The following are among the topics for discussion and review:
ITEM 1. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Items on the June 4, 2018 Council Agenda —
Council Discussion
At this time, any questions related to the agenda scheduled for tonight's meeting may be
ITEM 2. LEGAL: Executive Session—Request of the City Administrator
In compliance with Section 30-4-70 (a) (2) the City Administrator has requested an
executive session for the purpose of:
Receipt of legal advice as it relates to threatened or potential litigation. Specifically
related to rezoning request by City as opposed by citizen group represented by Dione'
Carroll, Esquire.