031918 Council Mtg Mins Adopted Augusta South Carolina's Riverfront MINUTES OF MARCH 19, 2018 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor James M Adams, Jr., Councilmember Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember Kenneth J. McDowell, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of March 19, 2018, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 7:00 p.m. and adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meeting by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meeting was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Mayor Pettit rendered the invocation and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Mayor Pettit and Councilmembers Adams, Carpenter, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Councilmember Brooks was out of town. Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance; Richard L. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, & Tourism; John C. Thomas, Director of Public Safety; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director of Engineering Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/19/18 and Public Works; James E. Sutton, Director of Public Services; Diana H. Miller, Manager of Human Resources; and Donna B. Young, City Clerk. The minutes of the regular and study session meetings of March 5, 2018 were approved by general consent. ITEM 1. PUBLIC SAFETY: Ordinance No. 2018-03 — An Ordinance Amending Chapter 22, Article I of the Code of Ordinances for the City of North Augusta by Adding Section 22-13 to said Code, Establishing Fines for Parking Violations — Ordinance, Third and Final Reading On motion by Councilmember McDowell, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council unanimously adopted an ordinance on third and final reading amending Chapter 22, Article I of the Code of Ordinances for the City of North Augusta by adding Section 22-13 to said Code, establishing fines for parking violations. Please see the minutes of March 5, 2018, for the ordinance text. ITEM 2. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Resolution No. 2018-07 — A Resolution Authorizing the City Administrator to Enter into a Contractual Arrangement for the Purchase of Trolleys for Tourism Related Activities On motion by Councilmember Carpenter, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council passed a resolution authorizing the City Administrator to enter into a contractual arrangement for the purchase of trolleys for tourism related activities. Voting for the resolution were Mayor Pettit and Councilmembers Carpenter, Dickert, McGhee, and McDowell. Voting against the resolution was Councilmember Adams. The resolution passed 5/1. The proposed resolution text is as follows: Please note that all complete exhibits and attachments are available in the Office of the City Clerk. RESOLUTION NO 2018-07 AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACTUAL ARRANGEMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF TROLLEYS FOR TOURISM RELATED ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, the City endeavors to promote downtown North Augusta as a destination in addition to Riverside Village; and Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/19/18 WHEREAS, thousands of people who will be attending events at the new stadium will be parking in areas of downtown North Augusta and providing convenient transportation via trolleys will make downtown an area to frequent; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City that such vehicles be purchased, and that no more than $100,000.00 of hospitality taxes, which are required to be spent for the promotion of tourism, will be expended; and WHEREAS, these vehicles could be used for other downtown activities such as the Jack-O-Lantern Jubilee and Peach Jam. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the City Administrator is hereby authorized to take such steps as necessary to complete this purchase to include the execution of the Purchase Agreement and any other documents necessary to complete the transaction. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the funds for such purchase will come from the Riverfront Central Core Redevelopment Fund. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 19th DAY OF MARCH, 2018. ITEM 3. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2018-04 — An Ordinance Adopting a Franchise Agreement Granting Knology of Augusta, Inc. Non-Exclusive Rights to Use Cablevision, Telecommunications, and Related Services within the City of North Augusta—Ordinance, First Reading On motion by Councilmember Dickert, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council unanimously passed an ordinance on first reading adopting a franchise agreement granting Knology of Augusta, Inc. non-exclusive rights to use publicly owned rights-of-way for the purpose of providing cablevision, telecommunications, and related services within the City of North Augusta The proposed ordinance text is as follows: Please note that all complete exhibits and attachments are available in the Office of the City Clerk. ORDINANCE NO. 2018-04 ADOPTING A FRANCHISE AGREEMENT GRANTING KNOLOGY OF AUGUSTA, INC. NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE RIGHTS TO USE PUBLICLY OWNED RIGHTS-OF-WAY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING CABLEVISION, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, AND RELATED SERVICES Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/19/18 WITHIN THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA WHEREAS, Knology of Augusta, Inc. (Knology) has requested that a franchise agreement be issued allowing the company to use the City's publicly owned rights-of-way to provide cablevision, telecommunications, and related services within the City; and WHEREAS, Mayor and City Council have determined that it is in the City's best interest to grant Knology of Augusta, Inc. a franchise. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: A non-exclusive franchise is hereby granted to Knology of Augusta, Inc. conveying to said company the rights to use the City's publicly owned rights-of-way for the purpose of providing cablevision, telecommunications, and related services to the citizens of North Augusta. This non-exclusive franchise is granted in accordance with the terms contained in the franchise agreement which is attached hereto and made a permanent part hereof. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the City Administrator is authorized to sign the franchise agreement on behalf of the City and in accordance with this ordinance. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2018. ITEM 3. FINANCE: Ordinance No. 2018-04 — An Ordinance Adopting a Franchise Agreement Granting Knology of Augusta, Inc. Non-Exclusive Rights to Use Cablevision, Telecommunications, and Related Services within the City of North Augusta—Ordinance, Second Reading On motion by Councilmember Carpenter, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council unanimously passed an ordinance on second reading adopting a franchise agreement granting Knology of Augusta, Inc. non-exclusive rights to use publicly owned rights-of-way for the purpose of providing cablevision, telecommunications, and related services within the City of North Augusta Please see Item number 2 above for the ordinance text. ITEM 4. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Speaker Forms Submitted for March 19, 2018 Council Meeting Please see the attached Speaker Forms completed by citizens for the March 19, 2018 Council meeting. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/19/18 There being no further business, Council adjourned at 8:00 p.m. APPROV D TH . /7 DAY OF Respectfully submitted, �f ' i , 201$. _ir Donna B. Young Robert A. Pettit, Mayor SPEAKER FORM NAME: F."p ADDRESS: :3 ( C . 5 C' J TELEPHONE: SC?3 '- g.19 8 2 PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: (LL +— c3•Q •110 SUMMARY: SPEAKER FORM NAME: S*pip 1 c l,1 it ADDRESS: C >t°�� � 1,"�'1 .7�= �t\--( 'I TELEPHONE: C ` 13 -) 3,/ PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: Het() L ° '+'U / )1 _ I SUMMARY: C - / \IN1 ?( c .1)r { � c- 31101I16 SPEAKER FORM NAME: ` iA1N/r Caw t�C7 ADDRESS: %'j Tekc E' ()a , :lZiL?S%fI SC- TELEPHONE: c2"3 Sit/ CC?/3 PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: �.Yy c �S" �^ j,2��� S — �Q . I -b SUMMARY: f 5 , 0 ti �(C' , -C�, L e- //z--c4:- s 47'': fL A l e Ge$ (J -4 t4:1 G /iL.c° cjiqg SPEAKER FORM NAME: 4002;e00.:16.6 ADDRESS: - 4&.,6/ TELEPHONE: cf" PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL (For example: I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: SUMMARY: ) )C) SPEAKER FORM '7V NAME: 2 ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: / 1 .3:3 c7 PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example: I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: SUMMARY: ________ 7 1, Copy Presented to the City Clerk.Mrs.Donna Young.at the Meeting of NA City Council on 03/19/2018 To: Mrs. Donna Young, City Clerk, City of North Augusta, SC March 11, 2018 Mrs.Young: I hereby request time under"new business"on the agenda for the City Council meeting of Monday, March 19, 2018,to formally present this to council and to the public as per SC Code§ 5-7-270. Quoting SC Code Ann. §5-7-270. Form and procedures for introducing and passing ordinances: Every proposed ordinance shall be introduced in writing and in the form required for final adoption. Each municipality shall by ordinance establish its own rules and procedures as to adoption of ordinances. No ordinance shall have the force of law until it shall have been read two times on two separate days with at least six days between each reading. In making this recommendation, I follow the tenets of City Code Sec. 2-38,which states: Sec. 2-38. -Agenda. All reports, communications, ordinances, resolutions, contract documents, or other matters to be submitted to the council shall, at least forty-eight(48)hours prior to each council meeting, be delivered to the city clerk, whereupon the city clerk shall immediately arrange a list of such matters according to the order of business and furnish each member of the council, the mayor and the city attorney with a copy thereof prior to the council meeting and as far in advance of the meeting as time for preparation will permit. Per the above state statute, I propose the following change to the City Code of Ordinances for consideration by the City Attorney,who prepares the legal document for consideration by the City Council of North Augusta. That Section 2-63 of the Code of Ordinances, City of North Augusta, South Carolina, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec.2-63. -Same—Procedure. Each person addressing the council shall step up in front of the rail and shall give the completed form, requested and provided by the city, to the city clerk. The person wishing to address council shall state the person's name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records, and unless further time is granted by the council,shall limit the address by the person to no more than ten(10)uninterrupted minutes. Timing of the address shall be performed by the city clerk or a designated appointee. Any questions or remarks from council during the address shall be timed by the city clerk or a designated appointee to ensure the person has a maximum of ten(10)minutes to personally address council. All remarks shall be addressed to the council as a body and not to any member thereof. No person, other than the council and the person having the floor,shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the council, 2 without the permission of the presiding officer. No question shall be asked a council member except through the presiding officer. Granting further time shall be given by council by passage of a motion from any council member and seconded in like manner. I submit this change to Council because it addresses, and equitably so, several recent issues between Council and me, as a citizen of North Augusta, involving this section of City Code. It also addresses a reasonable solution to the questionable transparency of City government and shall become major evidence the City has a demonstrated desire to hear its citizens and to listen to what they have to say. Such may relate to citizens'judgment of the timber of the City's governance. It shall certainly relate to the City's possible limitation of unabridged free speech within the current time limit, not just the time limit, itself. The City should be steadfast in showing its support for Amendment Ito the Constitution of the United States and by the SC Constitution in Article I, Section 2. Passing a longer maximum time for speaking before Council would go a long way in demonstrating just where the City's value of the rights of its citizens abides-at 100 Georgia Avenue or with the individual citizen for whom those who in that building ultimately report to. I request Council to thoroughly discuss the likelihood many speakers will not even speak to the limit. But those who need the extra time should be afforded the legitimate authorization to do so. The City of North Augusta, like our nation, currently has a divide which needs healing. To make Riverside Village, née Project Jackson,the success the City has predicted it will be, doesn't the City need every one of its citizens behind that project? Isn't it about time for"politics be damned," and to be governed with trusted justice rather than by detrimental demand? Bring us together, Mr. Mayor and Council. Stop separating us. I submit you need us and our financial support much more than we need you. I do not say that disparagingly because if it weren't for the citizens,there would be no North Augusta. My wife and I still pray each evening for God's guidance for"Mayor Pettit,the members of City Council, Mr.Glover,Counselor Zier, Mrs.Young and for those who work with and under them." It's the least we can do for you and for our City. Again, Mrs.Young, I thank you and I commend you for your service,your courtesy, and your cooperation in all of my dealings with the City through you. You truly are an excellent example for the remainder of the City's government. Sincerely, H. Perry Holcomb, Ph.D. H. Perry Holcomb 1891 Green Forest Drive North Augusta, SC 29841-2173 803-279-4839 hpholcomb @yahoo.com 3 FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES- Copy of current City Code Sec. 2-63 reads as follows: Sec. 2-63. -Same—Procedure. Each person addressing the council shall step up in front of the rail,shall give such person's name and address in an audible tone of voice for the records, and unless further time is granted by the council,shall limit the address to five(5)minutes.All remarks shall be addressed to the council as a body and not to any member thereof No person, other than the council and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the council, without the permission of the presiding officer. No question shall be asked a council member except through the presiding officer.