RES 2017-21 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2017-21 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 TO CONTRACT OF 1/31/17 WITH R.W. ALLEN, LLC FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE RIVERVIEW PARK GYM ADDITIONS WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 2016-10, the Mayor and City Council authorized the City Administrator to negotiate a contract with the firm of R.W. Allen and Studio 3 Design for design build services for the Riverview Park Gym Additions for the Department of Parks, Recreation, & Tourism. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council reprioritized funding in Sales Tax 3 and allocated funds from the Capital Projects Fund to cover the cost of the new gym additions at Riverview Park for$5 million. 1. Sales Tax 3 funding for Gym Additions $2,500,000.00 2. Sales Tax 3 funding Allocate from Public Safety HQ $1,069,450.00 3. Sales Tax 3 funding Allocate from the Greeneway Expansion $ 750,000.00 4. Sales Tax 3 funding Allocate from Curbing and Sidewalk $ 200,000.00 5. Allocate from the Capital Projects Funding $ 480,550.00 TOTAL: S5,000,000.00 WHEREAS, the City Administrator on January 31, 2017 authorized a contract for $1,213,232 with R.W. Allen for the design development, general conditions, preconstruction, schematic design, construction documents, construction administration, performance and payment bond, and site work. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have reviewed the proposed contract Change Order Number 1 to contract 1/31/17 with R.W. Allen, LLC for the remainder of the project for $3,786,768 and find that such contract is satisfactory and that it is appropriate and in the best interest of the City that the City move forward with the execution and entering into of said contract. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the City Administrator is authorized to execute the contract with R.W. Allen. Such contract being attached hereto marked Exhibit A and incorporated by reference. Page 2 Resolution 2017-21 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 15TH DAY OF MAY, 2017. / Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Youn , City(rk •AIA Document G701"‘ -- 2001 Charge Order PROJECT Pram awdadirwa; CNNI MERL1N9tit00$ OWNER la Riverview Fmk Activities Cdr DATE 42017017 AiM:FOTECT❑ Gym Mabel • aiNoelh Angora,SC coamaCTCR Depetmest has Ilaa afw Morino ion 100 RhaviewPaid)rive OTHER:❑ Neat Amnia,3039141 TO CORMACIOR Pamanimitins l: ARIDITECI'S PROM NIMBI* R.W.A3l,U.0 comer omE1131M17 ISIS Brand Simi CONTRACT pelt Gnaw'Conareedoa Augusta,GA 30991 THE OORRACf0iCENI DAiMOUR pick*aim gplk-NRa, m,.oomi moult wrlWi}rto probe*miaow ICoseartlrtampDirsaW►e4) This oeapsmat drone edwteAtis MANN((dmetRWe wow amrntef$l.190./OIAO-*ow see dorsn- wenc to Lk imuosatlydeta0ed tunic vin The eripsei Contest San era $ 1,213,23200 Thu rut Amp by pnwiewly owbobed Chew Onion 1 0.00 The Cannot Sum pixie Ms Drop Order ens $ 1,213,132.00 The Comm Sum wit he teas reed 14 flit Omer Order le the awoke of $ 3.716.7611.00 TM new Confect Sus Wiliam Os Claw Osier will he i 5,000.000.90 The Ca 1 .w01 be hmaewd by eweti-Aer(74)dem The dam of Sebataelld Campledpa as of the rime of dip Chow Order du reAue 6 Fekaory 1i.2010 NOlic This Champ Order dos not ioatude cisme.in is Cannot Sam,Coshed tine or(3u aRad Maxim= Mee which have been sueu Had by C osstmaliae Chasse Dilee tive mrti the end and thaw have been weed upon by both the Owner fad Caatacior.in atria ace a Cluny Otter ie routed So supersede the Crest net t Omar liwoLYNABSNILt NOT YALx1 UNIti.MOM BY THE ARCHTECT,CONTRACTOR AND OMRE . studio 3 Dasipf(beep L W.Mink LAC Ci of Not1h Augusta.SC iipatmat oSPatits Raaaatioo dt Tourism ARCHITECT(Firm tuna) CONTRACTOR(Firm wow) d TER(Dian nano) 1617 Wsloo Way,Aag GA 30904 1015 Bread Stem Ai a&GA 30!01 100 Riverview Part IMve., North A SC29 1 fie 4111 ACJII • . •nee) ,,... S.Dee Sealed John Mania B.Todd Glover (1.f'Ped ) (mote d e) (T)p dn�) 5/Ig j�17 5]' 11 r DATE DATE DATE Ala DocumentOrIvu-sa i.condo Oins trio,Two Bra sort ey The Modem MMAtdertA+dilNW.Aadel NOW WAP Igal11sA1AF Oaaanaetlepeeaeeerevo ua.esspeyatl. err ebem rar#eoOrMeswebee MleriMSMakarane 1 end Yoram lwdMai rower MiR1R>ue swswetOtlyaaarro wNo.*i s1seEd .ugh=des eaa1 er mM daaad pseeoAatf AIA Document G701Th -- 2001 Change Order PROJECT(Name and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER:001 OWNER: Riverview Park Activities Center DATE:4/28/2017 ARCHITECT:❑ Gym Addition City of North Augusta,SC CONTRACTOR:❑ Department of Parks Recreation& FIELD:❑ Tourism 100 Riverview ParkDrive OTHER:❑ North Augusta,SC29841 TO CONTRACTOR(Name and address): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: R.W.Allen,LLC CONTRACT DATE:1/31/2017 1015 Broad Street CONTRACT FOR:General Construction Augusta,GA 30901 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include,where applicable,any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Construction Change Directives) This component change order is for the balance of the negotiatied contract amount of$5,000.000.00 -please see the attachement to this document for detailed breakdown The original Contract Sum was $ 1,213,232.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders S 0.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 1,213,232.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of $ 3,786,768.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 5,000,000.00 The Contract Time will be increased by seventy-four(74)days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is February 18,2018 NOTE:This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum,Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor,in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive-Directive.. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT,CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. Studio 3 Design Group R.W.Allen,LLC City of North Augusta,SC Department of Parks Recreation& Tourism ARCHITECT(Firm name) CONTRACTOR(Firm name) OWNER(Firm name) 1617 Walton Way,Augusta,GA 30904 1015 Broad Street,Augusta,GA 30901 100 Riverview Park Drive, North Augusta,SC29841 ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS BY(Signature) BY(Signature) BY(Signature) S.Dee Beaird John Martin B.Todd Glover (Typed name) (Typed name) (Typed name) DATE DATE DATE AlA Document G701"-2001.Copyright D 1979,1987,2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects.All rights reserved.WARNING:This AIA• Document Is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties.Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this Alike Document,or any portion of it,may result In severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.This document was produced by AlA software at 09:10:22 on 04/2812017 under Omer No.4535285348 which expires on 03/0912018,and is not for resale. User Notes: (3B9ADA24) MI IMO C'''' GMP Estimate North /'"' NM A Augusta r' Riverview Gymnasium Srat III) C(111)1Ul(1'S 1 Ziuc rjroI)t RWAIIen (2) New Gyms & Lobby North Augusta, SC Thursday,April 27,2017 COVERED AREA(SF): 29,533 TOTAL COST: 35,000,000.00 TOTAL COSTISF: $169.30 TOTAL BLDG.COSTISF: $151.75 WORK DIVISION LABOR MATERIALS SUB TOTAL 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS $123,200.00 $40,695.00 $72,350.00 $236,245 2 SITE WORK $518,317.00 $518,317 3 CONCRETE $2,233.00 $98,586.00 $105,775.00 $206,594 4 MASONRY $235,404.00 $345,002.00 $580,406 5 METALS $28,000.00 $28,000 6 WOOD&PLASTICS $3,750.00 $8,275.00 $26,818.00 $38,843 7 THERMAL&MOISTURE $10,875.00 $118,836.00 $129,711 8 DOORS&WINDOWS $2,860.00 $35,245.00 $219,288.00 $257,393 9 FINISHES $487,903.00 $487,903 10 SPECIALTIES $6,655.00 $23,461.00 $30,116 11 EQUIPMENT $70,613.00 $70,613 12 FURNISHINGS $100,500.00 $100,500 13 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION $324,984.00 $151,218.00 $476,202 14 CONVEYING SYSTEMS 15 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS $576,190.00 $576,190 16 ELECTRICAL $429,340.00 $429,340 17 MISC./OTHER CATEGORY SUBTOTALS: 1 $138,698.00 $777,525.00 $3,250,150.001 $4,166,373 , Labor Burden 22.00% $30,514 Sales Tax 8.00% $62,202 Building Permit&Fees $20,518 Subcontractor Bonds Insurances $9,266 Association Fees $997 .t% Contractor's Contingency(1%) $50,000 60 Design&Survey Fees $355,225 s Preconstruction Services TOTAL COST OF WORK: $4,695,095.00 R.W.Allen Fee $269,239 Performance&Payment Bond $35,666 GRAND TOTAL 5,000,000.00 R.W.Allen,LLC 4/27/2017