051517 Study Session Memo Backup CITY caurrcth STUDY SESSION AGENDA OF MAY 15, 2017 North Augusta south Carolina 's Riverfront NOTES Administration Department North li-Nift Augusta " South Carolina's Riverfront Interoffice Memorandum TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: B.Todd Glover,City Administrator DATE: May 12,2017 SUBJECT: Study Session Date of Monday,May 15,2016 A study session of the North Augusta City Council has been scheduled for Monday, May 15, 2017,at 6:00 p.m.in the Municipal Center 3`d Floor Council Conference Room/Council Chambers located at 100 Georgia Avenue. The following are among the topics for discussion and review: ITEM 1. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA: Items on the May 15, 2017 Council Agenda — Council Discussion At this time, any questions related to the agenda scheduled for tonight's meeting may be discussed. ITEM 2. ZONING: Request from Antonio Grant Antonio Grant will be present Monday night to address Mayor and Council to obtain permission to use City parking spaces in Summerfield Park and a portion of the City property to meet outdoor requirements for daycare operations. Please see SS ATTACHMENT NO.2 for additional information. ITEM 3. LEGAL: Executive Session—Request of the City Administrator In compliance with Section 30-4-70 (a) (2) and (5) the City Administrator has requested an executive session for the purpose of: (2) Discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements and proposed sale or purchase of property, the receipt of legal advice where the legal advice relates to a pending, threatened, or potential claim or other matters covered by the attorney-client privilege, settlement of legal claims, or the position of the public agency in other adversary situations involving the assertion against the agency of a claim. (5)Discussion of matters relating to the proposed location,expansion,or the provision of services encouraging location or expansion of industries or other businesses in the area served by the public body. Page 2 May 15, 2017 Discussion of contractual arrangements related to Project Jackson ACTION MAY BE TAKEN ON THIS ITEM AT THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING. SS ATTACHMENT NO. 2 Martin, Charles From: Martin, Charles Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2017 12:11 PM To: Young, Donna Subject: FW:Antonio Grant/ Use of Old District School Building @ Summerfield Park Attachments: Summerfield Park-Antonio Grant.pdf Here is the Antonio Grant email to Todd. I have sense b een corrected on the square footage of the building. It is 2,300 sq.ft. instead of 4,200 sq. ft. which changes the parking requirements to 9-10 spaces instead of 17. He has also changed his desired use of the property somewhat, but I am unclear on that. Too much Information? Charles B. Martin Interim Director of Planning & Development (803)441-4225 cmartin @northaugusta.net From: Martin, Charles Sent:Tuesday,January 31, 2017 8:48 AM To: Glover,Todd Cc:Zier, Kelly; 'cpb963 @comcast.net' Subject:Antonio Grant/Use of Old District School Building @ Summerfield Park Todd, In 1995 the City purchased Summerfield Park from the Aiken County School System. As a part of that transaction,the School System retained the building that at the time was being used as the Area 2 offices. They also retained rights of ingress and egress and use of"substantially equivalent parking" (about 5 spaces). The City went on to fully develop Summerfield park and the school system continued to use the building and parking until they eventually closed the building. The building then remained vacant for a number of years. The City's property totally surrounds the building. Recently, Antonio Grant purchased the building. On December 6, 2016, Mr. Grant approached the City's Planning and Community Development Department requesting a "Certificate of Zoning Compliance"to use the building for both day care and event purposes in the name of DRILL Team CSRA, a non-profit organization. DRILL stands for Developing Responsible Intellectuals Loving Life. The department was unable to approve the request due to the property being zoned "P"- Public. In order for the building to be used for day care and/or event activities, a rezoning to "NC"— Neighborhood Commercial would be required. However, even if rezoned,the day care and event activities could not be approved due to a lack of parking required by the City for either activity and a lack of sufficient outdoor space as required by state regulations for day care. Parking requirements for the day care activities is a minimum of 2 spaces+ 1 space per 6 children. With a maximum of 30 children the requirement would be 7 with only 5 available. Parking requirements for the event activities is a minimum of 1 space per 250 sq. ft.. The building is 4,200 sq.ft.thus a requirement of 16.8 or 17 parking spaces with only 5 available. The only way around Mr. Grants dilemma is for him to obtain 3 things from the City: 1 First, he would need to obtain formal permission from the City to use City parking spaces in Summerfield Park for his intended Day Care and Event activities. Second, he would need formal permission to use a portion of the City's property to meet outdoor requirements of the state for day care operations. Third, he would need a rezoning to NC, Neighborhood Commercial. Both the parking and the use of outdoor space need to be addressed prior to the rezoning request. The purpose of this memo is to address these issues prior to Mr. Grant's application for rezoning. We are not advocating for or against Mr. Grants requests. However, it would seem to be somewhat unfair to require Mr. Grant to go through the process of rezoning with the Planning Commission and City Council without resolving the parking and outdoor space needs first. If fact, without these agreements in place the Planning Commission would have a difficult time justifying a rezoning. Kelly Zier would have to advise as to the proper vehicles for the parking agreement and the use of outdoor space, but I assume City Council would need to take formal actions. I have attached copies of several documents: - Requests for Certificate of Zoning Compliance - Map showing the building and its relationship to Summerfield Park - Copy of the 1995 deed showing transfer of the Summerfield Park property from the Aiken County School System to the City of North Augusta Please advise as to how you wish to proceed with this matter. (803)441-4225 cmartin@northaugusta.net 2 Nortl i '��'' Certificate of Zoning Compliance Augusta / §§5.2.3, B.2.1, North Augusta Development Code South Curolinu.-tziue:/rern cHECK owe, Home Occupation V N-ew Business Relocation Ownership Change PLEASE PRINT ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION. CZC# Business Name b,k-N-,.L,L l a f r 5�� N. 9 , j Business Address/Zip a 0 1 a _�c 12, - 1a. N. k, `3 , c, , t L1 \ Business Owner Name Sin_a 9 q 110 I t� fj a(} � (� �� �'�� Contact Phone Business Owner 'dd ess/Zip V V. C - 1 u - Owner Email C.LAf ( • ' C. C ` Y10 V I li r r L Describe the proposed business, including products/services to e provided y.V�l�+ f)14 n a t f), Number of employees including yourself i-f - E-) Number of off-street parking spaces on-site Is there any recorded restricted co enant or other private agreement that is contrary to, conflicts wi or prohi its the use o a tiiviyt'y on a property that is the subject of the application? yes no A. (A),I -s--y\_.a) , --,Sig atu e Title ,\ {A 001) 6 GrQn `` la - - l 1 Print Name Date NOTE 1. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance is not an approval for occupancy. 2. A new business, a home occupation, or a business that is relocating or changing owners may need one or more additional approvals before a business license can be issued. Additional approvals may include Site Plan Approval, Conditional Use Permit, Building Permit and/or Certificate of Occupancy. 3. Approved home occupations must comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. 4. Site modifications, including grading, parking, lighting, landscaping, etc., will require site plan approval. 5. Building modifications, including electrical, mechanical, plumbing, new walls, demolition, etc., will require a building permit. 6. A separate zoning review is required for all proposed wall and/or exterior signs. PLEASE CHECK WITH THE CITY BEFORE BEGINNING ANY SITE, BUILDING OR SIGN WORK. (OFFICE USE ONLY) Property tax parcel number Current zoning Use Matrix reference NAICS reference Additional Requirements: Required? Contact Site Plan Approval yes Planning&Development 803-441-4221 (2`'d floor) Building Permit yes Building Standards 803-441-4223 or 803-441-4227(1s1 floor) Certificate of Occupancy _.-.,yes Building Standards 803-441-4223 or 803-441-4227(1'floor) Business License __.yes Finance 803-441-4214(1st floor) Approved By Initials Date (Print) Return to: Department of Planning and Development,100 Georgia Avenue, 2nd floor Phone: 803-441-4221 Mail: P.O. Box 6400, North Augusta,SC 29861 Fax: 803-441-4232 9/16 Certificate of Zoning Compliance Augu ta §§5.2.3 B.2.1, North Augusta Development Code South Curr_,lirru'S Ri{..=er/rortt CHECK ONE L Home Occupation l New Business Relocation Ownership Change I PLEASE PRINT ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION. CZC # Business Name D. R , .� , L . L I e.Q.CY1 c S / �p�v�",op1�,g-YRes{.an i'AA t �ni��le.c .tia1s. l[.�ov��n� �- `� Business Address/Zip 404=3= 754 ,- 13 ,/ D)C C 5 P -Vl e 1� ,C� A,1Lit . 5.c of rC c ' Business Owner Name A vor' 0 E Cc\n� Contact Phone g03� a9 a- I 00 1 Business Owner Address/Zip C\3 TTC�A C\I Q. No }�,u5C, -c,�c , S, C .- a 9 Li Owner Email f\ntant0 J,CiAnT I�..\'10 >1'1c,,\. corn Describe the proposed business, including products/services to be provided 1 1 r, J q- 1; C V,,, LCC {)roc,ca>m , otO,Qi `-s)c\c,c;l p cc.,,ci(c m Number of employees including yourself - -- Number of off-street parking spaces on-site Is there any recorded restricted covenant or other private agreement that is contrary to, conflicts with or ro ibits the use or activity the property that is the subject of the application? yes V' -no - ri (C1/1,q) (:)- WY\ Sig ature Title l la - 6 - \•n C%irk t�` G cc,o--\-- ! Print Name Date NOTE 1. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance is not an approval for occupancy. 2. A new business, a home occupation, or a business that is relocating or changing owners may need one or more additional approvals before a business license can be issued. Additional approvals may include Site Plan Approval, Conditional Use Permit, Building Permit and/or Certificate of Occupancy. 3. Approved home occupations must comply with the City's Home Occupation Regulations. 4. Site modifications, including grading, parking, lighting, landscaping, etc., will require site plan approval. 5. Building modifications, including electrical, mechanical, plumbing, new walls, demolition, etc., will require a building permit. 6. A separate zoning review is required for all proposed wall and/or exterior signs. PLEASE CHECK WITH THE CITY BEFORE BEGINNING ANY SITE, BUILDING OR SIGN WORK. (OFFICE USE ONLY) Property tax parcel number Current zoning Use Matrix reference NAICS reference Additional Requirements: Required? Contact Site Plan Approval yes Planning&Development 803-441-4221 (2"d floor) Building Permit yes Building Standards 803-441-4223 or 803-441-4227 (16'floor) Certificate of Occupancy yes Building Standards 803-441-4223 or 803-441-4227 (1s,floor) Business License yes Finance 803-441-4214(1s1 floor) Approved By Initials Date (Print) Return to: Department of Planning and Development, 100 Georgia Avenue, 2ntl floor Phone: 803-441-4221 Mail: P.O.Box 6400,North Augusta,SC 29861 Fax: 803-441-4232 9/16 C{r t#sty r err , t :- '7 'iRr 1?s.; f 3� '��F�a4"`�l" .../.... � f 4Ft 3 0` � asrirx �''` f xrt.� - y'.i.F [ax '3'. fit,. 7 �; r X 5 x.� tp Yr.' -L/Y. '�, r;,,.'f '� ''' v. - �qr' r' .- w .,"r ..1.-Z1_,S ^klY"" (C �r Rlrr�`r+° '.;.;• tis : � '@'3=r'E" t,,.. u :+^* � " * ti �� 44 3 'X+.ri a Orr r ,, i T " +,7, ;� z 'zg' ,fit �`dci 3, iFrµgr^" ,}. 'r�, - �„tg\.. fir ,�, '� �' ,,� � —..0 � -1-7,,,41"..-„,�&'���`s �� . � �,"� "...f�� �` �+ �� '�. .d F , J,r �"`"^ ,. rr 1:.w.— rkx #S r! IL C t4% "' �` it }#F # } -�'�",r �icai X„� r, '7W tX x �. �� .� rat 11 1 ° a � X� 3 } J` ,.a°r{trx r 7t t + ,..,,'.,:—..,.. .",„N" ; 5 d.. i Ai.k 4,4`i.,,. . t .tt .-a- r -y` t Js 3°i v !. y t i �✓ i .t-� y: T'rt, 'i"` t ” ,� r p,. t t ., 1.,,,;,,,----,-.t --,4:4;t:.!,%s ,'qy `"'fig �t ," �„T r a` r : i '1'..,;4°' T •,i ..`�C z * r:4 MF F.;z+N , x� t � '''k'X'2 fi �X i.'F i it ..; 3 f�3.T.tx( t-- �, '" -','�3�;-.x' t F X .� �'� y r ,t+'r . 5�. tt r K + i rF ¢ p,i'fl C, ^y-I-�.. fNPy} ''',4:44: t .U s r Tr -`-: k t` �4 x' . y " , x''x �r Prr4..,c, „i,,,4-,r , i-,'°L ” A j�5∎ .: i t A+'3 y n.1^ $" 3S'ft aiF 4 x ' x 4.it ' � j 1 „tt" : S o s''l b� 4 (_ '*`:'rs ,-at ),}' -, : ,t,‘11.,==` nt .:p�.wr` N' r Sri r�: r !1!� ,,,, 1 , $'� ; ' 9 / - 3' -- �^ °r` kx }r mom" y ri Printed:r mr:,nrrcFA,trC I �'C 09 2013 h74n °rtyGO.rrnrer; g711,cn.oaorN hn'kwx 6n¢'b+axM iht 9th se rorar xaifon ...,.,.a, ,,..x or 71,n Wyy, �by,b �,toq,1t a File ary lar t+,rwy�„f o thew area, $1,... _ u',t$, t rn ncol eS lnlnrn.Zkik,st+k'n N M{ n t+iv3sd,ORrm Rh, • WILLIAM H. BURKHALTER,JR. GENERAL COUNSEL FOR AIKEN COUNT YBOARD OFEDUC.A770 .,� 1000 BROOK HAVEN DRIVE DEC 5 2013 11 I Al EN,SOUTH CAROLINA 29803 U L) Phone: (803)641-2572 FAX: (803) 641-2536 FAX MEMORANDUM • DATE:December 5,2013 TO: Ms. Chris DeCamp RECIPIENTS FAX#: 441-4232 North Augusta Planning&Zoning FROM: William H. Burkhalter,Jr. NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER): 9 RE: 738 Old Ed•elleid Road—Old Area 2 Office Dear Ms. DeCamp: Please find attached the following: 1) Transmittal from Kelly Zier to Charles Martin of the city's deed from the School District. 2) Deed of Conveyance to the city(please see my marginal notations on the second Page) 3) Excerpt from recorded plat by Tony Carr—note the parcel of land(parcel"b'J reserved and still owned by the Aiken County Board of Education(ex officio:trustees of the Consolidated School District of Aiken County) 4) Excerpt from land appraisal from which we derived our sales price. The fact that the county maps do not necessarily show a separate parcel is probably simply the resutt of two governmental entities owning the entire tract. Since the entirety of this property would be tax exempt,the assessors'office may simply have chosen not to assign a separate tax id to our property. Nevertheless,I would assert that they should have. The District's ownership of this property is a fee simple title which means full ownership. Please let me know if I can provide any additional information that might be of help as you deal with members of the public. Sincerely, el:0;a 4evtiZioat William H.Burkhalter,Jr. C: Kelly Zler, Esquire CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE This transmission is intended only for the use of the individual or entity above named. The communication may contain privileged or confidential Information. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, please call collect to the sender of this information to advise of the inadvertent transmission. Also, please destroy such Inadvertent transmission or return the same to us by mail(and we will reimburse your postage). Thank you. Kelly F.Zier u.i li as wasr AV ENUE k 1. bar PLEASE FBTLY'TO NORTH AUGUSTA.S.C. _. r-...,.. ettvvlsF."(e113j z79•599a P.O.9470 OA 29841 FAX(all)27115a5 NORTH ADJUST.%SC 291+1 .1501 1 ,p py Vf d� June 2, 1995 n. % ‘9 Mr. Charles B. Martin sr ~f City Administrator r� �,i City of Worth Augusta ,1 Lis s Post Office Box 6400 North Augusta, S. C. 29841 RE: SUNMERFXELD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Dear Charles: Please find enclosed herewith Dead in regard the above{zsforrsd-to matter recorded in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina in Title Book 1532 at page 140 on the 24th day of April, 1995 at 9:30 A.K. Please also find enclosed herewith statement for recording fees. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at your convenience. With kind regards, 2 an Very truly yours, Kelly F. Sier dsk Enclosures J 14w' YOL/E 1 PAS' of STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TITLE TO REAL ESTATE Q© COUNTY OF AIKEN WHEREAS,the Aiken County Board of Education, during the course of its regular meeting on the 19th day of July 1994, voted to authorize the within conveyance of interest in the property formerly housing the Summerfield Elementary School to the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, and WHEREAS,the Grantee,the City of North Augusta,has or will prior to completion of acceptance of this conveyance,take action to accept the conveyance under the conditions as set forth In this Deed and for the consideration shown herein, NOW, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that ABM cowry BOARD OF EDUCATION(EX OFFICIO:Trustees tithe Co solidated School District tor Mon County)in the State aforesaid for and In consideration of the sawn of FIVE AND CWIOO pm) DOG.BARS to us geld by CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, A No Other Consideration LIUNICIPAL CORPORATION ORUAWtlEI3 UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,POST OFFICE BOX 6400,NORTH AUGUSTA,S.C. 21x841,In the State aforesaid,receipt which Is hereby ad nowledgad.has granted,bargained,sold end released;and by these presents do gr ant,bergain,sell end release unto the said CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, A MUNICIPAL_ CORPORATION ORGANIZED WIO$I THE LAWS OF TTtE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,as SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS,THE FOLlONING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE,TO-WIT: . `' VOlgAYAGF /W All those certain pieces, parcels or traces of tend, with the improvements thereon,situate,lying end being in the City of North Augusta,County of Aiken,State 'i CI / of South CAerroIIna and being generally known and designated as Parcels ar Traces s "A*,containing 619 acres,more or his and"V,containing t09 acres,avers of leae, ?i D-? es shown on a plat prepared for the City of North Auguste,by Tony L Carr,Sr.end Associates dated August 4,1994 and recanted in the OlVese of the RMC for Anwar County,South Carolina In Misc.Book_3a..,at page 1E4 ,to which said plat reference is hereby made for a more complete and=orate description he to the mot metes,bounds and location of said tracts. . This Is a portion of the Identical property conveyed to the Grantor's predecessor In Title,North Augusta School District Number 6,Aiken County, South Carolina,by deed of W.A.Knox,P.S.Knox,Jr.,W.L M.Knox and RE Knox; ' a partnership, d/b/a Knox Inveabuwnt Company dated October 16, 1951 and recorded In the Office of the I3MC for Aiken County,South Carotin to Title Book 132 at page 344. The within conveyance Is made subject to any end ell power lines,telephone, water end other easements as may effect said property whether shown on the plat or not shown. 'RESERVATION OF RIGHT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS.' The Grantor retains title to Parcel'B"as shown on the afore larred-to plat consisting of.15,plus or minus,acres, Said Granter reserves the right of Ingress, r)\Y4X egress and regress along and across Parcel'C"as shown on the afore-,referred-to piat with the understanding that the Grantee herein shall be responsible for kit , maintaining such Ingress and ogress for access by way of passenger automobile. S Al the present time such ingress end egress Is by way of asphalt driveway. It leer. �~, ��' ° specifically understood and agreed that gild driveway may be uttered by the �( l Grantee herein within said Parcel'C'inn reasonable manner to continue to provide .(Q e' eq ent Ingress and ogress end subotantiaity equivalent parking, The Grrrdae C�(y' further agrees to provide such easements an miry be rwcensary in order to provide _ water,serer end other utilities to the Parcel V'premises retained by the Granter, h This deed accepted by the City of North Augusta by ResoMon of City ).\ Council adopted on the 6th day of March, 1995. Such Resolution also i` acknowledges responsibility for the maintenance of the ingress and egress fe easement an provided herein. • 'GUARANTEE BY GRANTEE IN REGARD WATER AND SEWER SERVICE' The Grantee acknowledges that the.16 acre par=e!of land being retained by the Aiken County Board of Education Is currently provided water and sewer service by the City of North Augusta. It la further acknowledged that the service lines to __ such.15 acre are located on portions of property being conveyed to the G N COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR lo_oSa_ex-aI6 z-2z-?S 1 • `se VOfi� PAO d The Grantee agrees to guarantee and continue equivalent water end sewer service to the property of the Grantor. In the event that any service lines are required to be relocated as a result of future development on property being conveyed to Grantee, such relocation Is to be done at the expense of Grantee. TOGETHER, with all and singular,the Rights, Members,heredltementa and Appurtenances to the said premises belonging, or in anywise incident or appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all end singular the premises before mentioned unto the said CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,A MIPIICIPAL CORPORATION ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STALE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, its successors and assigns and II does hereby bind Its sworn end assigns end Administrators,to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said: CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,A MUNICIPAL PAL C MIPORI11IOW ORGANIC UNDER'THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIRA,its successors acrd assigns against it and Its successors and assigns and all persons whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim the sarne or any pail thereof. WIT NESS THE EXECUTION HEREOF BY THE GRANTOR THIS 'aa ° DAY OF _FtiBRI ARI , 1995 AND IN THE 216TH YEAR OF THE SOVEREIGNTY AND INDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ADEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION (EX OFFICIO_ TRUSTEES OF THE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR AIKEN COUNTY) �.. WITNESS (1) BY: crlallemN — • -1 lit Z., ar A A 7/A r WITNESS (2) BY: RS: DISTRICT SUPERDITENDEI IT • , `" YOI 42-PAGE/$ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF AIKEN PERSON.ALLYAPPEAHED before me the undersIgned witness end made oath that (Ohs saw the within named AIKEN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION (EX OFFICIO; TRUSTEES OF THE. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR AIKEN COUNTY), BY ITS DULY AUTHORIZED OFFICERS, sign, seal end as its eat end deed, deliver the within written Deed; and that (e)he with the other witness subscribed above witnessed the execution thereof, SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF FfBRuP ,1995, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR SOUTHSAROLINA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ‘,1°l`i AFFIX SEAL i RETURN TO: KELLY F.ZIER ATTORNEY AT LAW POST OFFICE BOX 6516 NORTH AUGUSTA,S.C. 29041 r /.1—V t5?G91b`t • ,e . • f / A AM c UI•n1 ilpv_j4r'n A'T'`;IA'%11 176 i' 4 F� / MON iz lam-17,1 °Ci'—py-201$ 08:65 NA cRAms o> 'E " U fI cF F - ��5 uoput am G R L • h JA . . • • • COA). vgY.6, -;-1111.. -c1.11.,:;,:nt...7...,, ,. ':- : • MEAD ppVER LI . . —.,.—..0'- - 0-- ' S, P1 ti .• 1' • ` •• . '4{ G ro . ..Ili:. •'4. .: V . ' - ..... S\'` - ',a ' V f �, . . c.,,- t A0,4 kt ■ , • ... • . . ' *..-„, :' 7 -j'v'o. ' ' tr,.‘ '.1- ' ' 44'4.1' ..,1:tra' C,';' It.. : -''- ".• • • :11. .r'r .- • , ,A...-., • . "..- '-,,1 ' ''''''' ,040 r S .4C.' 4 � � �� �z F PPE TN TE `4 ��'Ake- NEV D ES '• •FrELD. ,„;tisi . ••FXIS — F�-AG. 00• Dn.?. ..vE , ' \�\\�1�\\ 3 . kl • l$ e\� L r i•T,gLL 75, NcADER cU� �' zi cave / �,.......... \ 0,5):: .. _ .• N` I Z `• , - N1 I to ci r 'mot±_. sr`0xd ..Z-,77,-6,--..,10.7,L,' --r-Z.- t i �`., T G _ ""'�° .-'ice It 'yS t T,f.1 � TT- � r _ �-- �� ,- --* il - ,4.-.- ` K_ 1 � M 3s'. 7 -., • «.l•` "E.- 5,..t`L s q J E-'- 2+" St. :=1''.i"-''';';':":1' '''''.i".0'—;•""':, 4� }. t C a =z fr w7f�w: 1 .. _ ' ,-_�1 -: fir ,3 _Yr^x r ,;, G.. --.._ `.d _ -w __ i_ ��. , r a, - 1 I aT '''-''t"--)4":''''.72-`°i, .L.:_.:.F ,,f. « i, t -s? q t i w L, r , x {,d 1 o 'Jo..f11,4 y1 y : - z-L 4 SUMMARY APPRAISAL REPORT OF THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 738 Old Edgefxeld Road North Augusta,SC 29841-4248 for Mr.David Caver,Aiken County Public Schools Deputy Superintendent Aiken County Public Schools 1000 Brookhaven Drive,Aiken,SC 29803 as of 02/16/2012 by Donald(Don)L.Toole,GAA PO BOX 833, 111 PENDLETON STREET,N.W. AIKEN,SC 29802 March 11,2012 Mr.David Caver,Aiken County Public Schools Deputy Superintendent Aiken County Public Schools 1000 Brookhaven Drive,Aiken,SC 29803 Property- 738 Old rdgefield Road North Augusta,SC 29841-4248 Borrower- Aiken County Board of Education &assigns File No.- 1211710 Case No.- Dear Mr.Caver: In accordance with your request, I have prepared an appraisal of the real property located at 738 Old Edgefield Road,North Augusta, SC. The purpose of the appraisal is to provide an opinion of the market value of the property described in the body of this report. Enclosed, please find the Summary Report which describes certain data gathered during our investigation of the property. The methods of approach and reasoning in the valuation of the various physical and economic factors of the subject property are contained in this report. An inspection of the property and a study of pertinent factors, including valuation trends and an analysis of neighborhood data, led the appraiser to the conclusion that the market value, as of 02/1 6/2012 is : $35,000 The opinion of value expressed in this report is contingent upon the Limiting Conditions attached to this report. It has been a pleasure to assist you. If I may be of further service to you in the future, please let me know. Respectfully submitted, DON TOOLE&ASSOCIATES,INC. Donald(Don)L.Toole,GAA j SC Certification#405 NOTES r