052118 Ken Powell PP - Study Session Meeting Updated 051718Historical Heirloom or Municipal Highway City council May 21, 2018 Steve Bryant dave leverett ken powell Seven Gables Property 1/27 1 Why Are We Here? January 1, 2008- Neighborhood Preservation Corridor Overlay District put into effect. March 16, 2016- City Council authorized purchasing 3 parcels of land (7 Gables property) for fire station/public safety headquarters for $850,000. March 12, 2018- Concerned citizens requested to meet with city council. 2/27 2 Why Are We Here? (cont’d) April 30, 2018- City initiated rezoning postings and public announcement. May 14, 2018- City council study session with planning commission to discuss overlay issues. The proposed rezoning of R-14 to P does not allow construction to commence because it is still located within the Neighborhood Preservation Overlay. 3/27 3 Proposed Site For Public Safety Headquarters 4/27 4 Historical District 5/27 5 Preservation Overlay 6/27 6 Neighborhood Preservation Overlay Corridors 7/27 7 National Register Form 8/27 8 Historic Homes 9/27 9 Historic Map 10/27 10 Website Listing 11/27 11 Historical District 12/27 12 Hammond’s Ferry 13/27 13 Historical District 14/27 14 Article 3- Zoning Districts 15/27 15 Site Plan 16/24 16 Sallyport 17/27 17 Star of Edgefield (1859) 18/27 18 Our Heritage 19/27 19 Our Heritage 20/27 Hampton Terrace Hotel Landmark at northwest corner Broad vista of Augusta Expansive openness Grandeur, Splendor and Charm Magnificent setting and architecture Built 1903: Burned 1916 20 Our Heritage 21/27 Lookaway/Rosemary Hall Landmark at the southern point Vista across Savannah over Old Town Augusta Magnificent architecture Beautiful open setting, natural beauty Built 1895/1903 21 Our Heritage 22/27 Palmetto Lodge/Seven Gables Landmark at northeast point Powerful unique architecture Commanded vista toward South Augusta Open, natural grounds Built 1903: Burned 2008 22 Our Heritage North Augusta has a heritage of natural beauty, scenery, vistas, and signature architecture. 23/27 23 Heritage Challenged 24/27 24 Heritage Lost 25/27 25 Sallyport 26/27 26 Star of Edgefield (1859) 27/27 27