041612 Study Session Mins Adopted North
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South Carolina's Riuerfront
Lark W. Jones, Mayor
James M. Adams, Jr., Councilmember
Carolyn C. Baggott, Councilmember
Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember
Kenneth J McDowell, Councilmember
Arthur H. Shealy, Councilmember
Jason M. Whinghter, Councilmember
The study session meeting of April 16, 2012, having been duly publicized, was called to order by
Mayor Jones at 6:15 p.m. in the Council Conference room on the third floor of the Municipal
Center. The meeting recessed and reconvened following the regular City Council meeting.
Members present were Mayor Jones and Councilmembers Adams, Baggott, Carpenter,
McDowell, Shealy, and Whinghter.
Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; John
P. Potter, Jr., Director of Finance; Richard L. Meyer, Interim Director of Parks, Recreation, and
Leisure Services; Scott L. Sterling, Interim Director of Planning and Economic Development;
John C. Thomas, Director of Public Safety; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director of Engineering and
Public Works; James E. Sutton, Deputy Director of Public Services; and Donna B. Young, City
ITEM 1. FINANCE: Audit, Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2011 — Council
Rick Evans, Michelle Bennett, and Allison Hutto of SEROTA, MADDDOCKS
EVANS & CO. presented the FY 2011 Audit to Mayor and Council and answered
questions form Mayor and Council.
Minutes of Study Session of 04/16/12
ITEM 2. PLANNING: Application RZT 11-001 (portion of) Mass Grading and
Environmental Protection Update — Council Review
and Update
Scott Sterling, Interim Director of Planning and Economic Development, updated
Mayor and Council on Application RZT 11-001 (portion of) which consists of
proposed text amendments to specific sections of Article 5, Approval Procedures,
related to permit requirements and enforcement; Article 6, Site Analysis, related
to riparian buffers and to add performance standards applicable to mass grading;
Article 10, Landscaping, related to landscape plan and tree removal requirements;
and Appendix A, Definitions, of the North Augusta Development Code.
Developers and their representatives were present at the study session.
After review, it was the general consensus of Council, that this issue should be
revisited at a study session after North Augusta Forward 2012, to include staff,
Mayor, and Council. Council asked that Mr. Sterling prepare a memo with the
proposed changes highlighted.
ITEM 3. LEGAL: Executive Session —Request of the City Administrator
Upon the request of the City Administrator and in accordance with Section 30-4-
70 (a) (2) and on motion by Councilmember Whinghter, second by
Councilmember Adams, City Council unanimously voted to go into executive
session for the purpose of discussion negotiations incident to a proposed
contractual arrangement and a possible land acquisition.
On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember McDowell, the executive
session was adjourned. There was nothing to report out.
There being no further business, Council adjourned.
APPROVED THIS —Z DAY OF Respectfully submitted,
66 , , 2012.
Donna B. Young
Mayor Lark W. Jo es City Clerk