101716 Council Mtg Mins Adopted a August ?\ / o South Carolina's Riverfront MINUTES OF OCTOBER 17, 2016 Lark W. Jones, Mayor James M. Adams, Jr., Councilmember J. Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember Kenneth J. McDowell, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 1. FINANCE: Proposed Annual Consolidated Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 The public hearing of October 17, 2016, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Jones at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the public hearing was to receive comments from the citizens of North Augusta pertaining to the proposed Consolidated Budget for Fiscal Year 2017. Members present were Mayor Jones and Councilmembers Adams, Brooks. Carpenter, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Richard L. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, & Tourism; Scott L. Sterling, Director of Planning and Development; John C. Thomas, Director of Public Safety; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works; James E. Sutton, Director of Public Services; Diana H. Miller, Manager of Human Resources; and Donna B. Young, City Clerk. There were no public comments. The meeting was adjourned at 7:07 p.m. ORDER OF BUSINESS REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of October 17, 2016, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Jones at 7:08 p.m. and adjourned at 11:05 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meeting by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meeting was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Mayor Jones rendered the invocation and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Mayor Jones and Councilmembers Adams, Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Richard L. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, & Tourism; Scott L. Sterling, Director of Planning and Development; John C. Thomas, Director of Public Safety; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works; James E. Sutton, Director of Public Services; Diana H. Miller, Manager of Human Resources; and Donna B. Young, City Clerk. The minutes of the regular and study session meetings of October 3, 2016, and special called meeting minutes of October 10, 2016, study session meeting minutes of October 10, 2016, and special called meeting minutes of October 12, 2016 were approved by general consent. ITEM 1. PERSONNEL: Employee of the Quarter, July, August, and September, 2016 — Aaron Fittery, Traffic Sergeant for the Department of Public Safety The City of North Augusta Employee Recognition Committee recognized the Employee of the Quarter for July, August, and September, 2016, Aaron Fittery, Traffic Sergeant for the Department of Public Safety. Aaron began his employment with the City of North Augusta Department of Public Safety on September 6, 2006 as a PSO. Aaron was promoted to Corporal on May 11, 2011 and promoted to Sergeant on January 30, 2013. Aaron has been in Law Enforcement for approximately 14 years, the last 10 with the City of North Augusta Department of Public Safety. Prior to his time here Aaron worked for the USC-Aiken Police and the Aiken County jail. He has been in the Fire Service for 21 years beginning as a volunteer fireman with the Graniteville, Vaucluse, Warrenville Fire Department. Aaron is married to Arnie and has two children, Haylie, age 17, and Bryson, age 11. Aaron oversees the Traffic Division for the City of North Augusta Department of Public Safety, maintains the in car camera systems, and is the Assistant Law Enforcement Network Coordinator for Aiken, Bamberg, and Barnwell Counties. Aaron has done an excellent job in starting and developing the criteria for the Citizens Academy. This is a 10 week commitment in which he teaches weekly classes to citizens who applied to attend. His criteria has allowed citizens to get an in-depth look at how police departments operate. Hopefully this will help foster better relations between our agency and the general public. In addition to all of his duties above, Aaron volunteers as an assistant coach in the Parks, Recreation, & Tourism youth football program. Aaron truly is trying to make a difference in our community. Congratulations to Aaron Fittery, our Employee of the third quarter of 2016. Aaron received a plaque, a $25 gift certificate to SMS Sportsworld, and a$25 Wal-Mart gift card. ITEM 2. FINANCE: Proposed Annual Consolidated Budget for Fiscal Year 2017— Ordinance, First Reading On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember McDowell, Council considered an ordinance on first reading to adopt the proposed Fiscal Year 2017 Consolidated Budget. Amendment No. 1: On motion by Councilmember Dickert, second by Councilmember Brooks, a motion to amend the ordinance on first reading to adopt the proposed Fiscal Year 2017 budget was made. The motion to amend is as follows: A motion to accept the recommended changes to the 2017 budget by the City Administrator, Todd Glover, which are as follows: General Fund $2,000 for maintenance of City buildings; parking deck elevator maintenance contract $3,500 for Cultural Arts request $4,900 for Contingencies $10,400 decrease in Indigent Defense per fixed cost agreement The motion to amend passed unanimously. Original Motion Vote Vote was then taken on the original motion to adopt an ordinance on first reading to adopt the proposed Fiscal Year 2017 Consolidated Budget, and the motion passed unanimously. The proposed ordinance text is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2016-19 ADOPTING A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017 CONTAINING ESTIMATES OF PROPOSED REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES BY THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, FOR THE BUDGET YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2017, AND DECLARING THAT SAME SHALL CONSTITUTE THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA FOR SUCH BUDGET YEAR WHEREAS, in accordance with the Laws of South Carolina, and the Ordinance of the City of North Augusta, the City Administrator must prepare and submit to the City Council a Balanced Budget for the next budget year to begin on January 1, 2017, and end on December 31, 2017; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held on said budget, as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: Section I. The City Council hereby adopts the 2017 Fiscal Year Budget, incorporated by reference as though it were set out herein in its entirety, for the conduct of the business of the municipal government of North Augusta for the budget year, January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2017. Section II. The transfer of budgeted amounts between functional areas of expenditures or expenses shall be approved by City Council; however, transfers of budgeted line items within the functional areas of expenditures or expenses not to exceed $5,000, may be approved by the City Administrator as long as total expenditures or expenses do not exceed appropriations in the functional area. Management can also over expend appropriations, with the City Administrator's approval, at the line item and department level, as long as the total expenditures or expenses do not exceed appropriations of the functional area. Functional areas are: General Government; Public Safety; Public Works; Recreation and Parks; Sanitation Services; Stormwater Utility; and Public Utilities. Section III. The Mayor or City Administrator may authorize the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $500 at any one time from the Council Contingencies Account without prior approval of the City Council provided that any such expenditure is reported in the minutes of the next Council meeting. Section IV. The City Council must approve expenditures from the Sales Tax I Fund, the Sales Tax II Fund, Sales Tax III Fund, the Street Improvements Fund, the Transportation Improvement Fund, the Community Development Fund, the Capital Projects Fund, the Riverfront/Central Core Development Fund, the Public Utilities Depreciation Fund, the Public Utilities Contingent Fund, Public Utilities Construction Fund, Tax Increment Financing Fund, and the Savannah Bluff Lock and Dam Utility Fund, unless otherwise previously budgeted. Section V. The City Administrator may execute all necessary documents relating to the lease purchase financing of equipment specifically authorized and identified in the 2017 Budget. The financial institution selected for 2017 lease purchase financing shall be selected based upon competitive bidding in conformance with the City's purchasing procedures. Section VI. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section VII. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. ITEM 3. FINANCE: Taxes, Fiscal Year 2017— Ordinance, First Reading On motion by Councilmember Carpenter, second by Councilmember Brooks, Council unanimously passed on first reading an ordinance establishing the tax rate on all taxable property within the City of North Augusta for the Fiscal Year 2017. The period for which the tax levy is due on all taxable property, except for motorized vehicles, shall be from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2016. The period for which the tax levy is due for all motorized vehicles which are required to be licensed by Section 53-3-110, Codes of Laws of South Carolina, shall be from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2017. The tax levy imposed upon all taxable property shall be 70.50 mills. The proposed ordinance text is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2016-20 LEVYING THE ANNUAL TAX ON PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 2017, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2017 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: Section I. The annual tax for the fiscal year (budget year) 2017, beginning January 1, 2017, and ending December 31, 2017, is hereby imposed and levied for general corporate purposes upon all the taxable property of the City of North Augusta. Section II. The period for which the tax levy is due on all taxable property, except for motorized vehicles, shall be from January 1, 2016, to December 31, 2016. Section III. The period for which the tax levy is due for all motorized vehicles which are required to be licensed by Section 53-3-110, Code of Laws of South Carolina, shall be from January 1, 2017, to December 31, 2017. Section IV. The tax levy imposed upon all taxable property shall be 70.00 mills to the General Fund and .50 mills to the Capital Projects Fund. Section V. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. Section VI. This Ordinance shall become effective January 1, 2017. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2016. ITEM 4. SANITATION: Amendment of Article IV, Section 14-123 Titled "Sanitation Services Fees" of the City Code of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina — Ordinance, First Reading On motion by Councilmember McDowell, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council unanimously passed an ordinance on first reading amending Article IV, Section 14-123 titled "Sanitation Services Fees" of the City Code of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina. Prior to the vote citizen Barbara Sweeny, 79 Shoals Way Court, North Augusta, South Carolina, had questions regarding the disposal of electronic items. The ordinance text is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2016-21 AMENDING ARTICLE IV, SECTION 14-123 TITLED "SANITATION SERVICES FEES" OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: Article IV, Section 14-123, titled "Sanitation Fees" is hereby amended and when amended shall read as follows: ARTICLE IV. SANITATION SERVICE Section 14-123. Sanitation Services fees. A. Residential services: There is hereby imposed upon each home, residence, apartment unit, or dwelling unit within the City, a charge for sanitation services to include garbage collection, trash collection, health services, and street sweeping. A sanitation services fee shall also be charged any residential customer located outside the City who receives sanitation services from the City. For purposes of this section, each dwelling unit within a multi-family or apartment complex, duplex, etc. shall be considered a single customer and treated as a single-family dwelling without regard to the method of collection. The City reserves the right to determine the method of collection and type of containers to be used for residential customers. (1) Fees - Residential Roll Carts: Residential services where the principal use is for living, home, residence, apartment unit, dwelling unit and service is provided by roll carts: Inside City limits, per month $19.50 Outside City limits, per month $27.45 For each additional roll cart provided by the City, there shall be a charge equal to 25% of the fee for a single cart. (2) Fees - Removal of Roll Carts from Curb by City Personnel: Notwithstanding any other provisions contained herein, if roll carts are left on the street in violation of this Code and City representatives remove the roll carts from the street to a location in compliance with City Code. $5.00 for each removal. (3) Fees—Electronics Disposal Fee: Fees for disposing of electronic waste shall be $25 per item disposed. B. Commercial services: There is hereby imposed upon each place of business, industry, or other commercial premises within the City, a charge for sanitation services to include garbage collection, trash collection, animal control, health services, and street sweeping. A sanitation services fee shall also be charged any commercial customer located outside the City who receives sanitation services from the City. For purposes of this section, a commercial customer is a business or industry having a separate business license and occupying separate spaces. (1) Fees - Commercial service with residential roll carts. Pickups under this subsection shall not exceed six (6) 100 gallon (or equivalent) residential roll carts per pickup and shall not exceed one (1) pickup per week. Per 100 Gal. Roll Cart Inside City limits, per month $19.50 Outside City limits, per month $27.45 (2) Fees - Commercial service with City supplied front-end loading bulk containers containing non-compacted waste. Pickups under this subsection may be scheduled for Monday through Saturday. The size of container, frequency, and schedule of pickups shall be subject to the approval of the City. Fees shall be based upon the size of containers and frequency of pickups as follows: CONTAINER BASE INSIDE OUTSIDE SIZE FEE CITY CITY 2 cu. yd. $51.64 + 2.35/cu. yd. or 3.53/cu. yd. 3 cu. yd. $54.05 + 2.35/cu. yd. or 3.53/cu. yd. 4 cu. yd. $56.44 + 2.35/cu. yd. or 3.53/cu. yd. 6 cu. yd. $61.73 + 2.35/cu. yd. or 3.53/cu. yd. 8 cu. yd. $67.54 + 2.35/cu. yd. or 3.53/cu. yd. (3) Fees—Electronics Disposal Fee: Fees for disposing of electronic waste shall be $25 per item disposed. C. Special service for residential or commercial customers: When special bulk or compacted wastes are collected by the City through a procedure or method not provided for above and out of the ordinary collection procedures, the City may charge rates commensurate with the work and equipment involved. D. Special landfill charges: Fees for disposing of automobile, truck, or tractor tires and special handling/packaging waste shall be equal to the fees charged by Aiken County plus 15% for handling. IL This Ordinance supersedes and invalidates the charges established in Ordinance 2011-13 as of December 31, 2016. IL This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third reading for all bills rendered on or after January 1, 2017. III. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2016. ITEM 5. UTILITIES: Establishing Wastewater Service Charges by Revising Section 14-68, Titled "Schedule of Monthly Wastewater Service Charge." of the City Code of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina— Ordinance, First Reading On motion by Councilmember McGhee, second by Mayor Jones, Council unanimously passed an ordinance on first reading establishing wastewater service charges by revising section 14-68, titled "Schedule of Monthly Wastewater Service Charge," of the City Code of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina. The ordinance text is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2016-22 ESTABLISHING WASTEWATER SERVICE CHARGES BY REVISING SECTION 14-68, TITLED "SCHEDULE OF MONTHLY WASTEWATER SERVICE CHARGE," OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: Section 14-68, titled "Schedule of Monthly Wastewater Service Charge," is hereby amended and when amended shall read as follows: Sec. 14-68. Schedule of monthly wastewater service charge. The schedule to be utilized for the computation of monthly charges for wastewater service is as follows: (1) Each residential or commercial customer of the city's system, whether inside or outside the city, must pay such customer's proportionate share of the costs for operation and maintenance of the system. In addition, each customer of the city's sanitary wastewater system must pay an amount to share the costs of debt service and to provide for special reserve funds. The operation and maintenance, debt service, and special reserve funds shall be paid on a monthly basis as follows: a. Rates for the first 15,000,000 gallons/month: Inside City Outside City Per Per Base + 1,000 Base + 1,000 Gallons Gallons Operation and maintenance $8.19 $2.28 $ 9.19 $2.32 Debt Service 2.53 0.62 5.06 1.24 Monthly Charges $10.72 $2.90 $14.25 $3.56 b. Rates for additional usage: Inside Outside City City Per Per 1,000 1,000 Gallons Gallons Operation and maintenance $1.81 $1.81 Debt Service 0.59 0.59 Monthly Charges $2.40 $2.40 (2) All charges for wastewater service are to be made in one-hundred-gallon increments. (3) Six (6) months following the date of availability of wastewater service, or at such time as a customer actually connects to the City's wastewater system, whichever event occurs first, the wastewater service charges as set forth herein shall be due and payable. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA ON THIS DAY OF NOVEMBER,2016. (SEAL) Lark W. Jones, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk First Reading: October 17, 2016 Public Hearing: November 1, 2016 Second Reading: Third Reading: Exhibit A Assessment Report [To be provided for second reading] Exhibit B Assessment Roll [To be provided for second reading] Exhibit C Improvement Plan IMPROVEMENT PLAN BALLPARK VILLAGE MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Overview and Purpose Pursuant to the Municipal Improvements Act of 1999, codified at Title 5, Chapter 37 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976, as amended from time to time, the "Act"), the City of North Augusta, South Carolina (the "City") is authorized to designate an area within the City within which an improvement plan is to be accomplished. The Act defines an "Improvement Plan" as an overall plan by which the governing body of the City proposes to effect public improvements within a designated area to preserve property values, prevent deterioration of urban areas, and preserve the tax base of the municipality, and includes an overall plan by which the governing body proposes to effect public improvements within an improvement district in order to encourage and promote private or public development within the improvement district. This document is written to meet the Act's requirements for an Improvement Plan, as defined therein. As further described below, this Improvement Plan specifies the City's intentions to undertake the public improvements specified below and to engage in the financing of the same. Through the execution of this Improvement Plan the City intends to provide a special benefit to parcels of real property in the Improvement District (as defined herein), to increase property values within the Improvement District, to encourage and promote private and public development by future owners or other interested parties, and to improve the tax base of the City. Description of the Improvement District The real property included within the Ballpark Village Municipal Improvement District (the "Improvement District") is located in the City within a Redevelopment Project Area established by Ordinance 96-10, as amended, pursuant to Title 31, Chapter 6 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976, as amended (the -TIE District"). The Improvement District is generally bound by the Savannah River to the south, Georgia Avenue to the east, the brick ponds to the north and Hammond's Ferry subdivision to the west, and including, but not limited to, the parcels of real property as described in Table A below, and those portions of Center Street and Railroad Avenue adjacent to such parcels, as applicable. More particularly, the Improvement District includes the real property indicated in Table A below. Tube A Improvement District Approximate Parcels Owner Description Acres 007'17'02'001 Greenstone Hammond's Portions of each 2924 Ferry, LLC aggregate to total acreage. 007-18-05-001, 007-13- City of North Augusta Portions of each and 6.03 O\'OO7, UO7'|7'0\'00|, certain right of way 007-13-10-002, N/A aggregate to total acreage. N/A South Carolina Department Portion; alongside 0.14 of Transportation Georgia Avenue Total 35.41 * Note: The Improvement District includes real property consisting of those portions of Center Street and Railroad Avenue adjacent to such parcels, as applicable. Also, punoe|oU07'l7'O2'OO2, 007'17'02' 004 were absorbed into parcel 007-17-02-001. The property encompassed by the Improvement District is shown on that preliminary subdivision plat conditionally approved by the City's Planning Commission on March 3, 2016, and is available at the offices of the Municipal Clerk. Description and Estimated Costs of the Improvements The public improvements, and the estimated cost of each, to be implemented through this Improvement Plan are listed in Table B below (independently, each an "Improvement" and collectively, the -Improvements"). All of the Improvements will be located within the Improvement District. Table B Improvements and Estimated Costs Estimated Improvement Cost Baseball stadium Parking facilities Conference center Infrastructure Total $64,000,800 As indicated above, the City intends to provide a special benefit to parcels of real property in the Improvement District through the delivery of the Improvements. Each of the public improvements indicated in Table B above constitutes an "improvement" within the meaning of the Act. As shown in the table above, the total estimated cost of the Improvements, excluding inflation, equals $64.000.000. The costs shown in Table B are estimates only. As such, the actual costs are likely to vary from these estimates. The estimated costs shown in Table B do not limit the amount that may be spent on the distinct Improvements or the total that may be spent in the aggregate on the Improvements. Proceeds from borrowings described in this Improvement Plan (see below) and authorized by the Act may be spent on any component of the Improvements. Other public improvements not contemplated by this Improvement Plan may be constructed within the Improvement District. Time Schedule for the Accomplishment of the Improvement Plan The Improvements contemplated within this Improvement Plan are expected to be accomplished on or before December 31, 2018. Sources of Funds The City estimates that the sources and amounts required to construct the Improvements will be as shown in Table C below. Table C Estimated Sources of Funds Estimated Amount of Source of Funds Project Cost Special assessments and TIF District revenues from within the Improvement District $ 31,000,000 City and private contributions, including: Private contributions, TIF District revenues from outside the Improvement District, accommodations tax revenues, parking revenues and other revenues $ 33,000,000 Total S 64,000,000 The amounts shown in Table C above represent an estimate of contributions to fund the estimated uc(uul costs of the Improvements, excluding debt service on City borrowings that are anticipated to finance the Improvements and administrative expenditures related to the Improvement District. As noted in Table C above, the City estimates that approximately $31,000,080 of the total costs of the Improvements (excluding debt service costs), specific Improvements to be determined, will be provided by special assessments (see below for more information on the special assessments) and TIF District revenues from real property within the Improvement District. As noted in Table C above, the City anticipates that approximately $33,000,000 of the costs of the Improvements (excluding debt service costs) will be funded from City contributions and private contributions. The City's total contribution towards the Improvements may increase, depending on the quantity of the City revenues from various sources, which could lead to a decrease in the costs to be funded by the special assessments. The potential revenues from the special assessments, which will be utilized to repay the expected City borrowings, will be limited by the amount of the special assessment lien to be placed on the properties in the Improvement District, as prescribed by a future ordinance of City Council. The details of all City borrowings and the authorization therefor shall be prescribed by one or more separate ordinances of the City Council. Repayment of Expected Borrowings Pursuant to the Act, special assessments (the "Assessments") will be imposed on parcels of the real property in the Improvement District, as further explained below. On an annual basis, a portion of the total Assessment on a parcel will be billed to the parcel, net of the TIF District revenues generated by the parcel. Assessment revenues will be utilized alongside other sources of revenue to pay the debt service on the expected City borrowings and the administrative costs of the Improvement District. Basis and Rates of Assessment to be Imposed within the Improvement District Assessments shall be imposed upon real property in the Improvement District in accordance with the Improvement District documents (including, without limitation, Report on the Reasonable Basis of the Special Assessments, an Assessment Roll and the Rate and Method of Apportionment of Assessments) to the extent such documents are approved by the City as required by law (collectively the "Improvement District Documents"). The Improvement District Documents shall establish the Assessments, the basis of the Assessments and the related special assessment rates, all of which in concert will fairly and equitably allocate the benefits derived from the Improvements to each of the individual parcels within the Improvement District. The amount of the Assessments to be imposed on each parcel in the District at the City's establishment of Assessments shall reflect the parcel's estimated special benefit from the Improvements, as specified in the Improvement District Documents, and be equal to the estimated TIF District revenues from the parcel. The City anticipates providing each parcel in the District a credit on an annual basis against the parcel's annual Assessment payment obligation that is equal to the TIF District revenues generated by the parcel. Assessments shall not be imposed upon the Improvements or any real property within the Improvement District that does not receive a benefit from the Improvements. Assessments will not be imposed on real property parcels within the Improvement District that are owned by a public entity. Assessments will not be imposed on real property outside of the Improvement District. The Rate and Method of Apportionment of Assessments shall provide that as real property within the Improvement District is subdivided, the Assessments on the parent parcel will be allocated amongst the subdivided parcels in a manner that utilizes a classification system for distinct development uses in order to reflect the estimated special benefit from the Improvements. The sum of the Assessments on the subdivided parcels after such subdivision shu|l be equal to the Assessment on the parent parcel prior to subdivision. The total Assessment on each parcel, to be imposed through City Council's approval of the Improvement District Documents, shall represent the total special assessment fees that can be billed to a parcel over the term of the Improvement District. The City intends to bill the annual special assessment fee on the annual City real property tax bill. The City intends to begin the annual billing of the Assessments in January of 2019. Changes to this Improvement Plan This Improvement Plan is subject to further changes and/or modifications, from time to time, as the City Council may determine, based on further review by the City and public input during the opportunities provided for public comment under the Act. It is expected that a final version of this Improvement Plan will be adopted by City Council at the time of adoption of an ordinance providing for the creation of the District,all as provided in the Act. ITEM 7. FINANCE: Approval of Master Development Agreement Related to Project Jackson, Ordinance, Second Reading On motion by Councilmember McGhee, second by Councilmember McDowell, Council unanimously considered an ordinance on second reading regarding the approval of a development agreement in connection with what is commonly referred to as Project Jackson. A presentation and video of the proposed Project Jackson area was made by Chris Schoen, Managing Principal of Greenstone Properties. James Dean, Principal and Vice President of Development of Greenstone Properties; Jeff Eiseman, President and Partner of Greenjackets Baseball LLC; Missy Martin, Vice President of Human Resources and Operations, Greenjackets Baseball, LLC; Members of the Greenjackets Baseball Team; and Andrew Murray, of Liv Development, LLC were present to answer questions. Walter Goldsmith of First Tryon, the City's Financial Advisor, made a presentation of the Financial Model used to finance the proposed Project Jackson. Public comment was then made by the following individuals: Richard Fletcher, 1 Shadowmoor Court, North Augusta, South Carolina Fred Ilardi, 346 East Shoreline Drive, North Augusta, South Carolina Barbara Sweeny, 79 Shoals Way Court, North Augusta, South Carolina Scott Gudith, 441 East Shoreline Drive, North Augusta, South Carolina Brenda Bancroft, 219 Jackson Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina Chuck Smith, 450 Front Street, North Augusta, South Carolina Rick Berry, 150 Hammond Place Circle, North Augusta, South Carolina Andrew Murray, representing Liv Development, LLC Terry Bryant, 10588 Atomic Road, North Augusta, South Carolina Bob Pettit, 70 Fulton Street, North Augusta, South Carolina Don Maxwell, 456 Front Street, North Augusta, South Carolina On motion by Councilmember Dickert, second by Councilmember McDowell, a motion to delete Section 6.03 in its entirety was made. On motion by Mayor Jones, with consensus by Councilmembers Dickert and McDowell as a second, a motion to amend their motion by keeping the Section 6.03 as Reserved, but deleting the text was unanimously passed. A motion to amend the ordinance on second reading was made by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember McGhee. The motion to amend was to update the milestone dates and other dates to reflect the current agreement between the parties. This motion passed unanimously. Vote was then taken on the original motion to pass an ordinance on second reading regarding the approval of a development agreement in connection with what is commonly referred to as Project Jackson. Voting for the ordinance on second reading were: Mayor Jones and Councilmembers Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Voting against the ordinance on second reading was: Councilmember Adams. The ordinance passed on second reading with a 6/1 vote. The ordinance text is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-21 APPROVING A MASTER DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AMONG THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENJACKETS BASEBALL LLC, THE HOTEL DEVELOPER (AS DEFINED HEREIN), AND GREENSTONE HAMMOND'S FERRY, LLC, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 6-31-30 OF THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, AS AMENDED, TO DEVELOP APPROXIMATELY 35 ACRES OF LAND WITHIN THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE BALLPARK VILLAGE PROJECT; PROVIDING THAT THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA MAY DIRECTLY SELECT CONTRACTORS TO DELIVER CERTAIN FACILITIES TO BE CONSTRUCTED PURSUANT TO SUCH MASTER DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. (A) The General Assembly of the State of South Carolina has enacted the "South Carolina Local Government Development Agreement Act" as set forth in Section 6-31-10 through 6- 31-160 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976, as amended (the "Act"). (B) The Act authorizes local governments, including the City of North Augusta, South Carolina(the"City"), acting by and through the City Council of the City of North Augusta(the "City Council"), the governing body of the City, to enter into development agreements with property owners and developers for the purposes as set forth in the Act, including providing developers with predictability in the development process, ensuring the orderly provision of services, and ensuring the receipt of public benefits derived for the citizens of the City. (C) The City Council adopted a resolution on September 21, 2015 (the "Resolution"), establishing procedures for processing development agreements entered into between the City and developers. (D) Under the provisions of the Act and the Resolution, the City has reviewed a Master Development Agreement, by and among the City, Greenjackets Baseball LLC, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Georgia, a developer to be selected by the City for the development of a hotel (the "Hotel Developer") and Greenstone Hammond's Ferry, LLC, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of South Carolina(the "Development Agreement"), such agreement providing for the development of approximately 35 acres of real property located within the City, as is more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto, to be developed under the terms and conditions contained within the Development Agreement. (E) The City is proposing to enter into the Development Agreement, a copy of the Development Agreement in substantially final form being attached hereto as Exhibit B, and is seeking the City Council's approval of the Development Agreement and the terms and conditions contained therein. (F) Notices of intent to consider a development agreement and public hearings were duly noticed and public hearings held by the City Council in accordance with the Act. (G) The City Council finds the Development Agreement to be in accordance with the statutory requirements of the Act and consistent with the comprehensive plan for the City and the land development regulations of the City. (H) The City further finds that certain projects that the City is obligated to deliver under the Development Agreement are to be constructed in conjunction with certain projects that are to be delivered by other parties to the Development Agreement, and that such projects will be delivered in the most efficient and expeditious manner when constructed by the same contractor. Accordingly, it will be beneficial to the City to allow, as an exception to its purchasing policies contained in Article XI of the City's Code of Ordinances (the "Purchasing Policy"), for the direct selection of such contractor to deliver such projects to the City. Section 2. Authorization of Development Agreement; Revisions of Development Agreement. The City Council, in council session meeting duly assembled, in consideration of and pursuant to the Act, does hereby find sufficient reason and cause to approve the applicant's request to approve the Development Agreement and hereby enacts this Ordinance, which is necessary to provide the authority to execute the Development Agreement. The City Council authorizes the City Attorney, in conjunction with the City Administrator, to make any clerical, typographical or other non-substantial corrections to the Development Agreement as may be necessary and desirable, and authorizes the Mayor of the City to execute the Development Agreement on behalf of the City within a reasonable time after the completion of the clerical and typographical review. The adoption and effective date of the authorization provided by this Ordinance is contingent upon and shall be subject to the signatory execution of the Development Agreement by the parties to the Development Agreement not later than two weeks after completion of the clerical and typographical review, unless ext nded for good cause by resolution of the City Council. Section 3. Direct Selection of Contractors. Pursuant to the Development Agreement, the Hotel Developer is to build both the Hotel and the Conference Facilities (as each are defined in the Development Agreement), the two of which are attached and are to be constructed as an integrated facility, while the Hotel Developer is to bear the cost of and own the Hotel and the City is to bear the cost of and own the Conference Facilities. The construction of such projects as an integrated facility is expected to reduce the cost to the City for the delivery of the Conference Facilities. Furthermore, the City Council is mindful of the fact the cost to the City for the delivery of the Conference Facilities shall be capped pursuant to the Development Agreement. The City Council hereby finds that the City will gain specific benefits from the direct selection of the developer of the Conference Facilities using a design-build method of procurement; such benefits to include a single point of p jcct responsibility for all elements of such projects, a guaranteed maximum price attributable to the City, fixed project delivery dates, and quicker compliance with particular timing requirements. Moreover, the City Council finds that these benefits outweigh the benefits gained through the use of a competitive bidding procedure. Accordingly, the City Administrator is hereby authorized to investigate the qualifications of the developer that is to deliver the Hotel to ensure that such developer has substantial experience in the delivery of similar p jects within a timely manner, reasonably within approved budgets and to the reasonable satisfaction of customers. Upon the recommendation of the City Administrator, the City Council may, by resolution, authorize the execution of a design-build agreement directly selecting such developer to deliver the Hotel. It is the intent of the City Council that the provisions of this Section 3 are to be an exception to the Purchasing Policy and, as such, are hereby incorporated therein. Section 4. Amendment of Development Agreement. The Development Agreement may be amended by the consent of the parties thereto, or their successors in interest. The consent of the City may be given by resolution, upon the recommendation of the City Administrator. Section 5. Invalidity of Sections, Paragraphs, Clauses or Provisions. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid or unenforceable under any circumstances, such holding shall not affect the validity or enforceability thereof under other circumstances or the validity or enforceability of this Ordinance as a whole or of any other section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Ordinance. Section 6. Repeal of Conflicting or Inconsistent Provisions of Ordinance; Effective Date. All orders, resolutions, ordinances and parts thereof, procedural or otherwise, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, to the extent of such conflict, and this Ordinance shall take effect upon enactment. [Execution Page Follows] DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA ON THIS DAY OF ,2016. (SEAL) Lark W. Jones, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk First Reading: October 26, 2015 First Public Hearing: October 26, 2015 Second Public Hearing: November 2, 2015 Second Reading: October 17, 2016 Third Reading: Exhibit A Description of Property 1 __ .1 i ___.., ,T.---- PC t Fg. t -- -— CiEM _ ._ FD- ,--- ---- ____ ; ,...< I : ,, , ,,.. .:,,,, .,'Ai;■,I.'Vt.; !. = //' „„,,,_,,,'*,.;■7,,0':.„,'%';',.:!' , ;/' IIII.Ii I " I, ii 1 I I ' i = r.. 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Iliiii n, , ‘ , Iii 01 13: i ' 1 , . . ,._, , ,.,,il ,,,,■, 1,,..\ , :. i......._.____I , ,,), i j 7.:11 11(-1:‘ \C;;:■\,,`,4:::111.i.l,..":44;t::::;'01:::"4:::.:111':' -'- -•'-.'■..: / 1 rit , 1---- I . . 71 tia tisoodAt I'L 1 v , ' ,-.10 lillr'z \ A-1 PARCEL DATA TABLE GS Acres=Greenstone Land assemblage for Private Projects City Acres =City of North Augusta Land retained or purchased for City Projects GDP Acres= Ballpark Village General Development Plan land assemblage City City Acres Parcels Quitclai GS Acres Acres Purchase m of GDP Retained d Retained Ballpark A 6.45 6.45 Outfield Building Al 0.80 0.80 Ballpark Restaurant A2 0.15 0.15 Stadium Parking Deck B/B3 1.67 1.67 Brick Ponds ' 131. ! 0.08 0.08 Brick Ponds B2 ! 0.05` 0.05 Office C 0.98 0.98 Brick Ponds Cl 0.09 0.09 - Residential Flats over Retail D 0.83 0.83 Brick Ponds D1 1.05 1.05 - Hotel Parking Deck E 1.26 1.26 - Brick Ponds '' El 0.27 0,27 - Hotel F 1.78 1.78 - Residential Flats over Retail/Rest G 0.41 0.41 Retail - Gelato G1 0.01 0.01 Single Family Homes H 0.69 0.69 Single Family Homes I 0.69 0.69 Apartments J 7.11 7.11 Senior Living K 2.12 2.12 Brick Ponds K1' 0.01 0.01. Riverfront Park L 2,16 2.16 Roads, infrastructure,Common 6.75` 6.75. - Ballpark Village Totals 35.41 16.91 3.04 15.46 1GS Land outside GDP 0.16 0,16 - Net Land Swap Totals 35.57 17.07 3.04 15.46 Parcel references correspond to the General Development Plan detail shown above. A-2 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that tract or parcel of land, together with all improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City of North Augusta, County of Aiken, State of South Carolina and known as Greenjackets Ballpark Village and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point located at the intersection of the southern right- of- way of Railroad Avenue and the western right- of- way of Georgia Avenue, A.K.A. U. S. Highway 25 Business; thence from said point of beginning commence south 21 degrees 20 minutes 01 seconds west along the western right- of- way of Georgia Avenue for a distance of 399.04 feet; thence continuing along said right- of- way on a bearing of south 21 degrees 14 minutes 28 seconds west for a distance of 109.67 feet; thence north 64 degrees 33 minutes 43 seconds west for a distance of 87.91 feet; thence north 76 degrees 22 minutes 54 seconds west for a distance of 460.10 feet; thence north 73 degrees 21 minutes 37 seconds west for a distance of 431.65 feet; thence north 73 degrees 19 minutes 31 seconds west for a distance of 99.81 feet; thence south 20 degrees 07 minutes 54 seconds west for a distance of 17.72 feet; thence north 69 degrees 52 minutes 06 seconds west for a distance of 749.27 feet; thence north 20 degrees 07 minutes 54 seconds east for a distance of 50.08 feet; thence north 20 degrees 07 minutes 54 seconds east for a distance of 302.60 feet; thence south 87 degrees 32 minutes 11 seconds east for a distance of 13.14 feet; thence north 47 degrees 50 minutes 56 seconds east for a distance of 10.80 feet; thence north 19 degrees 39 minutes 22 seconds east for a distance of 203.81 feet; thence north 19 degrees 39 minutes 22 seconds east for a distance of 7.00 feet; thence north 03 degrees 06 minutes 35 seconds west for a distance of 11.00 feet; thence north 53 degrees 35 minutes 11 seconds west for a distance of 12.36 feet to a point on the southern right- of- way of Railroad Avenue; thence crossing Railroad Avenue on a bearing of north 20 degrees 07 minutes 54 seconds east for a distance of 45.43 feet to a point on the northern right- of- way of Railroad Avenue; thence proceeding along the northern right- of- way of Railroad Avenue south 69 degrees 52 minutes 06 seconds east for a distance of 49.40 feet; thence turning and extending from said right- of- way north 20 degrees 07 minutes 56 seconds east for a distance of 209.94 feet; thence south 69 degrees 48 minutes 35 seconds east for a total distance of 443.07 feet to the western right- of- way of West Avenue; thence proceeding along said right- of- way north 20 degrees 07 minutes 54 seconds east for a distance of 41.47 feet; thence turning and crossing West Avenue on a bearing of south 69 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds east for a total distance of 52.85 feet; thence south 28 degrees 41 minutes 57 seconds east for a distance of 60.72 feet; thence south 69 degrees 52 minutes 53 seconds east for a total distance of 299.07 feet; thence south 74 degrees 48 minutes 05 seconds east for a distance of 132.01 feet; thence north 75 degrees 12 minutes 16 seconds east for a distance of 111.77 feet; thence south 76 degrees 58 minutes 50 seconds east for a distance of 75.01 feet to a point on the western right- of- way of Center Street; thence south 76 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds east for a distance of 67.16 feet to a point on the eastern right- of- way of Center Street; thence south 76 degrees 58 minutes 50 seconds east for a total distance of 216.70 feet; thence south 72 degrees 13 minutes 25 seconds east for a total distance of 300.91 feet to a point on the western right- of- way of Georgia Avenue; thence proceeding along said right- of- way south 24 degrees 29 minutes 17 seconds west for a distance of 29.76 feet; thence continuing along said right- of- way for the following courses and distances: south A-3 21 degrees 28 minutes 52 seconds west for a distance of 29.83 feet; thence south 69 degrees 51 minutes 59 seconds east for a distance of 26.74 feet; thence south 20 degrees 08 minutes 01 second west for a distance of 202.06 feet; thence south 68 degrees 52 minutes 19 seconds west for a distance of 25.59 feet to a point at the intersection of the northern right- of-way of Railroad Avenue and the western right-of-way of Georgia Avenue; thence along the arc of a curve on the northern right of way of Railroad Avenue having a radius of 192.69 feet for an arc distance of 12.87 feet, the curve being subtended by a chord having a bearing of north 57 degrees 51 minutes 02 seconds for a chord distance of 12.87 feet; thence crossing Railroad Avenue along the western right- of- way of Georgia Avenue on a bearing of south 21 degrees 23 minutes 32 seconds west for a distance of 67.22 feet; thence continuing south 21 degrees 24 minutes 14 seconds west for a distance of 36.62 feet; thence south 72 degrees 12 minutes 35 seconds east for a distance of 75.73 feet along the western right- of- way of Georgia Avenue to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said tract or parcel contains 35.41 acres and is bounded on the north by lands of the City of North Augusta and North Augusta Riverfront Co., LLC, on the west by North Augusta Riverfront Co., LLC and City of North Augusta Preservation Park, on the south by lands of the City of North Augusta and the Savannah River and on the east by Georgia Avenue. A-4 Exhibit B Copy of Master Development Agreement ITEM 8. FINANCE: Authorization of the City of North Augusta to Enter into an Installment Purchase Transaction Related to Project Jackson, Ordinance, Second Reading On motion by Councilmember Brooks, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council passed an ordinance on second reading regarding the approval of a bond financing to defray the costs of public infrastructure in connection with what is commonly referred to as Project Jackson. Prior to the vote Gary Pope of Pope Flynn, LLC, our bond attorneys, gave a brief description of the installment purchase transaction. Voting for the ordinance on second reading were: Mayor Jones and Councilmembers Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Voting against the ordinance on second reading was: Councilmember Adams. The ordinance passed on second reading with a 6/1 vote. The ordinance text is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-22 AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA TO ENTER INTO AN INSTALLMENT PURCHASE TRANSACTION TO FINANCE THE COSTS RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS THEREON; AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO SUCH TRANSACTION, INCLUDING THE BASE LEASE AGREEMENT AND THE INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AND USE AGREEMENT; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF TIF OBLIGATIONS AND THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS RELATING THERETO, PURSUANT TO TITLE 31 OF CHAPTER 6 OF THE CODE OF LAWS OF SOUTH CAROLINA, 1976, AS AMENDED; DELEGATING THE AUTHORITY TO THE MAYOR AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR TO DETERMINE CERTAIN MATTERS;AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. BE IT ORDAINED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. The City Council ("City Council")of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina(the"City"), hereby finds and determines: (a) The City is an incorporated municipality located in Aiken County, South Carolina, and as such possesses all powers granted to municipalities by the Constitution and laws of the State. (b) Section 5-7-30 of the South Carolina Code provides, in part, that municipalities may enact ordinances, not inconsistent with the Constitution and general law of the State, respecting any subject which appears necessary and proper for the security, general welfare, and convenience of the municipality and for the preservation of the general health, peace, order and good government in the municipality. Section 5-7-40 of the South Carolina Code empowers all municipalities to own and possess real and personal property and, upon such terms as a council may determine, to convey, lease, or otherwise dispose of such property. (c) A vibrant tourism industry fosters and enhances the economic growth and well-being of a community and its residents. Tourism has been and continues to be a growing industry for the City. The City is continuing efforts to promote tourism to the City and to the City's facilities and attractions. In this regard, the Council has determined to undertake the Project which will promote additional tourism to the City by providing, among other things, a facility which will host baseball, concerts and other special events. The Project will allow the City to market such events and attract tourists to attend and participate in such events. Further, area businesses will benefit from the influx of attendees, participants and their families coming to the City to attend and participate in events held at the Project. Accordingly, the City specifically finds that the Project is eligible for the expenditure of hospitality and accommodations fees imposed pursuant to Title 5, Chapter 1, Articles 5 and 7, respectively, of the South Carolina Code. (d) The estimated cost of the Project is $64,000,000, exclusive of financing and related costs. The City has determined to defray the costs of financing or refinancing the Project from the following sources: (1) a cash contribution of approximately $12.2 million; and (2) a portion of the proceeds received through the Financing (described and defined below), in an amount not exceeding $65,000,000. The total cost of the Project and financing costs are estimated not to exceed $70,000,000. (e) The financing or refinancing of the Project will be effected through an installment purchase transaction, or transactions, pursuant to which the City will enter into a Base Lease (a form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A) and an Installment Purchase Agreement (a form of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B) (collectively, the "Financing"). Such Base Lease and Installment Purchase Agreement may be amended from time to time to allow for multiple transactions to provide for the Financing. (f) Pursuant to the provisions of the Base Lease, the City will lease the Real Property to the Corporation in consideration of the issuance by the Corporation of one or more series of installment purchase revenue bonds which will be issued pursuant to the provisions of the Trust Agreement. The installment purchase revenue bonds will be paid by the Corporation from the receipts of certain payments (the "Installment Payments") made by the City to the Corporation under the provisions of the Installment Purchase Agreement. Pursuant to the provisions of the Installment Purchase Agreement, the City will agree to purchase from the Corporation the Facilities by making the Installment Payments, each as defined in the Installment Purchase Agreement. (g) The installment purchase revenue bonds will be issued by the Corporation in one or more series in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $65,000,000 (the "Bonds"), with the initial series of Bonds being in the form of Installment Purchase Revenue Bonds (City of North Augusta Project), Series 2016 in a principal amount to be determined by the Corporation. The proceeds of the Bonds will be used to (i) defray a portion of the costs of the design, acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project, (ii) pay capitalized interest on the Bonds, (iii) fund a reserve account or pay the premium associated with a reserve surety, and (iv) pay the costs of issuance of the Bonds. Any additional series of Bonds will be issued by the Corporation pursuant to the authority granted in this Ordinance and the Trust Agreement. (h) The rights to receive Installment Payments are being assigned by the Corporation to the Trustee under the Trust Agreement as security and the source of payment for the Bonds. As previously discussed, in order to finance a portion of the design, acquisition, construction and equipping of the Project, the Council has determined that it is necessary and in the best interest of the City to enter into the Financing authorized by this Ordinance with the Corporation. The Financing will serve a proper public and corporate purpose of the City and that the Project will be publicly owned. Section 2. Definitions. The terms defined in this Section for all purposes of this Ordinance shall have the respective meanings as set forth in this Section. The term: "Base Lease" means the Base Lease Agreement by and between the City and the Corporation to be dated as of the date of its delivery, as the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time. "City" means the City of North Augusta, South Carolina. "City Administrator" shall mean the City Administrator of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina. "City Clerk' shall mean the City Clerk of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina. "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, from time to time, or any successor internal revenue laws of the United States enacted by the Congress of the United States in replacement thereof. References to the Code and sections of the Code include relevant applicable regulations, temporary regulations and proposed regulations thereunder and any successor provisions to those sections, regulations, temporary regulations or proposed regulations. "Corporation" means the North Augusta Public Facilities Corporation, a South Carolina nonprofit corporation. "Council" means the City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina. "Financing Documents" means collectively, the Base Lease, the Installment Purchase Agreement, and the Trust Agreement, as each may be amended or supplemented from time to time. "Installment Purchase Agreement" means the one or more Installment Purchase and Use Agreements by and between the Corporation and the City to be dated as of the date of its delivery to provide for the City's acquisition of the Project, as the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time. "Mayor" shall mean the Mayor of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina. "Ordinance" means this Ordinance of the City. "Project" means the design, acquisition, construction, and equipping of a multi- purpose municipal stadium, conference facilities, structured and other parking, public park elements including, without limitation, landscaping and hardscape construction to enhance the City's Greeneway, and certain infrastructure including, without limitation, stow' drainage, utilities (water, sanitary, electric, fiber, and gas), asphalt paving construction, sidewalks, and street lighting and the refinancing of the recently completed parking deck which supports the new Medac, Inc. office building adjacent to the City's Municipal Building, all as further described on Exhibit E hereto. "Real Property" means all those certain pieces, parcels or tracts of land as shown on Exhibit D hereto. "South Carolina Code" shall mean the Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976, as amended. "State" shall mean the State of South Carolina. "TIF Ordinance" means Ordinance No. 96-10, as amended by Ordinance No. 2013- 19, of the City, and as may be further amended or supplemented from time to time. "TIF Projects" means that portion of the Project and related financing costs described in the TIF Ordinance and eligible to be financed pursuant to the TIF Ordinance. "Trust Agreement" means the Trust Agreement by and between the Corporation and the Trustee to be dated as of the date of its delivery, as the same may be amended or supplemented from time to time. "Trustee" means any bank, trust company, or national banking association meeting the eligibility requirements set forth in the Trust Agreement and which is selected in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 hereof. Section 3. Authorization of TIF Obligo tio s. A. In order to carry out the TIF Projects, the City hereby authorizes the issuance of not to exceed $55,000,000 of obligations (the "TIF Obligations") which shall be secured by the entire special tax allocation fund created by the TIF Ordinance. The TIF Obligations may be issued in one or more series, may bear such date or dates, may mature at such time or times not exceeding thirty years from their respective dates, may bear such rate or rates of interest (including a variable rate of interest), may be in such denomination or denominations, may be in such form, either coupon or registered, may carry such registration and conversion privileges, may be executed in such manner, may be payable in such medium of payment, at such place or places, may be subject to such terms of redemption, with or without premium, may be declared or become due before the maturity date thereof, may provide for the replacement of mutilated, destroyed, stolen, or lost bonds, may be authenticated in such manner and upon compliance with such conditions, and may contain such other terms and covenants, as determined by the Mayor and City Administrator, as the authority of the Council has been delegated this day. The Mayor and City Administrator may determine to sell the TIF Obligations at public or private sale in such manner and upon such terms as they consider best for the interest of the City. B. In connection with the issuance of the TIF Obligations, the City hereby incorporates the findings in the TIF Ordinance by reference, with regard to all findings required by Section 31-6-80(A) of the South Carolina Code. However, for the avoidance of doubt, the City explicitly sets tbrth the following: i A redevelopment plan for the purposes of Title 31, Chapter 6 of the South Carolina Code, containing a statement of the objectives of the City with regard to such plan was adopted by the TIF Drdiuuncc, and such Amended Redevelopment Plan (as defined in the TIF Ordinance) is incorporated herein by reference. ��. The need for and proposed use of the proceeds of the TIF Obligations in relationship to the Amended Redevelopment Plan as set forth at Section 2.03 of Ordinance No. 2013' 19 of the City, is hereby affirmed, and is incorporated herein by reference. iii. The City estimates that the portion of the costs of the Amended Redevelopment Plan to be funded from TIF Obligations is to be approximately $43 million, TIF Obligations to be issued are to not exceed $55 million, and the total tax increment necessary to meet the costs of debt service on the TIF Obligations is approximately$87 million. iv. A list of all real property in the Redevelopment Project Area (as defined in the TIF Ordinance) is included at Exhibit C. Y. The duration of the Amended Redevelopment Plan extends to the earlier of (i) November 18, 2048, or(ii)the date the TIF Obligations, including any refunding obligations, are paid off in full. vi. The overlapping political subdivisions affected by the Amended Redevelopment Plan are Aiken County (the "County") and the Aiken County Public School District (the "Sc/zoo! District") The City has entered into separate intergovernmental agreements with the County and the School District (collectively, the ''GA'x" and each an `^yGA'`) whereby each entity has agreed to participate in the Amended Redevelopment Plan on a modified basis. The City estimates that such agreements to participate in the Amended Redevelopment Plan will result in the County contributing approximately $25.2 million in tax increment revenues and the School District contributing approximately $13 million in tax increment revenues to support the Amended Redevelopment Plan. Because the City finds that in the absence of participation by the County and the School District, the Amended Redevelopment Plan would be impracticable and the quantum of private investment contemplated in connection therewith unlikely to be obtained, the City finds the overall impact of the Amended Redevelopment Plan on the County and the School District to be positive in terms of additional economic development and additional revenues. The County and School District have each agreed in their respective |O/\ to allow for the application of TIF revenues and, accordingly, the City does not anticipate declaring a surplus in connection with the pledging of the special tax allocation fund to the payment and securing of the TIF Obligations or the payment of the costs of the TIF Projects. vii. The City finds again anew and reaffirms the existence of the conditions related to blight and declining property values contained in Ordinance No. 2013'19 of the City and the findings related thereto that (i) the Redevelopment Project Area contains blighted and conservation areas and that private initiatives are unlikely to alleviate these conditions without substantial public assistance; (ii) property values in the Redevelopment Project Area would remain static or decline without public intervention; and (iii) redevelopment in the Redevelopment Project Area is in the interest of the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the City. C. A certified copy of this Ordinance shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk and the County Treasurer and shall constitute the authority for the extension and collection of the taxes to be deposited in the special tax allocation fund. D. The Mayor and City Administrator may determine to issue the TIF Obligations to the Corporation should they find that securing the Installment Purchase Agreement with the TIF Obligations is in the best interest of the City in order to induce the Corporation to enter into such agreement and defray the costs of the TIF Projects that form a portion of the Project. In such event, the right of the Corporation to receive debt service payments on the TIF Obligations may be assigned by the Corporation to the Trustee under the Trust Agreement and, when received, may serve as a credit or offset against acquisition payments to be made by the City under the Installment Purchase Agreement. Section 4. Authorization for the Project. The Project is hereby approved. The appropriate officers and agents of the City are empowered and directed to negotiate, execute and deliver contracts, agreements, certificates and conveyances necessary or convenient to accomplish the Project, including the Financing Documents. Section 5. Approval of Issuance of Bonds. The City hereby approves the issuance by the Corporation of the Bonds, as a single series, or from time to time as several series of Bonds, in the discretion of the Corporation. The City also acknowledges that, in accordance with the provisions of the Installment Purchase Agreement, the City will acquire absolute title to the Project upon payment of all amounts due under the Installment Purchase Agreement;provided, however, that the City does not hereby waive its right to terminate the Installment Purchase Agreement prior to such payment in accordance with the provisions of the Installment Purchase Agreement. Section 6. Approval of Base Lease, Installment Purchase Agreement, and Trust Agreement. The form, terms and provisions of the Base Lease presented to this meeting and filed with the minutes of the Council at which this Ordinance was enacted are approved and all of the terms, provisions and conditions thereof are hereby incorporated herein by reference as if the Base Lease were set out in this Ordinance in its entirety. The Mayor is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute, acknowledge and deliver, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to attest, the Base Lease in the name and on behalf of the City, and thereupon to cause the Base Lease to be delivered to the Corporation and to cause the Base Lease (or memoranda thereof) to be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Aiken County. The Base Lease is to be in substantially the form now before this meeting and hereby approved, or with such changes therein as shall be approved by the Mayor and the City Administrator (with advice from the City's legal counsel, particularly as to any changes necessary to provide for a direct placement to a lending institution). The execution thereof by the Mayor and the City Clerk constitutes conclusive evidence of approval of any and all changes or revisions therein from the form of Base Lease now before this meeting. Any amendment to the Base Lease shall be executed in the same manner. The Base Lease may be effected through one or more Base Leases. The form, terms and provisions of the Installment Purchase Agreement presented to this meeting and filed with the minutes of the Council at which this Ordinance was enacted are approved and all of the terms, provisions and conditions thereof are hereby incorporated herein by reference as if the Installment Purchase Agreement were set out in this Ordinance in its entirety. The Mayor is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute, acknowledge and deliver, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to attest, the Installment Purchase Agreement in the name and on behalf of the City, and thereupon to cause the Installment Purchase Agreement to be delivered to the Corporation and to cause the Installment Purchase Agreement (or memoranda thereof) to be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Aiken County. The Installment Purchase Agreement is to be in substantially the form now before this meeting and hereby approved, or with such changes therein as shall be approved by the Mayor and City Administrator (with the advice of the City's legal counsel, particularly as to any changes necessary to provide for a direct placement to a lending institution). The execution thereof by the Mayor and the City Clerk constitutes conclusive evidence of approval of any and all changes or revisions therein from the form of the Installment Purchase Agreement now before this meeting. Any amendment to the Installment Purchase Agreement shall be executed in the same manner. The Installment Purchase Agreement may be effected through one or more Installment Purchase Agreements. The City is not a party to the Trust Agreement, but the City acknowledges that the Trust Agreement is an integral part of the documents related to the Financing. The form of the Trust Agreement previously presented to the City Administrator and made available for review by the Council is hereby approved by the City with such additions, deletions, amendments and changes as may be deemed necessary by the parties thereto and approved by the City Administrator (with the advice of the City's legal counsel, particularly as to any changes necessary to provide for a direct placement to a lending institution)prior to the consummation of the Financing. The Trust Agreement may be effected through one or more Trust Agreements, as any of such agreements may be supplemented or amended to carry out the Financing. Section 7. Selection of Trustee. The City and the Corporation will be taking proposals related to the selection of the Trustee in connection with the Financing. The City Administrator is hereby authorized to approve, with advice from bond counsel and the consent of the Corporation, the selection of the Trustee. Section 8. Execution of Documents. The Mayor and the City Administrator, or either one of them acting alone, and the City Clerk are fully empowered and authorized to take such further actions and to execute and deliver such additional documents as may be deemed necessary or desirable in order to effectuate the execution and delivery of the Base Lease and the Installment Purchase Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions therein set forth, and the transactions contemplated hereby and thereby, and the action of such officers in executing and delivering any of such documents, in such form as the Mayor and City Administrator shall approve, is hereby fully authorized. Section 9. Tax Covenants. The Corporation is issuing the Bonds on behalf of the City. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the City represents and covenants,except as to any Bonds that may be issued on a federally taxable basis, that: (a) The City will not permit the proceeds of the Bonds or any facility financed or refinanced with the proceeds thereof to be used in any manner that would cause the Bonds to meet the private business tests of Section 141(b)(1)and (2)of the Code or the private loan financing test of Section 141(c)of the Code. (b) The City is not a party to nor will it enter into any contracts with any person for the use or management of any facility provided with the proceeds of the Bonds that do not conform to the guidelines set forth in Revenue Procedure 97-13. (c) The City will not sell or lease the Facilities(as defined in the Installment Purchase Agreement) obtained with proceeds of the Bonds or the Real Property to any person unless it obtains the opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel tha such lease or sale will not adversely affect the designation of the Bonds as tax-exempt bonds. (d) The Bonds will not be federally guaranteed within the meaning of Section 149(b)of the Code. Section 10. Severability. If any section, phrase, sentence, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 11. Repeal of Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All ordinances and resolutions of the City, and any part of any ordinance or resolution, inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. Section 12. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its enactment by the Council. [Execution Page Follows] DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA,SOUTH CAROLINA ON THIS DAY OF ,2016. (SEAL) Lark W. Jones, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk First Reading: October 26, 2015 Public Hearing: October 26, 2015 Second Reading: October 17, 2016 Third Reading: EXHIBIT A Form of Base Lease EXHIBIT B Form of Installment Purchase Agreement EXHIBIT C List of Real Property in the Redevelopment Project Area MAP- BLOCK- OWNER PARCEL DESCRIPTION CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 003-16-01-033 TRACT 1 N OF SAVANNAH RIVER CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 003-16-02-001 PT OF LT S GA RR W HWY#25 NS SAV RIV WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-03-001 TRACT D PAINE TRAVERS W III 003-16-04-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 7 BLOCK 14 WESTO DEVELOPMENT CO LLC 003-16-04-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 6 BLOCK 14 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-04-003 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-04-004 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-04-005 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-04-006 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-04-007 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-04-008 WESTO DEVELOPMENT CO LLC 003-16-05-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 1 BLOCK 15 WESTO DEVELOPMENT CO LLC 003-16-05-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 2 BLOCK 15 JOPLING JOHN P JR&PATRICIA R 003-16-05-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 3 BLOCK 15 ARMSTRONG JAMES H JR&CATHY L 003-16-05-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 4 BLOCK 15 AVERY DAVID B&MARION M 003-16-05-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 5 BLOCK 15 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-06-001 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-06-002 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-06-003 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-06-004 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-06-005 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-07-001 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-08-001 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-08-002 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-08-003 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-08-004 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-08-005 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-08-006 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-08-007 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-09-001 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-09-002 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-10-001 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-11-001 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-12-001 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-13-001 C-1 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-14-001 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-14-002 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 003-16-15-001 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NORTH 007-10-15-003 LTS 4 5 6 7 8&9 ROBINSON DONALD W 007-10-19-001 N/W CORNER LT 6 BLK 30 GAAVE SMITH JOHN W L 007-10-19-002 L 6 BK 30 COR SPG GROVE&GA AVE MCELMURRAY P STEPHENS 007-10-19-010 EASTERN 1/2 PT LT 1 BLK 30 EUBANK CHARLES H&NANCY HUEY 007-10-19-011 WESTERN 1/2 PT LT 1 BLK 30 MYERS DAVID F&LINDY M 007-10-19-012 WESTERN PRTN LOT 1 BLK 30 BRANTLEY JULIE A 007-10-19-013 503 GA AVE GIBSON GARY W 007-10-19-014 507 GEORGIA AVENUE GIBSON GARY W 007-10-19-015 PARKING LOT-GA AVE CDDPROP LLC 007-10-19-016 LT 3 BLK 30 E/S GA AVE CDDPROP LLC 007-10-19-017 BUCKS PIZZA THE WILLIAM STEPHEN IIARLEY RTA 007-10-19-018 SOUTHERN HALF LT 4 BLK 30 THE WILLIAM STEPHEN HARLEY RTA 007-10-19-019 NORTHERN HALF LT 4 BLK 30 NURNBERGER,JR STANLEY LAWSON 007-10-19-020 E/SD GA AVE BLK 30 BEST SELF STORAGE LLC 007-10-19-021 L 5 BLK 30 E/S GA AVE HIXON ELIZABETH C 007-10-20-002 E/PT LTS 7&8 BLK 29 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NORTH 007-10-20-003 LT ON SPRING GROVE AVE BLK 29 KNIGHT BENJAMIN M 007-10-20-005 N PT LT 5 BLK 29 MATTHEWS ROBERT G 007-10-20-006 LOT ON GEORGIA AVE BLK 29 PEOPLE'S COMMUNITY BANK OF SC 007-10-20-007 W/S GA AVE N/PT LT 4 BANKN AUG PEOPLE'S COMMUNITY BANK OF SC 007-10-20-008 LOT ON GA AVE N AUGUSTA BANK HEATH CHRISTOPHER 007-10-20-009 LOT ON GEORGIA AVE BLK 29 TIERNEY KEVIN 007-10-20-010 LOT ON GEORGIA AVE BLK 29 DAY RICHARD G 007-10-20-011 BLK 29 W/S GA AVE BOEHMER CONNIE&LAMAR CRAIG 007-10-20-012 LT 2 BLK 29 ON GA AVE KELLER MARY EDNA 007-10-20-013 BLK 29 COR PINE GROVE&GA AVE JONES LARK W 007-10-20-014 PT LT 1 HOLEMAN NELL BUSH 007-10-20-015 N/S PINE GROVE AVE BUSHS FLOWER SHOPS INC 007-10-20-016 E PIN L14&15 BK 29 N/S PINE GVE CARROLL MICHAEL J 007-10-20-017 W/PT LTS 14& 15 BLK 29 EMW ENTERPRISES LLC 007-10-20-018 L 13 BK 29 E/S WEST AVE PEOPLE'S COMMUNITY BANK OF SC 007-10-20-019 L 11&12 BK 29 DRIVE IN NA BANK BAUMGARDNER JEFFREY S 007-10-20-020 L 10 BLK 29 E/S WEST AVE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NORTH 007-10-20-021 LT 9 BLK 29 WEST AVENUE MAA LLC 007-10-21-002 LOT 9 BLK 28 N AUGUSTA S/D WALTON OPTIONS FOR INDEPENDENT 007-10-21-003 LT 8 BLK 28 W/S WEST AVE ANDERSON SAMUEL LEE III 007-10-21-004 LT 7 BLK 28 W/S WEST AVE JONES SAMUEL R&LINDA P 007-10-21-005 L 6 BLK 28 W/S WEST AVE JACKSON-WATKINS FAMILY PARTNER 007-10-21-006 LT 5 BLK 28 W/S WEST AVENUE BRYANT RONALD E 007-10-21-007 L 4 BLK 28 S/S WEST AVE C-2 BRYANT PROPERTIES OF NORTH AUG 007-10-21-008 LT 3 BLK 28 S/S WEST AVE PIPPEN STEPHEN M 007-10-21-009 LTS 1 &2 BLK 28 S/S WESTAVE BRANTLEY REAL ESTATE LLC 007-10-27-004 L 4 PT L-5 BK 37 CHARFEN CHARLOTTE N 007-10-27-005 L 3 BK 37 W/S WEST AVE WETHERINGTON PHILLIP R&DAWN 007-10-27-007 LT 2 BK 37 COR BUENA VISTA&WEST WETHERINGTON PHILLIP R&DAWN 007-10-27-015 LT 1 BK 37 COR BUENA VISTA&WEST 7 SANDHILL CRANE LLC 007-10-28-001 L 4 THRU 8 BK 36 N AUG SUB GIBSON GARY W&A H GIDDENS D/ 007-10-28-002 LT 3 BLK 36 GIBSON GARY W&A H GIDDENS D/ 007-10-28-003 L 2 BLK 36 W/S GA AVE SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK 007-10-28-004 BLD AT 402 GA AVE N AUG WACHOVIA BANK N A 007-10-28-005 N/S BUENA VISTA SOUTH CAROLINA NATIONAL BANK 007-10-28-006 L 1 BK 36 N/S BUENA VISTAAVE HOGAN DON 007-10-28-007 LT14 BLK 36 CRN W AVE&BUENA VIST PENSCO TRUST COMPANY 007-10-28-008 L 13 BK 36 E/S WEST AVE WHYNAUCHT GARY A&JENNIFER R 007-10-28-009 L 12 BK 36 E/S WEST AVE WHYNAUCHT GARY A&JENNIFER R 007-10-28-010 L 10 11 BLK 36 E/S WEST AVE NORRIS JOHN KEITH 007-10-28-011 LT 9&N/PT LT 10 BLK 36 MCELMURRAY P STEPHENS 007-10-29-001 CRN UT PINE GROVE&GA AVE MCELMURRAY P STEPHENS 007-10-29-002 PT LTS 4&5 BLK 35 KENRICK ROBERT GREGORY 007-10-29-009 LOT ON BUENA VISTA AVE BLOCK 35 KENDRICK CONVENIENCE INC 007-10-29-010 CORNER BUENA VISTA&GA AVE FORCE CLEANERS INC 007-10-29-011 PT LTS 2&3 BLK 35 N AUGUSTA CARPENTER KENNETH&PAT 007-10-29-012 LT 3&S/PT LT 4 BLK 35 JACKSON SQUARE LLC 007-10-34-001 TRACT B-2&B-3 E/S WESTAVE THE CITY OF N AUGUSTA 007-10-34-002 TRACT A-1 &B-1 JACKSON SQUARE LLC 007-10-34-003 TRACT B WEST OF BUENA VISTA AVE MEALING GERALDINE R 007-12-12-005 CORNER MARTINTOWN RD MARTKO-AIKEN LLC 007-12-12-009 W/S OF HWY 230 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-13-01-001 LT S GA RR W HWY#25 NS SAV RIV CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-13-01-005 N/SD OF SAVANNAH RIVER PARCEL IA 1B&IC CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-13-01-006 N/SD OF SAVANNAH RIVER PARCELS 2A 2B 2C&2D NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-01-008 S OF GA FLA RR N OR SAVANNAH R NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-01-010 N/SD OF SAVANNAH RIVER NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-01-011 N/SD OF SAVANNAH RIVER CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-13-10-001 TRACT P2 GA RR W HWY#25NS SAV RIV CITY OF NORTI I AUGUSTA 007-13-10-002 NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-I 1-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al OPEN SPACE BLOCK 1 NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-11-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al BLOCK I JACOBS JULIE L&LEE D 007-13-11-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 1 BLOCK I JOYCE NANCY M 007-13-11-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PI LASE Al LOT 2 BLOCK 1 MACOMSON ERIC D 007-13-11-006 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 3 BLOCK 1 STOLARSKI TRACY MOSS 007-13-11-007 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 4 BLOCK 1 ZIER PATRICK K 007-13-11-008 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 5 BLOCK 1 C-3 GREENE WILLIAM A III 007-13-11-009 FIAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 6 BLOCK 1 NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-12-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al OPEN SPACE BLOCK 1 WETHERINGTON BUILDERS 007-13-13-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 1 BLOCK 2 HOLLIDAY JASON E&LAUREN 007-13-13-002 HAMMONIS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 2 BLOCK 2 BRYAN CORY A&CARA K 007-13-13-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 3 BLOCK 2 CANNON JOY W 007-13-13-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 4 BLOCK 2 PERDUE CHRISTOPHER LEE 007-13-13-007 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 6 BLOCK 2 ROSE BARBARA ANN 007-13-13-008 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 7 BLOCK 2 BECKER JUDITH M 007-13-13-009 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 8 BLOCK 2 ENKO DAVID A&HELGA 007-13-13-010 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 9 BLOCK 2 KROLL KEVIN J 007-13-13-011 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT10 BLOCK 2 NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-13-012 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al OPEN SPACE BLOCK 2 CASKEY WILLIAM P JR 007-13-14-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT II BLOCK 2 DUNLAP DEBRA B&ROBERT E 007-13-14-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 12 BLOCK 2 RIVERDALE ALLIANCE LLC 007-13-14-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 13 BLOCK 2 DAVIS WALTER M&ANGELA G 007-13-14-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 14 BLOCK 2 ALEXANDER WILLIAM S&LANA E 007-13-14-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 15 BLOCK 2 CHARLESTON PLACE AT HAMMONDS F 007-13-15-001 CHARLESTON PLACE COMMONAREA BROWNE PAUL C 007-13-15-002 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT ABUILDING I GUILLORY MARK J 007-13-15-003 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT BBUILDING 1 BERRY TRUSTEE KATHY ANN 007-13-15-004 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT CBUILDING 1 FORSEEN SCOTT&CARALEE 007-13-15-005 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT DBUILDING 1 PHILLIPS VAL M&CLAYTON D 007-13-15-006 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT ABUILDING 2 TISBERT ANTHONY T 007-13-15-007 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT BBUILDING 2 NEWSOME KENNETH A 007-13-15-008 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT CBUILDING 2 OF THE STEPHEN L KENDRICK JR R 007-13-15-009 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT DBUILDING 2 HUBER LU Y&MICHAEL H 007-13-15-010 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT ABUILDING 3 SIMPKINS NATHANIEL TURNER 007-13-15-011 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT BBUILDING 3 KRANTZ ALISON 007-13-15-012 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT CBUILDING 3 NEWSOME KENNETH A 007-13-15-013 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT DBUILDING 3 NEWSOME KENNETH A 007-13-15-014 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT ABUILDING 4 NEWSOME KENNETH A 007-13-15-015 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT BBUILDING 4 NGUYEN KHOI D 007-13-15-016 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT CBUILDING 4 DENT THOMAS H&SUSAN A 007-13-15-017 CHARLESTON PLACE UNIT DBUILDING 4 ALLEN DONNA M 007-13-16-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 2 BLOCK 3 JACOBS WILLIAM S JR&KELLIE S 007-13-16-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 3 BLOCK 3 CORBITT STETSON K&AMY L 007-13-16-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 4 BLOCK 3 GODBEE SEWYN 007-13-16-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 5 BLOCK 3 MEADORS ROBERT E&NATALIE S 007-13-17-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 5 BLOCK 4 GRAYBILL GAYLE D 007-13-17-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 4 BLOCK 4 NEWIT"L JENNIFER R&JIMMY II 007-13-17-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 3 BLOCK 4 CASSELS WALLACE B&DIANN P 007-13-17-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 2&2A BLOCK 4 465 RAILROAD AVENUE HORIZONTAL 007-13-17-005 IAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al COMMON AREA C-4 CASSELS WALLACE B&DIANN P 007-13-17-006 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 19 BLOCK 4 DUNSTAN DANIEL MILES 007-13-17-007 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 18 BLOCK 4 HEWITT JENNIFER R&JIMMY II 007-13-17-008 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 17 BLOCK 4 PATRICK TRUSTEE JOHN F ETAL 007-13-17-009 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 16 BLOCK 4 CAWTHON SIDNEY K&CYNTHIA L 007-13-17-010 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 15 BLOCK 4 COYLE KAREN LEE 007-13-17-011 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 14 BLOCK 4 GODFREY MOULTRIE 007-13-17-012 IIAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 13 BLOCK 4 BOYD JOSEPH W&DARLENE S 007-13-17-013 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 12 BLOCK 4 LA PETITTE ITALIE LLC 007-13-17-014 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE AICOMMERCIAL FIRST FLOOR SCOTT JAMES WESLEY JR&SANDRA 007-13-17-015 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al SUITE 200 SECOND FLOOR BENISCHEK MARY ANN 007-13-17-016 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al SUITE 201 SECOND FLOOR RIVERDALE ALLIANCE LLC. 007-13-17-017 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al SUITES 300&400 THIRD A RUCKER JEFF 007-13-18-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 6 BLOCK 4 STANTON KELLY I I 007-13-18-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 7 BLOCK 4 MCGOWAN NATHANIEL M&SHARON B 007-13-18-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 8 BLOCK 4 PARTL JEFFREY K&RACHEL L 007-13-18-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 9 BLOCK 4 MYERS TED A&CAROLYN S 007-13-18-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 10 BLOCK 4 COVER STEVEN D&GWENDOLYNN K 007-13-18-006 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 11 BLOCK 4 LAKE ANDREW N&LEENA 007-13-19-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 1 BLOCK 5 MACINNIS ROBIN 007-13-19-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 2 BLOCK 5 WILEY REBECCA 007-13-19-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 3 BLOCK 5 NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-19-004 S OF GA FLA RR N OF SAVANNAH R HEATH KENNETH D&DEBRA W 007-13-20-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 1 BLOCK 6 DAVID L BLAIR HOMES INC 007-13-20-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 2 BLOCK 6 JANIK ELAINE&JOHN 007-13-20-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 3 BLOCK 6 WALLER LISA T 007-13-20-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 4 BLOCK 6 THE GEORGE MADISON AND VIVIAN 007-13-20-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 5 BLOCK 6 BRYANT BARRY S&CHARLENE H 007-13-20-006 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 6 BLOCK 6 MCGEE HOME BUILDERS INC 007-13-20-007 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 7 BLOCK 6 STEINER JOHN E&DAWN M 007-13-21-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT I BLOCK 7 BRACY ROBERT A&PATRICIA OLDS 007-13-21-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 2 BLOCK 7 HOLMES DEBORAH E 007-13-21-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 15 BLOCK 7 MAYERS CHARLES C 007-13-21-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 14 BLOCK 7 WASSERLEIN T R&KATHLEEN 007-13-21-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 13 BLOCK 7 JOHNSON RONALD D&ANNE C 007-13-21-006 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 12 BLOCK 7 BATTEN GEORGE E&KATHLEEN N 007-13-21-007 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 11 BLOCK 7 RUBEN PEGGIE 007-13-21-008 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 10 BLOCK 7 LEGER FRANCOIS 007-13-22-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 3 BLOCK 7 HILTZ WILLIAM S 007-13-22-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 4 BLOCK 7 LITTLE LEE H&KEVIN S 007-13-22-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 5 BLOCK 7 SHERIDAN ROBERT G 007-13-22-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 6 BLOCK 7 SANDERS DANIEL K 007-13-22-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 7 BLOCK 7 MAXWELL DONALD R&PATRICA G 007-13-22-006 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 8 BLOCK 7 C-5 SMITH JOFIN C JR 007-13-22-007 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 9 BLOCK 7 SIVERHUS BRENDA JOYCE 007-13-23-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 14 BLOCK 8 FLOWERS ARTHUR P&KATRINA S 007-13-23-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 13 BLOCK 8 MARBURGER HENRY F&KATHLEEN B 007-13-23-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 12 BLOCK 8 PAGE BLOUNT LIVING TRUST 007-13-23-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 11 BLOCK 8 CRAWFORD CHRISTINE R 007-13-23-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 10 BLOCK 8 STAFFORD FRANK A 007-13-23-006 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 9 BLOCK 8 BUTLER KIMBERLY Y 007-13-23-007 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 8 BLOCK 8 NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-23-008 I IAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2OPEN SPACE KNOX CHARLES EDWARD II 007-13-23-011 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOTS 6&7 BLOCK 8 GASSER JEFFREY T&THERESA E 007-13-24-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 1 BLOCK 8 SANDERS KIMBERLY E 007-13-24-002 I-IAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 2 BLOCK 8 GETZINGER ANNA M 007-13-24-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 3 BLOCK 8 MAXWELL VAUGHN L III (R13-137 007-13-24-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 4 BLOCK 8 MURPHY STEPHEN&ELIZABETH 007-13-24-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 5 BLOCK 8 JOHNSON LEE M&JOANNA C 007-13-25-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 8 BLOCK 9 HOLMES CHRISTINA&CURTIS 007-13-25-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 4 BLOCK 9 NEWSOME KENNETH A 007-13-25-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 5 BLOCK 9 BOWERS BENNETT&CATHERINE 007-13-25-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 6 BLOCK 9 WILLIAMSON GARY B 007-13-25-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 7 BLOCK 9 HODGES JULIA B&BILLY H 007-13-25-006 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 9 BLOCK 9 MAGEE JACQUELYN Y 007-13-25-007 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 10 BLOCK 9 I IAMMETT TODD R 007-13-25-008 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 1 BLOCK 9 STITT FRED T&KATHRYN P 007-13-26-001 HAMMOND'S FERRY LOT 6 BLOCK 10 CUNICO MICHAEL D&WENDY A 007-13-26-002 HAMMOND'S FERRY LOT 7 BLOCK 10 JOHNSON REBECCA ALICE&LOIS J 007-13-26-003 HAMMOND'S FERRY LOT 8 BLOCK 10 BROYLES JOSEPH W&PATRICIA M 007-13-26-004 HAMMOND'S FERRY LOT 9 BLOCK 10 RICE PATRICK.I&SUSAN M 007-13-26-005 HAMMOND'S FERRY LOT 10 BLOCK 10 SCOTT.JAMES WESLEY JR 007-13-26-006 HAMMOND'S FERRY LOT 11 BLOCK 10 WOOLLEN JIMMY E&STEPHANIE E 007-13-26-007 HAMMOND'S FERRY LOT 12 BLOCK 10 NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-26-008 1-IAMMOND'S FERRY COMMON AREA BLOCK 10 POSEY WALKER 007-13-27-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 13 BLOCK 10 BUTLER MARY FAYE 007-13-27-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 14 BLOCK 10 OGLESBY JACOB&VICKI P 007-13-27-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 15 BLOCK 10 ALLEN JOHN WARREN&WILMA H 007-13-27-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 16 BLOCK 10 TUCKER GEORGE H&JUANITA B 007-13-27-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 17 BLOCK 10 HF PARTNERS LLC 007-13-27-006 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 18 BLOCK 10 SCHWEERS NATALIE D 007-13-27-007 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 19 BLOCK 10 FERRIS PAMELA 007-13-27-008 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 20 BLOCK 10 PROPST PAMELA SIPE 007-13-27-009 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 21 BLOCK 10 MANUEL TOMMY W&PATRICIA B 007-13-27-010 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 22 BLOCK 10 VIERS ANGELA G 007-13-27-011 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 23 BLOCK 10 USRY BRADLEY II&ELIZABETH B 007-13-27-012 HAMMONDS FERRY LOT 24-BBLOCK 10 C-6 LAW ILONA I 007-13-27-014 HAMMONDS FERRY LOT IA BLOCK 10 LAYMAN BARRETT WAYNE JR 007-13-28-001 IIAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 5 BLOCK 11 MCGFIEE DAVID W&RUTHIE 007-13-28-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 4 BLOCK 11 J-MAR BUILDERS&SERVICES INC 007-13-28-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 3 BLOCK I I 007-13-28-004 MARTIN ANTHONY E 007-13-29-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 6 BLOCK 11 LAYMAN BARRETT W&DEBORRAH FI 007-13-29-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 7 BLOCK 11 PALMER ANNE R 007-13-29-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 8 BLOCK 11 SIMKINS NATHANIEL T 007-13-29-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 9 BLOCK 11 NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-29-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al OPEN SPACE BLOCK 11 PELLETIER ALLEN L 007-13-30-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 1 &2 BLOCK 11 L'HEUREUX DIANNE G 007-13-30-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 11 BLOCK 11 ROBERTS BENJAMIN CHETT 007-13-30-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 10 BLOCK 11 NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-30-005 HAMMONDS FERRY OPEN SPACEPHASE A2 SCOGIN JAMES T&CAROL L 007-13-31-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 1 BLOCK 12 HERMAN RICHARD A&MARY W 007-13-31-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 2 BLOCK 12 WHITE ROBERT SR 007-13-31-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 3 BLOCK 12 NICHOLS GEORGE P 007-13-31-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 4 BLOCK 12 SMITH KENNETH B&SYLVIA B 007-13-31-005 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE Al LOT 5 BLOCK 12 NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-13-31-006 HAMMONDS FERRY OPEN SPACE PHASE A2 RAY CHADBURN B 007-13-32-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 6 BLOCK 15 KIMM GARY THOMAS JR 007-13-33-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 7 BLOCK 15 WESTO DEVELOPMENT CO LLC 007-13-33-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 8 BLOCK 15 PITTS MELODY V&MELODY V 007-13-34-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 2 BLOCK 9 PITTS MELODY V 007-13-34-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 3 BLOCK 9 007-13-34-003 WYNN JAMES J 007-13-35-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 2 BLOCK 10 HUFF THOMAS E 007-13-35-003 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 4 BLOCK 10 BEAM PATRICIA&JOHNNY M 007-13-35-004 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 5 BLOCK 10 GARRICK STEPHEN C&DELLA S 007-13-36-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 6 BLOCK 12 RIVERS CHRISTOPHER R&TONJA U 007-13-36-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 7 BLOCK 12 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-36-003 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-36-004 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-36-005 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-36-006 PAUL EMILY E 007-13-37-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 11 BLOCK 13 HILTZ WILLIAM S&AMELIA M 007-13-37-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 12 BLOCK 13 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-37-003 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-37-004 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-37-005 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-37-006 RUBEN PEGGIE A 007-13-38-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 10 BLOCK 13 BAKER STUART L 007-13-38-002 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOT 9 BLOCK 13 C-7 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-38-003 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-38-004 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-38-005 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-38-006 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-38-007 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-38-008 POTEET THOMAS C.IR&LASTARR G 007-13-39-001 HAMMONDS FERRY PHASE A2LOTS 8&9 BLOCK 14 1-MAR BUILDERS&SERVICES INC 007-13-40-002 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 16 BLOCK 2 WETHERINGTON BUILDERS INC 007-13-40-003 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 17 BLOCK 2 WESTO DEVELOPMENT CO LLC 007-13-40-004 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 18 BLOCK 2 WESTO DEVELOPMENT CO LLC 007-13-40-005 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 19 BLOCK 2 WESTO DEVELOPMENT CO LLC 007-13-40-006 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 20 BLOCK 2 VAUGHN J CARLETON JR 007-13-40-007 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 21 BLOCK 2 WESTO DEVELOPMENT CO LLC 007-13-40-008 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 22 BLOCK 2 PETIT ROBERT A&MARY M 007-13-40-009 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 23 BLOCK 2 WHITLOCK DIANA 0 007-13-40-010 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 24 BLOCK 2 DAVIES KIMBERLY A 007-13-40-011 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 25 BLOCK 2 .I-MAR BUILDERS&SERVICES INC 007-13-40-012 HAMMOND'S FERRY PHASE A3LOT 26 BLOCK 2 WESTO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 007-13-41-001 NORRIS PHILLIP A 007-14-02-004 LT 8 BLK 14 TOWN OF N AUGUSTA REDDY PROPERTIES LLC 007-14-02-005 LOT ON WEST AVE BLOCK 41 AIKEN-AUGUSTA HOLISTIC HEALTH 007-14-02-006 LOT ON WEST AVE BLOCK 41 SIGNATURE INVESTMENT PROPERTIE 007-14-02-007 WEST S OF WEST AVE BLK 41 DYE LOUISE M 007-14-02-008 E/PT I.T I BLK 40 ESTRADA GERARDO&HOPE 007-14-02-009 NORTH S CLIFTON AVE BLK 41 ESTRADA GERARDO&HOPE 007-14-02-010 L N/S CLIFTON AVE BLK 41 WES PROPERTIES LLC M 007-14-02-015 NORTHWESTRN SID OF WEST AVENUE MCGEE KELLY K 007-14-03-001 E SD WEST AVE PT LOT 8 BLK 42 JACKSON SQUARE LLC 007-14-03-002 JACKSON SQUARE PENSCO TRUST COMPANY FBO BRETT 007-14-03-005 LOT ON GEORGIA AVE BLOCK42 PENSCO TRUST COMPANY FBO BRETT 007-14-03-006 L 4 BLK 42 E OF WEST AVE OSPREY NA, LLC 007-14-03-008 CTR PT LT I BLK 42 N/S CLIFTON THOMASON HARRY ALLEN 007-14-03-009 W PTN L I BK42 N/S CLIFTON AVE PIERCE MILDRED SIKES 007-14-03-010 E PTN L14 BK 42 N/S CLIFTON AVE GREEN WAY ROD W&LINDA M 007-14-03-01 I W PTN LI4BK42 COR CLIFTON&WEST BENSON HOUSE LLC 007-14-03-014 L 10 BLK 42 EIS WEST AVE PENSCO TRUST COMPANY CUSTODIAN 007-14-03-015 E/S WEST AVE FLETCHER RICHARD M&SUZANNE T 007-14-03-017 PT OF LOT 10 BLK 42 E/S WEST AVE AIKEN COMMUNICATIONS INC 007-14-04-003 PT LTS 5&6 BLK43 GIBSON BRENDA B 007-14-04-012 L 1 BLK 43 N/S CLIFTON PATEL SUNIL F' 007-14-04-013 PT L 2 BLK 43 E OF GA AVE PATEL SUNIL P&VIDYA S 007-14-04-014 L 3 BLK 43 E OF GA AVE WAFFLE HOUSE INC 007-14-04-016 L 4 BLK 43 E/S GA AVE C-8 BRANNON BRETT 007-14-04-017 L 5 BLK 43 E/S GA AVE HUCKS HOWARD C 007-14-10-001 W PT L 6&7 BK 46 COR WEST&CLIFTO WEAVER&HALL INC 007-14-10-002 E PTN L 6&7 BK 46 S/S CLIFTON AV COLE CK PORTIFOLIO VIII LLC 007-14-10-003 L 4&5 BK 46 S/C CLIFTON AVE P3 RENTALS LLC 007-14-10-004 N/PT LT 3 BLK 46 GEORGIAAVENUE WILLIAMS JOHNNY W&SARAH J 007-14-10-005 L 2&PT OF 3 BK 46 N AUGSUB NORTH AUGUSTA 2000 DEVELOPMENT 007-14-10-006 LT 1 &I'T 2&STRIP BLK 46 ANDERSON SAMUEL LEE JR,DANIEL 007-14-10-007 PT LTS 12 13 14 BLK 46 NAUG MCNAIR TRUSTEE JANE JONES 007-14-10-008 L 14&PT 13 N AUG SUB BERRY NEIL MICHAEL&KATHY ANN 007-14-10-009 LT 12&PT 13 N AUGUSTA SUB WEAVER&HALL INC. 007-14-10-010 L 9 BLK 46 E/S WEST AVE WALKER ROBERT L JR 007-14-10-011 W/PT LT 8 BLK 46 WEAVER&HALL INC 007-14-10-012 L 8 BK 46 E/S WEST AVE MOSLEY RICKY 007-14-11-001 LT A BLK 47 E/S MERIDIAN LEVER JAIME DENNIS 007-14-11-002 CNTR PTN L14-16 BK47 S/SCLIFTON HAYES ALVIN EDWARD 007-14-11-003 CNTR P'FN L14-I6BK 47 S/SCLIFTON HOLLEY PROPERTIES LLC 007-14-11-004 PT LTS 14 15 16 17 18 BLK47 SPICKARD BRYON KEITH 007-14-11-005 E PTN L 13 BK 47 COR WEST&CLIFTO LANCE GROUP AND ASSOCIATES LLC 007-14-11-006 L 12 BLK 47 W/S WEST AVE WALKER ROBERT L JR 007-14-11-007 L 11 BLK 47 W/S WEST ALLEN CHARLES C JR&TIA R 007-14-11-008 L 10 BLK 47 W/S WEST AVE HIGGINS JOEL 007-14-11-010 PT LTS 5&6 BLK 47 MURDOCK JOHN CAREY 007-14-11-011 LT 9 BLK 47 WALKER JOSEPH M 007-14-I 1-012 LTS 7&8 BLK 47 RAMAGE JACK IRA SR 007-14-11-013 L 6 BLK 47 N/S BLUFF AVE PRESCOTT PROPERTIES LLC 007-14-11-014 PT LTS 4&5 BLK 47 STEWART DANITA P 007-14-11-015 S/PT LT 4 BLK 47 KILLMEYER-BANKS VELINA 007-14-11-016 L 2 3 BLK 47 N/S BLUFF AVE CRAWFORD CHARLES L 007-14-11-017 L I BLK 47 CUR BLUFF&MERIDIAN BOWDEN HERBERT G&RHONDA A 007-14-I 1-018 PT OF[18 BLK 47 E/S MERIDIAN PARHAM NOVELLAINE 007-14-11-019 PT OF LTS 16& 17 BLK 47 YOUNGBLOOD TRUSTEE KAREN A 007-14-11-020 W/PT LT 13 W OF WEST AVE VERDERY-DEVANEY BRENDA 007-14-13-001 W/PT LTS 9 10 11 BLK 65 GRANT JACK EDWARD JR ETAL 007-14-13-002 S/SD BLUFF AVE COLLINS DONALD&JOYCE 007-14-13-003 S/SD BLF AVE CTD SUB HAMMOCK BRIAN A 007-14-13-004 PT LTS 6 7 8 BLK 65 BLUFFAVE NORTH AUGUSTA 2000 DEVELOPMENT 007-14-13-005 CORNER WEST&BLUFF NORTH AUGUSTA 2000 DEVELOPMENT 007-14-13-006 E/PT LTS 5&6 BLK 65 NORTH AUGUSTA 2000 DEVELOPMENT 007-14-13-007 SOUTH OF BLUFF AVENUE BAUMGARDNER JANET L 007-14-13-008 W/SD OF WEST AVE BROWN JAMES C 007-14-13-009 CUR FLA RR MRDN AVE CTD SUB CROSS ALLEN T 007-14-13-010 LOT ON MERIDIAN AVE GREENSTONE NG LLC 007-14-14-001 CUR W AVE BLF AVE CTD SUB C-9 CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-14-14-008 TRACT A BLUFF AVENUE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-14-14-009 PARCEL B GEORGIA AVE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-14-14-010 LOT ON GEORGIA AVENUE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-14-14-011 GA AVE. CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-14-14-012 GEORGIA AVENUE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-14-14-018 TRACT B-8 GROVER CHAE 007-14-15-001 ON GEORGIA AVE SAVAGE DANIEL LEE SR 007-14-17-001 L 2 B-53 N AUGUSTA KRUSE EDWARD.!JR&ROBERTA J 007-14-17-002 PONCE DE LEON LOT I SAVAGE DANIEL LEE SR 007-14-17-003 PT LT 4&LT 5 BLK 53 HOWIE JIMMIE H 007-14-17-004 L 1B BK 54 HOWIE JIMMIE HOUSTON 007-14-17-005 N/PT LT 2 BLK 54 YOUNGBLOOD JULIE H 007-14-17-006 LT 3 BLK 54 N AUGUSTA S/D YOUNGBLOOD JULIE H 007-14-17-007 LTS 4&5 BLK 54 N AUGUSTA S/D VINSTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY I 007-14-17-008 L IA&2 BLK 54 ASH STREET MEYERS CHARLES E&LIESL I 007-14-17-010 PONCE DE LEON LOT 4 CARPENTER J WAYNE&PATRICIA C 007-14-17-011 PONCE DE LEON LOT 2 V&H PONCE DE LEON LLC 007-14-17-012 PONCE DE LEON LOT 3 THE CITY OF NORTI-I AUGUSTA 007-14-17-014 E OF RIVERSIDE BOULEVARD 007-14-17-015 007-14-17-016 007-14-17-017 007-14-17-018 HUGHES MARY FRANCES 007-15-01-045 FACES BUENA VISTA AVE THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA A MU 007-15-03-001 LTS 3-4-5 BLK 56 ST HWY 125 HILLIS CLAUDIA K ETAI. 007-15-03-002 FACING BUENA VISTA AVE MARTKO-AIKEN LLC 007-15-03-004 S/SD BUENA VISTA MARTKO-AIKEN LLC 007-15-03-005 LT 6-G MEALING EST PLAT 2 HILLIS CLAUDIA K ETAL 007-15-03-006 N/S OF GA FLA RR L 5 B G LOVETT ENTERPRISES INC 007-15-03-007 JOINS ELM ST NEWTON ANN C 007-15-03-008 COR LOT ON ELM ST MOBLEY MARY F 007-15-03-009 LTS 1-4 PONCE DE LEON AVE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-15-03-010 E/SD OF RIVERSIDE BLVD CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-15-03-011 E/SD OF RIVERSIDE BLVD MARTKO-AIKEN LLC 007-I6-03-001 W OF HWY 230 METZ GORDON M&ROBERT RAND 007-16-03-002 LT 1 BLK L GREEN ACRES ROSAS JUANA 007-16-03-003 LT 2 BLK L GREEN ACRES HERNANDEZ PEDRO R&MARIA D 007-16-03-004 LT 3 BLK L GREEN ACRES S/D CASTILLO JUAN HERNANDEZ 007-16-03-005 LT 4 BLK L GREEN ACRES GARCIA EUGENIO 007-16-03-006 LT 5 BLK L GREEN ACRES GUERRA MARIA 007-16-03-007 LT 6 BLK L GREEN ACRES AGUILAR ALBERTO B 007-16-03-008 LT 7 BLK L GREEN ACRES NEGRON-MARRERO MANUEL 007-16-03-009 L"1'8 BLK L GREEN ACRES C-10 GARCIA EUGENIO 007-16-03-010 LT 9 BLK L GREEN ACRES FIGUEROA CRUZ JAVIER&WINDY 007-16-03-011 LT 10 BK L GREEN ACRES BATISTA CELESTE J&ALBERTO 007-16-03-012 LT I I-L GREEN ACRES FIGUEROA ISABEL 007-16-03-013 LT 12 BLK L GREEN ACRES FIGUEROA CRUZ JAVIER&WINDY 007-16-03-014 LT 13 BLK L GREEN ACRES THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA A MU 007-16-03-015 LT 14 BLK L GREEN ACRES CARDENAS LUCIANO&GUILLERMINA 007-16-03-016 LT 15 BLK L GREEN ACRES RUIZ MARIA 007-16-03-017 LT 16-L GREEN ACRES PENA OCTAVIO&MARIBEL 007-16-03-018 LT 17 BLK L GREEN ACRES RODRIQIJEZ PETRA 007-16-03-019 LT 18 BLK L GREEN ACRES MORERA CARMEN 007-16-03-020 LT 19 BLK L GREEN ACRES HARLEY KATASHA M 007-16-03-021 LT 20 BLK L GREEN ACRES FIGUEROA ISABEL 007-16-03-022 LT 21 BLK L GREEN ACRES BLOCKER FENTON DARRELL 007-16-03-023 PT LOT 18&ALL 19 BRECKENRIDGE REYES SERVANDO&JORGE 007-16-04-001 LT 1 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION BRIGHAM LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 007-16-04-002 LOT ON U S#25 BRIGHAM LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 007-16-04-003 LT 2 BK A BRECKENRIDGE HGTS SALTO PEDRO 007-16-04-004 LOT 3 BLK M GREEN ACRES HOLLEY TRUSTEE GARY WAYNE 007-16-04-005 LOT 3 BLK A BRECKENRIDGEHG HERNANDEZ JUAN 007-16-04-006 LOT 4 BLK M GREEN ACRES ELVIRA DANIEL 007-16-04-007 LOT 5 BLK M GREEN ACRES FOUST PAUL MICHAEL 007-16-04-008 LT 4 BLK A BRECKENRIDGE HEIGHTS PARCHEM BERNARD 007-16-04-009 LOT 5 BLK A BRECKENRIDGEHGTS WIGGINS TRAVIS&DAWN MARIE 007-16-04-010 LOT 6 BLK A BRECKENRIDGEHG GOFORTH THOMAS M 007-16-04-011 LOT 1 BLK A BRECKENRIDGEHG SANCHEZ ALBERTO S 007-16-04-012 LOT 2 BLK A BRECKENRIDGEHG FLORES NORMA A 007-16-04-013 L 3 BLK A BRECKENRIDGE HGTS RAMIREZ BENITO 007-16-04-014 LT 7 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION PATEL KIRIT L&SUMITRA K 007-16-04-015 LT 4&PT 5 BLK A BRECKENRIDGE MCCALL MASON G&TRACY W 007-16-04-016 LOT 5 BLK A BRECKENRIDGEHGTS TRULL PRISCILLA T 007-16-04-017 LT 6 BLK A BRECKENRIDGE HGTS RAMSEY JOHN 007-16-04-018 LT 7 BLK A BRECKENRIDGE HGTS ALEXANDER WILLIAM S 007-16-04-019 LT 8 BLK A BRECKENRIDGE HGTS WOODHAMS ANGELA 007-16-04-023 LT 15 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION DIAZ PROPERTIES LLC 007-16-04-026 LOT 6 BLK M GREEN ACRES 007-16-04-027 LT 9 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION 007-16-04-028 LT 10 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION 007-16-04-029 LT 11 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION METZ STREET LLC 007-16-04-030 LT 12 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION 007-16-04-031 LT 13 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION WOODHAMS ANGELA 007-16-04-032 LT 14 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION 007-16-04-033 LT 16 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION 007-16-04-034 LT 17 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION C-11 007-16-04-035 LT 18 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION 007-16-04-036 LT 19 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION WILLIAMS KAREN V 007-16-04-037 LT 20 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION WILLIAMS KAREN V 007-16-04-038 LT 21 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION WILLIAMS KAREN V 007-16-04-039 LT 22 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION 007-16-04-040 LT 8 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION HERNANDEZ PEDRO&MARIA 007-16-04-041 LT 2 BLK M GREEN ACRES ADDITION HARRIS DAISY P 007-16-20-020 N/E PT LT 9-A BRECKENRIDGE HOTS MCGAHEE PHILLIP W 007-16-20-021 PT LT 9& 10-A ATOMIC RD WALKER JIMMY JUNIOR 007-16-20-022 LT 11 &PT 10-A BRECKENRIDGE KIM SOON HAE 007-16-20-025 LTS 15-A& 16-A BRECKENRIDGE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-17-01-001 TRACT P3 LT S GA RR W HWY#25 NS SAV RIV NORTH AUGUSTA RIVERFRONT COMPA 007-17-02-001 LT S GA RR W HWY#25NS SAV RIV PATE MARY R&TIMOTHY E 007-18-02-001 LT 1 THE RIVER CLUB PHASEI POSEY STEPHEN D&NANCY L 007-18-02-002 LT 2 THE RIVER CLUB PHASEI CHUDGAR BIPIN 007-18-02-003 LT 3 THE RIVER CLUB PHASEI LYON MATTHEW L&MICHELLE 007-18-02-004 LT 4 THE RIVER CLUB PHASEI GILLER CO-TRUSTEE COLE A 007-18-02-005 LT 5 THE RIVER CLUB PHASEI BROADNAX GARY B&JANET L 007-18-02-006 LT 6 THE RIVER CLUB PHASEI ABERCROMBIE TRUSTEE GEORGE B 007-18-02-007 LT 7 THE RIVER CLUB PHASEI POPE JAMES M&ELIZABETH W 007-18-02-008 LT 8 THE RIVER CLUB PHASEI HOWIE PHIL D&CHERYL P 007-18-02-009 Li 9 THE RIVER CLUB PHASEI ELLIS BAYNARD D&VIRGINIA E 007-18-02-010 LT 10 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE 1 SCHOELLKOPF ERIC S&CHARMAINE 007-18-02-011 LT 11 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE 1 TERRY CAMERON L&CAROL H 007-18-02-012 LT 12 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I OF THE REVOCABLE TRUST UNDER D 007-18-02-013 LT 13 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE 1 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUB LLC 007-18-02-020 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBCOMMON AREA TRACT C CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-18-02-02I THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBTRACT B SAVANNAH CONSTRUCTION SERVICES 007-18-02-022 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBTRACT A GURU PROPERTIES LLC 007-18-02-023 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 1 UNIT 1-252 TRACT SHAH SAGAR R&KINNARI 5 007-18-02-024 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 1 UINT I-254 TRACT MILL WILLIAM R 007-18-02-025 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE I UNIT 1-256 TRACT LAROIA RAHUL 007-18-02-026 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 2 UNIT J-266 TRAC RABUN LESLIE CREG 007-18-02-027 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 2 UNIT J-268 TRAC ANDERS KENYA H 007-18-02-028 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 2 UNIT J-270 TRAC BONIEWICZ EDMUND I 007-18-02-029 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 6 UNIT K-310 TRA HARGETT ARCHIE J JR 007-18-02-030 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 6 UNIT K-312 TRA CORDING TODD A 007-18-02-031 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 6 UNIT K-314 TRA FREEBERN RONALD S 007-18-02-032 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 7 UNIT M-328 TRA THE NANCY B AND LLOYD A PORTNO 007-18-02-033 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 11 UNIT N-334 TR GOLDMAN GEORGE R JR 007-18-02-034 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 11 UNIT N-336 TRA HEARD TIMOTHY&GAIL 007-18-02-035 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 11 UNIT N-338 TR FREEBERN RONALD S 007-18-02-036 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 7 UNIT M-328 TRA C-12 FREEBERN RONALD S 007-18-02-037 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 7 UNIT M-328 TRA FREEBERN RONALD S 007-18-02-038 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 7 UNIT M-328 TRA THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUB COND 007-18-03-001 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBTRACT D WANG MEI LING&CHEE KUNG 007-18-03-002 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT A TRACT D YU TRUSTEE ROBERT K ETAL 007-18-03-003 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT A-III TRACT D SATCHER WALTON L 007-18-03-004 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT C-I 19 TRACT D PADGELEK FRED A&MARY G 007-18-03-005 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT C-125 TRACT D PAMKIM LLC 007-18-03-006 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 3 UNIT F-22I TRACT ARTHUR ANSERMO 007-18-03-007 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 3 UNIT F-223 TRACT PAMKIM LLC 007-18-03-008 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 3 UNIT F-225 ELLIS VIRGINIA E 007-18-03-009 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE4 UNIT G-23I TRACT TSRP OF EDGEFIELD LLC 007-18-03-010 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE4 UNIT G-233 TRACT TSRP OF EDGEFIELD LLC 007-18-03-01 1 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 4 UNIT G-235 TRAC GROVE CARLEE T 007-18-03-012 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 5 UNIT H-241 TRACT HUNTER ROBERT M& BILLIE G 007-18-03-013 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 5UNIT H-243 TRACT JONES RONALD RJR&CECIL.,IA B 007-18-03-014 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 5 UNIT H-245 TRACT TOPPS ANDREW L 007-18-03-015 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 8 UNIT L-321 TRACT WINTERS ERIC W 007-18-03-016 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE,8 UNIT L-323 TRACT CASELLA LINDSEY 007-18-03-017 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 8 UNIT L-325 TRACT PAMKIM LLC 007-18-03-018 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 9 UNIT 0-337 TRACT PAMKIM LLC 007-18-03-019 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 9 UNIT 0-339 TRACT PAMKIM LLC 007-18-03-020 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 9 UNIT 0-34I TRACT BRAUER DONALD E&ROSE MARIE 007-18-03-021 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 10 UNIT P-347 TRAC DOWDY JANICE P 007-18-03-022 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 10 UNIT P-349 TRAC. WALLACE BART A&CHERE T 007-18-03-023 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 10 UNIT P-35I TRAC SEAMAN TRUSTEES MICHAEL TRIMBY 007-18-03-024 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 12 UNIT Q-416 TRAC BOLES LANDY 007-18-03-025 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 13 UNIT R-422 TRAC PAMKIM LLC 007-18-03-026 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 13 UNIT R-424 TRAC PAMKIM LLC 007-18-03-027 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 13 UNIT R-426 TRAC GOWDA SRIDHAR 007-18-03-028 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 14 UNIT S-432 TRAC SEAMAN TRUSTEES MICHAEL TRIMBY 007-18-03-029 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 12 UNIT Q-416 TRAC SEAMAN TRUSTEES MICHAEL.TRIMBY 007-18-03-030 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 12 UNIT Q-416 TRAC SEAMAN TRUSTEES MICHAEL TRIMBY 007-18-03-031 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 12 UNIT Q-4I6 TRAC GOWDA SRIDHAR 007-18-03-032 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 14 UNIT S-432 TRAC. GOWDA SRIDHAR 007-18-03-033 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 14 UNIT S-432 TRAC, GOWDA SRIDIIAR 007-18-03-034 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBSITE 14 UNIT 5-432 TRAC THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUB LLC 007-18-04-001 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBTRACT E TEMPRO MARLON 007-18-04-002 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT B-I06 TRACT E LEGER FRANCOIS 007-18-04-003 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT B-112 TRACT E LARKIN JOHN MATTHEW 007-18-04-004 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT B-I 18 TRACT E LEGER FRANCOIS 007-18-04-005 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT D-128 TRACT E STINSON SHANNON M 007-18-04-006 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT D-I34 TRACT E STEINER DAWN M&JOHN E 007-18-04-007 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT E-144 TRACT E C-13 LEGER FRANCOIS 007-18-04-008 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT E-150 TRACT E LARSEN DAVID D&APRIL 0 007-18-04-009 THE LANDING AT RIVER CLUBUNIT E-156 TRACT E CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-18-05-001 LT S GA RR W HWY#25 NS SAV RIV WHITLOCK DIANA 0 007-19-01-002 LT 85 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I PATEL PARIMAL S&VIJAYA P 007-19-01-003 LT 84 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE l BRANUM JAMES D&BILLIE L 007-19-01-004 LT 83 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I WETHERINGTON T LEE JR 007-19-01-005 LT 82 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I BARROW 0 HUGH 007-19-01-006 LT 81 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I PLETCHER TIMOTHY&NORINE 007-19-01-007 LT 80 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I BRISSON RICHARD J III 007-19-01-008 LT 79 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I HENSEL EDWARD J&PATRICIA A 007-19-01-009 LT 78 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I SLACK DALE G&BARBARA E 007-19-01-010 LT 77 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I NGUYEN DIANNA&DAVIS 007-19-01-012 LT 76 THE RIVER CLUB PH II THRUSH SUSAN A 007-19-01-013 LT 75 THE RIVER CLUB PH II ALLEN CHARLES C SR&CAROLYN M 007-19-01-014 LT 74 THE RIVER CLUB PH II JONES MARION LEE III&MARY P 007-19-01-015 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE 2 LOT 73 KNIGHT PATRICIA A 007-19-01-016 LT 72 THE RIVER CLUB PH II LOONEY VANESSA K 007-19-01-017 LT 71 THE RIVER CLUB PH II JOHNSON JEROMY A&CANDACE D 007-19-01-018 LT 70 THE RIVER CLUB PH II GORDON ROBERT L 007-19-01-019 LT 69 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A BARNES SHERRY T 007-19-01-020 LT 68 THE RIVER CLUB PH 11-A LYON WILLIAM 007-19-01-021 LT 67 THE RIVER CLUB PH 11 PADUNGSIRISETH SURADEJ 007-19-01-022 LT 66 THE RIVER CLUB P11 11-A DAVIS EIAROLD M&GIGI S 007-19-01-023 LTS 64&65 THE RIVER CLUB PH II GREENSPAN TRUSTEE BENNETT S 007-19-01-025 LT 63 THE RIVER CLUB PH II GODFREY JASON T 007-19-01-026 LT 62 THE RIVER CLUB PH lI BAYGENTS TRUSTEE GERALD E 007-19-01-027 LT 61 THE RIVER CLUB PH II SHEKHAWAT VIPUL SINGH 007-19-01-028 LT 60 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A TRIMMIER TALLULAH K 007-19-01-029 LT 59 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A FISHER THOMAS W& MARGARET M 007-19-01-030 LT 58 THE RIVER CLUB PH II HOANG DAVE& MY DO 007-19-01-031 LT 57 THE RIVER CLUB PH I1 CIAMILLO LOUIS JR&PAMELA L 007-19-01-032 LT 56 THE RIVER CLUB PH 11 MOBLEY MARY FRANCES 007-19-01-033 LT 55 THE RIVER CLUB PH II MELTON MATTHEW H&TINA K 007-19-01-034 LT 54 THE RIVER CLUB PH II ROMANER MICHAEL R 007-19-01-035 LT 53 THE RIVER CLUB PH II NAOMI CHRISTINA 007-19-01-036 LT 52 TI lE RIVER CLUB PH II-A BRIGHAM SUSAN D 007-19-01-037 LT 51 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A SMITH DANIEL M&CHERYL S 007-19-01-038 LT 50 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A GUDITH SCOTT 0 007-19-01-039 LT 49 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A MARTIN EDWARD W JR 007-19-01-040 LT 48 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A BRAGG PAULA R 007-19-01-041 LT 47 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A RUGH TIIOMAS F&KAY C 007-19-01-042 LT 46 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A COVINGTON LEMUEL L III TRUSTEE 007-19-01-043 LT 45 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A C-14 ODEN JAMES H SR&WYNEE M 007-19-03-001 LT 14 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE 1 GODWIN CHESTER L JR 007-19-03-002 LT 15 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I ROSEMA JAMES R&ASHLEY M 007-19-03-003 UT 16 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I JORDAN ANDREW J&SUSAN H 007-19-03-004 LT 17 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE 1 FARR TRUSTEE DONNA M 007-19-03-005 LT 18 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I DAVIS ANGELA K 007-19-03-006 LT 19 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I LONG EARNEST M JR 007-19-03-007 LT 20 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I DONOHUE STEPHEN P& PATRICIA B 007-19-03-008 LT 21 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I BRYANT BARRY S&CFIARLENE H 007-19-03-009 LT 22 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE I 001 OBINNA 0 007-19-03-010 LT 23 THE RIVER CLUB PH 11 ILARDI FREDERIC A 007-19-03-011 LT 24 THE RIVER CLUB PH II ALLEN CHARLES C JR 007-19-03-012 LT 25 THE RIVER CLUB PH 11 SIMONS PEGGY E 007-19-03-013 LT 26 THE RIVER CLUB PH II ABDULLA ABDULLA M&SUE A 007-19-03-014 LT 27 THE RIVER CLUB PH 11 JOSEPH ALLAN&KLARA 007-19-03-015 LT 28 THE RIVER CLUB PI1 II HATCH ROBERT L&TERESA E 007-19-03-016 LT 29 THE RIVER CLUB PH II SMITH JAMES T&KIMBERLY M 007-19-03-017 LT 30 THE RIVER CLUB PH II NEZARATIZADEH MAIIMOUD&ANN C 007-19-03-018 LT 31 THE RIVER CLUB PH II HARRISON KEVIN E& LYNDA H 007-19-03-019 LT 32 THE RIVER CLUB PH II SMITH DANIEL J&LAUREN C 007-19-03-020 LT 33 THE RIVER CLUB PH II SANTOS LARA 007-19-1)3-021 LT 34 THE RIVER CLUB PH II CAMPBELL TIMOTHY R SR 007-19-03-022 LT 35 THE RIVER CLUB PH II THOMPSON PAMELA J&GLEN F 007-19-03-023 LT 36 THE RIVER CLUB PH II RYANS JANICE J 007-19-03-024 LT 37 THE RIVER CLUB PH II KONG FENG-MING 007-19-03-025 LT 38 THE RIVER CLUB PH II ADAMS ARTHUR S&JENNIFER R 007-19-03-026 LT 39 THE RIVER CLUB PH II MCGAHEE CHARLES W SR TRUSTEE 007-19-03-027 LT 40 THE RIVER CLUB PH II THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA 007-19-03-028 THE RIVER CLUB HOMEOWNER'S ASS 007-19-03-029 THE RIVER CLUB PHASE 2 LOT L-2 RIVER GOLF INC 007-19-04-001 PT OF TRACT A NOLTING LISA L 007-20-02-001 LT 43 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A RIVER GOLF INC 007-20-02-002 LT 42 TITE RIVER CLUB PH Il-A SINGER FREDERICK L 007-20-02-044 LT 44 THE RIVER CLUB PH II-A JONES AUTUMN STACY 007-20-04-001 E/SD CENTER STREET THE KAILASH B AND PREM L SHARM 007-20-04-009 CENTRE-MARKET&COOK STREETS MCGEE KELLY K 007-20-04-010 LT 41 THE RIVER CLUB PH II RIVER GOLF INC 007-20-04-011 TRACT B C-15 EXHIBIT D Description of the Real Property Parcel Owner 007-17-02-001 Greenstone Hammond's Ferry, LLC 007-18-05-001 City of North Augusta 007-13-01-007 City of North Augusta 007-17-01-001 City of North Augusta 007-13-10-002 City of North Augusta D-1 EXHIBIT E Description of the P 'ect The proceeds of the Bonds and other available funds are expected to be applied to defray the costs of the components of the Project as follows: Component of Project Cost Baseball Stadium S 36.000.080 Parking 16.000,000 Conference Center 5.500.000 Infrastructure 3,500,000 Total $ 61,000,000 Note: All construction amounts are estimated. The portions of the above Project components to be financed through the issuance of the TIF Obliga iono are as follows: Component of Project Portion Payable from TIF Obli2ations Baseball Stadium 8 25/000J000 Parking 11,800.000 Conference Center 7,000.000 Total $ 43,000,000 There being no further business, Council adjourned at 11:05 p.m. A � PP UVT�DT}�IS ~" DAY OF Respectfully submitted, �� � v`*w`��"^�'�-�v1�^ , 2016. Donna Q. Young Lark W. Jones, Mayor