RES 2013-31 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2013-31 AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF 0.65 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED ON BELVEDERE-CLEARWATER ROAD FOR PURPOSES RELATED TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SAFETY STATION THREE WHEREAS, during the course of the design of Station Three, to be located on Belvedere-Clearwater Road, it has been determined that some additional property, other than that already owned by the City, would be beneficial in development of said facility; and WHEREAS, it has been specifically determined that 0.65 ± acres of property belonging to Davis Aggregates Corporation, lying adjacent to the City's property is required; and WHEREAS, the City has negotiated with the land owner concerning the acquisition of said property by the City; and WHEREAS, as part of the negotiations, the City has had the property appraised with the City's appraisal indicating that the property has a market value of $40,000.00; and WHEREAS, in negotiations with the land owner, said land owner has indicated that it would be agreeable to conveying the 0.65 acres to the City of North Augusta for the monetary consideration of $10.00 and the City's agreement, that in constructing the detention pond that is necessary for the construction of the public safety facility, to design and build the detention facility to accommodate the anticipated stormwater run-off from the remaining portion of Davis Aggregates Corporation Property; and WHEREAS, the City has consulted with its design engineers and determined that the approximate additional costs for the construction of the detention pond by the City, for the purpose of sizing same to serve both parcels is approximately $45,000.00; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of North Augusta determines it to be in the best interest of the City to enter into this agreement with the land owner for the purpose of acquiring said property. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the City Administrator is authorized as follows: 1. To acquire the property consisting of 0.65 ± acres from Davis Aggregates Corporation for the sum of$10.00 and the agreement by the City to construct the detention pond necessary for the construction of Station Three of a size Page 2 that would accommodate the stormwater runoff from the remaining portion of Davis Aggregates Constructions property. 2. To authorize Davis Aggregates Corporation or the successor in Title to the remaining property to utilize said detention pond subject to all Federal, State and local regulations related to water quality; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Administrator is specifically authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to complete this land acquisition and related agreement. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS DAY OF OCTOBER, 2013. 1, Lark W. Jones, Mayor ATTEST: Donna B. Young, City Clerk