ORD 2017-04 Adopted ORDINANCE NO. 2017-04 AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE THE RELOCATION OF RAILROAD AVENUE WITHIN THE AREA BEING DEVELOPED AS BALLPARK VILLAGE AT HAMMONDS FERRY AND AUTHORIZING THE EXCHANGE OF REAL ESTATE NECESSARY FOR SUCH RELOCATION WHEREAS, Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC, is currently in the process of developing an area to be known as Ballpark Village at Hammonds Ferry on acreage consisting of approximately 35.27 +/- acres located on property adjacent to the Savannah River and between the existing Hammonds Ferry development and the Georgia Avenue right of way; and WHEREAS, as part of the overall Development Plan, the existing right of way for Railroad Avenue requires a minor relocation within the confines of the Ballpark Village Development; and WHEREAS, the current termini of Railroad Avenue at the Georgia Avenue right of way, as well as where it enters the existing Hammonds Ferry Subdivision will be unchanged; and WHEREAS, the relocation will require that Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC convey to the City title to portions of the new right of way that currently belong to Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC; and WHEREAS, in exchange for the conveyance by Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC of title to the property necessary for the relocation, the City has agreed to convey to Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC such portions of the current Railroad Avenue right of way that will no longer be required for such roadway. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that the relocation of the right of way as well as the exchange of properties as described, will be beneficial to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that: 1. The Mayor and City Council specifically authorize the relocation of Railroad Avenue as shown on the plat prepared by John M. Bailey and Associates PC for Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC entitled "Ballpark Village at Hammonds Ferry". Said plat is dated March 8, 2017. Reference is made to said plat for specific metes, bounds, and locations of the relocation of Railroad Avenue. 2. The City is authorized to accept title to real estate from Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC, or such other entity that may claim any interest in and to any new properties needed for the relocation of Railroad Avenue. 3. The City is authorized to deed to Greenstone Hammonds Ferry, LLC, by quit claim deed, any portions of the existing right of way of Railroad Avenue that will not be utilized for such roadway following the relocation. 4. The City Administrator is authorized to execute any documents required to carry out the intent of this ordinance, to include the execution of deeds to property as referred to above. 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. 6. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith or to the extent of such conflict are hereby repealed. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COrUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 2'4 DAY OF Apr: I , 2017. First Reading: 41 11 111 Second Reading: L I- l 'l 1 Lark W. Jones, Mayor Third Reading: 4 c;14-1 1 ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk