051517 Council Mtg Agenda Backup North ' Augusta ‘ if South Carolina's Riverfront REGULAR AGENDA OF MAY 15, 2017 NOTES 1 3 Nort , ;, CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA Auguslta ., - South Carolina's Riverfront AGENDA: REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 15,2017—Municipal Center—100 Georgia Avenue,3rd Floor—7:00 P.M. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council on each item listed on this agenda. Mayor Pettit will call for your comments prior to City Council discussing the matter. When speaking to Council,please step up to the microphone, give your full name and address,and direct your remarks to Mayor Pettit. CITIZEN ASSISTANCE: Individuals needing special assistance or sign interpreter to participate in the meeting,please notify the Administration Department 48 hours prior to the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 3. ROLL CALL: 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular and study session meeting minutes of May 1,2017 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. CITY PROPERTY: Authorization to Approve the Exchange and Acquisition of Real Estate as Contemplated and Agreed Pursuant to the Master Development Agreement among the City of North Augusta, Greenjackets Baseball, LLC, Ackerman Greenstone North Augusta, LLC and Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC as Recorded in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County on March 28, 2017 in Book 4654, Pages 723-821 — Ordinance, Third and Final Reading NEW BUSINESS 6. COMMUNITY PROMOTION: Request for Permit by the Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity 7. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/FINANCE: Resolution Regarding the Assessment Roll Approved by Ordinance No.2016-23—Resolution 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Adopting the Overall Construction Budget for the Infrastructure within the Hammonds Ferry, Phase B and Award a Construction Contract to Barnett- Southern for a Portion of said Infrastructure-Resolution 9. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Amending the Georgia Avenue Overlay District Facade Improvement Program Boundaries and to Rename the Program as the Downtown Facade Improvement Program—Resolution 10. PARKS,RECREATION,AND TOURISM: Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute a Contract Change Order Number 1 to Contract of 1/31/17 with R.W. Allen, LLC for Construction of the Riverview Park Gym Additions—Resolution 11. PERSONNEL: Safety Policy for the City of North Augusta—Resolution 12. PUBLIC SAFETY: Selecting Johnson,Laschober&Associates,P.C.as the City's Architectural Firm for the Public Safety Fire Substation Project and Amending the Original Contract-Resolution 13. PRESENTATIONS/COMMUNICATIONS/RECOGNITION OF VISITORS: A. Citizen Comments: At this time, citizens may speak to Mayor and City Council regarding matters not listed on the agenda. B. Council Comments 14. ADJOURNMENT: Administration Department Interoffice Memorandum North Augusta ik J f South Carolina's Riuerfront TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: B.Todd Glover,City Administrator DATE: May 12,2017 SUBJECT: Regular City Council Meeting of May 15,2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ITEM 5. CITY PROPERTY: Authorization to Approve the Exchange and Acquisition of Real Estate as Contemplated and Agreed Pursuant to the Master Development Agreement among the City of North Augusta, Greenjackets Baseball, LLC, Ackerman Greenstone North Augusta, LLC and Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC as Recorded in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County on March 28, 2017 in Book 4654, Pages 723-821—Ordinance,Third and Final Reading An ordinance has been prepared for Council's consideration on third and final reading authorizing the approval of the exchange and acquisition of real estate as contemplated and agreed pursuant to the Master Development Agreement among the City of North Augusta, Greenjackets Baseball, LLC, Ackerman Greenstone North Augusta, LLC and Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC as recorded in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County on March 28,2017 in Book 4654,Pages 723-821 Please see the minutes of May 1,2017,for the ordinance text. ITEM 6. COMMUNITY PROMOTION: Request for Permit by the Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity A request has been made by the Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity to hold a prayer and praise rally from 10 a.m.to 11 a.m. on June 24 at the Wade Hampton Memorial. Please see ATTACHMENT NO.6 for the permit request and approvals. ITEM 7. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/FINANCE: Resolution Regarding the Assessment Roll Approved by Ordinance No. 2016-23 — Resolution A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration regarding the Assessment Roll approved by Ordinance No. 2016.23. Please see ATTACHMENT NO.7 for the proposed resolution. May 15, 2017 ITEM 8. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Adopting the Overall Construction Budget for the Infrastructure within the Hammonds Ferry, Phase B and Award a Construction Contract to Barnett-Southern for a Portion of said Infrastructure—Resolution A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration adopting the overall construction budget for the infrastructure within the Hammonds Ferry, Phase B and award a construction contract to Barnett-Southern for a portion of said infrastructure. Please see ATTACHMENT NO.8 for the proposed resolution. ITEM 9. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Amending the Georgia Avenue Overlay District Façade Improvement Program Boundaries and to Rename the Program as the Downtown Façade Improvement Program —Resolution A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration amending the Georgia Avenue Overlay District Façade Improvement Program boundaries and to rename the program as the Downtown Façade Improvement Program. Please see ATTACHMENT NO.9 for the proposed resolution. ITEM 10. PARKS,RECREATION,& TOURISM: Authorizing the City Administrator to Execute a Contract Change Order Number 1 to Contract of 1/31/17 with R.W.Allen,LLC for Construction of the Riverview Park Gym Additions — Resolution A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration authorizing the City Administrator to execute a Contract Change Order Number 1 to Contract of 01/31/17 with R.W.Allen,LLC for the construction of the Riverview Park Gym Additions. Please see ATTACHMENT NO. 10 for the proposed resolution. ITEM 11. PERSONNEL: Safety Policy for the City of North Augusta—Resolution Each year the City undergoes an assessment conducted by the Municipal Association's Risk and Safety Services staff. This assessment reviews our compliance with the SC Municipal Insurance Trust (SCMIT) and the SC Municipal Insurance Risk & Financing Fund(SCMIRF)Minimum Safety and Loss Control Guidelines. One of the guidelines requires adoption of a Safety Policy by resolution after every general election. The Safety Policy will then be distributed to employees. A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration in support of the City's continued commitment to a safe and productive workplace. Please see ATTACHMENT NO. 11 for the proposed resolution. ITEM 12. PUBLIC SAFETY: Selecting Johnson, Laschober & Associates, P.C. as the City's Architectural Firm for the Public Safety Fire Substation Project and Amending the Original Contract — Resolution May 15, 2017 A resolution has been prepared for Council's consideration selecting Johnson, Laschober & Associates, P.C. as the City's architectural firm for the Public Safety Fire Substation Project and amending the original contract. Please see ATTACHMENT NO. 12 for the proposed resolution. ATTACHMENT 6 Young, Donna From: Thomas, John Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:44 AM To: Meyer, Rick; Young, Donna Subject: RE: Permit for prayer and praise rally Approved From: Meyer, Rick Sent:Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:41 AM To: Young, Donna; Thomas,John Subject: RE: Permit for prayer and praise rally Approved from PRT Department! Rick Meyer Director, Parks, Recreation, & Tourism North Augusta Parks, Recreation & Tourism PO Box 6400 North Augusta, SC 29861-6400 Office: 803.441.4 301 Fax: 803.441.4319 rmeyer @northaugusta.net www.northaugusta.net NORTH AUGUSTA,SC A i PARKS, RECREATION &TOURISM From: Young, Donna Sent:Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:27 AM To: Meyer, Rick<RMeyer @northaugusta.net>;Thomas,John <jthomas @northaugusta.net> Cc: Young, Donna <DYoung @northaugusta.net> Subject: FW: Permit for prayer and praise rally Please see permit request to be presented at Council meeting May 15 and advise if you approve. Thanks, Donna NOrt l till glft�l n H!!!'rrr aI,,:;i;CO(0111 Donna B. Young, MMC City Clerk 1 City of North Augusta P. 0. Box 6400 100 Georgia Avenue North Augusta, SC 29861-6400 dyoung©northaugusta.net 803-441-4202 - Office 803-441-4203 - Fax From: Paula Wahl [mailto:pawahl©mac.com] Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2017 10:15 AM To: Young, Donna Subject: Permit for prayer and praise rally Dear Ms. Young, The Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity would like to apply for a permit to hold a prayer and praise rally from 10-11 am on June 24, 2017. As we approach the 4th of July holiday, we will be praying for our government and our elected leaders in our city, and state as well as the United States. We would like to hold it at the Wade Hampton Memorial on Georgia Ave. We are inviting other churches in North Augusta to attend and participate with music and prayer. We will have 3-4 speakers ( minister, pastors, and elected officials) and will have music (praise music and God Bless America). Last year we held this rally on July 13, 2016, and it was a great success. We had approximately 150 people attend last year, and so we would expect that many this year possibly 200 people. I doubt if it would be more than that. We will sell nothing. Last year we gave out water bottles. We will give out water this year. We also had a cover tent provided by Posey's and folding chairs for those needing to sit in shade. We plan on doing the same this year. The event was covered on the local TV news as well as local newspapers. Thank you for all your help. If you need more information, please contact me at 803-341-0512. Or pawahl@mac.com. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Paula Wahl Sec. of the Vestry Anglican Church of the Holy Trinity 160 Merovan Dr. North Augusta, SC 29860 Sent from my iPad mini PLZW In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. —Proverbs 3:6 2 ATTACHMENT 7 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-18 A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL APPROVED BY ORDINANCE NO. 2016-23 WHEREAS, the City enacted Ordinance No. 2016-23 on February 6, 2017, creating the Ballpark Village Municipal Improvement District in connection with the larger Project Jackson undertaking; and WHEREAS, the City provided for the publication of said ordinance on February 10, 2017, in the Aiken Standard in accordance with Section 5-37-100 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976, as amended, and such ordinance became effective February 17, 2017 in accordance with said ordinance and section; and WHEREAS, the City provided for the publication of the notice of completion of the assessment roll on March 21, 2017, in the Aiken Standard in accordance with Section 5-37-110 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976, as amended, and provided an opportunity for interested parties to file objections to the assessment roll from March 31, 2017 to May 1, 2017; and WHEREAS, the City has received no objections to the assessment roll and has received the written consent of the sole private landowner in the Ballpark Village Municipal Improvement District; such consent dated February 6, 2017. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, in meeting duly assembled as follows: Section 1. The assessment roll as set forth in Ordinance No. 2016-23 is hereby ratified and confirmed and any actions taken in connection with such assessment roll since the expiration of the period to hear objections, particularly any filings of the assessment roll, are hereby ratified and approved, and effective as of the date of such filing, or if inapplicable, as of the date of this resolution or the filing of the same with the assessment roll with the Clerk of Court of Aiken County. The amount assessed pursuant to the assessment roll and the terms of Ordinance No. 2016-23 shall constitute a lien against the subject property superior to all other liens except property taxes from the time of the filing of the assessment roll with the Clerk of Court of Aiken County. Section 2. The City Administrator is directed to cause this resolution to be filed with the Clerk of Court of Aiken County, South Carolina, and to undertake all other action necessary or convenient in connection herewith. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE 15TH DAY OF MAY,2017. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk 2 ATTACHMENT 8 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-19 TO ADOPT THE OVERALL CONSTRUCTION BUDGET FOR THE INFRASTRUCTURE WITHIN THE HAMMONDS FERRY, PHASE B AND AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO BARNETT-SOUTHERN FOR A PORTION OF SAID INFRASTRUCTURE WHEREAS, the City has entered into a Master Development Agreement (the "Agreement") dated March 15, 2017, with GreenJackets Baseball, LLC, Ackerman Greenstone North Augusta, LLC, and Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC that is related to the development of Hammonds Ferry, Phase B; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreement, the City is obligated to construct, or cause to be constructed the "City Horizontal Improvements", generally consisting of site preparation, earthwork, storm drainage, utilities, roadway construction, sidewalks, street lighting, and landscaping (infrastructure), as shown on the Major Subdivision Plans prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., dated March 24, 2017; and, WHEREAS, the City has performed, or caused to be performed potions of the infrastructure, including site clearing, sediment control measures, and relocation of a portion of the 30-inch sanitary sewer main within the project limits; and, WHEREAS, the City solicited bids from South Carolina licensed General Contractors to construct the majority of the remaining infrastructure; and, WHEREAS, two bids were received and publicly opened on April 28, 2017; and, WHEREAS, the low bid was submitted by Barnett Southern Corporation in the amount of$4,941,204.90; and, WHEREAS, following negotiations with Barnett Southern Corporation and modifications of the project scope, an amended bid amount of $4,464,792.00 has been agreed upon; and, WHEREAS, the amended scope includes various elements to be performed by City forces, the cost for which will be in addition to the contract with Barnett Southern Corporation. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that: 1. The total construction budget for all of the Hammonds Ferry, Phase B infrastructure, for which the City is responsible, including previous expenditures and existing encumbrances, shall not exceed $5,000,000.00. Resolution No. 2007-19 Page 2 2. Barnett Southern Corporation shall be awarded a contract in the amount of $4,368,438.00 for the construction of the Hammonds Ferry, Phase B Subdivision Infrastructure. 3. The City Administrator is hereby authorized on behalf of the City to enter into a contract with Barnett Southern Corporation for the construction of the Hammonds Ferry, Phase B Subdivision Infrastructure, to approve pay requests, change orders, and all other documents relating thereto. 4. The City shall construct or cause to be constructed various other infrastructure at an estimated cost of$208,400.00. 5. There shall be a contingency fund of$203,021.00 established for the total infrastructure construction project. 6. Funding for the Hammonds Ferry, Phase B Subdivision Infrastructure shall be as follows: a. Previous expenditures/encumbrances totaling approximately $220,141.00—Project Jackson Fund b. All additional expenses, not to exceed $4,779,859.00 - Installment Purchase Revenue Bonds Taxable Series 2017B DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2017. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk HAMMONDS FERRY RIVERFRONT CENTER PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CONTRACT ITEM CUMULATIVE ITEM AMOUNT TOTAL Base Bid $4,941,205 $4,941,205 Add Alternate#1 (Conc. Modified Subgrade $96,831 $5,038,036 Add Alternate#2 (Permeable Brick Paveme $170,314 $5,208,350 Delete West Avenue ($74,915) $5,133,435 Delete Plank Pavers ($29,997) $5,103,438 Delete Stained Concrete ($60,368) $5,043,070 Delete Street Tree Installation ($545,721) $4,497,349 Delete Relocation of Oak Tree ($5,047) $4,492,302 Delete Storm Lines to Parcels (By Others) ($100,129) $4,392,173 Reduce Line "B" Pipe Size ($23,735) $4,368,438 CONTRACT AWARD AMOUNT $4,368,438 HAMMONDS FERRY RIVERFRONT CENTER INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION BUDGET ITEM CUMULATIVE ITEM AMOUNT TOTAL Proposed Infrastructure Contract $4,368,438 $4,368,438 Previous Expenditures/Encumbrances 32-4225-271 Clearing/SESC $58,316 $4,426,754 32-4290-600 Sanitary Sewer Relocation $129,164 $4,555,918 32-4060-394 Infrastructure - Roads/Brick $28,092 $4,584,010 32-4060-395 Infrastructure -Testing $4,569 _ $4,588,579 Proposed Additional Work by City or Others Purchase & Install Street Trees $88,400 $4,676,979 Install 12" Water Line & Related Appurtenances between Riverside Blvd & Center St $60,000 $4,736,979 Signage $15,000 $4,751,979 Testing $45,000 $4,796,979 Contingency(4.6% of Construction Contract) $203,021 $5,000,000 TOTAL INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION BUDGET $5,000,000 ATTACH MENT9 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-20 A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE GEORGIA AVENUE OVERLAY DISTRICT FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BOUNDARIES AND TO RENAME THE PROGRAM AS THE DOWNTOWN FACADE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have discussed over a period of time the advisability of establishing a facade improvement program to encourage revitalization in the Georgia Avenue Overlay District; and WHEREAS,the Mayor and City Council, as part of the 2017 budget process, funded the program for the 2017 budget year, not to exceed $40,000 from the Capital Projects Fund; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council affirmatively voted to establish this grant program, and WHEREAS, specifics of the program have been established and a specific facade grant application prepared; and WHEREAS, a grant agreement has also been prepared for utilization with this program; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of staff to extend the reach of the program beyond Georgia Avenue to include West Avenue and other portions of downtown which may not lay within the definition of the Georgia Avenue Overlay District, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that this program is in the best interest of the City and should be promulgated at this time. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof,that: 1. The Mayor and City Council do hereby amend the Georgia Avenue Overlay District Facade Improvement Program and rename it as the Downtown Facade Improvement Program. 2. The specifics of the program, to include the method of applying for such assistance and the proposed agreement to be entered into by the City with the landowner, is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" and incorporated by reference. 3. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to proceed with the implementation of this program and to execute facade grant agreements in accordance with the documents attached hereto, to include the execution of the facade grant agreement(s)when appropriate. DONE,RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA,ON THIS THE 15TH DAY OF MAY,2017. Robert A. Pettit,Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk North \/, :i'I Augtsta :7 sot ,ii) carom )(es !Zit I('tllOt )1 Downtown Facade Improvement Program Program Overview The City of North Augusta's Facade Improvement Program is intended to encourage revitalization in the downtown. This program provides grant funds to finance high-quality exterior improvements to a property owner's or tenant's building. The program is managed by the Fagade Grant Design Committee, under the direction of the City Administrator and guidance of the Planning Director. Program Purpose The purpose of the program is to provide an opportunity for property owners and businesses to upgrade the exterior of their buildings to help retain and attract businesses, strengthen the downtown area, increase utilization of existing businesses, restore economic vitality, and enhance property values. The Downtown is the commercial core of the City of North Augusta and the prime area for infiltration of new businesses due to available property and high amounts of traffic along Georgia Avenue. This area is a major focus for beautification because of its importance to the city's image and ability to attract new residents and investment. See the attached Downtown Map for an outline of the properties. Available Funding The Program is a reimbursement program; payment will be issued to property/business owners upon completion of the project. The applicant is responsible for contracting out all design and construction related to improvements to the exterior facades of an existing qualifying building. The program is administrated on a first come first served basis, to the limit of available funding and in accordance with the City of North Augusta appropriated funds for the fiscal year. If the total value of funding requested, for all new applications in any given year, exceeds the total amount of funding available, all applications will be prioritized by the Facade Grant Design Committee in coordination with city staff. Eligibility Applicants eligible to apply for the grant funding include property owners or business tenants that are willing to improve the exterior facades of existing buildings that may be viewed from public spaces within the City of North Augusta's designated Downtown. Only those buildings with commercial use(s) at ground floor are eligible for grants. The City of North Augusta and Facade Grant Design Committee may make exceptions to these guidelines on a case by case basis, based on the project's influence on downtown development. Projects involving a previously funded building may be considered after completion of any previous projects. Owners may receive assistance for more than one building provided that funding is available. A maximum of one grant application per façade will be accepted per year. The City reserves the right to deny applications from businesses of non-conforming uses and from property and/or business owners who are delinquent on payment of taxes, fines or fees. Eligible Expenses Eligible expenses are exterior improvements, new or upgrades, on building facades that are intended to improve the aesthetic appearance. These may include: • Exterior signage • Painting • Awnings • Storefront enhancements • Surface treatments • Outdoor lighting • Redesign and reconstruction of the store front All work must be completed by a licensed contractor legally operating in the City of North Augusta and meet the design guidelines for this program. Ineligible Expenses Funds may not be used for improvements that are not permanent or mounted or affixed to the building or the sidewalk. Ineligible uses include but are not limited to: •Vinyl letter signage (windows) •Portable signs, such as sandwich board or A-frame signs; signs not mounted or attached to storefronts — Flags or banners •Benches and trash receptacles •Tables, chairs, or umbrellas •Moveable structures and equipment •Expenditures for ordinary repair and maintenance (i.e. cracked windows) •Improvements that are enforced due to code violations •Interior improvements Additionally, the Facade Improvement Grant Program will not be applied retroactively to projects construction started prior to written approval of an application. The Facade Grant Program may be applied retroactively to cover professional fees, if the work is part of the approved project. Façade Improvement Grants Grants are available for upgrading the general appearance of eligible facades. The maximum allowable award is $5,000 per project site (depending on the impact of the improvement on downtown economic development) with the property owner/business owner required to pay a match of at least 50% of the total project cost. For example, if the total project cost is $10,000, the applicant must provide $5,000 toward the project. Design Standards All proposed façade improvement projects must adhere to the respective zoning requirements. Façade Improvements must enhance the aesthetics of the downtown environment and celebrate the character of the individual buildings. Materials and Colors The use of natural façade materials is recommended. Vinyl and aluminum sheeting materials are prohibited. Exposure of underlying brick and other heavy masonry is recommended. Awnings Awnings are encouraged to promote a more comfortable experience for pedestrians and add to the appearance of downtown. Signage and Lighting Aesthetically-pleasing signage is recommended. These include wall-mounted signs, projecting signs and small signs on windows and doors. Projected signs and flat signs on the buildings above awnings are particularly encouraged. Signs must fit the character of the building. Lighting should provide a sense of comfort and accent the architecture of the building and the graphics of the signage. Application Process Property or business owners interested in applying for improvement grants should contact the City Administrator to set up an appointment to discuss the potential project prior to submitting an application. The City Administrator and Planning Director will advise the applicant as to the applicable standards for the project. Application Package An application package for Fagade Improvement Grants should include: • A completed Façade Improvement Grant Application (Copies are available on the city's website at www.northaugusta.net). • Verification of property ownership (Title or Deed of Trust) and, if a leasing business, a copy of the lease and consent letter from the property owner approving the proposed changes. • Proposed written scope of project. This may include a description of improvements and/or sketches/photos of new sign, awning, paint colors and or fagade improvements. Architectural plans, elevations and/or perspective drawings and sketches or proposed improvements. • Color photos of the existing facades. • Project completion timeline. • Total estimate of project budget. Staff will review the application package to confirm that it is complete and then present to the Facade Grant Design Committee for review and recommendation. Applicants will be notified of approval, denial, or need for additional information within 30 days of the application. Any changes made from the original proposal must be submitted and approved through the same process. Any unapproved changes will disqualify the applicant from the program. Unless otherwise previously approved by the city, the project must be completed within 4 months of the approval date in order to receive funding. A reasonable extension may be granted, based upon the good faith efforts of the applicant. Distribution of Funds Grant funds will be distributed upon completion of the approved façade improvement project and the following: • Successful issuance and close out of all relevant permits, including construction, encroachment and sign permits. • Final inspection and approval of completed project by the city's building codes office. • Photographs, invoices and receipts are submitted to the City Administrator' and certified as in compliance with the original application. • Grant recipients agree to place a Downtown Façade Improvement Grant Recipient sign at the construction site throughout the project and for a minimum of 180 days upon completion of the project. More Information Todd Glover, City Administrator (803) 441-4202 tglover a(�northauqusta.net Planning Director (803) 441-4225 City of North Augusta Facade Grant Application Please fill out this application completely and legibly. Business Name Telephone Property Information Physical Address Fax Full Name Telephone Applicant Information Mailing Address Fax Email Federal Tax ID Number Full Name Telephone Owner Information Mailing Address Fax (if other than applicant) Email Federal Tax ID Number Proposed Façade Improvements (please specify) Scope of Proposed Project (include a summary of the building's current condition, areas to be improved and how, as well as any proposed materials or colors) Required Documentation (these items must be submitted with the signed Application) At least two color photographs of existing building facade. Photos, plans, or sketches of proposed improvements. Quotes, fee proposal, and any other back up that supports the proposed budget. Owner's permission, if necessary. I agree to comply with the guidelines and standards of the City of North Augusta Façade Grant Program and I understand that this is a voluntary program, under which the City has the right to approve or deny any project or proposal or portions thereof. Applicant Signature: Date: Owner Signature: Date: (if other than applicant) Submit the completed Application, with all required documentation attached . . . • by email to tglover(a northauqusta.net • by mail to Todd Glover, City of North Augusta, PO Box 6400, North Augusta, SC 29861 • or in person to the office of Todd Glover, City Hall, 100 Georgia Avenue, North Augusta, SC 29841 City of North Augusta Facade Grant Agreement THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , by and between the CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA (City) and (Grantee), whose address is • Tax Parcel Number: WHEREAS the City has approved a facade improvement grant to Grantee subject to the execution of this Agreement, and Grantee desires to accept the grant and to abide by the terms of this Agreement, and WHEREAS the City has approved a grant in an amount of and No/100 Dollars ($0) for facade improvements at , North Augusta, South Carolina, NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Grantee reaffirms that all information provided to the City in its Facade Grant Application is correct and accurate. 2. Grantee has read and agrees to abide by the provisions and requirements of the City of North Augusta Facade Grant Program. 3. All work performed by Grantee will be consistent with the approval by the City. If Grantee desires to make any changes in the project, Grantee will obtain written approval from the City before implementing such changes. Grantee understands that the City is not required to approve any changes. 4. Grantee agrees to complete the improvements within four (4) months from the date of this Agreement and understands that failure to complete the improvements within such period will result in forfeiture of the grant, if an extension has not been granted. 5. Grantee understands that the grant will be paid to Grantee only upon completion of the work, submission of all dated statements or invoices to the City, and approval by the City of the completed work. 6. Grantee will notify the City immediately if Grantee's interest in the subject property changes in any way. This Agreement is not assignable by Grantee without prior written approval of the City, which will not be unreasonably withheld. 7. Grantee hereby grants to the City the right to use pictures, renderings, or descriptions of the work for any and all promotional purposes desired by the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement on the day and year first written above. WITNESSES FOR THE CITY CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA By: WITNESSES FOR THE GRANTEE GRANTEE By: WITNESSES FOR OWNER OWNER (if other than Grantee) By: „r!1,":.--- ‘ ***''''I) '.. k. ,� P. . i.asp- '1- .. YJ' , , ., -+g N¢'r. _,y >' ,L 0,••• L';---;'••• j. "rr :I' A' 4 ., RVE `'✓ q� .Y'"�x • �s �'` wQ` y t B N. ` ( sb on'Mernorial Field w 3� ” f . ; ' yF A ,� a • ao,"' �b Plaza Place■ L 1 y V.�, �Sl� � ,-z, r ax e,;,441,,,....7,,-": :,,,f, .'"... ,,, -.i'-', ',A -s.-' . ,,,,,i,' .Ir... ‘Y -.,704010%;.„.-.i.:,. k ' 'i a'� 9Uena;V ?k ,,„. + North Augusta l l i ysafq;e s°r " ` '. Elementary.Sc ooi ; a+,_ r,,&I F w k � g` ; -BUNn "`',R` i s' ;`i' ?.ir , •, tr '- * t 'ta�, „s.:•� 4,,w, / . ,....4.'"''` k t q ye a ,: +q+w•.'4n.-�y tt.i. ' +in 3 `� [ 'a, , �.: . '- 7L'" ^e @, 7• w l Vii; �a i . Hammond's Ferry ,.•; e0� 7, flgu r A 4 r ( 4 • RY: ATTACHMENT 10 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-21 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 1 TO CONTRACT OF 1/31/17 WITH R.W. ALLEN, LLC FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE RIVERVIEW PARK GYM ADDITIONS WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 2016-10, the Mayor and City Council authorized the City Administrator to negotiate a contract with the firm of R.W. Allen and Studio 3 Design for design build services for the Riverview Park Gym Additions for the Department of Parks, Recreation, &Tourism. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council reprioritized funding in Sales Tax 3 and allocated funds from the Capital Projects Fund to cover the cost of the new gym additions at Riverview Park for $5 million. 1. Sales Tax 3 funding for Gym Additions $2,500,000.00 2. Sales Tax 3 funding Allocate from Public Safety HQ $1,069,450.00 3. Sales Tax 3 funding Allocate from the Greeneway Expansion $ 750,000.00 4. Sales Tax 3 funding Allocate from Curbing and Sidewalk $ 200,000.00 5. Allocate from the Capital Projects Funding $ 480,550.00 TOTAL: $5,000,000.00 WHEREAS, the City Administrator on January 31, 2017 authorized a contract for $1,213,232 with R.W. Allen for the design development, general conditions, preconstruction, schematic design, construction documents, construction administration, performance and payment bond, and site work. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have reviewed the proposed contract Change Order Number 1 to contract 1/31/17 with R.W. Allen, LLC for the remainder of the project for $3,786,768 and find that such contract is satisfactory and that it is appropriate and in the best interest of the City that the City move forward with the execution and entering into of said contract. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the City Administrator is authorized to execute the contract with R.W. Allen. Such contract being attached hereto marked Exhibit A and incorporated by reference. Page 2 Resolution 2017-21 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 15TH DAY OF MAY, 2017. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk i11 ' Document G7011" - 2001 Change Order PROJECT(Name and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER;001 OWNER: C, Riverview Park Activities Center DATE:4/28/2017 ARCHITECT:❑ Gym Addition City of North Augusta,SC CONTRACTOR:0 Department of Parks Recreation& FIELD:❑ Tourism 100 Riverview ParkDrive OTHER: North Augusta,SC29841 TO CONTRACTOR(Name and address): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER: R.W.Allen,LLC CONTRACT DATE: 1/31/2017 1015 Broad Street CONTRACT FOR:General Construction Augusta,GA 30901 THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Include,where applicable,any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Construction Change Directives) This component change order is for the balance of the negotiatied contract amount of$5,000.000.00 -please see the attachement to this document for detailed breakdown The original Contract Sum was $ 1,213,232.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders $ 0.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $ 1,213,232.00 The Contract Sum will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of $ 3,786,768.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order will be $ 5,000,000.00 The Contract Time will be increased by seventy-four(74)days. The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is February 18,2018 NOTE:This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum,Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum Price which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor,in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive-Directive.. NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT,CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. Studio 3 Design Group R.W.Allen,LLC City of North Augusta,SC Department of Parks Recreation& Tourism ARCHITECT(Firm name) CONTRACTOR(Firm name) OWNER(Firm name) 1617 Walton Way,Augusta,GA 30904 1015 Broad Street,Augusta GA 30901 100 Riverview Park Drive, North Augusta,SC29841 ADDRESS ADDRESS ADDRESS BY(Signature) BY(Signature) BY(Signature) S.Dee Beaird John Martin B.Todd Glover (Typed name) (Typed name) (Typed name) DATE DATE DATE AlA Document WWI"'—2001.Copyright C 1979,1987,2000 and 2001 by The American Institute of Architects.All rights reserved.WARNING:This AIM Document Is protected by U.S.Copyright Law and International Treaties.Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this AIA'Document,or any portion of It,may result In severe civil and criminal penalties,and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible undsrthe law.This document was produced by AIA software at 09:10:22 on 04/28/2017 under Order No.4535285348 which expires on 03/0912018,and is not for resale. User Notes: (309ADA24) GMP Estimate MEW North ' _� August Riverview Gymnasium Sold]) Carolina's tzit <rr� lt RWAIIeR (2) New Gyms & Lobby North Augusta,SC Thursday,April 27,2017 COVERED AREA(SF): 29,533 TOTAL COST: $5,000,000.00 TOTAL COST/SF: $169.30 TOTAL BLDG.COSTISF: $151.75 WORK DIVISION LABOR MATERIALS SUB TOTAL 1 GENERAL CONDITIONS $123,200.00 $40,695.00 $72,350.00 $236,245 2 SITE WORK $518,317.00 $518,317 3 CONCRETE $2,233.00 $98,586.00 $105,775.00 $206,594 4 MASONRY $235,404.00 $345,002.00 $580,406 5 METALS $28,000.00 $28,000 6 WOOD&PLASTICS $3,750.00 $8,275.00 $26,818.00 $38,843 7 THERMAL&MOISTURE $10,875.00 $118,836.00 $129,711 8 DOORS&WINDOWS $2,860.00 $35,245.00 $219,288.00 $257,393 9 FINISHES $487,903.00 $487,903 10 SPECIALTIES $6,655.00 $23,461.00 $30,116 11 EQUIPMENT $70,613.00 $70,613 12 FURNISHINGS $100,500.00 $100,500 13 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION $324,984.00 $151,218.00 $476,202 14 CONVEYING SYSTEMS 15 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS $576,190.00 $576,190 16 ELECTRICAL $429,340.00 $429,340 17 MISC.IOTHER ICATEGORY SUBTOTALS: $138,698.00 $777,525.00 $3,250,150.00 $4,166,373 Labor Burden 22.00% $30,514 Sales Tax 8.00% $62,202 Building Permit&Fees $20,518 Subcontractor Bonds Insurances $9,266 Association Fees $997 ,> Contractor's Contingency(1%) $50,000 60 Design&Survey Fees $355,225 Pa, Preconstruction Services TOTAL COST OF WORK: $4,695,095.00 R.W.Allen Fee $269,239 Performance&Payment Bond $35,666 G RAND TOTAL 5,000,000.00 R.W.Alien,LLC 4/27/2017 ATTACHMENT 11 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-22 SAFETY POLICY FOR THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council recognize that the prevention of accidental losses affecting employees, property, and the public will enhance the operating efficiency of City government; and WHEREAS, a pro-active loss control posture requires that sound loss prevention measures are of primary consideration and take precedence over expediency in all operations; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of North Augusta will endeavor to provide a work environment free of recognized hazards through the establishment and implementation of loss control policies and procedures, and their subsequent amendments and additions, designed to provide protection to City employees, public and private property, and members of the public. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of North Augusta will support compliance with all Federal and State safety regulations; provide and require the use of personal protective equipment by all employees; and insure that all employees are advised and understand their loss control responsibilities in the performance of their work. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2017. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk ATTACHMENT 12 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-23 SELECTING JOHNSON, LASCHOBER&ASSOCIATES, P.C. AS THE CITY'S ARCHITECTURAL FIRM FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE SUBSTATION PROJECT AND AMENDING THE ORIGINAL CONTRACT WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta desires to retain the services of an architectural firm for the purpose of designing one Public Safety Fire Substation(s); and WHEREAS, 13 firms responded to a 2012 "Request for Qualifications" and were reviewed by a staff committee consisting of the Director of Public Safety,the Director of Engineering& Public Works, the Superintendent of Building Standards, and the Captain of Fire & Training, which selected 5 firms for interviews and oral presentations; and WHEREAS, from the 5 firms interviewed, 3 firms were invited to participate in a "pre- design"exercise and to make a final presentation to the committee; and WHEREAS, 2 of the 3 firms participated in the pre-design exercise and from those 2 the committee determined that the firm of Johnson, Laschober & Associates, P.C. is best qualified to provide the required services for this particular project: and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council selected Johnson, Laschober & Associates in resolution 2012-12 to build "one or two"Public Safety Fire Stations"; and WHEREAS, Johnson, Laschober & Associates has submitted fees to the City Administrator for consideration in planning and programming for the new station. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council for the City of North Augusta, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that Johnson, Laschober & Associates, P.C. is hereby selected to serve as the City's architectural firm for the Fire Substation Project. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is hereby authorized to execute the attached contract amendment with the firm of Johnson, Laschober & Associates, P.C. for services associated with the Fire Substation Project, to sign agreements for services; make payments, and to sign all other documents related thereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funding for these design services shall be from the Sales Tax 2 and 3 Fund. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2017. Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk This is EXHIBIT K, consisting of 3 pages, referred to in and part of the Master Agreement between Owner and JLA for Professional Services dated , 2017. AMENDMENT TO OWNER-JLA AGREEMENT Amendment No. 3 1. Background Data: a. Effective Date of Owner-JLA Agreement: 8-21-2012 b. Owner: City of North Augusta c. Designer: Johnson,Laschober&Associates,P.C. (JLA) d. Project: Design of the Public Safety Fire Stations 2. Description of Modifications: a. Johnson, Laschober and Associates, P.C. (JLA) shall perform or furnish the following Services: Design of the new Fire Station No.1 relocation. Basic Services including Schematic Design Phase, Design Development Phase, Bidding and Negotiation Phase, and Construction Phase services associated with the construction of the new North Augusta Fire Station No.1. b. The Scope of Services currently authorized to be performed by JLA in accordance with the Agreement and previous amendments, if any, is modified as follows: DATA COLLECTION—OUTSIDE CONSULTANTS SERVICES 1) Property,boundary,topo,easement,right-of-way,route surveys, soil borings and other special surveys or data, including establishing relevant reference points for SITE 3 2) Explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site, drawings of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at the Site, or hydrographic surveys, with appropriate professional interpretation thereof of SITE 3. 3) Provide preliminary project cost estimate at Design Development for SITE 3. 1 c. The schedule for rendering services is modified as follows: 24 weeks d. Other portions of the Agreement (including previous amendments, if any) are modified as follows: FEE PROPOSAL: a.) Lump Sum Fee for Basic Services: $216,486, plus reimbursables. Reimbursables are estimated not to exceed$5,000 plus outside services. PLUS REIMBURSABLES b.) JLA Hourly Rates Effective September 1,2016 The foregoing Agreement Summary is for reference only and does not alter the terms of the Agreement, including those set forth in Exhibit C. Owner and JLA hereby agree to modify the above-referenced Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. All provisions of the Agreement not modified by this or previous Amendments remain in effect. The Effective Date of this Amendment is , 2017. OWNER: DESIGNER: City of North Augusta Johnson, Laschober & Associates, P.C. By: Todd Glover By: Charles J. Johnson, P.E. Title: City Administrator Title: CEO Signed: Signed: Date Date Signed: Signed: 2 JoHNSoN, . ASSOC1VTFS, PC } FEE SCHEDULE Effective September 1,2016 Description Billing Class Hourly Fee Sr. Project Manager Sr.Associate III $ 218 Sr.Engineer/Project Manager Sr.Associate II $ 212 Sr.Engineer/Sr.Architect/Sr.Landscape Arch Professional XII $ 186 Architect/Project Manager Professional Xi $ 165 Engineer/Project Manager Professional X $ 150 Architect—Level IX Professional IX $ 134 Engineer—Level VIII Professional VIII $ 125 Engineer—Level VII Professional VII $ 114 Engineer—Level VI Professional VI $ 110 Engineer—Level V Professional V $ 102 Engineer/Architect—Level IV Professional IV $ 97 Engineer—Level Ill Professional Ill $ 93 Landscape Architect—Level III Professional III $ 93 Landscape Architect--Level II Professional II $ 88 Interior Designer Professional I $ 75 Sr.Designer/CAD Operator Technician IV $ 107 Designer/CAD Operator Technician III $ 98 CAD Operator—Level II Technician II $ 87 CAD Operator—Level I Technician I $ 82 Accountant—Level III Support Staff III $ 112 Administration—Level II Support Staff II $ 75 Clerical—Level I Support Staff I $ 50 EXPENSES Printing&Shipping/Postage cost+15% Mileage $.60 per mile All Sub-consultant services marked up 15% ARCHITECTS•ENGINEERS•LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 1296 Broad Street•PO. Box 2103•Augusta,Georgia 30903• (706)724-5756•FAX(706)724-3955 SAWN%.theJL.Agroup.corn PRELIMINARY SCOPE AND FEE OUTLINE MEMO North Augusta Fire Station 1 Relocation JLA Job No. PLZ 144-2017 Fire Station 3 As-Built 10,021 SF (Constructed in 2015 at$225/s.f.) 10,021 SF X $285/SF $2,856,000 Budget Professional Services Fee Percentage—8.0% Fee-$228,480—35% of Schematic design work under task order 2 New Revised Site Master Plan $ 4,000 Schematic Design 20% $ 45,696 x65%=$29,702 Design Development 15% $ 34,272 CD's 40% $ 91,392 Bid 5% $ 11,424 Construction Phase 20% $ 45,696 TOTAL $216,486 Schematic Design Phase—Prepare Schematic Site Plan for New Station 3 Relocation on former Flythe property with emergency access off Observatory Road and emergency egress on to Georgia Avenue. Included in the Schematic Site Plan will be the footprint of the future public safety headquarters to be located on the former Seven Gables property. Public meetings, presentations and associated expenses are outside the scope and will be considered additional services if requested by the Owner. Traffic engineering is outside the scope. Deliverables: Rendered Floor Plan Rendered Site Plan Including Future Law Enforcement Footprint Rendered Elevations of fire station only Photo-documentation of existing architecture and landscape elements to be preserved on site and/or reused in new facilities Architectural/Engineering assessment of existing carriage house and the existing home(Sesame Lodge) $29,702 (35% Discount) +4,000(Site Master Plan &Assessments) -$33,702+ Reimbursements Data Collection Required-$30,000(Estimated) Topo with trees & Underground Utilities Existing roadway section and profile (sight distance) Subsurface Geotechnical report Cost Estimate at Design Development Traffic Study and Flow Tests NOTES NOTES NOTES