ORD 2015-09 Adopted ORDINANCE NO. 2015-09 AMENDING ARTICLE 6, SITE ANALYSIS AND PROTECTION, AND APPENDIX A, DEFINITIONS, RELATED TO STEEP SLOPE DEVELOPMENT, OF THE NORTH AUGUSTA DEVELOPMENT CODE, CHAPTER 18 OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA CODE OF ORDINANCES WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, by Ordinance 2007-22, the North i Augusta City Council adopted the North Augusta Development Code which is consistent 11 with the City's 2005 Comprehensive Plan and which incorporates all City zoning and land development regulations; and , j WHEREAS, pursuant to Title 6, Chapter 29 of the South Carolina Code, the 1 North Augusta Planning Commission may recommend amendments to the Development i Code for the purposes of technical clarification, error correction and to accommodate the ! ' needs of the City's citizens, provided such amendments are consistent with the City's 2005 . l i Comprehensive Plan; and i ; l WHEREAS, the North Augusta Planning Commission, following a March 11 19, 2015 public hearing, reviewed and considered amendments to specific sections of Article 6, Site Analysis and Protection, and Appendix A, Definitions, of the North Augusta x Development Code related to steep slope development and recommended said amendments to the City Council for approval. i i ": NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY 1 ! COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, IN MEETING DULY ASSEMBLED AND BY THE AUTHORITY THEREOF, THAT: I; I. The North Augusta Development Code, Chapter 18 of The City of North I; g p P y Augusta, South Carolina Code of Ordinances, Providing for New Zoning ' ' and Land Development Regulations for the City of North Augusta, South I Carolina, is hereby amended and shall read as described in each of the . following sections. The section of the Code affected by each proposed i amendment is identified by the section number. 1 A. A new Section is added to read: i All disturbed steep slopes thirty percent (30%) grade or ! ` greater and steep slopes to be created through grading activities must be managed in a fashion that limits the potential of erosion along the slopes. ` ; All parties whose work is/was responsible for the creation/disturbance of I steep slopes must comply with the following: a. Minimize the disturbance of all steep slopes, when possible. 11 b. Divert concentrated or channelized flows of stormwater away from and around steep slope disturbances. II c. Use specialized Best Management Practice (BMP) controls to minimize i i erosion, including, if applicable: I 1 1. Temporary and permanent seeding with soil binders; g ' II ORDINANCE AMENDING THE NORTH AUGUSTA Page 2 DEVELOPMENT CODE—APPLICATION RZT 15-001 2. Erosion control blankets; 3. Surface roughening; 4. Reduction of continuous slope length with terracing or diversions; 5. Gradient terraces; 6. Interceptor dikes and swales; 7. Grass-lined channels; ii 8. Pipe slope drains; 9. Subsurface drains; I 1 tl 10. Level spreaders; I 11. Check dams; 12. Seep berms; I II 13. Triangular silt dikes. II 14. Any additional methods of erosion controls that are recognized I under Best Management Practices (BMP) guidelines. I d. Initiate stabilization measures as soon as practicable on any disturbed i 1 a steep slope areas where construction areas have permanently or temporarily ceased and will not resume for a period exceeding seven (7) calendar days. I � e. Establish a vegetative or non-vegetative cover within three (3) working li ! ; days from the time that stabilization measures are/were initiated. ( (Sources: SCDHEC Standards for Stormwater Management and Sediment Reduction, Regulation 72-300 through 72-316; and SCDHEC Stormwater 1 11 Pollution Plan for the Construction General Permit, SCR100000) B. Appendix A is amended to add the following definitions: I ICheck Dam a An often improvised barrier in a channel to retard the flow of water II especially for controlling soil erosion. li Cover, Non-Vegetative (or Non-Vegetative Stabilization) A cover such as mulch, staked sod, riprap, erosion control blankets or other 1 I material that prevents soil from eroding. , i , Cover, Vegetative (or Vegetative Protection) i i Permanent or short-term seeding that provides stabilization of erosive or 11 sediment-producing areas. Erosion Control Blanket 91 A product composed primarily of biologically, photochemically or otherwise degradable constituents such as wheat straw, coconut fiber or 11 aged curled excelsior wood product with longevity of approximately 1 to 3 1 years. ' Gradient Terrace 1 Earthen embankment or ridge and channel system which reduces damage from erosion by collecting and redistributing surface runoff to stable outlets li at slower speeds and by increasing the distance of overland runoff flow. 1 II ORDINANCE AMENDING THE NORTH AUGUSTA Page 3 DEVELOPMENT CODE—APPLICATION RZT 15-001 Grass-Lined Channel A natural or constructed channel that is shaped or graded to required dimensions and established with suitable vegetation for stable conveyance of runoff. Interceptor Dike 1 A diagonal channel constructed across a road that diverts surface water off the road and into a stable drain way. j . i Interceptor Swale A shallow trough dug into the land on contour (horizontally with no slope) to divert runoff from the top of slopes that are susceptible to erosion. 1 Level Spreader A permanent outlet for diversions consisting of an excavated channel I e constructed at zero grade across a slope converting concentrated runoff to sheet flow and releasing it onto stabilized areas. ` Pipe Slope Drain i � A method to reduce the risk of erosion by discharging concentrated runoff 11 from the top to the bottom of slopes. Pipe slope drains may be temporary or permanent depending on installation and material used. E9 11 Seep Berm 11 A linear sediment control constructed as an earthen berm perpendicular to s 3 the direction of runoff A seep berm stores sediment and releases runoff at i R a low flow rate through pipe outlets spaced at equal intervals along the length of the berm. it E Site Analysis I The analysis of the characteristics of the entirety of a site proposed for g 9 development including all land that may be reserved for future development 1 ° and land reserved for natural open space or recreation. The site analysis includes location; geology and soils; topography evaluated at five percent 11 (5%) slope intervals; significant topographical features, including ridges, outcroppings, bluffs, etc.; wetlands, streams, floodplains, floodways, water I bodies and other water features; existing vegetation and tree cover; visual and view features; environmental characteristics, including endangered and 1 threatened flora and fauna; tree cover; structures; road networks; past, II present and proposed uses of the site; and others. Soil Binder A plant that prevents or inhibits erosion by providing a ground cover and ; forming a dense network of roots that hold the soil. It 11 , ORDINANCE AMENDING THE NORTH AUGUSTA Page 4 DEVELOPMENT CODE-APPLICATION RZT 15-001 Steep Slope A slope of thirty percent (30%) or greater in grade, usually expressed as -3H (horizontal):1V (vertical). Subsurface Drain A perforated pipe or conduit placed beneath the surface of the ground at a designed depth and grade. Surface Roughening The creation of horizontal grooves, depressions or steps that run parallel to the contour of the land. Triangular Silt Dike A sediment control device, triangular in shape, made of foam sewn into a woven geo-synthetic fabric that can be used to provide settling and/or reduction in water velocity/erosive forces. II. All other Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. III. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption on third reading. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS O DAY OF a;, , 2015. First Reading L (- 15 Lark W. Jo es, Mayor Second Reading -1° -I S L4 - ao-1s Third Reading ATTEST: • Donna B. Young, City lerk