RES 2013-19 Adopted 0 0 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-19 TO AUTHORIZE THE PLACEMENT OF A DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ON A PORTION OF PROPERTY WITHIN RIVERVIEW PARK AS REQUESTED BY THE US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE WHEREAS, the City, in anticipation of improvements to its water treatment plant, has found it necessary to relocate some endangered plants, of a species known as Trillium Reliquum, from the proposed construction area to a protected area within Riverview Park; and WHEREAS, the US Fish and Wildlife Service has authorized such relocation with a provision that the City place restrictive covenants on a 1.08 acre parcel of property where the relocation has taken place; and WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of North Augusta determines it to be in the best interest of the City to comply with said request and place such restrictive covenants on the property. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of North Augusta, South Carolina, in meeting duly assembled and by the authority thereof, that the declaration of Restrictive Covenants, which is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A" is approved by said body, and that the City Administrator is authorized to execute all documents as necessary to impose such covenants as requested by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. DONE, RATIFIED AND ADOPTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCjT, OF THE CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THIS 2e,0 ' DAY OF MAY, 2013. 2013013918 - RESOLUTION Kenneth J. ;D owell RECORDING FEES $10 00 Mayor Pro Tempore - PRESENTED&RECORDED - 06-04-2013 04:38 PM JUDITH WARNER UMNSE C CONVEYANCE riG,- BY:LYNN STEMBRIDGE DEPUTY BK: RB 4462 Donna B. Young, City Cl PG: 2498 - 2498 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS COUNTY OF AIKEN I THIS DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS is made this`d day of 44-e- , 2013 , by C-A-a-4-- °b 'r104-44'r104-44--N ("Declarant(st). RECITALS WHEREAS, the City of North Augusta, Declarant, is the owner of certain real property located in Aiken County, South Carolina, more particularly described as a 39,14 acre tract of land identified as TMS 003 12 01 001, a portion of which is to be utilized for expansion of its existing water treatment plant; and WHEREAS, a Federally endangered plant species known as Trillium reliquum (commonly known as and hereafter referred to as Relict trillium) occurs within the area of the planned expansion; and WHEREAS, recognizing the continuing benefit of this endangered plant species and its obligation to protect this plant species, Declarant has agreed to place certain restrictive covenants on a portion of the property, in order that the property shall remain substantially in its natural condition forever. NOW THEREFORE, Declarant declares that a 1.08 acre portion of the property, as shown on the attached Exhibit A drawing , shall be held in preservation subject to the following restrictive covenants which shall run with the land and be binding on all heirs, successors, assigns, lessees, or other occupiers and users. 1. Prohibitions. Declarant shall be prohibited from the following: filling, draining, flooding, dredging, impounding, clearing, burning, cutting, destroying vegetation, cultivating, excavating, erecting, constructing, releasing wastes, or otherwise doing any work on the property; introducing exotic species into the property; and from changing the grade or elevation, impairing flow or circulation of waters, and any other discharge or activity. Upon permission by the Declarant, the preservation area may be entered for educational observation purposes. 2, Amendment. After recording, these restrictive covenants may be amended by a recorded document signed by the U.S, Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the Declarant. Amendment shall be allowed at the discretion of the USFWS, and then only in exceptional circumstances. There shall be no obligation to allow an amendment. 3. Reserved Rights. It is expressly understood and agreed that these restrictive covenants do not grant or convey to members of the general public any rights of ownership, entry, or use of the property. These restrictive covenants are created solely for the protection of the property, and for the consideration and values set forth above, and the Declarant reserves the ownership of the fee simple estate and all rights appertaining thereto, including without limitation the rights to exclude others and to use the property for all purposes not inconsistent with these restrictive covenants. Access to the property may be granted to the USFWS upon notification to the Declarant or Declarant's Agent. All provisions of these restrictive covenants apply to the preserved area only and shall not encumber any uses or activities associated with that portion of the property lying and being outside of the preserved area. 4. Property Transfers. Declarant shall include the following notice on all deeds, mortgages, plats, or any other legal instruments used to convey any interest in the property (failure to comply with this paragraph does not impair the validity or enforceability of these restrictive covenants): NOTICE: This property subject to Declaration of Restrictive Covenants at (book and page references, County and date of recording). 5. Marking of Preservation Area. The perimeter of the preservation area shall at all times be plainly marked by permanent signs stating "Protected Natural Area— Do Not Disturb". Signs shall be of a sufficient number to define the limits of the preservation area. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant(s) has/have duly executed this Declaration of Restrictive Covenants the date written above. IN THE PRESENCE OF: Declarant C, By: `' d a name of wi'ess under signature line] [type lam• of ind' d under signature line] j r-&5 C•Zec S / IS• AAA_ d •bet e"• Its: a;4-i Acm.n;5+rc�-10 [type name witness under signature line] [title of signing individual, where applicable] STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ss. COUNTY OF —r-0.Na-w_CC. ZeaSe,-- I, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that ICev'',N kJh'Uei‘ Personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and seal this day of C.14-AA--4— , 20 !3 . (Signature of Notary Public) gc)c - ('a tick oU►�� (Typed/Printed name of Notary Public) NOTARY PUBLIC FOR SOUTH CAROLINA My Commission Expires: I1 4- 1 6 „v/%0;;';` -1:44041041p_y , , �`h> '. 3 t ` f ,,' ..„0„,,,,,, c1 Mwrvl1 ,-1 , , 4 ' 1 4'. BOARDMAN J oe t o 42 i rn ''':, PARCEL N0. 00.7 08 07 001 1 "ice 1 ,�, as _ e 4' ��� eta ''�_. E Q u _;.4.4 Augutt4 z w, 4a' 4 -: �,:.,._44,0,..""q4. LOCATION MAP NTS 2 i Ell / —CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA RECREATIONAL FACILITIES RM]MEW PAM ACTMRES CEM ik CITY OF NORTH AUGUSTA PARCEL NO. Q 003 12 01 001 , $ 2013013919 ti �� fi RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS RECORDING FEES $10.00 ' PRESENTED&RECORDED V 06-04-2013 04:38 PM PRESERVATION AREA / Iw RA/ MINK 4VMESS) == JUDITH WARNER 1.08 ACRES TOTAL 1I RN0 REGISTER OF MESNE CONVEYANCE �� p0S AIKEN COUNTY,Sc■�- cuwESCt - BY:LYNN STEMBRIDGE DEPUTY „,�, FENCE - BK: RB 4463 -�-� - - - - - - - CFWN UtIN FENC£ PG: 1 - 3 1 WATER TREATYEM Pldili TO RNERJIEW I PARK DRIVE +uONas FE ,„ ROAD HpµlA0NOr5 Fa 11 EXHIBIT A SKETCH PLAN-RELICT TRILLIUM PRESERVATION AREA SCALE : 1” = 300±