RES 2018-05 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2018-05 AUTHORIZING ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RIVERVIEW PARK GYM ADDITIONS WHEREAS, the City Administrator on January 31, 2017 authorized a contract for $1,213,232 with R.W. Allen for the design development, general conditions, preconstruction, schematic design, construction documents, construction administration, performance and payment bond, and site work; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council authorized Change Order Number 1 to contract 1/31/17 with R.W. Allen, LLC for the remainder of the project for $3,786,768; and WHEREAS, the� I Mayor and City Council re prioritized funding in Sales Tax 3 in Resolution 2017-21 to cover the cost of the new gym additions at Riverview Park for $5 million; and WHEREAS, additional funding of$93,000 is being requested for: Summary Total Cost Landscaping In house $35,000 CSRA Testing & Engineering Fees not in $21,000 contract 6' sidewalks at Main Entrance VE item returned $ 7,000 Enlarge entry plaza to 50' wide VE item returned $ 2,000 Enlarge the reception desk VE item returned $ 3,000 Installation of irrigation sleeves Added $ 8,000 Turnstiles with post & railing Added $ 9,500 Intercom system Added $ 7,500 TOTAL: $93,000 WHEREAS, additional funding of $93,000 would be allocated from the Capital Projects Fund. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the total project budget shall be increased by $93,000 with the additional approved herewith, from the Capital Projects Fund. Page 2 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 19TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2018. Robert A. 'ettit, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. You g, Cit Jerk NORTH AUGUSTA, SC PARKS, RECREATION & TOURISM Activities Center Expansion Landscaping Budget Material Complete Install Minimum Install Plant Material $18,305 $13,000 Irrigation $11,000 $11,000 Agronomic Material $1000 $750 Sod 20,000 sq.ft. $8400 $5636 Mulch $1500 $1500 Equipment rental $1000 $1000 Contingency $2000 $2000 Total $43,065 $34,886 *All labor on the project will be performed by City of North Augusta Staff