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020116 Coouncil Mtg Mins Adopted
‘ .. 'N r , , Augusta south Carolina's Riverfront MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 1, 2016 Lark W. Jone s, Mayor James M. Adams, Jr., Councilmember J. Robert Brooks, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Fletcher L. Dicker!, Councilmember Kenneth J. McDowell, Councilmember David W. McGhee, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of February 1, 2016, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Jones at 7:05 p.m. and adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Per Section 30-4-80(e) notice of the meeting by email was sent out to the current maintained "Agenda Mailout" list consisting of news media outlets and individuals or companies requesting notification. Notice of the meeting was also posted on the outside doors of the Municipal Center, the main bulletin board of the Municipal Center located on the first floor, and the City of North Augusta website. Mayor Jones rendered the invocation and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Mayor Jones and Councilmembers Adams, Brooks, Carpenter, Dickert, McDowell, and McGhee. Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; Kelly F. Zier, City Attorney; Cammie T. Hayes, Director of Finance; Richard L. Meyer, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism; Scott L. Sterling, Director of Planning and Development; John C. Thomas, Director of Minutes of Regular Meeting of 02/01/16 Public Safety; Thomas C. Zcaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works; James E. Sutton, Director of Public Services; Diana H. Miller, Manager of Human Resources; and Donna B. Young, City Clerk. The minutes of the regular and study session meetings of January 4, 2016, and the special called meeting minutes of January 19, 2016, were approved by general consent. ITEM 1. CITY PROPERTY: Authorization of the Sale of Real Estate as Shown on a Plat Prepared by K. L. Wise Surveyor, Dated June 10, 1954, Known as 499 Brookside Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina — Ordinance, Third and Final Reading On motion by Councilmember Carpenter, second by Councilmember Brooks, Mayor and Council unanimously adopted on third and final reading an ordinance authorizing the sale of real estate as shown on a plat prepared by K. L Wise, Surveyor, dated June 10, 1954, and known as 499 Brookside Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina. Please see the minutes of January 4. 2016, for the ordinance text. ITEM 2. BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: Appointments — Recommendations by Mayor Upon the recommendation and motion of Mayor Jones, and second by Councilmember McDowell, Council unanimously approved the appointments for the following Boards and Commissions by acclamation. Name Term Expires New/Reappointment Building Codes Board of Adjustments and Appeals Danny Geddes 1/31/20 New Forrest McKie 1/31/20 Reappointment Municipal Election Commission Ben Watson 1/31/22 Reappointment Planning Commission Isen Carter 1/31/20 Reappointment Briton Williams 1/31/20 New Parks. Recreation, and Tourism Commission Nan Burns 1/31/20 Reappointment Tom Dunaway 1/31/20 New Minutes of Regular Meeting of 02/01/16 ITEM 3. FINANCE: Memorandum of Understanding Between Aiken County, South Carolina, and the City of North Augusta, South Carolina Related to the Provision of Services by the Aiken County Treasurer and Auditor Utilizing Spaces at the North Augusta Municipal Building—Resolution On motion by Mayor :Jones, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council unanimously passed a resolution authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding between Aiken County, South Carolina, and the City of North Augusta, South Carolina related to the provision of services by the Aiken County Treasurer and Auditor utilizing space at the North Augusta Municipal Building. The resolution text is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2016-03 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN AIKEN COUNTY AND THE CITY RELATED To THE PROVISION OF SERVICES BY THE AIKEN COUNTY TREASURER AND AUDITOR UTILIZING SPACE AT THE NORTH AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL BUILDING WHEREAS, as a result of discussions between representatives of the City and Aiken County, a determination has been made that it would be advantageous to citizens of North Augusta as well as citizens of Aiken County within the North Augusta area that a satellite office for the Aiken County Auditor and Treasurer be located in the North Augusta Municipal Building; and, WHEREAS. the City and County have discussed and negotiated a Memorandum of Understanding that will allow for the establishment of this offsite satellite service office on a trial basis; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council have determined that it is in the City's best interest that this arrangement be pursued on a trial/temporary basis; NOW Ti II REFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof that the City is authorized to enter into the attached Memorandum of Understanding between Aiken County and the City of North Augusta concerning the placement of a satellite office for the County Treasurer and County Auditor in the North Augusta Municipal Building; and, Be it further resolved that City Administrator is authorized to execute the Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the City and arrange for the provision of facilities as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS THE DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2016. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 02/01/16 ITEM 4. JUSTICE AND LAW: Municipal Judge Appointment On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember Carpenter, Council unanimously approved the reappointment of Thomas P. Murphy as Municipal Judge for North Augusta for a four-year term of office commencing February 1, 2016, and expiring January 31, 2020. Thomas P. Murphy was first appointed on January 4, 1983. ITEM 5. PUBLIC UTILITIES: Authorization to the City to Commence a Backyard Composting Program and Establishing Costs Related to the Purchase of Compost Bins - Resolution On motion by Councilmember McDowell, second by Councilmember Brooks, Council unanimously passed a resolution authorizing the City of North Augusta to commence a backyard composting program and establishing costs related to the purchase of compost bins. The resolution text is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2016-04 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO COMMENCE A BACKYARD COMPOSTING PROGRAM AND ESTABLISHING COSTS RELATED TO THE PURCHASE OF COMPOST BINS WHEREAS, the City has received a solid waste reduction grant from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control which has provided the City with 250 compost bins for utilization in such program; and, WHEREAS, the compost bins were delivered to the City on December 11, 2015; and, WHEREAS, the grant also included $2,000.00 to promote a new residential backyard composting program; and, WHEREAS, the objective of the program is to offer sanitation customers additional ways to recycle food and yard waste, that would otherwise be disposed of in landfills; and, WHEREAS, the grant requires that the proceed from the sale of the bins that are provided as part of the grant are to be used to purchase additional bins to sell to sanitation customers that are interested in composting; and, WHEREAS, the retail cost of such bins, at the present time, would be approximately $100.00 to customers; and, WHEREAS it is the intent of the Public Services Department to sell the 250 bins that have been provided at a cost of $35.00 per bin to encourage persons to take part in this program; and, Minutes of Regular Meeting of 02/01/16 WHEREAS, the mayor and City Council have determined that this is a project that should be pursued by the City; and, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina as follows: 1 . The Director of Public Services is authorized to institute a composting program through his department in accordance with the requirements associated with the grant provided to the City by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control; 2. The sale of the 250 composting bins provided by the grant at the price of $35.00 each is authorized. 3. Following the utilization of the 250 bins received as part of the grant, the Department is authorized to purchase additional bins, utilizing the proceeds from the sale of the initial bins. 4. That the bins sold to the customers, following the utilization of all of the bins from the grant, shall be sold at a price not to exceed the actual cost to the City for such bins. 5. This resolution provides for the use of funds generated by the sale of the original bins provided by the grant, as well as the $2,000.00 included as part of the grant. 6. No additional funds, other than those identified above are authorized to be spent by the City relative to this program unless additional funds are hereafter provided for pursuant to the annual City budget. 7. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. DONE. RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS THE DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2016. ITEM 6. PUBLIC UTILITIES: Memorandum of Understanding for Membership in the Savannah River Clean Water Fund — Resolution/Motion to Table On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember Dickert, Council tabled this item until more information could be given to Council at a future study session date. ITEM 7. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Map Amendment (Application RZT 1.5-005) — Receipt of Planning Commission Recommendation On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember McDowell, Council acknowledged receipt of the report from the Planning Commission that included its recommendation from the January 21, 2016 Planning Commission meeting that followed a duly advertised and convened public hearing. The Planning Minutes of Regular Meeting of 02/01/16 Commission voted 3-2 to recommend the request to rezone the +.70 acres property located at 1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue from R-14, Large Lot, Single-Family Residential, to R-10, Medium Lot Single-Family Residential. ITEM 8. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Map Amendment (Application RZT 15-005) —Ordinance, First Reading On motion by Councilmember McDowell, second by Mayor Jones, Council considered an ordinance on first reading to amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by rezoning +0.70 acres of land owned by Joseph S. and Christina D. Mondy and located at 1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue, tax parcel numbers 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012, from R-14, large lot single- family residential to R-10, medium lot single-family residential. During the discussion below, City Attorney, Kelly Zier, advised that no contract zoning is allowed. Citizen Comments were made by the following individuals. In Favor: Glenn Thompson, 444 Shoreline Drive, North Augusta, South Carolina In Opposition: Kathy Lynn, 1 1 12 Carolina Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina David Harris, 124 West Arlington Heights, North Augusta, South Carolina Barbara Coleman, 812 Carolina Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina Brad Nichols, 116 West Arlington Heights, North Augusta, South Carolina Mr. Nichols presented cr petition that will be made a part of the minutes. Brenda Skipper, 114 West Arlington Heights, North Augusta, South Carolina Terry Turner, 118 West Arlington Heights, North Augusta, South Carolina Paul Brewer, 812 Carolina Avenue, North Augusta, South Carolina Katherine Ivy, 117 West Arlington Heights, North Augusta, South Carolina Ms. Ivy also voiced concerns about the way the Planning Commission meeting was conducted. Beverly Nichols, 116 West Arlington Heights, North Augusta, South Carolina James Burid, 1011 Hampton Terrace, North Augusta, South Carolina Alr. Burid also voiced concerns about the way the Planning Commission meeting was conducted and the vote. The Vote Council voted to unanimously disapprove the ordinance on first reading amending the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by rezoning +0.70 acres of land owned by Joseph S. and Christina D. Mondy and Minutes of Regular Meeting of02/01/16 located at 1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue, tax parcel numbers 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012, from R-14, large lot single-family residential to R-10, medium lot single-family residential. There was no second reading of the ordinance because it failed on first reading. The disapproved ordinance text is as follows: bailed 0/7 vote on first reading 2/1/16 ORDINANCE NO. 2016-03 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING ±0.70 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY JOSEPH S. AND CHRISTINA D. MONDY AND LOCATED AT 1003 AND 1007 CAROLINA AVENUE, TAX PARCEL NUMBERS 007-06-16-011 AND 007-06-16-012, FROM R-14, LARGE LOT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO R-10, MEDIUM LOT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.3, North Augusta Development Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a January 21, 2016 public hearing, reviewed, considered and approved an amendment to the Zoning Map and recommended said amendment to the City Council for approval. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The property owned by Joseph S. and Christina D. Mondy, located at 1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue, containing ±0.70 acres, and shown on the map prepared by the City of North Augusta dated December 31, 2015 and attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby rezoned from R-14, Large Lot Single-Family Residential to R-I0, Medium Lot Single-Family Residential. The subject property is identified by the following Aiken County Tax Map Block and Parcel Numbers: 007-06-16-011 007-06-16-012 II. Said property being officially rezoned to the classification R-10, Medium Lot Single-Family Residential in accordance with the map attached hereto as Exhibit A, the official Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta is to be so amended. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 02/01/16 All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. II. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2016. ITEM 9. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Map Amendment (Application RZT 15-006) — Receipt of Planning Commission Recommendation On motion by Mayor Jones, second by Councilmember Carpenter, Council acknowledged receipt of the report from the Planning Commission that included its recommendation from the January 21, 2016 Planning Commission meeting that followed a duly advertised and convened public hearing. The Planning Commission voted 4-0 to recommend the request to rezone the +1.10 acres of land located west of West Martintown Road, Tax Parcel Number 002-08-03-027, from R-7, Small Lot, Single-Family Residential, to OC, Office Commercial. ITEM 10. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Map Amendment (Application RZT 15-006) — Ordinance, First Reading On motion by Councilmember Carpenter, second by Councilmember Brooks, Council unanimously passed an ordinance on first reading to amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by rezoning +1.10 acres of land located west of West Martintown Road, Tax Parcel Number 002-08-03-027 from R-7, Small lot single-family residential to OC, Office Commercial. Prior to the vote, John L. Donaldson, President of Regent Healthcare Development, LLC, made a brief presentation to Mayor and Council. ORDINANCE NO. 2016-04 TO AMEND THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA BY REZONING +1.10 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY KCK PROPERTIES, LLC AND LOCATED WEST OF WEST MARTINTOWN ROAD, TAX PARCEL NUMBER 002-08-03-027, FROM R-7. SMALL LOT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO OC, OFFICE COMMERCIAL WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code and a citywide Zoning Map which is consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan; and Minutes of Regular Meeting 01'02/01/16 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 5.3, North Augusta Development Code, the North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Zoning Map, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a January 21, 2016 public hearing, reviewed, considered and approved an amendment to the Zoning Map and recommended said amendment to the City Council for approval. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I1. The property owned by KCK Properties, LLC, located west of West Martintown Road, containing ±1.10 acres. and shown on the map prepared by the City of North Augusta dated December 31, 2015 and attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby rezoned from R-7, Small Lot Single-Family Residential to OC, Office Commercial. The subject property is identified by the following Aiken County Tax Map Block and Parcel Number: 002-08-03-027 II. Said property being officially rezoned to the classification OC, Office Commercial in accordance with the map attached hereto as Exhibit A, the official Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta is to be so amended. III. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. IV. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third and final reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA. SOU'T'H CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 016. — — ITEM 11. ZONING: North Augusta Development Code, Proposed Map Amendment (Application RZT 15-006) — Ordinance, Second Reading On motion by Mayor .Zones, second by Councilmember McGhee, Council unanimously passed an ordinance on second reading to amend the Zoning Map of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina by rezoning ±1.10 acres of land located west of West Martintown Road, Tax Parcel Number 002-08-03-027 from R-7, Small lot single-family residential to OC, Office Commercial. Please see Item number 10 above for the ordinance text. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 02/01/16 There being no further business, Council adjourned. APPROVED THIS 15 DAY OF Respectfully submitted, . 2016. Donna B. Young Lark W. Jones, May Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols, owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R'14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R-10, Single Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. '—Name Address Phone Number ' Owner/ ' Signature Renter? . "j7 64/S- 45-".--16'/-S c/-5-r 0;-,.1" .■.-)Z /c - - 672(e: i;.- '.4_,(/ ///a grhn,hid kIimz.:_L vs,;,29,3_579d, gevi .„,,,,./ .4.1,-,,..6..,,,,,d--,,e..,i 12ciJ,laii br. N ik, scaction T03.;'19.9J-015.5 )ren+ ,-.7;7*,,ViiA/ 17=6/4,1, .a, kreiti, ) \\k---r in LA) . Ilti...',Lit■-,(1.)vcii ) tAre- IVA 5/0 )5(.-,77(d1 OLO•i '.. " - ..)_, 71i;O_AIL 6"0 Liyiel5 /Li&Si In6r5hau ieve. (..i3 )(.,-.1 -4..)3 5 OLLA ek te ' wit a s,c fer L6-4,--rf .;..0' W 4',921liv roiv41 tea 7C/6-;-q30 -71 opimont 4A./ /L g:‘1"41, ( /0 U/ frte/trA-4cPZielc 666 6:3 a 7,./-- eoy, 6,-ez-x.e..4._. 7,44d), _y , . _..ozv.,-=, . v~. '^°'`'` 'v'' ",x~�' � '~o "= °n' ""61,''' `'���t ' `~ ' '°, "*, w'v/ r�1� ���' . ' ° ~� ` --_' ��- -- / ��� —0 Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols, owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012(1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R'10, Single Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. We,the undersigned, acknowledge that the Property owners have the right to build one single family home and one accessory structure on each of their two respective lots; however, do hereby request that the North Augusta City Council deny the rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue)from R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R-10, Medium Lot, Single Family Residential to for the following reasons: 1) Lot sizes of 10,120 SF,as being proposed by the applicant, Glen F Thompson, are out of character with surrounding lots sizes which average 18,725 SF. The two existing lots that are a part of this rezoning petition are currently 15,180 SF, which is below average of the lots in the immediate surrounding area. 2) Although, R-7 zoning exists on lots in the immediate area with minimum lot size 7,000 SF, across W Arlington Heights, to the south, and across Carolina Avenue, to the west,those R-7 lots are considerably larger than the R-1O lots of 10,120 SF being proposed as part of the zoning petition;the nearby R-7 lot size average is 17,482 SF. 3) No other R'10 zoning exists on adjacent lots, or in the immediate area, and this would, therefore, be spot zoning. 4) The applicant further stated that the three lots would share one driveway which would enter and exit on W Arlington Heights, a road which is often used as a cut-through from Carolina Avenue to Georgia Avenue,and which is considered, by the residents who live there,to already be very congested with vehicles that drive at a high rate of speed. Adding additional and concentrated traffic from three new homes would add approximately 30 plus traffic tr/psperdaytoaveryact/veres)denda| stoeet. 5) Planning Commission members and staff at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting were quick to note that an accessory structure could be located on each of the three newly created lots, if the zoning is approved, thereby potentially creating six new residential structures (and approximately 60 traffic trips per day). 6) Although the applicant stated at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting that he would build homes similar in style to those in the surround area,the developer cannot be held to a particular building style if the zoning is approved as there is no city design review committee. 7) 6 surrounding residents spoke against the rezoning at the January 21,2016 Planning Commission meeting requesting denial of the rezoning petition; however,due to a duplicate-opinion-prohibition by the Planning Commissioner, most of the 25 attendees did not speak. Address Phone Number Owner/ Signature Renter? ir r"-___411air 441111461 WM 4 Ababa (0 , . Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols, owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R-14, Large Lot,Single Family Residential to R'1U, 5ing|e Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. We,the undersigned, acknowledge that the Property owners have the right to build one single family home and one accessory structure on each of their two respective lots; however, do hereby request that the North Augusta City Council deny the rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue)from R-14, Large Lot, Single Fanmi|yResidentia|toR'1O' MediurnLot' SinQ\eFanni|yResidentia|tofo,thefo||om/in8reasons: 1) Lot sizes of 10,120 SF,as being proposed by the applicant, Glen F Thompson, are out of character with surrounding lots sizes which average 18,725 SF. The two existing lots that are a part of this rezoning petition are currently 15,180 SF, which is below average of the lots in the immediate surrounding area. 2) Although, R-7 zoning exists on lots in the immediate area with minimum lot size 7,000 SF, across W Arlington Heights,to the south, and across Carolina Avenue,to the west,those R-7 lots are considerably larger than the R-10 lots of 10,120 SF being proposed as part of the zoning petition; the nearby R-7 lot size average is 17,482 SF. 3) No other R'10 zoning exists on adjacent lots,or in the immediate area, and this would,therefore, be spot zoning. 4) The applicant further stated that the three lots would share one driveway which would enter and exit on W Arlington Heights, a road which is often used as a cut-through from Carolina Avenue to Georgia Avenue, and which is considered, by the residents who live there,to already be very congested with vehicles that drive at a high rate of speed. Adding additional and concentrated traffic from three new homes would add approximately 30 plus traffic trips per day to a very active residential street. 5) Planning Commission members and staff at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting were quick to note that an accessory structure could be located on each of the three newly created lots, if the zoning is approved, thereby potentially creating six new residential structures(and approximately 60 traffic trips per day). 6) Although the applicant stated at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting that he would build homes similar in style to those in the surround area,the developer cannot be held to a particular building style if the zoning is approved as there is no city design review committee. 7) 6 surrounding residents spoke against the rezoning at the January 21,2016 Planning Commission meeting requesting denial of the rezoning petition; however,due to a duplicate-opinion-prohibition by the Planning Commissioner,most of the 25 attendees did not speak. Name Address Phone Number Owner/ Signature Renter? / 1 � /1 ��� H���*�c /�( �°r�/.'�� ^ .ve vo'3 4'7L,3 ri CL.„,,,,,N. ` 8, . /Ok- /i n (._`°. (���LA/ ()`^/d '/' (1-al-c(yr1 itch te / ib� Con ���. \�� 'R7�-/sg4 Dw�r q/4- p~~~\ i 6 C 8i 0 0/0112K "- 0<,"�* /ty/�— -y3 � �7 ��^ 7 o (�4_vd / ��, ' /���'-« ���i-2-����7]'�//} Cuu7 t r , -ZY'e v 6 43� 9�,/ /^�n^~"/IliC� 4��- �qP��-al�3'^/75�0 />�//7e4 ~ 'x - �m* ��T�li�° ' Soi M/�—b'7~�-1�7t, • •:� ' i q�w_er17-pcirk4 atmo\__ ,, / _~_ i q\Lv - Fr,-;'' 279 °II C A-■.4 Cr:1%-i Le ,5C 3 2,-14 ���' m�� � � - ' //�� /�� � �8 , ,r u»J/ 2/L ~ /�e��T— // �7 t/r5vL / ,^ 3 - - / y1LP m ' - «�; '\ 'ck�e\ f�' \\�/ q/� ' '�^� A~«� �0�-�� . -��� 1 ' u� ^/ /� . - .` . . ' ~—' , . � . _ Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols,owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R-10, Single Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. We,the undersigned, acknowledge that the Property owners have the right to build one single family home and one accessory structure on each of their two respective lots; however, do hereby request that the North Augusta City Council deny the rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue)from R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R-10, Medium Lot, Single Family Residential to for the following reasons: 1) Lot sizes of 10,120 SF, as being proposed by the applicant, Glen F Thompson, are out of character with surrounding lots sizes which average 18,725 SF. The two existing lots that are a part of this rezoning petition are currently 15,180 SF,which is below average of the lots in the immediate surrounding area. 2) Although, R-7 zoning exists on lots in the immediate area with minimum lot size 7,000 SF, across W Arlington Heights, to the south, and across Carolina Avenue, to the west,those R-7 lots are considerably larger than the R-10 lots of 10,120 SF being proposed as part of the zoning petition;the nearby R-7 lot size average is 17,482 SF. 3) No other R-10 zoning exists on adjacent lots, or in the immediate area, and this would, therefore, be spot zoning. 4) The applicant further stated that the three lots would share one driveway which would enter and exit on W Arlington Heights,a road which is often used as a cut-through from Carolina Avenue to Georgia Avenue, and which is considered, by the residents who live there,to already be very congested with vehicles that drive at a high rate of speed. Adding additional and concentrated traffic from three new homes would add approximately 30 plus traffic trips per day to a very active residential street. 5) Planning Commission members and staff at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting were quick to note that an accessory structure could be located on each of the three newly created lots, if the zoning is approved, thereby potentially creating six new residential structures (and approximately 60 traffic trips per day). 6) Although the applicant stated at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting that he would build homes similar in style to those in the surround area, the developer cannot be held to a particular building style if the zoning is approved as there is no city design review committee. 7) 6 surrounding residents spoke against the rezoning at the January 21,2016 Planning Commission meeting requesting denial of the rezoning petition; however,due to a duplicate-opinion-prohibition by the Planning Commissioner, most of the 25 attendees did not speak. Name Address Phone Number Owner/ Signature Renter? lie/4/.4 .,4C 1/x+11 d/ `jC 3y/�L /�/�it'� 9,12 8473,a7/5- -tot- 4!_!_ / _ ..... ... _ 5.. t.. %- It . > M £D 79. L/y74 1 a ()/ /-t4- 6r4 e4)trAqs)d(440 _ fie n! 1 4 hi 4 1`�-.5;,5/'x/.c( C.c'c/e. io 3 w 13 f'//:.2 C w11..t -? p i " 8,m,/ , 1/el 7ircc C"zi yf-'1q-P1 f_f - if' / �'4 ?( ..z / ' �L (,i.� 5/ 3,` `.` - 'V ,//4 l z J C`�.t L 71;' �f[T.. ._ +G / 7`l'f( . -,774' �. __ ✓ � �' / ''t/( 4 )41? (` -it- % 7 �r-1 /�`J f of ItL- . .t. I 1 —._ ,t c,�- 4.41,1,e e_ t\ L-'54 v,) ez y03--,31 7 1 ✓ z+-- Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols, owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012(1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R-10, Single Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. We,the undersigned, acknowledge that the Property owners have the right to build one single family home and one accessory structure on each of their two respective lots; however, do hereby request that the North Augusta City Council deny the rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue)from R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R-10, Medium Lot, Single Family Residential to for the following reasons: 1) Lot sizes of 10,120 SF, as being proposed by the applicant, Glen F Thompson, are out of character with surrounding lots sizes which average 18,725 SF. The two existing lots that are a part of this rezoning petition are currently 15,180 SF,which is below average of the lots in the immediate surrounding area. 2) Although, R-7 zoning exists on lots in the immediate area with minimum lot size 7,000 SF, across W Arlington Heights, to the south, and across Carolina Avenue,to the west,those R-7 lots are considerably larger than the R-10 lots of 10,120 SF being proposed as part of the zoning petition;the nearby R-7 lot size average is 17,482 SF. 3) No other R-10 zoning exists on adjacent lots, or in the immediate area, and this would,therefore, be spot zoning. 4) The applicant further stated that the three lots would share one driveway which would enter and exit on W Arlington Heights, a road which is often used as a cut-through from Carolina Avenue to Georgia Avenue, and which is considered, by the residents who live there,to already be very congested with vehicles that drive at a high rate of speed. Adding additional and concentrated traffic from three new homes would add approximately 30 plus traffic trips per day to a very active residential street. 5) Planning Commission members and staff at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting were quick to note that an accessory structure could be located on each of the three newly created lots, if the zoning is approved, thereby potentially creating six new residential structures (and approximately 60 traffic trips per day). 6) Although the applicant stated at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting that he would build homes similar in style to those in the surround area,the developer cannot be held to a particular building style if the zoning is approved as there is no city design review committee. 7) 6 surrounding residents spoke against the rezoning at the January 21, 2016 Planning Commission meeting requesting denial of the rezoning petition; however, due to a duplicate-opinion-prohibition by the Planning Commissioner, most of the 25 attendees did not speak. Name Address Phone Number Owner/ Signature Renter? 414411:1-10,0" %!yq 57 .L/4-v�[+ri ,Nig S(2* G 3'279-3 0(1 g G�c."4.n�C D,. _ I 47,--- v ,. 1,, Zia .M;i'/ 5,,„,,, z,,,. eyi,,,C �3- z1p- 2?y) O n�Y ,/- , ,�) ?I, etg .3y ✓i d IS 5,5-.41,......, v7 3 D1„"j/0 i,lG 'Z L ✓Hr✓ f'� —_"-- e Al tY n Ike J '} 5/..7k0ll`nP/ LW),SC 21 Pict' &'V`S7c ,,'/GZ U)'.9--,_ , 4.t�-P='C? ? .tin:. B-e. l I -1 /1 in�c rv1 L1I7d Or 70 - 29-r/ CI-Le-pi c _e3,. .0 hcrlcs� 601 71? Ind,A,, M©L:'A Dr. ?O6 4,1 1 -coat e;,.-ner i 4 { L kt i Q c,, .1v4kr.A MI<� 'ju '7L-(- 4,9-4IIZ °[...,2 1),CLJ'l& Aufph &j, 3 per, ;11 Ri lV4`�,2940 sgo;-27q-iCr5ct owner v ., <lor,c iic /Mow,h' 6,30 t nccn .a tU�4 s. f 3 g5uf3 ,c c g� V. L --__ _,. a 67S tJtCr'‘).-1\ A n n Z. H SIS i . --/L Alice Goldman ci 12, v.fe Ave nut Ki R Sa 9o3 ,Ail`1 -l`I`t(0W,,,er- L , ,a-a-41w.._ kix t A,Ip L/LI L-/ Sa >t ,.%r 1cw /)l Nil'SC ; LT a Alvg Da,z t, r}7 ,..�:ti G (;(<-_,4 --' I ';�, t 0- ) 5 M lit sk,y U U� . ` Off- ;�s�1. .y3 o a►1e( Avl f'tit ,a c,, ,,4,, , (.05 UM 4.t �L-77 ] 5 IC`}� 0,T,, ) 1,/i' Vii' 'a 4, cvt9 I) vil > l )7j-1 ,..,; �t S 5.3(2/ L,U .,-') v- , lam__ I5 ' Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols,owner 116W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R-14, Large Lot, Single Fami|yResidentia|toR'1O' Gn8|e Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. We,the undersigned, acknowledge that the Property owners have the right to build one single family home and one accessory structure on each of their two respective lots; however, do hereby request that the North Augusta City Council denytherezonin0of0O7'O6'16'O11and007'O6'1G'81I (10O2and1OO7CaroUnaAvenue)fronnR'14, Lar8eLot, 3ing|e Family Residential to R-10, Medium Lot, Single Family Residential to for the following reasons: 1) Lot sizes of 10,120 SF, as being proposed by the applicant, Glen F Thompson, are out of character with surrounding lots sizes which average 18,725 SF. The two existing lots that are a part of this rezoning petition are currently 15,180 SF, which is below average of the lots in the immediate surrounding area. 2) Although, R-7 zoning exists on lots in the immediate area with minimum lot size 7,000 SF, across W Arlington Heights, to the south, and across Carolina Avenue,to the west,those R-7 lots are considerably larger than the R-10 lots of 10,120 SF being proposed as part of the zoning petition;the nearby R-7 lot size average is 17,482 SF. 3) No other R-10 zoning exists on adjacent lots, or in the immediate area, and this would,therefore, be spot zoning. 4) The applicant further stated that the three lots would share one driveway which would enter and exit on W Arlington Heights, a road which is often used as a cut-through from Carolina Avenue to Georgia Avenue,and which is considered, by the residents who live there,to already be very congested with vehicles that drive at a high rate of speed. Adding additional and concentrated traffic from three new homes would add approximately 30 plus traffic trips per day to a very active residential street. 5) Planning Commission members and staff at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting were quick to note that an accessory structure could be located on each of the three newly created lots, if the zoning is approved, thereby potentially creating six new residential structures (and approximately 60 traffic trips per day). 6) Although the applicant stated at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting that he would build homes similar in style to those in the surround area,the developer cannot be held to a particular building style if the zoning is approved as there is no city design review committee. 7) 6 surrounding residents spoke against the rezoning at the January 21,2016 Planning Commission meeting requesting denial of the rezoning petition; however, due to a duplicate-opinion-prohibition by the Planning /� Commissioner, most of th 25 attendees did not speak. u ,/�� ------ \\ Name Address Phone Number (PAynerl--,)Signature ^~ \J ` ~~s~~—~~—~~~rj^ ~-^ 7 -744+4_ 1.,k/ctn. K.2,112,t-W , C;(?)eR,04's-fA,Le, A c- C. i‘ k, r ,;, „,,_5_, )1fail ,-111 , -7,,,i,„ /1,111?`',e ii-/ / •C 2 ,:„..) k,,..? ,u,c TG' ' -,:,?-1/4/--cir 0 .1-1.),V f,. kw 7/,/// A..;-- . � c� � ~7 Date: February 1,2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols,owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012(1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R-14, Large Lot,Single Family Residential to R-10, Single Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. Name Address Phone Number Owner/ Signature -... Renter? 17/ir�jF�/ s�! 9G� C��-sz� �' a 3U,� �/.16°' lz/.-u . e: L ;_ P.3. 70.7-2 / 2•2 i..; v1 n1.1 4..-�e b e-) 1.'7 V 4•-t---1 C.G3 J C�/ 6 i_�� �� ._ —7 OWN (`iii+; �fti ,� t d 4' -5 6 .r •••••-17" •�f:vi , ' 2 3 7 c i.= III -'L-Z-c- dl AIIIMEMIPMEZHaffig' 6 e 6 . 7 ?- 4 , r1 > I! 1ar-Mr 061 4 l uz f 4,4-Aer , IZ C ' SOIC -`131- n)6 ? M 4Pl ;L ra ? fA ii f ((G e!cxr—c1■H& 4. 1" lG5.' 71i--,v. r�'C ui,A, c „, ,L‘fi7) l0 ' Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols, owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012(1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R'14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R'10, Single Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. We,the undersigned, acknowledge that the Property owners have the right to build one single family home and one accessory structure on each of their two respective lots; however, do hereby request that the North Augusta City Council deny the rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue)from R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R'10, Medium Lot,Single Family Residential to for the following reasons: 1) Lot sizes of 10,120 SF,as being proposed by the applicant, Glen F Thompson, are out of character with surrounding lots sizes which average 18,725 SF. The two existing lots that are a part of this rezoning petition are currently 15,180 SF,which is below average of the lots in the immediate surrounding arep. 2) Although, R-7 zoning exists on lots in the immediate area with minimum lot size 7,000 SF, across W Arlington Heights, to the south, and across Carolina Avenue, to the west,those R-7 lots are considerably larger than the R-10 lots of 10,120 SF being proposed as part of the zoning petition;the nearby R-7 lot size average is 17,482 SF. 3) No other R-10 zoning exists on adjacent lots, or in the immediate area, and this would, therefore, be spot zoning. 4) The applicant further stated that the three lots would share one driveway which would enter and exit on W Arlington Heights, a road which is often used as a cut-through from Carolina Avenue to Georgia Avenue, and which is considered, by the residents who live there,to already be very congested with vehicles that drive at a high rate of speed. Adding additional and concentrated traffic from three new homes would add approximately 30 plus traffic trips per day to a very active residential street. 5) Planning Commission members and staff at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting were quick to note that an accessory structure could be located on each of the three newly created lots, if the zoning is approved, thereby potentially creating six new residential structures (and approximately 60 traffic trips per day). 6) Although the applicant stated at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting that he would build homes similar in style to those in the surround area, the developer cannot be held to a particular building style if the zoning is approved as there is no city design review committee. 7) 6 surrounding residents spoke against the rezoning at the January 21,2016 Planning Commission meeting requesting denial of the rezoning petition; however,due to a duplicate-opinion-prohibition by the Planning Commissioner, most of the 25 attendees did not speak. Name Address Phone Number Ovvner / Signature Renter? jqr SitaViaNierif or aft, ' ria (fn/4X q4 0-Xi/14 44.44 �� ���-rr2� u��^� /' � / mum .$7.- '1 Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols,owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R-14, Large Lot,Single Family Residential to R-10, Single Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. Name Address Phone Number Owner/ Signature Renter? 11‘ Y\f\o,N ().14,,) ov.,& ri 41 Lf v\..om, w\vAiL04, cp-,JelS 6,W/ilk/ 2 i4P5', nye () , 114,,f !' 2_7 i _( L4 okrA,ow' Dc%tibla-( 4( ;7. EIZ-U05— v, -r- " ak%.1 Nl.i0(,1/44°(1 u4 Gsiv-'51 4,Lit; 5-7-/c5-4- oviaevt- ir ()Lie --,74r9(011 114, i5/ Ad'e 2P-W rei" c47,,c .M/Ykt e3 qzLe {'MIk) 71, " ) ,' c-cfnc,,vt:1 ,c,4„ptif 51 &tier_ k„, 334(-5-5-„R_ tc,33 r-f/orri- Celk toLit't LA )01 H IDA Te(race) 3.G 3 owatr (12P-C( )LP-Ci) 5 /0/9 figy)-Ics.(1,9(r A( A 2-78 4o1 3 eii,Q y4,4/. 2:614°,0 Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols,owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R-10, Single Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. Name Address ' Phone Number Owner/ Signature Renter? :50e 64nsi 2.0$ kAl. P'10,r--4-:Pt-6,„ P.S. 90 3 -2-741-5S40 Ocolar 1 et..-f-ounkt R ci iso3 29' 2 02.77 .... ....0. fAkwkivi iti;kAP\ 7-0% J . jAkcA.kr i-t,A,40,„vt f2 2-57-0737 Co.... tv t -I (.4e/Alic )444'fri., /3 Iv, 71111rykr) 1-1-7Ls 963 ,5-411 7417 714)”,/. i MI ^ 0..L, c... .t : , - c<.-cc-\■...9 _ -, --- ■ , ..._ .41. - , %.,:_... ...wrar 0._ .._-' ir - C'S t ,,. ,__ 1411W N__ .,,, .t a..- •^tirtirig....eile;11111,311110. 1 2d i tA3 - fallhe A t 0 ' 41:::M;;-.- #1—....... 1 Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols, owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012(1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R'10, Single Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. We,the undersigned, acknowledge that the Property owners have the right to build one single family home and one accessory structure on each of their two respective lots; however,do hereby request that the North Augusta City Council danytherezoninAofD07'O6'16-011an6007'06'16'O1% (1003andl0O7 [aro|inaAvpnue)fromR'I4, Lar8eLut' Sing|e Family Residential to R-10, Medium Lot,Single Family Residential to for the following reasons: 1) Lot sizes of 10,120 SF,as being proposed by the applicant, Glen F Thompson, are out of character with surrounding lots sizes which average 18,725 SF. The two existing lots that are a part of this rezoning petition are currently 15,180 SF,which is below average of the lots in the immediate surrounding area. 2) Although, R-7 zoning exists on lots in the immediate area with minimum lot size 7,000 SF, across W Arlington Heights, to the south, and across Carolina Avenue, to the west,those R-7 lots are considerably larger than the R-10 lots of 10,120 SF being proposed as part of the zoning petition;the nearby R-7 lot size average is 17,482 SF. 3) No other R-10 zoning exists on adjacent lots,or in the immediate area, and this would, therefore, be spot zoning. 4) The applicant further stated that the three lots would share one driveway which would enter and exit on W Arlington Heights,a road which is often used as a cut-through from Carolina Avenue to Georgia Avenue, and which is considered, by the residents who live there,to already be very congested with vehicles that drive at a high rate of speed. Adding additional and concentrated traffic from three new homes would add approximately 30 plus traffic trips per day to a very active residential street. 5) Planning Commission members and staff at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting were quick to note that an accessory structure could be located on each of the three newly created lots, if the zoning is approved, thereby potentially creating six new residential structures (and approximately 60 traffic trips per day). 6) Although the applicant stated at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting that he would build homes similar in style to those in the surround area,the developer cannot be held to a particular building style if the zoning is approved as there is no city design review committee. 7) 6 surrounding residents spoke against the rezoning at the January 21, 2016 Planning Commission meeting requesting denial of the rezoning petition; however,due to a duplicate-opinion-prohibition by the Planning Commissioner, most of the 25 attendees did not speak. Name Address Phone Number Om/ner/ Signature Renter? ill � .- 80» m / ��.����� I ��� � y��� wu v ~0Ia 3 ILLJA ~v icii~^ w ruVesr N^ ^p � ilb • a _ 706 140 � . 1 _ " � ~ ^ = � "° =�~�� ',fart P M 411/111ROffirit A/u ^ 1261W - ,L" Sr .S 77:14J ����/ 1..//4^*"75,/ rz�az�r ' R77. Z: ~ Z37 _ r4.4/,VT:71_ __- -- - - - Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols, owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R'14, Large Lot, Single Fami|yResidentia| toR'lU, Sin0|e Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. We,the undersigned, acknowledge that the Property owners have the right to build one single family home and one accessory structure on each of their two respective lots; however, do hereby request that the North Augusta City Council denytherezonin8nfOO7-O6'16'Ol1and0D7-O6'16'O12 (1UU3and1OO7CaroUnaAvenue) fromR'14, LargpLo1, SinB|e Family Residential to R'lO, Medium Lot, Single Family Residential to for the following reasons: 1) Lot sizes of 10,120 SF, as being proposed by the applicant, Glen F Thompson, are out of character with surrounding lots sizes which average 18,725 SF. The two existing lots that are a part of this rezoning petition are currently 15,180 SF,which is below average of the lots in the immediate surrounding area. 2) Although, R-7 zoning exists on lots in the immediate area with minimum lot size 7,000 SF, across W Arlington Heights, to the south, and across Carolina Avenue, to the west,those R-7 lots are considerably larger than the R-10 lots of 10,120 SF being proposed as part of the zoning petition; the nearby R-7 lot size average is 17,482 SF. 3) No other R-10 zoning exists on adjacent lots, or in the immediate area, and this would,therefore, be spot zoning. 4) The applicant further stated that the three lots would share one driveway which would enter and exit on W Arlington Heights, a road which is often used as a cut-through from Carolina Avenue to Georgia Avenue, and which is considered, by the residents who live there,to already be very congested with vehicles that drive at a high rate of speed. Adding additional and concentrated traffic from three new homes would add approximately 30 plus traffic trips per day to a very active residential street. 5) Planning Commission members and staff at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting were quick to note that an accessory structure could be located on each of the three newly created lots, if the zoning is approved, thereby potentially creating six new residential structures (and approximately 60 traffic trips per day). 6) Although the applicant stated at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting that he would build homes similar in style to those in the surround area,the developer cannot be held to a particular building style if the zoning is approved as there is no city design review committee. 7) 6 surrounding residents spoke against the rezoning at the January 21,2016 Planning Commission meeting requesting denial of the rezoning petition; however, due to a duplicate-opinion-prohibition by the Planning Commissioner, most of the 25 attendees did not speak. N ame Address A�d Phone Number oneNum er Ovvner/ Signature � t~��c4 ��� c7 | — - • }/ � �. ' ,h- ' ) (� v] �� Renter? ` —' — -- ' --- - ~ Ey // �L �� � ""� � � �ZY ��y^� / ' �� �\ ��n hi; ' ^—�� ^ - ) 4 �/� �/���^~�� ` A~' �-� `^��7����� �� ~'z �~ —_ - _-- . Date: February 1,2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols,owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012(1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R-14,Large Lot,Single Family Residential to R-10,Single Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. We,the undersigned,acknowledge that the Property owners have the right to build one single family home and one accessory structure on each of their two respective lots; however,do hereby request that the North Augusta City Council deny the rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012(1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue)from R-14, Large Lot,Single Family Residential to R-10,Medium Lot,Single Family Residential to for the following reasons: 1) Lot sizes of 10,120 SF,as being proposed by the applicant,Glen F Thompson,are out of character with surrounding lots sizes which average 18,725 SF. The two existing lots that are a part of this rezoning petition are currently 15,180 SF,which is below average of the lots in the immediate surrounding area. 2) Although,R-7 zoning exists on lots in the immediate area with minimum lot size 7,000 SF,across W Arlington Heights,to the south,and across Carolina Avenue,to the west,those R-7 lots are considerably larger than the R-10 lots of 10,120 SF being proposed as part of the zoning petition;the nearby R-7 lot size average is 17,482 SF. 3) No other R-10 zoning exists on adjacent lots,or in the immediate area,and this would,therefore, be spot zoning. 4) The applicant further stated that the three lots would share one driveway which would enter and exit on W Arlington Heights,a road which is often used as a cut-through from Carolina Avenue to Georgia Avenue,and which is considered,by the residents who live there,to already be very congested with vehicles that drive at a high rate of speed. Adding additional and concentrated traffic from three new homes would add approximately 30 plus traffic trips per day to a very active residential street. 5) Planning Commission members and staff at the January 21,2015 Planning Commission meeting were quick to note that an accessory structure could be located on each of the three newly created lots,if the zoning is approved, thereby potentially creating six new residential structures(and approximately 60 traffic trips per day). 6) Although the applicant stated at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting that he would build homes similar in style to those in the surround area,the developer cannot be held to a particular building style if the zoning is approved as there is no city design review committee. 7) 6 surrounding residents spoke against the rezoning at the January 21,2016 Planning Commission meeting requesting denial of the rezoning petition;however,due to a duplicate-opinion-prohibition by the Planning Commissioner,most of the 25 attendees did not speak. Name Address Phone Number Owner/ Signature Renter? Date: February 1, 2016 To: North Augusta City Council From: William Nichols, owner 116 W Arlington Heights Re: RZM 15-005 Rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012(1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue) from R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R-10, Single Family Residential for the purpose of creating 3 lots. We,the undersigned, acknowledge that the Property owners have the right to build one single family home and one accessory structure on each of their two respective lots; however, do hereby request that the North Augusta City Council deny the rezoning of 007-06-16-011 and 007-06-16-012 (1003 and 1007 Carolina Avenue)from R-14, Large Lot, Single Family Residential to R'10, Medium Lot, Single Family Residen1iel to for the following reasons: 1) Lot sizes of 10,120 SF,as being proposed by the applicant, Glen F Thompson, are out of character with surrounding lots sizes which average 18,725 SF. The two existing lots that are a part of this rezoning petition are currently 15,180 SF, which is below average of the lots in the immediate surrounding area. 2) Although, R-7 zoning exists on lots in the immediate area with minimum lot size 7,000 SF, across W Arlington Heights,to the south, and across Carolina Avenue, to the west,those R-7 lots are considerably larger than the R-10 lots of 10,120 SF being proposed as part of the zoning petition;the nearby R-7 lot size average is 17,482 SF. 3) No other R-10 zoning exists on adjacent lots, or in the immediate area, and this would, therefore, be spot zoning. 4) The applicant further stated that the three lots would share one driveway which would enter and exit on W Arlington Heights,a road which is often used as a cut-through from Carolina Avenue to Georgia Avenue, and which is considered, by the residents who live there,to already be very congested with vehicles that drive at a high rate of speed. Adding additional and concentrated traffic from three new homes would add approximately 30 plus traffic trips per day to a very active residential street. 5) Planning Commission members and staff at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting were quick to note that an accessory structure could be located on each of the three newly created lots, if the zoning is approved, thereby potentially creating six new residential structures (and approximately 60 traffic trips per day). 6) Although the applicant stated at the January 21, 2015 Planning Commission meeting that he would build homes similar in style to those in the surround area, the developer cannot be held to a particular building style if the zoning is approved as there is no city design review committee. 7) 6 surrounding residents spoke against the rezoning at the January 21,2016 Planning Commission meeting requesting denial of the rezoning petition; however,due to a duplicate-opinion-prohibition by the Planning Commissioner, most of the 25 attendees did not speak. Name Address Phone Number wner Signature _1)- 01 ^ ' � V \ A -| ` 1161 (64S)^t"2 ` � ' -- NOTES NOTES NOTES