RES 2017-34 Adopted I I RESOLUTION NO. 2017-34 A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH A FEE SCHEDULE FOR SERVICES REQUIRED TO FULFILL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUESTS WHEREAS, the South Carolina Code of Laws Title 30, Chapter 15, referred to as the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), provides access to records of public bodies; and, WHEREAS, the act has recently been amended and includes a requirement that public bodies develop a schedule of fees for the fulfilling of FOIA requests, including the fees for searching, retrieving, redacting and copying records; and, WHEREAS, the revision further provides that the copy rate is not to exceed the prevailing commercial rate for producing copies and further specifies that the rates charged for searching, retrieving, and redacting records shall not exceed the hourly wage of the lowest paid employee on the public body staff who has the skill and training to fulfill the request; and, WHEREAS, the City, in compliance with such requirement to develop a rate schedule, has determined that the attachment hereto, identified as "Freedom of Information Request for Public Records Fee Schedule", is appropriate and complies with the requirements of the changes to the law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, adopts the attached Exhibit A, entitled "Freedom of Information Request for Public Records Fee Schedule" and deems the same to be the schedule to be utilized by the City for fulfilling FOIA requests. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE 21ST DAY OF AUGUST,2017. ".c.G� Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, Cit Clerk V Mort l Augusta \ .L,0(111161/011/)(1",-, 1pitvita iii FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS FEE SCHEDULE FOIA ACTIVITY ASSOCIATED CHARGES Search/Retrieval Time • First 15 minutes No Charge • Every additional 30 minutes $8.00 per every 30 minutes Search Requiring Other Than Normal Clerical Retrieval The cost for such search/retrieval will be based upon the hourly wage of the employee who has the skill and training required to fulfill the request. Black& White Copies Size 8 1/z" x 11" and/or legal 15¢ per page Size 11" x 17" 15¢ per page Color Copies 200 per page Digital Copy on CD $5.00 each Digital Video Copy of DVD $10.00 each Standard Maps/Plots • Up to 11" x 17" size 500 per copy • Anything over 11" x 17" $10.00 per copy Microfiche/Microfilm Copies 100 each CD/DVD $1.00 each Flash Drive/Thumb Drive $12.00 each Other documents provided that are not identified above, shall be provided as follows: minimum of 500 per copy or billed at the actual cost to the City