010218 Sp Called Council Mtg Mins Adopted North �/ , . Augus t a ,, ,J,:,„_ , _ South Carolina's Riverfront MINUTES OF JANUARY 2, 2018 Robert A. Pettit, Mayor James M. Adams, Jr., Councilmember .1 Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember Kenneth I McDowell, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS The Special Called meeting of January 2, 2018, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Pettit at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers on the third floor of the Municipal Center and adjourned at 7:27 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meetings by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meetings was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Mayor Pettit rendered the invocation and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Mayor Pettit and Councilmembers Adams, Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance; John C. Thomas, Director of Public Safety; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works; James E. Sutton, Director of Public Services; and Diana H. Miller, Manager of Human Resources. ITEM 1. STREETS AND DRAINS: Resolution No. 2018-01 - A Resolution Accepting a Deed Of Dedication for the Hammond's Ferry Section C Fulton Street Cul-De-Sac, Associated Curbs and Gutters from North Augusta Riverfront Company, LLC, along with a Maintenance Guarantee and Cash Deposit, from North Augusta Riverfront Company, LLC On motion by Councilmember Carpenter, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council passed a resolution accepting a deed of dedication for Hammond's Ferry Section C Fulton Street Cul-De-Sac, associated curbs and gutters from North Augusta Riverfront Company, LLC, along with a Maintenance Guarantee and cash deposit, from North Augusta Riverfront Company, LLC. Councilmember McGhee recused himself because he performed contract to install the project scope and installation of the road and cul-de-sac. The resolution passed with a 6/0 vote. The resolution text is as follows: Please note that all complete exhibits and attachments are available in the Office of the City Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 2018-01 ACCEPTING A DEED OF DEDICATION FOR THE HAMMOND'S FERRY SECTION C FULTON STREET CUL-DE-SAC, ASSOCIATED CURBS AND GUTTERS FROM NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPANY, LLC, ALONG WITH A MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE AND CASH DEPOSIT, FROM NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPANY, LLC WHEREAS, North Augusta Riverfront Company, LLC submitted a minor site plan, dated August 28, 2017, prepared by Cranston Engineering Group, P.C., for a cul-de-sac to be constructed at the end of Fulton Street in the City of North Augusta, Aiken County, South Carolina, according to the requirements of the North Augusta Development Code and the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to §5.6.5 of the North Augusta Development Code, the Director of Planning and Development and the City Engineer approved the minor site plan for the Fulton Street cul-de-sac on September 1, 2017; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City that, upon completion of the improvements associated with an approved minor site plan, the City will, following inspection by the City's Engineering Department, accept a deed of dedication for the streets, utilities, etc. for the purpose of ownership and maintenance when said deed is accompanied by a maintenance guarantee; and WHEREAS, a maintenance guarantee and cash deposit accompany the deed, the City Engineer has made final inspection of the subject improvements, and these improvements meet City standards. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, do hereby accept a deed of dedication for: That certain parcel or tract of land, with any improvement located theron, situate, lying and being in the City of North Augusta in Aiken County, South Carolina, more particularly designated and described as Tract "C," containing 0.10 acre, more or less, upon that Plat of Hammond's Ferry Section C prepared for North Augusta Riverfront Company, LLC by Cranston Engineering Group, P.C. dated November 27, 2017, and recorded on December 14, 2017, in the Aiken County Register of Deeds Office in Plat Book 60 page 341-341. TOGETHER WITH fee simple title to all curbs, gutters, and infrastructure of the Fulton Street cul-de-sac located in, upon and under said PERMANENT RIGHT OF WAY. Tax Parcel Number 007-13-11-002 (portion of) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Maintenance Guarantee and Cash Deposit in the amount of$7,500.00 are hereby accepted. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2018. ITEM 2. JUSTICE AND LAW: 2018 Jury List—Motion to Accept On motion by Councilmember Brooks, second by Councilmember Carpenter, Council unanimously approved the new jury list for 2018 containing the names of all registered voters and the names of individuals with a South Carolina driver's license in our jurisdiction. ITEM 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Speaker Forms Submitted for January 2, 2018 Council Meeting Please see the attached Speaker Forms completed by citizens for the Special Called January 2, 2018 Council meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m. APP V THIS DAY OF Respectfully submitted, , 2018. • 2 U f� Donna B. Young Mayor Robert A. Pettit City Clerk RECUSAL STATEMENT Member Name: Meeting Date: (/? // Agenda Item: Section Nibr' ►1CSo/11..41 ,,t ?D/d-0I Topic: Ac1cA73 . - a- beef 'bcS r ; cct 14loNis J / C�%•6 -5w 5 4 d- Cwl- be--S4e The Ethics Act,SC Code§8-13-700,provides that no public official may knowingly use his office to obtain an economic interest for himself a family member of his immediate family, an individual with whom he is associated, or a business with which he is associated. No public official may make,participate in making, or influence a governmental decision in which he or any such person or business has an economic interest. Failure to recuse oneself from an issue in which there is or may be conflict of interest is the sole responsibility of the council member (1991 Op_Atty. Gen.No. 91-37.) A written statement describing the matter requiring action and the nature of the potential conflict of interest is required. Justification to Recuse: Professionally employed by or under contract with principal Owns or has vested interest in principal or property X Other: ?er- t— t e \ G 0 J4 n�c 40 / 'J 5 )/ `kc- pw,ce� se-0/de � 1.Je-,i 11 o� R •R 04 C'wj-cbt.-5�,e. l Dale: l/al o � w�� V"t..C6 Cie <- Member Approved by Parliamentarian: Mr. Mayor, here I am again. I don't want to annoy you, but as you know, I have repeatedly asked questions that remain unanswered. At the last Council meeting you told me that I am not allowed to ask questions, but may only make statements. Mr. Mayor, I feel your new policy goes against everything a transparent and open government stands for, and it is contrary to promises you made during your campaign. I don't think the optics of your new policy are emitting confidence and providing answers to your constituents, but I will fill out forms, make statements, and will at least attend these meetings as long as the doors are unlocked until I feel that the current administration of the City of North Augusta is being honest with the people they were elected to represent. Now if you will allow me, I would like to make a few statements. 1) A recent news report stated that a majority of private projects have not yet been issued a permit. These include the office building, stadium parking deck, retail shops with live above apartments, riverfront multi-use building, and the senior housing complex. At your convenience can you confirm if this report is correct. 2) At a recent meeting when I asked whether the hotel financing package was in place, you said, "The hotel is under construction." Because you did not directly answer my question, It appears that the hotel financing was not in place at that time and may still not be in place. At your convenience can you provide an answer to my question and an update on hotel financing? 3) You have not provided a status update for the project, although it has been 7 weeks since I requested it. I can only assume at this point that you do not want the citizens to know what happens when a project is started without all the I's dotted and T's crossed. 4) Mr. Mayor, like a lot of other people, I am a baseball fan, and it breaks my heart that the game I love has been used to justify this massive taxpayer outlay. Can you please tell me, and please reassure my friends, that I am wrong. Please tell me that all private development that will pay for the stadium, pay for the hotel deck, pay for the Medac deck, pay for the conference center, the infrastructure, and yes, Mr. Mayor, pay for the very building in which we are gathered tonight - please tell me all contracts and financing are in place so that the burden of repaying all the City's $80 million investment will not fall on the taxpayers of North Augusta. 5) Finally, Mr. Mayor, I am reminding you that my FOIA request submitted on December 13th, has passed the deadline for the City to respond which I believe is 10 working days. I asked that you would send me signed " letters of intent" and/ or contracts committing to the development and construction of the hotel and the "Financial Commitments and or Developer Commitments that were submitted to the City. In conclusion, it is very difficult to have constraints that you have placed on the citizens in place and provide them with any confidence when the very policy you ran under as part of your platform ( transparency) is not alive in our City. Please review what you promised and provide for every citizen who supported your election , one of which was me, the transparency they deserve. I have my comments that I just spoke about in electronic form and will supply them to you and the council secretary for inclusion in the minutes and for review if requested. Thank you, Fred SPEAKER FORM NAME: RFA) Irt_Pizv ADDRESS: 3ti EAsT 51-10-iRLLI OE_ eof) NoRTiel A 0G-0 s-vf:k S c_. -act g i TELEPHONE: 02' - ema3 PLEASE PROVIDE A ONE SENTENCE SUMMARY OF YOUR COMMENT TO COUNCIL. (For example:I support the resolution because ... ) THIS FORM WILL BE ATTACHED TO THE MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. AGENDA ITEM/TOPIC: C°0 1-11-167X- o3 (3R1 •R Psi-Ci)°LS 5 SUMMARY: cc, 11A-11W