ORD 2016-21 Adopted ORDINANCE NO. 2016-21 AMENDING ARTICLE IV, SECTION 14-123 TITLED "SANITATION SERVICES FEES" OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: Article IV, Section 14-123, titled "Sanitation Fees" is hereby amended and when amended shall read as follows: ARTICLE IV. SANITATION SERVICE Section 14-123. Sanitation Services fees. A. Residential services: There is hereby imposed upon each home, residence, apartment unit, or dwelling unit within the City, a charge for sanitation services to include garbage collection, trash collection, health services, and street sweeping. A sanitation services fee shall also be charged any residential customer located outside the City who receives sanitation services from the City. For purposes of this section, each dwelling unit within a multi-family or apartment complex, duplex, etc. shall be considered a single customer and treated as a single-family dwelling without regard to the method of collection. The City reserves the right to determine the method of l collection and type of containers to be used for residential customers. (1) Fees - Residential Roll Carts: Residential services where the principal use is for living, home, residence, apartment unit, dwelling unit and service is provided by roll carts: Inside City limits,per month $19.50 Outside City limits, per month $27.45 For each additional roll cart provided by the City, there shall be a charge equal to 25% of the fee for a single cart. (2) Fees - Removal of Roll Carts from Curb by City Personnel: ORDINANCE REVISING ARTICLE IV. SANITATION SERVICE 2 Notwithstanding any other provisions contained herein, if roll carts are left on the street in violation of this Code and City representatives remove the roll carts from the street to a location in compliance with City Code. $5.00 for each removal. (3) Fees— Electronics Disposal Fee: Fees for disposing of electronic waste shall be $25 per item ' disposed. B. Commercial services: There is hereby imposed upon each place of business, industry, or other commercial premises within the City, a charge for sanitation services to include garbage collection, trash collection, animal control, health services, and street sweeping. A sanitation services fee shall also be charged any commercial customer located outside the City who receives sanitation services from the City. For purposes of this section, a commercial customer is a business or industry having a separate business license and occupying separate spaces. (1) Fees - Commercial service with residential roll carts. Pickups under this subsection shall not exceed six (6) 100 gallon (or equivalent) residential roll carts per pickup and shall not exceed one (1)pickup per week. Per 100 Gal. Roll Cart Inside City limits, per month $19.50 Outside City limits, per month $27.45 ORDINANCE REVISING ARTICLE IV. SANITATION SERVICE 3 (2) Fees - Commercial service with City supplied front-end loading bulk containers containing non-compacted waste. Pickups under this subsection may be scheduled for Monday through Saturday. The size of container, frequency, and schedule of pickups shall be subject to the approval of the City. Fees shall be based upon the size of containers and frequency of pickups as follows: CONTAINER BASE INSIDE OUTSIDE SIZE FEE CITY CITY 2 cu. yd. $51.64 + 2.35/cu. yd. or 3.53/cu. yd. 3 cu. yd. $54.05 + 2.35/cu. yd. or 3.53/cu. yd. 4 cu. yd. $56.44 + 2.35/cu. yd. or 3.53/cu. yd. 6 cu. yd. $61.73 + 2.35/cu. yd. or 3.53/cu. yd. 8 cu. yd. $67.54 + 2.35/cu. yd. or 3.53/cu. yd. (3) Fees— Electronics Disposal Fee: Fees for disposing of electronic waste shall be $25 per item disposed. C. Special service for residential or commercial customers: When special bulk or compacted wastes are collected by the City through a procedure or method not provided for above and out of the ordinary collection procedures, the City may charge rates commensurate with the work and equipment involved. D. Special landfill charges: Fees for disposing of automobile, truck, or tractor tires and special handling/packaging waste shall be equal to the fees charged by Aiken County plus 15% for handling. II. This Ordinance supersedes and invalidates the charges established in Ordinance 2011-13 as of December 31, 2016. II. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third reading for all bills rendered on or after January 1, 2017. III. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. ORDINANCE REVISING ARTICLE IV. SANITATION SERVICE 4 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 2i, DAY OF , 2016. First Reading Lark W. Jones, Mayor Second Reading I I ) ATTEST: 16 Third Reading 11(24 (/‘ T) - Donna B. Young, City Clerk