ORD 2015-16 Adopted ORDINANCE NO. 2015-16 AMENDING SPECIFIC SECTIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 2006-04, WANDO WOODLANDS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT LOCATED NORTH OF BERGEN ROAD BETWEEN MARTINTOWN ROAD AND THE BERGEN PLACE WEST PLANNED DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, within the guidelines of the North Augusta Development Code, a General Development Plan for property within a designated Planned Development zone (PD) requires Planning Comission review and subsequent recommendation to City Council for review and approval; and WHEREAS, an application has been received from Wando Partners, LP, requesting approval of a modification of specific development standards within the approved Wando Woodlands Planned Development Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, at a June 18, 2015 meeting, reviewed the subject application and voted to recommend that City Council approve the request modifications to the development standards within the Wando Woodlands Planned Development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I. The proposed modifications to the Wando Woodlands Planned Development Ordinance, is hereby approved as outlined below: Section I.E.4 of the Wando Woodlands Planned Development shall be modified from the approved language and upon final adoption the revised section will state: One (1) subdivision tree shall be provided per forty(40) feet of street frontage on both sides of the street. The species will be determined at the Major Subdivision stage. Section I.E.7 of the Wando Woodlands Planned Development shall be deleted from the approved language and upon final adoption the revised subsection numbers shall be updated accordingly. II. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third reading. ORDINANCE AMENDING THE WANDO WOODLANDS Page 2 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF T E CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 3`'4 DAY OF , 2015. First Reading '1 - (o * IS Lark W. Jones, Mayor Second Reading -'S Third Reading S(-; ATTEST: R24:1“4-6"v- Donna B. Young, City Clerk