031912 Council Mtg Mins Adopted 1I North -Augusta u u - 4 South Carolina's Riuerfront MINUTES OF MARCH 19, 2012 Lark W. Jones, Mayor James M. Adams, Jr., Councilmember Carolyn C. Baggott, Councilmember Pat C. Carpenter, Councilmember Kenneth J. McDowell, Councilmember Arthur K Shealy, Councilmember Jason M. Whinghter, Councilmember ORDER OF BUSINESS REGULAR MEETING The regular meeting of March 19, 2012, having been duly publicized, was called to order by Mayor Jones at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Jones rendered the invocation and led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present were Mayor Jones and Councilmembers Adams, Carpenter, McDowell, Whinghter, and Shealy. Councilmember Baggott was absent. Also in attendance were B. Todd Glover, City Administrator; John P. Potter, Jr., Director of Finance; Richard L. Meyer, Interim Director of Parks, Recreation, and Leisure Services; Scott L. Sterling, Interim Director of Planning and Economic Development; Thomas C. Zeaser, Director of Engineering and Public Works; James E. Sutton, Deputy Director of Public Services; Diana H. Miller, Manager of Human Resources; and Donna B. Young, City Clerk. Minutes of Regular Meeting of 3/19/12 The minutes of the study session and regular meetings of March 5, 2012, were approved by general consent. ITEM 1 STREETS AND DRAINS: Bergen Place West, Phase II, Deed of Dedication for Subdivision Improvements — Resolution On motion by Councilmember Shealy, second by Councilmember Carpenter, a motion accepting a deed of dedication for the subdivision improvements for Bergen Place West, Phase II was unanimously passed by Mayor and Council. The resolution text is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2012-05 ACCEPTING A DEED OF DEDICATION FOR THE STREETS, SIDEWALKS STREET TREES FIRE SUPPRESSION ELEMENTS OF THE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, SANITARY SEWER AND STORMWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS AND ASSOCIATED EASEMENTS ALONG WITH A MAINTENANCE GUARANTEE AND LETTER OF CREDIT FOR BERGEN PLACE WEST, PHASE II WHEREAS, Beazley Development Company, Inc., developed Bergen Place West, Phase 11 according to the requirements of the North Augusta Planning Commission and the City, and owns the streets, utilities and easements; and WHEREAS, pursuant to § of the North Augusta Development Code, the Interim Director of Planning and Economic Development and the City Engineer approved the final subdivision plat for recording on February 24, 2012; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City that, upon approval of a final subdivision plat, the City will, following inspection by the City's Engineering department, accept a deed of dedication for the streets, utilities, etc. for the purpose of ownership and maintenance when said deed is accompanied by a maintenance guarantee; and WHEREAS, a maintenance guarantee and letter of credit accompany the deed; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has made final inspection of the subject improvements, and these improvements meet City standards. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, do hereby accept a deed of dedication for: Minutes of Regular Meeting of 3/19/12 ALL those strips or parcels of land, and appurtenances to said premises belonging or in anywise appertaining therewith, situate, lying and being in Aiken County, South Carolina, in Bergen Place West Subdivision, Phase II, being 50' rights of way known as Blair Drive, Bowdin Court, Claridge Street and Cooper Mill Road as more particularly shown and described on that certain plat of survey prepared by Southern Partners, Inc. for Beazley Development Co., Inc. dated December 20, 2011, revised January 17, 2012 and January 18, 2012 and recorded in Plat Book 56, Page 442 in the Office of the RMC of Aiken County, South Carolina. Reference is hereby made to said plat for a complete and accurate description of said property hereby conveyed. ALSO, all and singular, those certain water distribution and sewage collection systems, including but not limited to all pipes, mains, manholes, valves, meters and other improvements and appurtenances in any way connected therewith, excluding service lines from the lot lines to the improvements located thereon developed or extending within the lot lines of undeveloped lots situate, lying and being in Aiken County, South Carolina, in Bergen Place West Subdivision, Phase 11, being more fully shown and designated on that "Storm Sewer As Built" and "Sanitary Sewer As Built" and plat prepared by Southern Partners, Inc. for Beazley Development Co., Inc. ALSO, all water and sanitary sewer easements and appurtenances to said premises belonging or in any way incident or appertaining as shown on the above referenced plat. ALSO, all easements and appurtenances to said premises belonging or in any way incident or appertaining, as shown on the above referenced plats. ALSO, that piece, parcel or tract of land identified as Tract "B" 0.07 acres on that certain plat of survey prepared by Southern Partners, Inc. for Beazley Development Co., Inc., dated December 20, 2011, revised January 17, 2012 and January 18, 2012, and recorded in Plat Book 56, Page 442 in the Office of the RMC of Aiken County, South Carolina. ALSO, that piece, parcel or tract of land identified as containing 1.79 acres, more or less, identified on that certain plat of survey prepared by Southern Partners, Inc., for Beazley Development Co., Inc., dated December 20, 2011, revised January 17, 2012 and January 18, 2012 and recorded in Plat Book 56, Page 442, in the Office of the RMC of Aiken County, South Carolina. Said parcel is indicated on said survey as "To be deeded to the City of North Augusta, 78,071 S.F., 1.79 Acres." ALSO, that piece, parcel or tract of land identified as containing 0.33 acres, more or less, identified on that certain plat of survey prepared by Southern Partners, Inc., for Beazley Development Co., Inc., dated December 20, 2011, revised January 17, 2012 and January 18, 2012, and recorded in Plat Book 56, Page 442, Minutes of Regular Meeting of 3/19/12 in the Office of the RMC of Aiken County, South Carolina. Said parcel is indicated on said survey as "Future Greeneway to be deeded to the City of North Augusta, 1,415 S.F., 0.33 Acres." Said properties are a portion of the property conveyed to Beazley Development Co., Inc., by deed of Metro Homesites, LLC, dated May 23, 2005 and recorded in the RMC Office of Aiken County, South Carolina in Book 4012, Page 1662. Tax Parcel Number 005-09-07-001 (Portion) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Maintenance Guarantee and Letter of Credit valued at$143,000 are hereby accepted. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF 52012. ITEM 2. STREETS AND DRAINS: 619 Square Feet of Land Owned by Wando Partners, LP and 180 Square Feet of Land Owned by Meybohm Realty, Inc. — Deed of Dedication to Correct Surveying Errors in the Platting of Wando Woodlands Subdivision — Resolution On motion by Councilmember McDowell, second by Councilmember Whinghter, a motion accepting a deed of dedication for 618 square feet of land owned by Wando Woodlands, LP and 180 square feet of land owned by Meybohm Realty, Inc. to correct surveying errors in the platting of Wando Woodlands Subdivision was unanimously passed by Mayor and Council. The resolution text is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2012-06 ACCEPTING A DEED OF DEDICATION FOR 619 SQUARE FEET OF LAND OWNED BY WANDO PARTNERS LP AND 180 SQUARE FEET OF LAND OWNED BY MEYBOHM REALTY INC. TO CORRECT SURVEYING ERRORS IN THE PLATTING OF WANDO WOODLANDS SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, Wando Partners, LP developed Wando Woodlands Subdivision, Phases I and II-A according to the requirements of the North Augusta Planning Commission and the City; and WHEREAS, Meybohm Realty, Inc. owns Lot 4 in Block C of Wando Woodlands, Phase 1; and Minutes of Regular Meeting of 3/19/12 WHEREAS, subsequent to the platting of Wando Woodlands, Phase II-A, surveying errors were identified which inaccurately illustrated the boundaries of property dedicated to the City, identified as Tax Parcel Number 005-13-06-004, and which affect the boundaries of the Meybohm Realty, Inc. parcel and also nearby land owned by Wando Partners LP; and WHEREAS, Wando Partners, LP and Meybohm Realty, Inc. desire to correct these errors by way of deed of dedication to the City. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, do hereby accept a deed of dedication for: ALL that certain piece, parcel or tract of land with any improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City of North Augusta, County of Aiken, State of South Carolina, being shown and designated as Tract A containing 619 square feet on a Boundary Survey prepared for Wando Partners, LP and Meybohm Realty, Inc. by Southern Partners, Inc. dated February 2, 2012 and recorded February 15, 2012 in Plat Book 56, Page 430, Aiken County Records. Reference is made to said plat for a more accurate and complete description of the metes and bounds of the subject property. Being a portion of the property conveyed to Wando Partners, LP by deed of Gustav Schickedanz, Trustee, dated January 4, 2006 and recorded January 6, 2006 in Record Book 4039, page 1283, Aiken County records. Tax Parcel Number: 005-13-06-015 (portion) ALSO, all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land with any improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City of North Augusta, County of Aiken, State of South Carolina, being shown and designated as Tract B containing 180 square feet on a Boundary Survey prepared for Wando Partners, LP and Meybohm Realty, Inc. by Southern Partners, Inc., dated February 2, 2012 and recorded February 15, 2012 in Plat Book 56, page 430, Aiken County Records. Reference is made to said plat for a more accurate and complete description of the metes and bounds of the subject property. Being a portion of the property conveyed to Meybohm Realty, Inc. by deed of Wando Partners, LP dated June 29, 2007 and recorded July 2, 2007 in Record Book 4146, Page 2154, Aiken County Records. Tax Parcel Number: 005-13-06-005 (portion) Minutes of Regular Meeting of 3/19/12 DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF , 2012. ITEM 3 PARKS, RECREATION,AND LEISURE SERVICES: Jackson Avenue Fishing Pond — Request by Petition to Make a Bird Sanctuary Judy Koon addressed Mayor and Council with a request and petition to make the current City owned Jackson Avenue Fishing Pond a bird sanctuary. City Clerk, Donna B. Young, accepted the petition. Mayor Jones advised Ms. Koon that Mayor and Council would review the petition and request. There being no further business, Council adjourned. APPROVED THIS DAY OF Respectfully submitted, , 2012. Donna B. Young Mayor Lark W. JA4s City Clerk ® ntc Alchea►Y Da te:� 4