ORD 2016-14 Adopted 0 ORDINANCE NO. 2016-14 AMENDING ARTICLE 3, ZONING DISTRICTS, RELATED TO GEORGIA AVENUE OVERLAY DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, OF THE NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE, CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA CODE OF ORDINANCES WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code which is consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan and which incorporates all City zoning and land development regulations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Title 6, Chapter 29 of the South Carolina Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Development Code for the purposes of technical clarification, error correction and to accommodate the needs of the City's citizens, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a May 19, 2016 public hearing, reviewed and considered amendments to Table 3-8, Corridor Districts Established, and Section 3.8.4, G, Georgia Avenue Overlay District, to change the boundaries of and amend development standards in the Georgia Avenue Overlay District; and a motion was made to recommend said amendments to the City Council for approval. The motion to recommend approval passed on a 6-0 vote. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of The City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances, Providing for New Zoning and Land Development Regulations for the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, is hereby amended and shall read as described in the following sections. The section of the Code affected by each proposed amendment is identified by the section number. A. Line 1 of Table 3-8, Corridor Districts Established, is amended to read: A B Overlay District Corridor Streets Generally G, Georgia Avenue 1. Georgia Avenue north of the Greeneway to Spring Grove Overlay Avenue ORDINANCE VA#ENDING THE NORTH AUGUSTA Page 2 DEVELOPMEICODE—APPLICATION RZT 16-005 B. Section, Purpose and Findings, is amended to read: Purpose and Findings — The G, Georgia Avenue Overlay District, is designed for that portion of the D, Downtown Mixed Use District, that contains the heart of traditional commercial activity in North Augusta. This overlay is created with an emphasis on maintaining the integrity of the traditional storefront building facades to facilitate a mixture of uses, including residential, coordinating parking design and access, and encouraging greater pedestrian activity and use. C. The text accompanying Figure 3-2, Georgia Avenue, is amended to read: Georgia Avenue is the focal point of economic and pedestrian activity within the Town Center. Accordingly, a high level of community design is required in order to preserve and to provide a unique, signature gateway into the City, to facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community, to reduce vehicular congestion by encouraging pedestrian trips, and to encourage economic development activity. The district standards bring pedestrian destinations close to the street, provide an interesting environment, and provide a scale appropriate to the speed of persons traveling by foot. The Georgia Avenue Overlay District furthers the following public purposes: a. To protect the unique appearance and character of Georgia Avenue and promote linkages between public, retail, residential, civic and service uses; b. To support and increase pedestrian activity by establishing a uniform "build-to" line, ground floor retail uses and storefront shopping at the street level; c. To provide opportunities for promoting the historic diversity of land uses within the district; d. To encourage both commercial and residential infill development by providing relief from parking, transportation capacity and landscaping standards applicable to other parts of the City; e. To encourage residential uses as a part of the redevelopment and renovation of existing structures; f. To provide for urban design features such as lighting, coordinated signage, street furniture and landscaping to provide visual cues that tie the district together; g. To ensure architectural compatibility and aesthetic harmony of structures located within the overlay; and h. To assure respect for the character, integrity, and quality of the built environment of Georgia Avenue without stifling compatible innovative architecture or beneficial economic development. D. Section, Permitted Uses, is amended to read: Permitted Uses — Within the G, Georgia Avenue Overlay District, all uses permitted in the underlying D, Downtown Mixed Use District are permitted subject to the standards established in this section. This section supplements any other requirements of this Chapter, including any regulations I ORDINANCE Ai NDING THE NORTH AUGUSTA Page 3 DEVELOPME ODE—APPLICATION RZT 16-00O or permissions relating to use, density or design established in the D, Downtown Mixed Use District. In order to promote pedestrian activity and to avoid the impacts of traffic crossing sidewalks, all uses and buildings shall conform to the following: a. All residential uses listed in Table 3-2, Use Matrix, for the D, Downtown Mixed Use District are permitted in the overlay district. b. The first floor (street level) of any multistory commercial building shall be devoted to retail, commercial and service uses, as listed below. Such buildings shall include said uses along not less than fifty percent (50%) of their street frontage. 1. Convenience Retail 6. General Business Services 2. Food Stores, Bakery Shops 7. Personal Service Establishments 3. Museums, Art Galleries 8. Primary Retail Establishments 4. Restaurants, Bars, Ice Cream 9. Secondary Retail Establishments Parlors 5. Professional Office Uses 10. Movie Theaters c. Residential dwellings shall be permitted above the first floor of any building with commercial and/or retail uses on the first floor. d. No new auto oriented uses including auto repair, gasoline service stations and drive through uses will be allowed. Such existing uses are permitted and will be allowed to continue. No such nonconforming use shall be resumed if it has been abandoned for a continuous period of sixteen (16) months. e. For purposes of this section, "abandon" or "abandonment" means discontinuance of the nonconforming use regardless of the property owner's intent to relinquish the right to so use the property. A nonconforming use is considered abandoned when: 1. It has been intentionally discontinued, remains idle or unused; 2. Necessary utilities, such as water, sewer or electricity have been discontinued for any reason including a failure to pay fees, rates or other required charges lawfully established by the service provider; or 3. The principal buildings or structures are no longer actively occupied. f. Uses containing drive throughs will be allowed if the Director deems appropriate traffic controls are installed. (Rev. 5-21-12; Ord. 2012-08) E. Section, Frontage, is amended to read: Frontage — There is no minimum or maximum frontage established in these standards. However, buildings with large frontages are required to modulate their facades pursuant to § F. Section, Minimum and Maximum Height, is amended to read: Maximum and Minimum Height — The maximum height shall be as provided for the D, Downtown Mixed Use District in Table 3-3, Dimensional Standards. The minimum height shall be eighteen (18) feet above the elevation of the sidewalk along the entire frontage. G. Section, Orientation, is amended to read: ORDINANCE NDING THE NORTH AUGUSTA Page 4 DEVELOPME ODE—APPLICATION RZT 16-000 Orientation — Buildings shall be oriented to the street. A building is oriented to the street where: a. The setback standards established in § are met. b. Entrances to buildings face a street or open to a square, plaza c. or sidewalk. d. At least one entrance shall be provided to each street frontage. e. All street level uses with sidewalk frontage are furnished with an individual entrance and direct access to the sidewalk in addition to any other access that may be provided. f. Off-street parking does not lie between the building's entrance and the street. g. Pedestrian access from the public sidewalk, street right of way, or driveway to the principal structure is provided on a hard surface. H. Section, Fenestration, Openings, and Storefronts, is amended to read: Fenestration, Openings, and Storefronts — This section applies to all storefronts and any use other than those described in § This section does not apply to the conversion of a residential building to a commercial use. Fenestration is defined as the design, proportioning and disposition of windows and other exterior openings of a building. I. Section, Facades, is amended to read: Facades — Facades facing or visible from Georgia Avenue shall include at least four(4) of the following elements: a. A pediment. b. A cornice adjoining the top of the roof or top of the facade. c. Windows in each story above the ground level. Rectangular, circular, semicircular, and octagonal windows are permitted. d. A recessed entryway consistent with the requirements of§ e. Transom windows. f. Moldings g. Canopy h. Sign Lighting i. Sign Banding ORDINANCE ENDING THE NORTH AUGUSTA Page 5 DEVELOPMEICODE—APPLICATION RZT 16-00` J. The text accompanying Figure 3-3 Facades, is amended to read: FIGURE 3-3 FACADES ; , Pediment - Cornice Transom Windows —1-11---) .,. 6k r� ! �VrF3 RECaa: .1-71 I ,1 V Awl WA MOM iismq, r (� t t t,{- Sign Banding 1 Ll I. 7 V i i _ _--- _- ___. .-.L2,- . 4 'r L ?- >J _ . Recessed entryways I [ n 44' or alcoves µ - V , ` .t f: lilt r ° pr d I;,. :fillif,,,,,,iii 1 , III— t el K. Section, Windows, is amended to read: Windows — Windows shall be required on all stories in keeping with the design and use of the building but not less than thirty percent (30%) of the front facade. L. Figure 3-4, Front Facades, is deleted in its entirety and succeeding Figures are renumbered accordingly. M. Section, Building Modulation, is amended to read: Building Modulation — Building frontages that face public streets and exceed a width of twenty (20) feet must include modulation to break the plane of the building frontage. Such modulation must be spaced at uniform or near uniform intervals along the entire building frontage. Vertical visual elements may include entryways, windows, columns, colonnades, or other form of modular fenestration. N. Section, Entryways, is amended to read: Entryways — Recessed entryways are permitted in order to provide a sense of entry and to add variety to the streetscape. Overhead doors for loading docks, delivery, and distribution shall be permitted only on the rear of the building. ORDINANCE*LENDING THE NORTH AUGUSTA Page 6 DEVELOPMEIODE—APPLICATION RZT 16-00 0. Section, Roof Drainage, is amended to read: Roof Drainage — Roofs shall drain to the rear of the building unless an alternative method is approved by the Director. P. Section, Wall Materials, is amended to read: Wall Materials — Hard surfaced exterior wall materials permitted for downtown buildings include brick, limestone, architectural split- face concrete blocks, parged block, painted brick, stone, terra cotta, stucco, plaster, fiber cementious board siding and drainage-backed Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems (EIFS). The use of EIFS is limited to the area eight (8) feet or more above the adjacent grade, except as decorative elements around doors and windows. Vinyl, wood, plastic, metal, structural or unfinished concrete, painted concrete blocks, and tinted or reflective glass are not permitted as the primary exterior finish surface. However, vinyl, wood, plastic, or glass block may be used as accent elements surrounding a doorway or window. Q. Section, Fenestration and Openings for Civic Buildings and Uses, is deleted in its entirety and Section is renumbered as R. Figure 3-6, Fenestration and Openings for Civic Buildings, is deleted in its entirety and succeeding Figures are renumbered accordingly. S. Section, Canopy and Awning Signs, is amended to read: Canopy and Awning Signs—A canopy or awning may be used as a sign surface only if: a. No wall sign is included on the same facade. b. The message does not extend in any direction above, below or beyond the canopy edge. c. The message is an integral part of the canopy or awning covering. d. Signage on the canopy or awning sign does not exceed one-half(%2) of the area bounded by the edges of the canopy or awning visible from the public right of way. (If the only signage for the building is on the fringe drip-flap portion of the canopy, the entire portion of said area may be utilized for signage.) (Rev. 5-21-12; Ord. 2012-08) T. Section, Access, is amended to read: Access — Driveways and access points to public and private parking lots, loading areas and service areas shall adhere to the following: a. The Director and City Engineer must approve all driveways, access points and curb cuts from any public right of way. b. Driveways providing ingress and egress onto side streets and alleys are preferred. Existing or newly created alleys from a side street are the preferred access drive to parking areas. Only one (1) access point to a parking, loading or service area (other than an alley) shall be permitted per ORDINANCE WENDING THE NORTH AUGUSTA Page 7 DEVELOPME ODE—APPLICATION RZT 16-00` block face from any side street adjoining Georgia Avenue. There is no limit on the number of openings or access points from an alley and alleys may function as parking area drive aisles. c. No driveway or access point shall exceed twenty(20) feet in width. d. Separation of driveways or access points from an alley, if permitted, shall be no less than twenty-four(24) feet. e. No driveway or access point from any public right of way that reduces on- street parking shall be permitted except for parking areas that are available for use by the general public. U. Figure 3-9, Access, is deleted in its entirety. II. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS Zv DAY OF—X" _ , 2016. First Reading (al to I� Lark W. Jones, ayor Second Reading Le Third Reading "la'vl ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City lerk