RES 2016-08 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2016-08 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH BRASFIELD AND GORRIE, LLC RELATED TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE STADIUM WITHIN PROJECT JACKSON WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 2015-01, the Mayor and City Council authorized the City Administrator to negotiate a contract with Brasfield and Gorrie, LLC for construction of the stadium in Project Jackson; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council further directed that such negotiated contract be presented to Mayor and City Council for its review; and WHEREAS, the City Administrator has performed in accordance with the previous directions from Mayor and City Council and has provided the proposed contract for review; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have reviewed the proposed contract and find that such contract is satisfactory and that it is appropriate and in the best interest of the City that the City move forward with the execution and entering into of said contract. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the City Administrator is authorized to execute the contract with Brasfield and Gorrie, LLC as general contractor for the construction of the stadium within Project Jackson. Such contract being attached hereto marked Exhibit A and incorporated by reference. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 1ST DAY OF MAY, 2017. 74f,- Robert A. Pettit, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, Citytlerk North Augusta Green Jackets Ballpark BRASFIELD Stadium GMP GORRIE Schedule of Values - 4.27. 17 GENERAL CONTRACTORS STADIUM* Item Description Value Earthwork Grubbing $70,062 Erosion Control $274,843 Demolition & Debris Removal $48,056 Grading Permitting/Business Licensing $14,500 Strip & Stockpile Topsoil $106,752 Mass Grading $278,619 Spread Excess Soils $20,675 Utilities Water $5,016 Stormwater $1,054,451 Exterior Hardscape $255,305 Asphalt Paving $50,148 Concrete Paving $79,676 Curb and Gutter $5,160 Site Lighting $150,218 Landscape $140,945 Fencing $169,460 Concrete Construction East Service Drive Retaining Wall Construction $593,756 Foundations/Substructure/ Retaining Walls $3,964,650 Structural and Misc Steel Structural and Misc Steel $3,111,476 Railing $439,337 Building Enclosure Masonry $1,115,528 Glass and Glazing $1,142,464 Air Barrier and Rigid Insulation $276,570 Siding $657,000 Thermal and Moisture Protection Roofing and Waterproofing $790,542 Interior Construction Doors, Frames, and Hardware $341,237 Drywall and Acoustical Ceilings $1,331,176 Rough Carpentry $28,405 Interior Finishes Flooring $329,378 Paint $430,852 Toilet Accessories and Partitions $157,600 Lockers and Benches $6,529 Fire Extinguishers $8,286 Misc Specialties $35,574 Millwork $209,282 MEP/Equipment Kitchen Equipment $1,272,177 North Augusta Green Jackets Ballpark BRASFIELD Stadium GMP GORRIE Schedule of Values - 4.27. 17 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Elevators $408,444 HVAC $1,492,501 Plumbing $1,569,864 Fire Protection $536,995 Electrical (excl Stadium Lighting) $3,320,080 Low Voltage Systems $584,349 Site Furnishings $81,144 Owner Furnish Items Front Entry Marquee By Owner Playing Field By Owner Stadium Lighting By Owner Stadium Seating By Owner Scoreboard/Sound/Wi-fi By Owner Graphics/Signage (Sky Design) By Owner FF&E By Owner Permits $73,989 General Conditions $2,077,454 Builders Risk, Insurance, Bond $356,333 Subtotal $29,466,858 Contractor Fee $884,006 Contractor Contingency $500,000 ESTIMATED STADIUM CONSTRUCTION COST: $30,850,864 Accepted Alternates(Alt. 2, 4, 10, 11, 15) ($89,642.00) Accepted VA Identified (Per Attached VA Summary) ($979,880) Removed Contractor Contingency ($500,000) Adjusted Stadium GMP $29,281,342 CHANGE ORDER 001 (Stadium Costs) COR 006 - Additional Demo at Parcel A $128,136 COR 010 - Load and Haul off Contaminated Soils $72,618 COR 013 - Credit for City Demo of Asphalt Paving ($4,963) COR 014 - Install Stone Drain and Backfill Swale $108,753 COR 015 - Undercut and Removal at Swale $69,923 Re-Designed Foundations at A&B Areas"* $310,247 Subtotal $684,714 Adjusted Stadium GMP with Executed Stadium Change Orders $29,966,056' Current GMP Contract (Stadium Only) $8,270,491 CHANGE ORDER 003 to Revise Stadium GMP $21,695,565 PROJECTED CHANGE ORDERS Haul off of Crushed Concrete and Brick (Projected)** $60,000 Additional Contaminated Soil Remediation (Projected)** $50,000 Subtotal $110,000 Adjusted Stadium GMP with Projected Change Orders $30,076,056 Potential Additional VA ($422,000) Stadium GMP with Projected Change Orders and Potential VA $29,654,056 North Augusta Green Jackets Ballpark BRASFIELD Stadium GMP GORRIE Schedule of Values - 4.27. 17 GENERAL CONTRACTORS INFRASTRUCTURE CHANGE ORDERS CHANGE ORDER 001 & 002 (Infrastructure Costs)**** COR 003 - Additional Clearing at Roadway Areas $26,960 COR 004 - Collecting Bricks for City Re-use $4,000 COR 015 -Temp Berms at Front St. / lnf Work Remediation $45,986 CO#002 - Stormwater for Infrastructure on RR Ave (Negotiated Scope Portion - $270,735) $1,419,420 Subtotal $1,496,366 Current GMP Contract (Infrastructure) $1,496,366 CHANGE ORDER 004 to Revise Stadium GMP(Infrastructure) ($1,148,685) PARCEL J SITEWORK & OTHER PARCELS Item Description Value Parcel J - Demo, stripping, Cut/Fill. Fine Grading $453,807 Sitework- Permits $2,500 Sitework- General Conditions $29,600 Sitework- Builders Risk, Insurance, Bond $6,074 Subtotal $491,981 Sitework- Contractor Fee $14,759 Sitework- Contractor Contingency $0 PARCEL J SITEWORK- ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST***: $506,740 CHANGE ORDER 001 (Parcel J Costs)*** COR 005 - Additional Demo of Structures at Parcel J $162,106 Subtotal $162,106 CHANGE ORDER 001 (Other Parcels Costs)*** COR 001 - Clearing & Grubbing (F,G, H, I) $19,250 COR 007 - Demo Structures (B&C) $18,066 COR 008 - Clearing & Grubbing (E) $6,740 Subtotal $44,056 Current GMP Contract (Parcel J/Other) $712,902 CHANGE ORDER 005 to Revise Stadium GMP (Parcel J /Other) ($712,902) *Stadium cost excludes Parcel A2 Shell **Estimated additional projected change orders are based on current known conditions, and are subject to change. This is not intended to cover all future scope changes. ***Cost portion for Parcel J Sitework, Other Parcels, and associated change orders included herein, shall be the ultimate responsibility of developers(Greens tone) via separate contract. ****Cost portion for Infrastructure Work to remain in GMP Contract for Stadium Change Order 004 value assumed Change Order 003 is executed prior. North Augusta Ballpark Value Analysis Summary VA Items Approved or Included in GMP ENGINEERING/DESIGN CHANGES Concrete Foundations-Redesign Left Field Wall $ 78,164.00 Concrete Foundations-Change foundation detail to asphaltic coating on columns from TOF to TOS in lieu of concrete encasement (approx.455 If) $ 20,000.00 Waterproofing vs Damproofing-Hydrocide 7008(spray applied application)in lieu of Hydrocide 700 at all retaining walls $ 7,215.00 Waterproofing vs Damproofing-Bituminous damproofing in lieu of sheet waterproofing at below grade masonry walls with backfill on both sides $ 11,250.00 Waterproofing vs Damproofing-Use 60 psi rigid insulation in lieu of 100 psi HD rigid insulation at split slab waterproofing $ 10,400.00 Waterproofing vs Damproofing-Delete waterproofing on the Service Drive retaining wall? $ 15,000.00 Food Service Equipment-VA's from vendor and lease to own options to reduce construction costs $ 281,400.00 Plumbing-CPVC in lieu of Copper on Domestic Water piping $ 59,000.00 Plumbing-Non ASME Expansion Tanks on water heaters $ 4,870.00 HVAC-Utilize Diakin Maverick units for RTU-C-3-1 and RTU C-3-2 in lieu of units specified In Revised GMP HVAC-Utilize the I-Vue thermostat system in lieu of DDC controls for the VRF system In Revised GMP Electrical-Aluminum Feeders $ 80,000.00 Electrical-Standard open transfer switches $ 70,000.00 Electrical-Utilize aluminum bussing in switchboards and panel boards $ 3,800.00 Electrical-Utilize MC cable where not exposed and allowable by code $ 6,000.00 Electrical-Fire alarm is specified to be in conduit-remove conduit where not exposed-use plenum rate wire $ 3,200.00 Electrical-Replace 3 each 4"conduits for backbone with cable tray $ 8,400.00 Electrical-Reduce minimum conduit size from 3/4"to 1/2" $ 6,500.00 Structural-Change Service Drive Retaining wall TOW elevation to a maximum elevations as shown on permit drawings $ 115,563.00 Subtotal $ 780,762.00 FINISH CHANGES Drink Rail-Suite drink rail tops-Change from Corian to metal In Revised GMP Glass and Glazing-Utilize"Charcoal"standard color Kawneer,includes roof flashing $ 28,959.00 Glass and Glazing-Replace GL-2 glazing system with laminated exterior lite glazing system $ 66,209.00 Carpet-VE to use a$26/sy carpet $ 7,000.00 Rubber Tile Flooring-Utilize broom finished concrete steps in lieu of rubber tile at all stairs $ 26,500.00 Ceramic Tile-Alternate product for CTW1 and CTF1 $ 3,500.00 Ceramic Tile-Single product CTW-3 to 72"h at Concourse Level. Similar at Suite Level,but add CTW-5 above sink countertops& no tile beneath. $ 8,000.00 Toilet Accessories-Use Class B partitions in color specified manufactured by Scranton: Hiny Hinders at Concourse Level& Resistall at Suite Level. $ 33,050.00 Toilet Accessories-Delete requirement for 15 custom wood louvered partition doors(Utilize Resistall as noted above) $ 8,770.00 Toilet Accessories-Utilize ASI Baby Changing Stations in plastic. $ 15,130.00 Site Furnishings-Only at Entrances-Reduce by 50% In Revised GMP Elevators-Change cab finish from SS to laminate for Elevators 2&3 $ 2,000.00 Subtotal $ 199,118.00 TOTAL VA ACCEPTED TO DATE $ 979,880.00 Potential VA Items(To Be Determined) Prodema-Delete Suite soffit wood finish $ 120,000.00 Fire Protection-Franchise space sprinklers and branch line. If the tenant build out does not occur prior to stadium CO this savings $ 20,000.00 wil not be available Fencing-Utilize Alternate Manufacturer-American Montage Commercial,Majestic Fencing with BaSteel Gates for solid gates where required $ 50,000.00 Homerun Porch-Delete Structure above Foundations $ 202,000.00 General Conditions-Omit Performance Bond $ 30,000.00 Potential Subtotal $ 422,000.00 TOTAL WITH POTENTIAL $ 1,401,880.00 Note: This pricing is offered as a service to the owner and design team for assistance in reducing costs and/or analyzing Costs for potential construction alternatives. Brasfield and Gorrie assumes no responsibility or liability for these items in terms of design intent,performance or coordination/interaction with other design components or code compliance. The owner is responsible to ensure that the designers of record review and incorporates the accepted items into the design within the time frame needed to maintain the overall project schedule. Those items not approved in writing both commercially by the Owner and technically by the design team on or before the"Required Date"will be VOID and may no longer be acheivable. -1 / — / / rn rri k a o. 44 VS. LA n71. k � o ▪ � Mr• eei 0 n k1 ni O 13 > ILI I CC 0.• ;▪ k 00 00• co 06 Ce ` Z � \� '''' _ t z . it _ \ \ § ® / = z > / k O ® \ q � / # maw • )r / \ % m / ais$' VA) § '\ 2 N. § \ k $ § ) mmto % B7 N. ® / _ 0 ID AI CC w - _ _. § a.Q. 7 - 0 o \ / r ' \ E2 / ® _ . ea /1 n re _ 2 § k �13 cc*I gu i- tu k � \ \ 0 / § � \ } } } ka � 0 ; o » 31- 1- 'Fn 6 P 74;7'17, a 2; 1 .d e_ air `? ^. C ^ x cc 1 Ix 0 r l ,,„...A.,„„,,0,, '- mNI N y i,^'"0 3. r N N N N 0 N N II! O Q d VI V1 VI V1 N N N a N . .O co C ~ W .ai Q 5� R 8 al 01 C 0 e � VIN eo `0 N 00 � m A 1c 00 CD at U5 W N N ..1 N N r rti a, N K a N,V1 VII V1.N N' N V1 N 4/1 N N N VF N VT N c0 W WI N p N N ca n a`d § a .o ' w O IO W. a O N O M N N to a N N '^ N N p N D °- co Q VI N V/V1 V1 Vi, V1 N V}N If_... .. spy ,, __.. O d O .O� o o w W 5 7.i .i ell N I W O w co 0D u 6 W Q'Z N V1 Vl N N N N N 1 C I 1 a °_o 0 N a S CO o c o ¢ W O ti o u & a Y O IT c c:`;" n= « « c Q F E m G 2 N " a° f 3 E v c .0 ;.4' .g o « 'w n o .. a ,e n v c o 0 E o v c e ¢ h i ; o h.U ,c.3. C V 0 P. m 1=C 4 W 1 0 Q e c.100.110.15 U o IOi a` m e m O v O 38 3 3 0 ¢ O ¢¢��� l7 W O O O ^ N W ^ ^ lD O § ONO ' N ... § g Ol O h p O OI O O vi M ¢O u V^ CO l0 .M+f n H N N W .N-. .NO N O. W ry C b Op . b N N . Q v, H In Vlli N NCI of N vs vs N VI VIN V1 VT N N oT �. Oj 0 0 O OI N n S S S k k G C G � o " n it 2 2 Feg E W 0 OHO O'O O O O N O o N 00 .� N N O N m .� N iN ,� g ill uV VI VS v1 N u!N N N N VIN N A. I I I -77-1-7-1 u e. , a C N O. n c c a m Q A C c _ CL W w C O a Q 3 l7 .c q ,�$ al 'o J a. W n & m c Q W A m Y�, u v mCCC pip MW Y O C m — 0 C C Z-. Q m 10 d < Si °u Q O 'L-+ C g � v � oLL � � AG � E s 1oi l7 7 r' m a` '^ c c= m 3 l `t c' 7 cc c . w m w a Es -120 aa t'i v_ 5 e c e a 6 Oti _.V ^ 3 w N 'i U' t Vu ` aD a O m 0 N m ¢ i- 'W^ C ° 2 d f m ° 4 c . u v N d g 1- a O _ gg Oz�ns v17 - "" OA 'mmouZ+ co Ic b � O Z a . „ �¢ 8 N x x a t9 8 O r 6 r F- M Document G70� - 2001 Change Order PROJECT(Name and address): CHANGE ORDER NUMBER:003 --------------OWNER:El North Augusta DATE: oon ` � ' ARCHITECT:[] 187 Railroad Ave North Augusta,SC CONTRACTOR:LJ (Previously"North Work FIELD:III Package") OTHER:[] TO CONTRACTOR fNamn and address): ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NUMBER:3997-000 Brasfield&oonir`L.L.C. CONTRACT DATE:December z7.zo|o 3021 7th Avenue South CONTRACT FOR:General Construction Birmingham,AL 35233 – ---`—'--------- '----------------`------------------ ---- THE CONTRACT IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: (Incmde.where applicable,any undisputed amount attributable to previously executed Construction change Directives,) The Contract is amended as described on Exhibit I,Change Order 003-Contract Amendments. All changes described in Exhibit I are couskktcd part of this Change Order,and incorporated into the Contract. The original Contract Sum was $ 3.246.813.00 The net change by previously authorized Change Orders � _ 7.232,945.00 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was 10.479,758.00 The Contract Sum svill he increased by this Change Order in the amount of $ 20,224,881.00 The new Contract Sum including this Change Order wiN be � 30,74,639.00 The Contract lime will be increased by Zero(0)days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is 4/1118 NOTE:This Change Order does not include changes in the Contract Sum,Contract Time or Guaranteed Maximum l'rice which have been authorized by Construction Change Directive until the cost and time have been agreed upon by both the Owner and Contractor,in which case a Change Order is executed to supersede the Construction Change Directive NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT,CONTRACTOR AND OWNER. Odell Associates,Inc. Brasfield an"nie.c.Lc City of North Augusta,SC xncnnsc7(Fir" naxe) CONTRACTOR(Firm name) OWNER(Firm name) x0U West Hill Street,Third Floor 3021 7th Ay, uv•:'v • too Georgia Avenue Charlotte,NC2V2O8 Uimin North Augusta,SCzvu6| ADDRESS xoomsa -s ' Jw' . AIM� BY e o,07. ' r"i s'[ig"*^re�– Jonathan Blain John SA,d Todd Glover (Typed (Tr ^ ���� / –Z 5� «^ ^ 5��/���7 � �5 " /_- DATE DATE ox/s AIA Document s701,' WARNING! ~~`~~=""p°=`�"",""�"�' International Treaties.Unauthorized reproduction=distribution",this v/v^Document, "any 1 portion of It,may result/ .vere civil and criminal penalties,and~w*"prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law,mmumcum°m was produced ov AIR"mhv"rem,,:5*,r""05mwz1r under Order maoz/m/.�mxm�o",�""m,ozo�m,v.wwwnmm,m�m User Notes: (3oo^ux`s)