RES 2016-24 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2016-24 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE REQUEST FROM THE NORTH AUGUSTA LEADERSHIP CLASS OF 2016 AND THE NORTH AUGUSTA PARKS, RECREATION, & TOURSIM DEPARTMENT FOR PERMISSION TO USE ONE ACRE OF WATER WORKS PARK FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A DOG PARK TO BE NAMED NORTH AUGUSTA BARK PARK WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta has long recognized the need within the community for a place for its residents and their dogs to congregate, socialize and exercise: and WHEREAS, City of North Augusta staff members and the North Augusta Leadership Class of 2016 have worked diligently to define the location, techinical details, cost, and schedule for the development of a dog park in North Augusta; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Leadership Class of 2016 and the North Augusta Parks, Recreation, & Tourism Department request permission to develop a dog park on one acre of Water Works Park at 308 Riverside Blvd. to be named the North Augusta Bark Park: and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Leadership Class of 2016 after making its presentation to the City Council of North Augusta at the Study session on April 4, is seeking donations, sponsorships, and grants through the new organization to be known as the Friends of the North Augusta Bark Park, to cover the estimated cost of $41,045 as demonstrated below; and Summary # of units Cost per Unit Total Donated items Total Cost Fence 1015 23 23,345 $ 23,345.00 Bench 6 400 2400 800.00 $ 1,600.00 Combo Water Fountains 2 3000 6000 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 Dog waste stations 4 200 800 $ 800.00 Trash cans 2 375 750 $ 750.00 Signs 5 350 1750 $ 1,750.00 Concrete pads 1 3300 3300 $ 3,300.00 Crushed granite 6500 $ 6,500.00 Survey $ 41,045.00 WHEREAS, the estimated time of completion of the dog park is January 1, 2017 pending on funding ; and Page 2 WHEREAS, the Friends of the North Augusta Bark Park committee will run the park in conjunction with Parks, Recreation, & Tourism and Property Maintenance. Once the initial construction of the dog park is completed, Property Maintenance will maintain minor landscaping; and WHEREAS, the dog park and the structures within the park will be insured by the City of North Augusta under the property/liability coverage; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: The Dog Park facility will be located at Water Works Park and will be named and designated as North Augusta Bark Park and the partnership between the Friends of the North Augusta Bark Park and City of North Augusta be duly noted. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 5 DAY OF AK5�,1 , 2016. Lark W. Jones, Mayor ^L\� ATTEST: � 1J • j f Donna B. Young, CityZ Jerk