051616 Council Mtg Mins Adopted Aügust \o
South Carolina's Riverfront
Lark W. Jones, Mayor
James M. Adams, Jr., Councilmember
J. Robert Brooks, Councilmember
Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember
Fletcher L. Dicker!, Councilmember
Kenneth J. McDowell, Councilmember
David W. McGhee, Councilmember
The regular meeting of May 16, 2016, having been duly publicized, was called to order by
Mayor Jones at 7:00 p.m. and adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the
meeting by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of
news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meeting
was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the
Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website.
Mayor Jones rendered the invocation and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members present were Mayor Jones and Councilmembers Adams, Brooks, Dickert, McDowell,
and McGhee. Councilmember Carpenter was not in attendance
Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney;
Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance; Richard L. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, &
Tourism; Scott L. Sterling, Director of Planning and Development; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director
Minutes of Regular Meeting of 05/16/16
of Engineering and Public Works; James E. Sutton, Director of Public Services; Diana H. Miller,
Manager of Human Resources; and Donna B. Young, City Clerk.
The minutes of the regular and study session meetings of May 2, 2016, were approved by general
ITEM 1. PERSONELL/WELLNESS: City of North Augusta C3 Challenge Winners—
Recognitron by Council
Mayor Jones recognized the City of North Augusta C3 Challenge Winners. The
C3 Challenge logo is used to represent the city and government entities that
participated in an 8 week Fitness Challenge. The City of North Augusta, City
of Aiken and Aiken County competed against each other in this 2nd annual C3
The City of North Augusta placed third in the challenge. The City of Aiken
won overall with Aiken County placing second.
Recognitions were also given to Mila Padgett, Director of Campus Recreation &
Wellness, Woody Price, Coordinator, Fitness Programs & Services and the
students of USCA for coordinating and volunteering their time to make this
challenge a success.
The City of North Augusta Individual Winners are as follows:
1st Place: Lt Verne Sadler, Public Safety
2nd Place: Mike Turner, Parks & Recreation
3rd Place: David Caddell, Operations/ Streets & Drains
4th Place: Michael Baldy, Admin/Engineering
The City of North Augusta Department Winners are as follows:
1st Place: Public Safety
2nd Place Operations
3rd Place Parks and Recreation
4 Place Administration
ITEM 2. AGENDA PROCEDURES: Amending Chapter Two of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of North Augusta by
Adding Section 2-79, Clarifying the Manner in
which Tabled Items would be Placed on a
Meeting Agenda — Ordinance, Third and Final
On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council
unanimously adopted an ordinance on third and final reading amending Chapter
Two of the Code of Ordinances of the City of North Augusta by adding Section 2-
Minutes of Regular Meeting of 05/16/16
79, clarifying the manner in which tabled Items would be placed on a meeting
Please see the minutes of May 2, 2016 for the ordinance text.
ITEM 3. COMMUNITY PROMOTION: Request for Permit on July 13, 2016 from
Betty Croy
On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember Brooks, a permit was
granted to Betty Croy to assemble on July 13, 2016 from noon until 1 pm in
advance of the upcoming presidential conventions to pray for our City, County,
State, and Federal governments; our lawmakers and other political leaders; our
military; and our nation.
ITEM 4. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Text Amendment
(Application RZT 16-004) — Ordinance, Third and Final
On motion by Councilmember Brooks, second by Councilmember Dickert,
Council unanimously adopted an ordinance on third and final reading to amend
Section, Prohibited Materials, in Article 3, Zoning Districts, of the
North Augusta Development Code.
Please see the minutes of May 2, 2016 for the ordinance text.
ITEM 5. FINANCE: Amending Purchasing Procedures for the City of North
Augusta by Revising Chapter 2, Entitled "Administration",
Article XI. Entitlted "Purchasing" — Ordinance, First Reading
On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council
considered an ordinance on first reading amending Purchasing Procedures for the
City of North Augusta by revising Chapter 2, entitled "Administration", Article
XI. Entitled, "Purchasing."
Individuals speaking to this proposed ordinance were:
Richard Fletcher, 1 Shadowmoor Court, North Augusta, South Carolina
Jim Crowell, 418 Cooper Mill Road, North Augusta, South Carolina
On motion by Councilmember Dickert, second by Councilmember McDowell,
Council unanimously passed an amendment to the proposed ordinance amending
Section 2-264 (2) and (6) to read as follows:
Section 2-264 Competitive Sealed Proposals/
Request for Proposals
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2. Public notice. Adequate public notice of the request for proposals shall be given
in accordance with any bidding requirements as established by the purchasing
agent for the City; provided the minimum notice period shall be fifteen (15)
twenty-one (21) calendar days.
3. Public notice. Adequate public notice of the request for qualifications shall be
given in accordance with any bidding requirements as established by the
purchasing agent for the City; provided the minimum notice period shall be
fifteen (15)_twenty-one (21) calendar days.
On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember McDowell, Council
unanimously passed an amendment to the proposed ordinance amending the
ordinance to change Procurement Director to Purchasing Agent wherever it
appeared in the ordinance.
Following the two amendments, the original motion to pass the ordinance on first
reading was unanimously passed.
On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember McGhee, the second
reading of the ordinance was held until the next regularly scheduled Council
The amended ordinance text is as follows:
Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South
Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that:
I. Article IX. of said Code of Ordinances of the City of North Augusta currently existing
Sections 2-250 through Section 2-261 is amended as follows:
Section 2-250. Unchanged
Section 2-251 Unchanged
Section 2-252 Unchanged
Section 2-253 Unchanged
Section 2-254 Unchanged
Section 2-255 Sealed Bid Procedures
Such section remains unchanged with the exception of (13) — Waiver of
Purchasing Formalities). Such section shall be amended by deleting as currently
written and replacing with the following:
Section 2-255 (13) Waiver of Purchasing Formalities
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The City Administrator, as Purchasing Agent, is vested with the right to waive all
purchasing formalities when, in the opinion of the purchasing agent, the best
interest of the City would be served. This authority can be exercised by the City
Administrator for purchases/contracts of an amount less than $20,000.00 without
formal Council approval. However, in the event that the City Administrator
deems it to be in the best interest of the City to waive such purchasing formalities
on a purchase/contract in excess of$20,000.00, such action would require formal
approval by City Council at a public meeting. In the event of a decision by the
City Administrator to either waive, or recommend the waiving of purchasing
formalities to Council, the Administrator shall file a written report setting forth
the basis indicating reasons for such waiver.
Section 2-256 Unchanged
Section 2-257 Unchanged
Section 2-258 Unchanged
Section 2-259 Unchanged
Section 2-260 Unchanged
Section 2-261 Unchanged
IL The following Sections are additions to the Purchasing Code:
Section 2-262 Project Delivery Methods
Authorized for Procurements Relating to Construction
(1) The following project delivery methods are authorized for procurements
relating to construction of any public infrastructure facility:
(a) Design-bid-building;
(b) Construction management at-risk;
(c) Design-build;
(d) Design-build-operate-maintain; and
(e) Design-build-finance-operate-maintain.
(f) Competitive sealed proposals/request for proposals
(2) Participation in a report or study that is later used in the preparation of
design requirements for a project does not disqualify a firm from
participating as a member of a proposing team in a construction
management at-risk, design-build, design-build-operate-maintain, or
design-build- finance-operate-maintain procurement unless the
participation provides the business with a substantial competitive
advantage. The City Administrator or his designee may establish guidance
by regulation for the application of this item by departments procuring
construction services.
(3) Definitions:
(a) Design-bid-build means a project delivery method in which the City
sequentially awards separate contracts, the first for architectural and
engineering services to design a public infrastructure facility and the
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second for construction of the public infrastructure facility according
to the design.
(b) Construction management at-risk means a project delivery method in
which the City awards separate contracts, one for architectural and
engineering services to design a public infrastructure facility and the
second to a construction manager at-risk for both construction of the
public infrastructure facility according to the design and construction
management services.
(c) Design-build means a project delivery method in which the City enters
into a single contract for design and construction of a public
infrastructure facility.
(d) Design-build-operate-maintain means a project delivery method in
which the City enters into a single contract for design, construction,
maintenance, and operation of a public infrastructure facility over a
contractually defined period.
(e) Design-build-finance-operate-maintain means a project delivery
method in which the City enters into a single contract for design,
construction, finance, maintenance, and operation of a public
infrastructure facility over a contractually defined period. Money
appropriated by the city is not used to pay for a part of the services
provided by the contractor during the contract period.
(f) Competitive sealed proposals/request for proposals means a project
delivery method utilized when the purchasing agent for the City
determines that the use of competitive sealed bidding is either not
practical or not advantageous to the City and recommends that such
procedure be used in lieu of attempting to enter into a contract by use
of any of the other project delivery methods. Such method is
specifically described in Section 2-264.
(g) Public infrastructure facility means any public structure, public
building, or other public improvements of any kind to real property.
(4) Choice of project delivery method.
(a) Selection of method. The project delivery method used for a city
construction project must be that method which is most advantageous
to the city and results in the most timely, economical, and successful
completion of the construction project. The city shall select the
appropriate project delivery method for a particular project and shall,
for all project delivery methods other than design-bid-build or
purchasing procedures as described in Section 2-251, Section 2-252 or
Section 2-253, state in writing the facts and considerations leading to
the selection of that particular method.
(b) City Administrator Review. The department procuring construction
services shall submit its written report stating the facts and
considerations leading to the selection of the particular project delivery
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method to the City Administrator or his authorized designee for his
III. Section 2-263 Source Selection Methods Assigned to
Project Delivery Methods
(1) Scope. This section specifies the source selection methods applicable to
procurements for the construction project delivery methods identified in
Section 2-262, except as otherwise provided by regulation for small
purchases, sole source procurements, and emergency procurements.
(2) Design-bid-build:
(a) Design, architect-engineer, construction management, and land
surveying services. A qualifications-based selection process must be
used to procure design, architect-engineer, construction management,
and land surveying services, unless those services are acquired in
conjunction with construction using one of the project delivery
methods provided in subsections (3) through (7) of this section or
Section 2-251, Section 2-252 or Section 2-253.
(b) Construction. Competitive sealed bidding must be used to procure
construction in design-bid- build procurements.
(3) Construction management at-risk. Contracts for construction management
at-risk must be procured by either competitive sealed bidding or
competitive sealed proposals.
(4) Design-build. Contracts for design-build must be procured by competitive
sealed proposals.
(5) Design-build-operate-maintain. Contracts for design-build-operate-
maintain must be procured by competitive sealed proposals.
(6) Design-build-finance-operate-maintain. Contracts for design-build-
finance-operate-maintain must be procured by competitive sealed
(7) Competitive sealed proposals/request .for proposals. Contracts for
competitive sealed proposals/request for proposals must be procured in
accordance with Section 2-264 as set forth hereafter.
IV. Section 2-264 Competitive Sealed Proposals/
Request for Proposals
Conditions for use. When the Purchasing Agent determines, in writing, with
explanation of the reason(s), that the use of competitive sealed bidding is either
not practicable or not advantageous to the City, a contract may be entered into by
use of the competitive sealed proposals method.
(1) Request for proposals. Proposals shall be solicited from at least three (3)
qualified sources, when such sources are available, through a request for
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(2) Public notice. Adequate public notice of the request for proposals shall be
given in accordance with any bidding requirements as established by the
purchasing agent for the City; provided the minimum notice period shall
be twenty-one (21) calendar days.
(3) Receipt of proposals. No proposals shall be handled so as to permit
disclosure of the contents of any proposal to competing offerors during the
process of negotiation. A register of proposals shall be prepared
containing the name of the offerors. The register of proposals shall be
open for public inspection only after contract is awarded.
(4) Proposal opening. Proposals shall be publicly opened and only the names
of the offerors disclosed at the proposal opening. Contents of competing
proposals shall not be disclosed during the process of negotiation.
Proposal shall be open for public inspection, immediately after a contract
is awarded. Late proposals shall neither be opened nor considered for
award; however, the name and address of the late offeror and the time of
attempted delivery shall be recorded wherever practicable.
(5) Request for qualifications. Prior to soliciting proposals, the Purchasing
Agent may issue a request for qualifications from prospective offerors.
Such request shall contain at a minimum a description of goods or services
to be solicited by the request for proposals and the general scope of the
work and shall state the deadline for submission of information and how
prospective offerors may apply for consideration. The request shall require
information only on their qualifications, experience, and ability to perform
the requirements of the contract. After receipt of the responses to the
request for qualifications from prospective offerors, the prospective
offerors shall be ranked from most qualified to least qualified on the basis
of the information provided. Proposals shall then be solicited from at least
the top three (3) prospective offerors by means of a request for proposals.
The failure of a prospective offeror to be selected to receive the request for
proposals shall not be grounds for protest.
(6) Public notice. Adequate public notice of the request for qualifications
shall be given in accordance with any bidding requirements as established
by the purchasing agent for the City; provided the minimum notice period
shall be twenty-one (21) calendar days.
(7) Evaluation criteria. The request for proposals shall state the criteria to be
considered in evaluating proposals. Price may, but need not be, an initial
evaluation criterion.
(8) Discussion with responsive/responsible offerors and revisions to
proposals. As provided in the request for proposals, discussions may be
conducted with responsible offerors who submit proposals determined to
be eligible of being selected for award for the purpose of clarification to
assure full understanding of, and conformance to, the solicitation
requirements. Offerors shall be accorded fair and equal treatment with
respect to any opportunity for discussion and revision of proposals and
Minutes of Regular Meeting of 05/16/16
such revisions may be permitted after submissions and prior to award for
the purpose of obtaining best and final offers. In conducting discussions,
there shall be no disclosure of any information derived from proposals
submitted by competing offerors.
(9) Selection and ranking. Proposals shall be evaluated using only the criteria
stated in the request for proposals and there must be adherence to any
weighting that has been previously assigned. Once evaluation is complete,
all responsive offerors shall he ranked from most advantageous to least
advantageous to the City, considering only the evaluation criteria stated in
the request for proposals. If price is an initial evaluation criterion, award
shall be made in accordance with Section 2-255(6). If price is not an initial
evaluation factor, negotiations shall be conducted with the top ranked
responsive offeror for performance of the contract at a price which is fair
and reasonable to the City. Should the Purchasing Agent be unable to
negotiate a contract at a price which is fair and reasonable to the City,
negotiations shall be formally terminated with the top ranked responsive
offeror and negotiations commenced with the second most advantageous
responsive offeror, and then the third and so on until a satisfactory
contract has been negotiated. In conducting negotiations, there must be no
disclosure of any information derived from proposals submitted by
competing offerors.
(10) Award. Award must be made to the responsible and responsive offeror
whose proposal is determined in writing to be the most advantageous to
the City, taking into consideration price and the evaluation criteria set
forth in the request for proposals. The contract file shall contain the basis
on which the award is made. The contract shall be awarded with
reasonable promptness by appropriate written notice to the selected offeror
whose proposal is being accepted.
(11) Other. If, after following the procedures set forth in Section 2-264(10), a
contract is not able to be negotiated, the scope of the request for proposals
may be changed in an effort to reduce the cost to a fair and reasonable
amount, and all responsive offerors must he allowed to submit their best
and final offers. Where price was an initial evaluation factor, the using
department. through the Purchasing Agent, may in his/her sole discretion,
and not subject to challenge through a protest, proceed in any of the
following manners:
(a) Negotiate price with the highest scoring offeror. If a satisfactory price
cannot be agreed upon, price negotiations may be conducted with the
second, and then the third, and so on, ranked offerors to such level of
ranking as determined by the using department and/or the Purchasing
(b) Negotiate with the highest ranking offeror on matters affecting the
scope of the contract, so long as the overall nature and intent of the
contract is not changed. If a satisfactory contract cannot be negotiated
with the highest ranking offeror, negotiations may be conducted with
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the second, and then the third, and so on, ranked offerors to such level
of ranking as determined by the using department and/or the
Purchasing Agent;
(c) Change the scope of the request for proposals and give all
responsive/responsible offerors an opportunity to submit best and final
(d) If any of these options are chosen. and it is still not possible to award a
contract, any of the procedures outlined herein may be repeated until a
proposed contract is successfully achieved.
(12) Minor informalities and irregularities in proposals. A minor informality
or irregularity is one which is merely a form or is some immaterial
variation from the exact requirements of the request for proposals having
no effect or merely a trivial or negligible effect on total price, quality,
quantity, or delivery of the supplies or performance of the contract, and
the correction or waiver of which would not affect the relative standing of,
or be otherwise prejudicial to offerors. The Purchasing Agent shall either
give the offeror the opportunity to cure any deficiency resulting from a
minor informality or irregularity in a proposal or waive any such
deficiency when it is to the advantage of the City. Such communication or
determination shall be in writing. Examples of minor informalities or
irregularities may, in the City's sole discretion, include, but are not limited
(a) Failure of a offeror to return the number of copies of signed proposals
required by the solicitation;
(b) Failure of a offeror to furnish the required information concerning the
number of the offeror's employees or failure to make a representation
concerning its size;
(c) Failure of a offeror to acknowledge receipt of an amendment to a
solicitation, when required, but only if the amendment has no effect or
merely a trivial or negligible effect on price, quality, quantity,
delivery, or relative standing of offerors;
(d) Failure of a offeror to furnish product literature;
(e) Failure of a offeror to furnish financial statements;
(f) Failure of a offeror to indicate a bid number on its submission
(g) Failure of an offeror to indicate his/her contractor's license number.
(13) Cost of proposals. Under no circumstances will the City be liable for any
costs associated with any proposal. The offeror shall bear all costs
associated with the preparation of proposals.
(14) Rejection or acceptance of proposals; waiver of technicalities and
irregularities. The City shall reserve the unqualified right to reject any and
all proposals or accept such proposals, as appears in the City's own best
interest. The City shall reserve the unqualified right to waive technicalities
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or irregularities of any kind in solicitations made under this chapter. In all
cases, the City shall be the sole judge as to whether a proposer's proposal
has or has not satisfactorily met the requirements to solicitations made
under this chapter.
V. All such ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of
such conflict, hereby repealed.
VI. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third
, 2016.
ITEM 6. MATERIAL RECOVERY FACILITY: Authorization of Over Expending
Appropriations in the Sanitation
Services Fund - Resolution
On motion by Councilmember McDowell, second by Mayor Jones, Council
unanimously passed a resolution authorizing over expending appropriations in the
Sanitation Services Fund related to sustaining operations at the Material Recovery
Facility and continuing the Litter Patrol Program.
The resolution text is as follows:
WHEREAS, City Council has adopted the 2016 Fiscal Year Budget on November
16, 2015, with appropriated expenses totaling $4,1 1 1,732 for the Sanitation Services Fund; and,
WHEREAS, these expenses include the use of inmate labor provided by the South
Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC) to support operations at the Materials Recovery
Facility (MRF) and the Litter Patrol Program; and,
WIIEREAS, effective May 27, 2016, inmate labor will no longer be available
from SCDC to support the operations of the MRF and Litter Patrol Program; and,
WIIEREAS, City staff has performed an analysis of MRF operations and may
need to hire an additional eight (8) full time employees to replace an average of fifteen (15)
inmates to work at the MRF and continue the Litter Patrol Program; and,
WHEREAS, the additional costs to hire eight (8) full time employees exceeds the
costs of inmate labor, transportation, insurance, and supplies by approximately $180,000; and,
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WHEREAS, City staff will continue to research potential staffing options and
other costs to sustain MRF operations and the Litter Patrol Program to determine the most
efficient and appropriate solution ; and,
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that MRF operations
and the Litter Patrol Program should continue in the City; and,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the
City of North Augusta, South Carolina as follows:
1. The City Administrator and Director of Public Services are authorized to
proceed with the best staffing solution to sustain operations for the MRF
and Litter Patrol Program.
2. The funding source for the additional costs, not to exceed $180,000, shall
be the Sanitation Services Fund Net Position.
3. No additional funds, other than those identified above are authorized to be
spent by the City relative to these operations unless additional funds are
hereafter provided for pursuant to the annual City budget.
4. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.
ITEM 7. STREETS AND DRAINS: Deed of Dedication for Subdivision
Improvements — Hammond's Ferry, Phase D
On motion by Councilmember McDowell, second by Councilmember Brooks,
Council unanimously passed a resolution to accept a deed of dedication for
subdivision improvements for Hammond's Ferry, Phase D.
The resolution text is as follows:
WHEREAS, Westo Development Co., LLC developed Hammond's Ferry, Phase
D subdivision according to the requirements of the North Augusta Planning Commission and the
City, and owns the streets, utilities and easements; and
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WHEREAS, pursuant to § of the North Augusta Development Code, the
Director of Planning and Development and the City Engineer approved the Hammond's Ferry,
Phase D, Section 1 final subdivision plat for recording on May 2, 2016; and
WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City that, upon approval of a final subdivision
plat, the City will, following inspection by the City's Engineering department, accept a deed of
dedication for the streets, utilities, etc. for the purpose of ownership and maintenance when said
deed is accompanied by a maintenance guarantee; and
WHEREAS, a maintenance guarantee and supporting letter of credit for all Phase
D improvements accompany the deed; and
WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made final inspection of the subject
improvements and these improvements meet City standards.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the
City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof,
do hereby accept a deed of dedication for:
ALL those certain streets and roadways located in Hammond's Ferry, Phase D,
designated as a portion of Front Street (right of way varies), a portion of
Fallmouth (right of way varies), Westo Park (right of way varies), a portion of
Boeckh Street (right of way varies), Jones Lane (24 foot right of way), a portion
of Baggot Lane (24 foot right of way), a portion of Arrington Avenue (right of
way varies), Westo Street (right of way varies), a portion of McDowell Lane (24
foot right of way), a portion of Railroad Avenue (right of way varies) and Brown
Lane (right of way varies in portions; 24 foot right of way in portions) as shown
and delineated on a Record Plat of Phase D, Section 1 of Hammond's Ferry
prepared by H&C Surveying, Inc. dated February 4, 2016, revised April 22, 2016
and recorded in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina in Plat
Book , at Page . Reference is made to said plat, which is incorporated
herein by reference for a more complete and accurate description as to the metes,
bounds and location of said property.
TOGETHER WITH Parcel 8 "Peerless Common" containing 0.15 acre, Parcel 9
"Piedmont Common" containing 0.41 acre and Parcel 10 "Arrington Common"
containing 0.38 acre as shown on the aforesaid plat.
TOGETHER WITH all (a) curbs and gutters located within the aforesaid right of
way of the streets and roadways; (b) sidewalks located within the aforesaid right
of way of the streets and roadways; (c) sanitary sewerage collection systems
including lifts stations located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat; (d)
stormwater collection system including stormwater detention areas located on the
property shown on the aforesaid plat; (e) greenways or other pedestrian
connections outside the road rights of way but located on the property shown on
the aforesaid plat; and (f) a perpetual and non-exclusive easement and rights of
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way for streets, sidewalks and potable water, sanitary sewage and stormwater
collection systems located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat.
Being a portion of the property conveyed to Westo Development Company, LLC
by deed of the City of North Augusta dated November 23, 2010 and recorded
November 24, 2010 in Record Book 4335, at Page 1026 in the Office of the RMC
for Aiken County, South Carolina.
Tax Map and Parcel: 003-16-03-001
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Maintenance Guarantee and Letter of
Credit in the amount of$185,000 are hereby accepted.
, 2016.
Citizen, Jim Crowell, 418 Cooper Mill Road, North Augusta, South Carolina,
expressed concerns over the lack of enforcement of the requirement of business
license for lawn care/landscaping companies. Director of Public Services, James
Sutton, will work with John Rutland, Codes Enforcement Officer, to ensure more
oversight of these companies.
ITEM 9. COMMUNITY PROMOTION: Thomas Scott, Candidate for Aiken
County Coroner
Thomas Scott, Candidate for Aiken County Coroner, introduced himself to Mayor
and Council.
There being no further business, Council adjourned.
APPROVED THIS DAY OF Respectfully submitted,
, 2016. (�
Donna B. Young
Lark W. Jones, Mayor