030716 Council Mtg Mins Adopted Augusta South Carolina's Riverfront MINUTES OF MARCH 7, 2016 Lark W. Jones, Mayor James M. Adams, Jr., Councilmember J. Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dickert, Councilmember Kenneth J. McDowell, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of March 7, 2016, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Jones at 7:00 p.m. and adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meeting by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meeting was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Mayor Jones rendered the invocation and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Mayor Jones and Councilmembers Adams, Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance; Richard L. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism; Scott L. Sterling, Director of Planning and Development; John C. Thomas, Director of Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 Public Safety; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works; James E. Sutton, Director of Public Services; and Diana H. Miller, Manager of Human Resources. The minutes of the regular and study session meetings of February 15, 2016, were approved by general consent. ITEM 1. ANNEXATION: Property located along Gregory Lake Road, Tax Parcel Numbers 106-00-00-009 and 106-00-00-010, 82.82 ± Acres — Ordinance, Third and Final Reading On motion by Councilmember Dickert, second by Councilmember Brooks, Mayor and Council unanimously adopted on third and final reading an ordinance to effect the annexation of various property owners in which they request the annexation of 82.82 + acres of property located along Gregory Lake Road, Tax Parcel Numbers 106-00-00-009 and 106-00-00-010. Also included herein are the rights of way of Gregory Lake Road adjoining the property to he annexed. The zoning classification recommended for this property, R-10, Medium Lot, Single Family Residential, is consistent with the future land use classification of the property, Low Density Residential, as specified in the Land Use Element of the 2005 Comprehensive Plan. Please see the minutes of January 4, 2016, for the ordinance text. ITEM 2. PUBLIC UTILITIES: Memorandum of Understanding for Membership in the Savannah River Clean Water Fund —Remove from Table/Resolution On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember McDowell, a motion to remove the above referenced item from the table was unanimously passed. Following removal from the table, and on motion by Mayor Jones and second by Councilmember Brooks, a resolution approving the Memorandum of Understanding for membership in the Savannah River Clean Water Fund was passed with amended language in the next to last paragraph in the resolution as noted in italics. The amended resolution text is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2016-05 A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE SAVANNAH RIVER CLEAN WATER FUND WHEREAS, the Savannah River is the sole source of drinking water for the City of North Augusta; and Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 WHEREAS, the protection of water quality of this water source is not only environmentally sound but also makes water purification for drinking less expensive, and WHEREAS, the Savannah River Clean Water Fund (SRCWF) permanently protects properties within the watershed through purchase and conservation easements and funds land management practices such as vegetative buffers around agricultural fields, and WHEREAS, the 2016 budget of the City of North Augusta already includes the membership fee in the SRCWF, and WHEREAS, the Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority, City of Savannah, Augusta Utilities, Columbia County, GA and other potential partners desire to partner with the fund for the protection of the Savannah River. NOW THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina that they hereby authorize the City Administrator to sign and execute the Memorandum of Understanding for membership in the Savannah River Clean Water Fund (SRCWF) at a funding level of$33,000.00 per year. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS THE 7TH DAY OF MARCH,2016. ITEM 3. STREETS AND DRAINS: Deed of Dedication for Subdivision Improvements — Overlook at the Rapids, Section IV, Phase 2 — Resolution On motion by Councilmember Carpenter, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council unanimously passed a resolution to accept a deed of dedication for subdivision improvements for Overlook at the Rapids, Section IV, Phase 2 Subdivision. The resolution text is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2016-06 ACCEPTING A DEED OF DEDICATION FOR THE STREETS, OPEN SPACE, WATER, SANITARY SEWER, STORMWATER COLLECTION AND FIRE SUPRESSION SYSTEMS, AND ASSOCIATED EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY ALONG WITH A MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE AND LETTER OF CREDIT, FOR OVERLOOK AT THE RAPIDS, SECTION IV, PHASE 2 WHEREAS, Porterfield Investments, LLC developed Overlook at the Rapids, Section IV, Phase 2, subdivision according to the requirements of the North Augusta Planning Commission and the City, and owns the streets, utilities and easements; and Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 WHEREAS, pursuant to § of the North Augusta Development Code, the Director of Planning and Development and the City Engineer approved the final subdivision plat for recording on February 17, 2016; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City that, upon approval of a final subdivision plat, the City will, following inspection by the City's Engineering department, accept a deed of dedication for the streets, utilities, etc. for the purpose of ownership and maintenance when said deed is accompanied by a maintenance guarantee; and WHEREAS, a maintenance guarantee and supporting letter of credit accompany the deed; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made final inspection of the subject improvements and these improvements meet City standards. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, do hereby accept a deed of dedication for: All those certain pieces, parcels or lots of land, with improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City of North Augusta, County of Aiken, State of South Carolina, being shown and designated as "Eron Court 50' R/W", "Seton Circle 50' R/W", "Walsh Way 50' R/W" "0.03 AC. Tract to be deeded to the City of North Augusta" on a plat of Section IV — Phase 2, Overlook at the Rapids recorded in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina, in Plat Book 59 at pages 87-89; reference being hereby made to said plat for a more complete and accurate description of said property as to its metes, bounds and location. This being a portion of the same property conveyed to Porterfield Investments, LLC by Title to Real Estate from Retreat Development Company, Inc., dated September 29, 2005, recorded in the Office of the RMC for Aiken County, South Carolina in Record Book 4021, at Page 1273. Tax Map and Parcel No.: Portion of 002-11-02-034; 002-12-01-033 TOGETHER with all and singular, the rights, members, hereditaments and any and all portion of said property containing and encompassing all of the water lines, sanitary sewer lines, stormwater collection systems, valves, connections and related infrastructure and appurtenances to the said premises belonging, or in any wise, incident or appertaining to. TOGETHER with all curbs, gutters and sidewalks located within the aforesaid right of way of the streets and roadways; all sanitary sewerage collection systems and stormwater collection systems located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat; and a perpetual and non- exclusive easement and right of way for streets, sidewalks, water lines, sanitary sewerage and Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 stormwater collection systems located on the property shown on the aforesaid plat, as well as necessary ingress and egress to reach and enter the aforesaid. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Maintenance Guarantee and Letter of Credit in the amount of$85,000 are hereby accepted. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2016. ITEM 4. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Map Amendment (Application RZM 16-001) — Receipt of Planning Commission Recommendation On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council acknowledged receipt of the report from the Planning Commission that included its recommendation from the February 18, 2016 Planning Commission meeting that followed a duly advertised and convened public hearing. The Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend the request to rezone the +0.51 acres of land located at 495 Ponce De Leon Avenue, Tax Parcel Number 007-14-17-003, from PD, Planned Development, to R-7, Small Lot Single-Family Residential. ITEM 5. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Map Amendment (Application RZM 16-001)— Ordinance, First Reading On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember Carpenter, Council unanimously passed an ordinance on first reading to amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by rezoning +0.51 acres of land located at 495 Ponce De Leon Avenue, Tax Parcel Number 007-14-17-003, from PD, Planned Development, to R-7, Small Lot Single-Family Residential. The ordinance text is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2016-05 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING+0.51 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY VINTSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND LOCATED AT 495 PONCE DE LEON AVENUE, TAX PARCEL NUMBER 007-14-17-003, FROM PD, PLANNED DEVELOPMENT TO R-7, SMALL LOT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.3, North Augusta Development Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan; and Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a February 18, 2016 public hearing, reviewed, considered and approved the amendment to the Zoning Map and recommended said amendment to the City Council for approval. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The property owned by Vintson Construction Company, located at 495 Ponce De Leon Avenue, containing ±0.51 acres, and shown on the map prepared by the City of North Augusta dated January 20, 2016 and attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby rezoned from PD, Planned Development to R-7, Small Lot Single-Family Residential. The subject property is identified by the following Aiken County Tax Map Block and Parcel Number: 007-14-17-003 II. Said property being officially rezoned to the classification R-7, Small Lot Single- Family Residential in accordance with the map attached hereto as Exhibit A, the official Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta is to be so amended. I. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. II. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2016. ITEM 6. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Map Amendment (Application RZM 16-001)— Ordinance, Second Reading On motion by Councilmember Dickert, second by Councilmember Brooks, Council unanimously passed an ordinance on second reading to amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by rezoning ±0.51 acres of land located at 495 Ponce De Leon Avenue, Tax Parcel Number 007-14-17-003, from PD, Planned Development, to R-7, Small Lot Single-Family Residential. Please see Item number 5 above for the ordinance text. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 ITEM 7. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Text Amendment (Application RZT 16-001) — Receipt of Planning Commission Recommendation On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember McDowell, Council unanimously acknowledged receipt of the report from the Planning Commission. that included its recommendation from the February 18, 2016 Planning Commission meeting that followed a duly advertised and convened public hearing. The Planning Commission voted 0-6 to not recommend the request by Robert Rollings to amend Article 3, Zoning Districts, of the North Augusta Development Code by deleting language in Table 3-8 and Section 3.8 related to the Georgia Avenue Overlay District. ITEM 8. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Text Amendment (Application RZT 16-001) — Ordinance, First Reading (NO VOTE)/Tabled On motion by Councilmember Carpenter, second by Mayor Jones, Council considered an ordinance on first reading to amend Article 3, Zoning Districts, related to the deletion of the Georgia Avenue Overlay District, of the North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18, of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances. On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember McGhee, a motion to table the item was made. Voting for the ordinance to be tabled were: Mayor Jones, and Councilmembers Adams, Brooks, Carpenter, and McGhee. Voting against the ordinance to be tabled were: Councilmembers Dickert and McDowell. The motion to table passed with a 5 to 2 vote. There was no first reading vote due to the motion to table. The ordinance text is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2016-06 AMENDING ARTICLE 3, ZONING DISTRICTS, RELATED TO THE DELETION OF THE GEORGIA AVENUE OVERLAY DISTRICT, OF THE NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE, CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA CODE OF ORDINANCES WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code which is consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan and which incorporates all City zoning and land development regulations: and Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 WHEREAS, pursuant to Title 6, Chapter 29 of the South Carolina Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Development Code for the purposes of technical clarification, error correction and to accommodate the needs of the City's citizens, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a February 18, 2016 public hearing, reviewed and considered amendments to Table 3-8 and Section 3.8.4, G, Georgia Avenue Overlay District, in Article 3, Zoning Districts, of the North Augusta Development Code to delete the Georgia Avenue Overlay District and a motion was made to recommend said amendments to the City Council for approval. The motion failed on a 0-6 vote. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of The City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances, Providing for New Zoning and Land Development Regulations for the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, is hereby amended and shall read as described in each of the following sections. The section of the Code affected by each proposed amendment is identified by the section number. A. Line 1 of Table 3-8, Corridor Districts Established, is deleted in its entirety. B. Section 3.8.4, G, Georgia Avenue Overlay District, is deleted in its entirety. II. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2016. ITEM 9. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Text Amendment (Application RZT 16-002) — Receipt of Planning Commission Recommendation On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember Carpenter, Council unanimously acknowledged receipt of the report from the Planning Commission that included its recommendation from the February 18, 2016 Planning Commission meeting that followed a duly advertised and convened public Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 hearing. The Planning Commission voted 0-6 to not recommend the request by Brett Brannon to amend Line 1 of Table 3-8, Corridor Districts Established, in Article 3, Zoning Districts, of the North Augusta Development Code to change the southern boundary of the Georgia Avenue Overlay District from Clifton Avenue to Buena Vista Avenue. ITEM 10. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Text Amendment (Application RZT 16-002)— Ordinance, First Reading On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council unanimously FAILED to pass an ordinance on first reading amending Article 3, Zoning Districts, related to the Southern boundary of the Georgia Avenue Overlay District, of the North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18, of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances. The FAILED ordinance text is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2016-07 - FAILED AMENDING ARTICLE 3, ZONING DISTRICTS, RELATED TO THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY OF THE GEORGIA AVENUE OVERLAY DISTRICT, OF THE NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE, CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA CODE OF ORDINANCES WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code which is consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan and which incorporates all City zoning and land development regulations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Title 6, Chapter 29 of the South Carolina Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Development Code for the purposes of technical clarification, error correction and to accommodate the needs of the City's citizens, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a February 18, 2016 public hearing, reviewed and considered an amendment to Table 3-8 in Article 3, Zoning Districts, of the North Augusta Development Code to change the southern boundary of the Georgia Avenue Overlay District from Clifton Avenue to Buena Vista Avenue and a motion was made to recommend said amendment to the City Council for approval. The motion failed on a 0- 6 vote. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 The North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of The City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances, Providing for New Zoning and Land Development Regulations for the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, is hereby amended and shall read as described in the following section. The section of the Code affected by the proposed amendment is identified by the section number. B. Line 1 of Table 3-8, Corridor Districts Established, is amended to read:. TABLE 3-8 CORRIDOR DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED (REV. 12-19-11; ORD. 2011-16) A B Overlay District Corridor Streets Generally G, Georgia I. Georgia Avenue between Buena Vista Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue Avenue Overlay II. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2016. Due to the failed first reading, there was no second reading. ITEM 11. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Text Amendment (Application RZT 16-003) — Receipt of Planning Commission Recommendation On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember Brooks, Council unanimously acknowledged receipt of the report from the Planning Commission that included its recommendation from the March 4, 2016 Planning Commission. meeting that followed a duly advertised and convened public hearing. The Planning Commission voted 6-1 to recommend the request by North Augusta FORWARD, represented by Charles B. Martin, to amend Section 3.8.4, entitled G, Georgia Avenue Corridor District", in Article 3, Zoning Districts of the North Augusta Corridor District", of the North Augusta Development Code. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 ITEM 12. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Text Amendment (Application RZT 16-003)— Ordinance, First Reading On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council passed an ordinance on first reading to amend Section 3.8.4, G, Georgia Avenue Overlay District, of the North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances. Voting for the ordinance on first reading were: Councilmembers Brooks, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Voting against the ordinance on first reading were: Mayor Jones and Councilmembers Adams and Carpenter. The ordinance passed on first reading with a 4 to 3 vote. It was Council's desire to not have second reading at tonight's meeting. The ordinance text is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2016-08 AMENDING SECTION 3.8.4, G, GEORGIA AVENUE OVERLAY DISTRICT, OF THE NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE, CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA CODE OF ORDINANCES WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code which is consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan and which incorporates all City zoning and land development regulations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Title 6, Chapter 29 of the South Carolina Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Development Code for the purposes of technical clarification, error correction and to accommodate the needs of the City's citizens, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a March 3, 2016 public hearing, reviewed and considered proposed amendments to Section 3.8.4, G, Georgia Avenue Overlay District, in Article 3, Zoning Districts, of the North Augusta Development Code and a motion was made to recommend that said amendments be denied. The motion passed on a 6-1 vote. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of The City of North Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances, Providing for New Zoning and Land Development Regulations for the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, is Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 hereby amended and shall read as described in each the following sections. The section of the Code affected by each proposed amendment is identified by the section number. C. Section 3.8.4, G, Georgia Avenue Overlay District, is amended to read: 3.8.4 G, Georgia Avenue Overlay District Purpose and Findings —The G, Georgia Avenue Overlay District, is designed for that portion of the D, Downtown Mixed Use District, that contains the heart of traditional commercial activity in North Augusta. This overlay is created with an emphasis on maintaining the integrity of the traditional storefront building facades in the area, coordinating parking design and access, and encouraging greater pedestrian activity and use. FIGURE 3-2 GEORGIA AVENUE r ��'''v 1 i• 'k .." 1t ti 7a-7-' .'- ,72 t 1��srrc 1 ,r '+-'' d I }It s,,,' Nil, r ► - �;'' "� O.! ;''.,71-,1:1i t „ ?-- j L d _ t., p} { �a = 1 �.,{� Ica la+Y �L e._ G ....- r•.+� _-alt. ,,.. ��.,„, �^+;ti, :. 4a � 4 '�” k. Georgia Avenue is the focal point of economic and pedestrian activity within the Town Center. Accordingly, a high level of community design is required in order to preserve and to provide a unique, signature gateway into the City, to facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community, to reduce vehicular congestion by encouraging pedestrian trips, and to encourage economic development activity. This district is created with an emphasis on maintaining the integrity of the traditional storefront building facades in the area, coordinating parking design and access, and encouraging greater pedestrian activity and use. The district guidelines bring pedestrian destinations close to the street, provide an interesting environment, and provide a scale appropriate to the speed of persons traveling by foot. The Georgia Avenue Overlay District furthers the following public purposes: a. To protect the unique identity of the area and promote linkages between public, retail, residential, civic and service uses; b. To support and increase pedestrian activity by establishing a uniform "build- to" line, ground floor retail uses and storefront shopping at the street level; c. To provide opportunities for promoting the historic diversity of land uses within the district; d. To provide for urban design features such as lighting, coordinated signage, street furniture and landscaping to provide visual cues that tie the district together; Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 e. To ensure architectural compatibility and aesthetic harmony of structures located on Georgia Avenue between Clifton Avenue and Spring Grove Avenue; f. To protect and promote the appearance and character of Georgia Avenue; g. To encourage infill development by providing relief from parking, transportation capacity and landscaping standards applicable to other parts of the City; and h. To assure respect for the character, integrity, and quality of the built environment of Georgia Avenue without stifling compatible innovative architecture or beneficial economic development. Applicability — This section applies to any lot or parcel within the G, Georgia Avenue Overlay Corridor District as designated on the Official Zoning Map. No building permit shall be issued for development on a lot or parcel within the G District unless the proposed use, establishment or building addresses the guidelines described in this section. These guidelines outlined for the Georgia Avenue Overlay District represent the manner in which the City desires the district to be developed. It is expected that proposed developments, redevelopments, new construction or retrofits should seek to meet as many of the guidelines as feasible for the site or building in question. It is expected that the developer should address each and every applicable guideline in good faith. The extent to which the guidelines are met should determine the appropriateness of the proposed development for approval within the District. Permitted Uses — Within the G, Georgia Avenue Overlay District, all uses permitted in the underlying D, Downtown Mixed Use District are permitted subject to the s guidelines established in this section. This section supplements any other requirements of this Chapter, including any regulations or permissions relating to use, density or design established in the D, Downtown Mixed Use District. In order to promote pedestrian activity and to avoid the impacts of traffic crossing sidewalks, all uses and buildings should conform to the following: a. The first floor (street level) of any multistory building should devote the first floor area to retail, commercial and service uses, as listed below. Such buildings should include said uses along not less than fifty percent (50%) of their street frontage. 1. Convenience Retail 6. General Business Services 2. Food Stores, Bakery Shops 7. Personal Service Establishments 3. Museums, Art Galleries 8. Primary Retail Establishments 4. Restaurants, Bars, Ice 9. Secondary Retail Establishments Cream Parlors 5. Professional Office Uses 10. Movie Theaters b. No new auto oriented uses including auto repair, gasoline service stations and drive through uses should be considered. Such existing uses are permitted and Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 will be allowed to continue. No such nonconforming use shall be resumed if it has been abandoned for a continuous period of sixteen (16) months. c. For purposes of this section, "abandon" or "abandonment" means discontinuance of the nonconforming use regardless of the property owner's intent to relinquish the right to so use the property. A nonconforming use is considered abandoned when: 1. It has been intentionally discontinued, remains idle or unused; 2. Necessary utilities, such as water, sewer or electricity have been discontinued for any reason including a failure to pay fees, rates or other required charges lawfully established by the service provider; or 3. The principal buildings or structures are no longer actively occupied. d. In addition to the uses listed above, residential dwellings should be permitted above the first floor of any building with commercial and/or retail uses on the first floor. e. Uses containing drive-throughs will be allowed if the Director deems appropriate traffic controls are installed. (Rev. 5-21-12; Ord. 2012-08) Development Guidelines — Buildings that line Georgia Avenue should be located and designed so that they provide visual interest and create enjoyable, human-scale spaces. Key objectives include: i. Buildings should be designed to be compatible, in form and proportion, with the traditional and historic pattern of development on the street. ii. Buildings or groups of buildings should include a variety of forms, materials and colors, while maintaining a unified appearance. iii. Buildings should include a richness of architectural detail to help define their scale. iv. Buildings should extend to the back of the sidewalk to create a uniform blockface. Setbacks — Building facades should comply with the following setback standards. Corner lots are deemed to have two (2) frontages and should conform to the setback requirements for both facades. Front Setback — Buildings should be set back a minimum of zero (0) feet and a maximum of five (5) feet from the edge of the right of way. The maximum setback does not apply to the following elements: a. Any area not to exceed fifty percent (50%) or forty (40) lineal feet of frontage, whichever is less, included within a courtyard; and b. Any recessed entryway or outdoor dining area. c. No new doors should swing into the minimum setback, except for emergency exit doors. d. Pedestrian areas, including plazas, street arcades, courtyards and outdoor cafes may be permitted within the sidewalk portion of the public right of way subject to any required encroachment permits or agreements from the City or the South Carolina Department of Transportation. Such areas should be Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 setback a minimum of five (5) feet from the back of the curb and are subject to the provisions of§§4.32 and 4.33. Side Setbacks — Buildings should be set back zero (0) feet from the side property line, except however that the setback may be between five (5) feet and ten (10) feet from the side lot line in order to accommodate a passageway between the street and the alley or a side entrance or a joint courtyard or plaza with an adjacent property. The side setback should not be between zero (0) feet and five (5) feet or more than ten (10) feet. Rear Setbacks — Buildings should be setback a minimum of three (3) feet from the rear property line. However, if parking, loading or vehicular access is provided to the rear of the principal structure, the minimum setback should be ten (10) feet. Accessory buildings, including those on service lanes, should be set back a minimum of three (3) feet from the rear property line. Frontage — There is no minimum or maximum frontage established in these guidelines. However, buildings with large frontages are encouraged to modulate their facades pursuant to § Maximum and Minimum Height—The maximum height shall be as provided for the D, Downtown Mixed Use District in Table 3-3, Dimensional Standards. The minimum height should be twenty-four (24) feet above the elevation of the sidewalk measured from the center of the front property line or two stories, whichever is greater. Building Design— Orientation — Buildings should be oriented to the street. A building is oriented to the street where: a. The setback guidelines established in §, are met. b. Principal entrances to buildings face a street or open to a square, plaza, or sidewalk. c. The principal entrance does not open onto an off-street parking lot. d. All street level uses with sidewalk frontage are furnished with an individual entrance and direct access to the sidewalk in addition to any other access that may be provided. e. Off-street parking does not lie between the building's principal entrance and the street. f. Pedestrian access from the public sidewalk, street right of way, or driveway to the principal structure is provided on a hard surface. Grade— Buildings should be aligned with the finished grade of the street except as otherwise provided herein. The principal entry for a civic use or a civic building may include a stoop, portico, colonnade or a portal. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 Fenestration, Openings, and Storefronts — This section applies to all storefronts and any use other than those described in § This section does not apply to the conversion of a residential building to a commercial use. Facades — Facades facing or visible from Georgia Avenue should include at least four (4) of the following elements: a. A pediment. b. A cornice adjoining the top of the roof or top of the facade. c. Windows in each story above the ground level. Individual window openings should not exceed four (4) feet horizontally and eight (8) feet vertically. Circular, semicircular, and octagonal windows are permitted. d. Architectural treatment to articulate the middle of any two-story building, or the first and second floors of a building exceeding two stories, including molding, a canopy, a transom, or similar elements. e. A recessed entryway consistent with the requirements of§ FIGURE 3-3 FACADES t $ f - = I r, I , vy, A d' a i,, VT' � ru, , ) V 1 ,my tau I +-'1 tse i t t I I , , T' ' '11- 1 t I 'H --- - i - Pli'll. 11V 2 rt t'. of t.9 teol`> ^' , .4,1,,), - .- r."' 't t:;." I 'Y: ti , , -kill'''l 9�. "! _ - Windows — Between sixty percent (60%) and ninety percent (90%) of the length, and at least fifty percent (50%) of the surface, of the first floor street frontage should be in transparent public entrances or windows including retail display windows. Between ten percent (10%) and fifty percent Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 (50%) of the surface of the front facade of each floor above the first floor street frontage should be in transparent windows. FIGURE 3-4 FRONT FACADES r _ �1; 1, 1_..II_I 1 t f �t io -' j°.-=` I, 1,, L, f'=, 1.,...;[ ( i J�I li 115°C11 ly }1 f 11 �./,/ ,s 60% to 90% of the front facade length should be transparent windows or entryways. Building Modulation — Building frontages that face public streets and exceed a width of twenty (20) feet should include vertical piers or other vertical visual elements to break the plane of the building frontage. Such vertical piers or vertical elements should be spaced at uniform or near uniform intervals of fifteen (15) feet to thirty-five (35) feet along the entire building frontage. Vertical visual elements may include entryways, windows, columns, colonnades, or other form of modular fenestration. FIGURE 3-5 BUILDING MODULATION 1 j 1� /a 5....„,- ,_ _,_...._,. _,_, r f'J�...,,, ,,..., ,:.17:.," ,)" = i'r."1:::: , _ _�_:._._.. —---- r -- -.-.. ` \` lrillitimi 1.111!1� r 1 4 ;rA � /�� ,v `' ca ., .,� -..4i.,- "'1.°1'1 � :, , iii , tc. Buildings in downtown North Augusta are modulated by the frequent repetition of windows and storefronts. Entryways — Recessed entryways are permitted in order to provide a sense of entry and to add variety to the streetscape. The floor area of a recessed entryway should not be less than fifteen (15) square feet. Door openings should not exceed six (6) feet horizontally, and ten (10) feet vertically. Overhead doors for loading docks, delivery, and distribution should be permitted only on the rear of the building. Canopies — Canopies, awnings and similar appurtenances are encouraged at the entrances to buildings and in open space areas. Such features Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 may be constructed of rigid or flexible material designed to complement the streetscape of the area. Such features should not obscure the upper stories or a sign panel located above the first floor. Any such feature may extend from the building to within two (2) feet of the back of the curb. Vertical supports for such features are not allowed in the public right of way. No canopy should extend into the public right of way unless any encroachment permit or agreement required by the City, and to the extent required by SCDOT, has been approved and issued. Roof Drainage—Roofs should drain to the rear of the building. Roofs — Roofs should not mask or obscure the architectural features of the front facade such as pediments or cornices. Equipment — Heating and/or air-conditioning mechanical equipment, whether ground level, raised or rooftop, should be screened from view. Garbage receptacles, fuel tanks, electric and gas meters and other unsightly objects should be screened from view. Screened from view means concealed from view from any abutting road or adjacent tract of land by a structure constructed of the same materials as the exterior elevation of the principal structure, and if on or attached to the principal structure front, such structure should be designed to be perceived as an integral part of the building. Wall Materials — Hard surfaced exterior wall materials permitted for downtown buildings include brick, limestone, architectural split-face concrete blocks, parged block, painted brick, stone, terra cotta, stucco, plaster or fiber cementious board siding. Vinyl, wood, plastic, metal, structural or unfinished concrete, painted concrete blocks, and tinted or reflective glass should not be used as the primary exterior finish surface. However, vinyl, wood, plastic, or glass block may be used as accent elements surrounding a doorway or window. Number of Materials — Not more than three (3) materials should be used on the exterior front facade (excluding windows, doorways and awnings). Window Frames — Window frames should be metal, wood or vinyl, and should be painted or vinyl clad. Doors — Doors should be solid or hollow core metal, aluminum, fiberglass or wood, and should be either solid or have glass or louvers. Glass in any door should be transparent or leaded glass. Doorframes should be metal or wood, and should be painted or stained. Solid doors should have raised panels and/or louvers. Fenestration and Openings for Civic Buildings and Uses — Between thirty percent (30%) and ninety percent (90%) of the length, and at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the facade surface, should be in entryways or transparent windows. Solid walls should not exceed twenty (20) feet in length. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 An entryway should not be less than one (1) square foot in size for each thousand (1,000) square feet of ground floor wall area, and in all cases should not be less than fifteen (15) square feet. FIGURE 3-6 FENESTRATION AND OPENINGS FOR CIVIC BUILDINGS ar E '� '.: iii - .; is u n n (i f e 1 7 ]_ 7 'C .• .�a �e C2C7f'7 � 1C.IC1 u a ,� jai c 7 ' `mac , Cnt _ �t�C _ _-1 Mo ,: re 7F,TF- -, `; - ����,����� tha � n .f l • 1=- 1WJ F :, rt--= 1- - 1ftL. • =,F7- 30 fi . -._ ----._ _ A .t, -. ? 2i_ - �1 - - a 25% to 90% of the frontage length should be in windows or entryways. Canopies, Arcades and Awnings for Civic Buildings and Uses — Canopies, arcades, awnings, and similar appurtenances may be constructed over the entrance to any building, and/or over windows subject to the criteria established in § Sign Design and Placement— Applicability — Signs are permitted in accordance with the provisions of Article 13, Signs, unless specified otherwise in this section. (Rev. 2- 21-11; Ord. 2011-01) Freestanding Signs — Freestanding signs are discouraged except as provided below: a. One (1) sign per building may be located in lieu of a canopy sign if a wall or canopy sign does not provide adequate visibility. b. The sign may be located on the sidewalk in the right of way if an encroachment permit or agreement required by the City and SCDOT has been approved and issued. c. The sign should not exceed eight (8) feet in height. d. The pole and base of such signs should be constructed of decorative black, or other approved dark color, metal. No portion of the shaft should have a diameter exceeding ten (10) inches. e. The sign panel or message area should not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 f. The sign should not obstruct or interfere with pedestrian traffic, parking or lines of sight required for traffic safety (sight triangle). (Rev. 5-21-12; Ord. 2012-08) FIGURE 3-7 FREESTANDING SIGN 4;044444A ii Ntr`‘4, ''y Monument Signs — Ground mounted or monument signs are permitted under the following conditions: a. Such signs should not exceed five (5) feet in height and twenty (20) square feet in area. b. Such signs should not be located within the public right of way. c. Such signs should be set back from the right of way no less than one (1) foot. (Rev. 5-21-12; Ord. 2012-08) d. Such signs should not obstruct or interfere with pedestrian traffic, parking or lines of sight required for traffic safety (sight triangle). Wall Signs — Wall signs should be placed in existing architectural sign panels integral to the building facade when such a sign panel exists. Wall signs should have a maximum sign surface on each wall or facade not to exceed seven percent (7%) of the building facade, storefront or wall area to which the sign is attached, up to a maximum of one hundred (100) square feet. The maximum area is measured as a percentage of the wall or facade to which the sign is attached, whichever results in a smaller area. Only those areas of the wall or facade that are visible from the public right of way should be considered in computing this percentage; areas obstructed by adjacent buildings or structures should not be included. (Rev. 2-21-11; Ord. 2011-01) Projecting Signs and Marquee Signs — FIGURE 3-8 A building is permitted one projecting or marquee sign PROJECTING SIGN in addition to a wall sign. A projecting or marquee sign "It should not be permitted if the building employs a +I� freestanding, monument, canopy or awning sign. The V ,� maximum sign surface should not exceed five percent ,a e ee s•° ) (5%) of the building facade or wall area to which the sign is attached, up to a maximum of twenty (20) 4 1 A square feet. The maximum area is measured as a IfirA I 1 11 percentage of the wall or facade to which the sign is Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 attached, whichever results in a smaller area. A minimum overhead clearance of eight (8) feet from the sidewalk should be maintained. Canopy and Awning Signs — A canopy or awning may be used as a sign surface and if used should consider the following factors. a. No wall sign should be included on the same facade. b. The message should not exceed ten (10) inches in height on the fringe or drip- flap portion of a canvas awning. c. The message should not extend in any direction above, below or beyond the canopy edge. d. The message should be an integral part of the canopy or awning covering. e. Signage on the canopy or awning sign should not exceed one-half (`/2) of the area bounded by the edges of the canopy or awning visible from the public right of way. (If the only signage for the building is on the fringe drip-flap portion of the canopy, the entire portion of said area may be utilized for signage.) (Rev. 5-21-12; Ord. 2012-08) Illumination — Signs should not be internally illuminated. Externally illuminated signs and signs in which the letters or graphics are constructed of neon tubing are permitted. Illuminated signs should not be oriented such that the direction and intensity of lighting creates glare or a hazardous condition for drivers or pedestrians. Plastic Signs — Plastic box signs and signs constructed primarily of plastic should not he permitted. Plastic and vinyl lettering are permitted. Window Signs — Window signs should not exceed four (4) square feet per sign nor ten percent (10%) of the window area in which the sign is located, whichever is greater. The total of all window signs should not exceed twenty (20) square feet or five percent (5%) of the area of the front facade, whichever is greater. Window signs should be permanent in nature and should not be constructed of paper or plastic film. Window signs may be painted on the inside of the window. Rigid plastic sheets with paint or vinyl lettering are permitted as window signs. Window signs should not be internally illuminated. Window signs in which the letters or graphics are constructed of neon tubing are permitted. Outdoor Display and Sale — Goods should not be displayed or stored on the exterior of the building except under a porch roof, cave or overhang permanently affixed to the building. Outdoor displays should not restrict free pedestrian movement and a walkway of not less than five (5) feet wide should be maintained between the doorway(s), exit(s) and the public sidewalk. Exterior merchandise displays should not be permitted on the right of way, front or side yards, open porches or other outside areas except for forty-eight (48) hours during permitted special events for no longer than forty-eight (48) hours. Longer term or Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 permanent exterior merchandise displays may be permitted if the outdoor display or sale, or both, is conditionally approved pursuant to §4.34. Utilities and Trash Receptacles — Utility Structures — All new transformer vaults, utility structures, utility service meters, air vents, backflow preventers and any other similar devices, including these facilities when located below grade, should be located behind the front setback or the front facade, whichever is furthest from the front property line. In the event such facilities cannot physically be located in conformance with this section they should be adequately screened to minimize the visual impact. Dumpsters and Roll Carts — Trash receptacles including dumpsters and roll carts and utility equipment should be either located in an alley, or screened so as not to be visible from the public right of way. Off-Street Parking— Principal Use—Parking should not be a principal use. Amount Required —No off-street parking is required for any use. Location — No off-street parking should be located between a principal structure and any street. No surface parking area should adjoin Georgia Avenue. All off-street parking should be located in the rear of buildings. Landscaping — Surface parking areas, including but not limited to all parking for parcels and buildings fronting on Georgia Avenue, shall be subject to the landscaping standards in this section and the requirements of Article 10, Landscaping. Screening — Parking areas should be screened along any road or street right of way with a permanent wall, fence or vegetative screen between thirty (30) and forty-eight (48) inches in height. This subsection does not apply to alley rights of way, structured parking areas, or parking areas that are screened from the view of public streets by buildings. Setbacks — Parking should be set back at least five (5) feet from a property line provided, however, that if the parking lot abuts an alley, no setback is required unless a front or side yard of a residentially used property is located across the alley from the parking lot. Loading — Loading/unloading areas should be located only in the rear of a building or in a side yard behind the front facade of the building. Loading areas should be screened in the same manner as parking areas. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 Surface Treatment — Parking areas should have a paved or other approved hard surface. Ground surface areas not covered with a paved or other approved hard surface should be restricted from parking by signage and curbing, fencing, or other physical barriers. Access — Driveways and access points to public and private parking lots, loading areas and service areas should adhere to the following: a. No new driveways or entrances to parking areas should be permitted from Georgia Avenue except where enclosed on two (2) sides and above by a building (see Figure 3-9). Existing Georgia Avenue driveways should be eliminated wherever possible. b. Driveways providing ingress and egress onto side streets and alleys are preferred. Existing or newly created alleys from a side street are the preferred access drive to parking areas. Only one (1) access point to a parking, loading or service area (other than an alley) should be permitted per block face from any side street adjoining Georgia Avenue. There is no limit on the number of openings or access points from an alley and alleys may function as parking area drive aisles. c. No driveway or access point should exceed twenty (20) feet in width. d. Separation of driveways or access points from an alley, if permitted, should be no less than twenty-four (24) feet. e. No driveway or access point from any public right of way that reduces on- street parking should be permitted except for parking areas that are available for use by the general public. f. The Director and City Engineer must approve all driveways, access points and curb cuts from any public right of way. FIGURE 3-9 ACCESS Li DELj?-1 L.--1 C EE] � �, L ,a dl ti+H , . � r ,/11 IIIIi (.-j, N �1 1 { ,n, 1-- l';"1 .11.iii' 1 C) -'1- 'f'jitlfi! ' Ej-- L-teipl id-, , , F. 1-s, L. i i.". 1; I *Jr ,-..L.--- ------_ _,,;,!1 n:ILL,J,- r.,,,..--_-_ _L- ,3 .,.,.: Example of a main street entryway to a rear parking lot. Landscaping — North Augusta's traditional downtown is characterized by buildings arranged on small lots with buildings typically consuming the entire street frontage at or very close to the property line. Parcels developed or redeveloped with structures or uses that do not consume the entire street frontage or are set back, such as parking, whether landscaped or not, can create undesirable appearances. Accordingly, no landscaping is required for lots or parcels abutting Georgia Avenue except as provided in this section. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 Setbacks — Existing buildings that are set back farther than three (3) feet from the front or side property line should provide a buffer strip along the front or side lot line of the setback area consistent with the landscaping standards contained in Article 10, Landscaping. The buffer strip should be the full width of the setback for setbacks of less than five (5) feet in width, and a full five (5) feet for setbacks exceeding five (5) feet in width. Unpaved Areas — All lot areas not covered by buildings, hard surfaces including entryways, pedestrian plaza areas or paved surfaces should be landscaped. Street Trees and Plantings — One (1) street tree should be planted for every forty (40) feet of street (Georgia Avenue or side street) frontage unless existing trees are in place that meet this standard. At planting, each tree should have a minimum height of six (6) feet and a three (3) inch caliper. Required trees and plantings should be planted on the right of way or in the setback as determined by the Director and Director of Public Works. Parking Lot Landscaping — A minimum of one (1) medium or large shade tree should be planted for every ten (10) parking spaces. Trees should be located in islands interspersed throughout the parking lot. At planting, each tree should have a minimum height of six (6) feet and a two (2) inch caliper. Parking lot islands should cover an area of not less than one hundred twenty-five (125) square feet with no dimension less than nine (9) feet. Comment: The City Code provides in §19-18, Damaging trees, shrubs, etc., along streets: Except as otherwise provided, it shall be unlawful for any person to cut, break, mutilate, deface or in any manner destroy or damage any tree, flower, vine, plant or shrub, or any boxing, pot or other thing provided for the protection thereof in or upon any street, alley, square or sidewalk in the City. Lighting — Lighting should be installed above front entrances to buildings. Lighting sources should provide a minimum of 0.5 foot-candles at the building entrance. All lighting should be directed on-site or onto adjacent walkways and should be shielded from direct off-site viewing. 11. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. 111. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third reading. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 03/07/16 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS _ DAY OF , 2016. There being no further business, Council adjourned. APPROVED THIS 24 DAY OF Respectfully submitted, (Nrlotu. . , 2016. Donna B. Young Lark W. Jones, Mayor